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Anarchy Page 8

by Carmel Rhodes

  “But Dr. Cooper—”

  “It’s fine,” I growled. “Tend to Dr. Stanley. I’ll deal with Ms. Boudreaux.” Max looked like he wanted to argue, but Morgan’s uncontrollable sobs made it hard. “Just give me some time alone with her to talk, and then once I’ve assessed her, I’ll go to Dr. Rodgers with my recommendation,” I added. The good thing about being a sociopath is that you get really good at acting. It was a total breach of protocol, but Simone deserved to be punished for her actions, and I was the only man capable enough to do the job.

  I didn’t wait for his response. Giving him time to think would have been fatal. He’d surely realized that I was feeding him a line of bullshit. He’d insist on sedating her and throwing her into isolation until she was stable enough to discharge. “Let’s go,” I gritted, yanking Simone by the elbow and all but dragging her out of the cafeteria. A crowd had formed a circle around us. I pushed through bodies without registering the faces attached to them. My vision clouded more and more with each step.

  “I don’t want to go to your office,” Simone roared, struggling against my hold.

  I wanted to drape her over my knee and light her little ass up. As many times as I’d preached discretion, over and over and over, day in and day out, I was pissed. Enraged. Mad as hell. All foreign feelings to me, but all feelings I was able to identify the moment that tray connected with Morgan’s skull. “You don’t have a fucking choice.”

  Harper wasn’t at her desk when we stormed into my office. At the time, I was grateful. In hindsight, maybe her presence would have stopped me from doing what I did next.

  “How many times have I told you to keep a low fucking profile?” I yelled, slamming my office door shut and locking it behind me.

  “I don’t know what you mean, Dr. Cooper.” She bared her teeth. There was no amusement in her eyes, only a murderous glint. She bounced over to the couch. The pleats of her powder blue dress lifted with each hop. Her footsteps were light, a stark contrast to the mood in the room.

  “Simone,” I warned. “Why did you hit Dr. Stanley across the face with a lunch tray?”

  “Because she’s a slut who can’t seem to keep her hands off you,” she pouted, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “That’s a little hypocritical coming from you, don’t you think?” I asked in the most condescending tone I could muster. I knew why she hit the bitch and in truth, I was getting a little annoyed with her constant petting and blatant disrespect, but Simone flying into a jealous rage over something so minor was unacceptable.

  She sat up straighter, anger rolled off her body in waves. It took a moment before she composed herself enough to speak, oh but did she ever. The anger morphed into something akin to spite. You know that old cliché, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned? Yeah, that was Simone.

  “If I’m such a slut, then why even bother with me? Why risk your job to fuck me every chance you get?”

  I smirked in amazed disbelief. She knew full well what she just did, what the consequences of her words would be, but the woman had balls. She was looking for a reaction, but I refused to give her the satisfaction. I didn’t care to be honest. I was amused and more than a little turned on by her attempt at verbal homicide.

  “Because you take a dick like you were made for it. You’re like a blow-up doll with temperature control.”

  “That’s the only reason?” she asked, looking up at me, her eyes narrow.

  And because I’m an asshole, I said, “Yup.”

  “Well, if you’re looking for someone a little more sentient than a blow-up doll with a warm cunt, maybe Dr. Stanley is the woman for you after all.” Her innocent façade cracked and the psycho bitch hiding behind that sweet little face shined through.

  “Maybe she is.”

  “And maybe I’ll request a transfer to Dr. Lewis.”

  I used to think the fundamental difference between me and Simone was that I felt nothing, and she felt everything. I was wrong. There was one thing I felt in that moment in my office, staring into the face of the devil. Rage. The blood in my veins boiled, my jaw more rigid than my cock. The woman sitting there, batting her too long lashes at me as if she were a fucking saint, had evoked my first emotional reaction in all my years on this planet. Jealousy and rage coursed through me like a current.

  How did people live like that? If I had to deal with those feelings on a day to day basis, I’d be on death row. The only thing that kept me from going and strangling Lewis right then and there was the poorly concealed amusement shining in her ice blue eyes. She thought she had won. She was wrong. I was going to fuck the smug smile right off her face.

  “It’s cute,” I said, bending down, forcing her back onto the couch. “You think you’re in control here, that you’ve somehow managed to take the upper hand. And now what, you’re putting me in my place?” Tsk tsk. I clicked my tongue disapprovingly. My hand fisted into her long hair and I yanked her head back roughly, licking her from the base of her neck and up her jaw, before whispering in her ear, “I run this center and I’ve got friends everywhere. That,” I said pointing to the camera in the corner, “is down for the rest of the day. I think that’s enough time to teach you some manners, don’t you?”

  She gulped, her chest heaved up and down, and her heart thumped wildly. “They’ll notice I’m gone that long.”

  “You think anyone cares?” I sneered. “You assaulted a member of the staff. Protocol dictates that you should be removed from our facility, but I convinced them to let me try to get through to you.”

  “What…what are you going to do to me?” she asked, panting, her legs parted. The movement was slight, but it didn’t escape my hungry gaze. She wanted it, under her anger and jealousy, she was starved, hungry for my cock, thirsty for my cum.

  “Unbutton my pants and take my dick out,” I demanded, low and menacing. I was still pissed about the Lewis thing and annoyed by her temper tantrum in the lunchroom. Fucking her in my office wasn’t smart. Harper could return at any time and Simone was a screamer. She was also a squirter, so I took my chances.

  In what seemed like one quick motion, she pulled down my pants and the boxers beneath them, then wrapped her slender fingers around my shaft.

  Looking up at me coolly, she asked, “Do you think Dr. Stanley sucks dick as well as I do?”

  “I wouldn’t know.”

  “You mean she hasn’t gotten on her knees for you?” She flicked her tongue across the tip of my penis, causing my hips to jerk towards her face. It was all I could do not to shove my cock down her throat until she choked. She liked to get it as rough as I liked to give it.

  “I haven’t fucked or sucked her or anyone else for the last two months,” I admitted. I wanted to lie. I told myself I didn’t because she had my dick in her hands, but it was more than that. It’s why I got so pissed when she brought up Lewis’s name. It’s also why I felt a twinge of pride when she cracked the lunch tray across Morgan’s skull. I was in love with her.

  “What about kissing?”

  “You’re supposed to be sucking,” I reminded her.

  “Is this mine?” she asked longingly, stroking her hand up and down my length. It was a question, but there was an edge to her voice. It sounded hopeful. That’s why you aren’t supposed to fuck patients. They get attached.

  The good news was that I was also attached. The bad news was that she had pissed me off. “For the next month,” I told her, looking down to find her blue eyes staring back up at me. Her cheeks were flushed, her legs were spread and as always, her pussy greeted me, wet and swollen.

  “What happens once I’m better?” she asked, sucking the tip of my dick into her mouth. Her cheeks hollowed out creating a tight seal around the head, and she sucked so hard, it was as if she was trying to steal my soul.

  “Shit,” I said, yanking her head back. I thrusted my hips into her mouth, hitting the back of her throat, and pulled out just as quickly. I was coated in her saliva and she looked up at me with irritation. “I’
m in control here,” I reprimanded. It was a lie. Simone Boudreaux had me by the balls, literally and figuratively.

  “What happens next month when I walk out of this place?” she asked again, pulling her dress over her head. She was completely naked and completely out of her mind.

  “Nothing happens. You go back to your life and I go back to mine.” Another lie. She was mine and I fully intended to claim her as such the moment she was discharged.

  “Hmm,” she shook her head, gingerly rising to her feet. I let her pull the white sweater from my body. She ran her fingers down my stomach, tracing the v-shaped outline of my hip bone.

  My dick was hard as stone and twitching with impatience, but I let her explore. “Lewis has a dad bod,” I said, grabbing a handful of her ass, unsure of where the fuck that even came from.

  “He has a big dick though.”

  “What the fuck did you just say?” I snapped, wrapping my hands around her throat. I walked her backwards to the desk until her ass hit the edge.

  “I said,” she croaked out, grinning like a lunatic, despite my grip on her throat, “he has a big dick.”

  “How the fuck do you know?” Livid didn’t even cover it. I wished I saw red because then, at least, I could try to control my rage, but I saw black. I was staring into the void. There was nothingness, silence, but for the sounds of Lewis grunting as he stuck his needle dick inside my beautiful little nympho.

  “What does it matter?” she asked. “Blow-up doll, remember.”

  “I’m going to split you into two pieces,” I growled, turning her body around, throwing her over my desk, and shoved two fingers inside of her soaking wet snatch. “Then I’m going to kill him and any other man who is unlucky enough to try to stick his dick in here.”

  “You’re pretty possessive for a man who wants nothing to do with me after this month is over,” she said grinding her hips down onto my hand. The rational side of my brain knew what she was doing, but fuck rational, fuck Meadowbrook, and fuck maintaining any sense of sanity. I slid my fingers out and pinned her wrists behind her back with one hand and smacked her hard on the ass with the other. She screamed out, turning her head towards the door.

  “Did you fuck Lewis?” I asked, yanking her back by her hair. I needed to know. I didn’t care how loud she was being and I wasn’t going to stop spanking her until I got my answer.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know.”

  I hit her again, harder. “Answer me.”

  “Is that all you’ve got?” she moaned, a look of pure bliss etched across her face.

  I chuckled, the sound, dark and menacing. I’d met my equal in every way. I was chaos and she was violence, and together, we made anarchy. “Oh baby,” I murmured, “you haven’t seen anything yet.” I slammed my dick into her hard and without warning. Her body lurched forward and her legs began to shake. My heavy hand fell hard on her ass, “how was that?”

  “Again, please,” she begged.

  “Did you fuck Lewis?” I grunted as I pulled out of her and slammed back inside, pouring every ounce of force and hatred into the movement

  “No!” she yelled out, knocking everything off the right side of my desk with a loud crash. “I haven’t been with anyone else either.”

  The relief that I felt only served to fuel my anger. “You’ve been a bad girl,” I admonished, running my nails down her back, leaving a trail of pink lines in their wake. “What am I going to do with you?”

  “Keep me,” she moaned, grinding back against me.

  I leaned forward, my body covering hers, and slipped my thumb into her mouth. “Suck,” I commanded. “Get it nice and wet, baby.” She did as she was told, slobbering on my thumb like it was a popsicle. I pulled the digit from her mouth and smiled at the trail of spittle hanging from her lip. My eyes dropped to her pink, round ass and I pressed my thumb up against her puckered opening, forcing it inside.

  “Oh, my God,” she mewled. With my thumb filling her ass, I pushed my dick in and out of her with slow, controlled motions. It was a punishment fuck. She wanted it hard and fast, so I gave it to her slow and steady.

  I wrapped my other hand around the length of her hair, forming a makeshift ponytail, and pulled, forcing her back to arch. The angle ensured that with each stoke, my dick rubbed her g-spot.

  I could feel her muscles tighten and her body convulse as the dragon fucked her over my desk, at my job, because she was a bad girl who needed to be taught a lesson. I was trying to teach her what happened when you let your emotions get the best of you. I was trying to show her why it was important to keep calm and stay in control. I thought I was the untouchable king, and I reigned dominion over her body.

  I see now that I was wrong. I was never in control. I see now that she was the mastermind this entire time. I was impulsive. I did things because I wanted to, with no regard for how it affected anyone else. I fucked her in my office because her pussy felt like nirvana and I didn’t feel bad about it. Not even when Max and Dr. Lewis busted through the door and pulled me off her, my dick dripping with her arousal. Not even when she cuddled up to Lewis like she was the victim and I was the monster. Not even when the judge slammed the gavel at my sentencing.



  The She Devil

  Colorado Springs- Five months later.

  “Thank you for agreeing to meet with me, Ms. Boudreaux,” Rodgers said, closing the office door behind him. He looked nervous to have me there, as he should. I held the power to destroy him. After they found Damien balls deep in my pussy, he was arrested and charged with two counts of sexual exploitation by a therapist. I was the victim and my very high paid lawyer ensured that my name was kept from the court documents. Because there were several witnesses and Cooper confessed, my presence in court was unnecessary. The whole affair was settled relatively quickly and quietly. Outside of Colorado, no one knew who Dr. Cooper was or what he’d done.

  I asked to meet with Dr. Rodgers in downtown Colorado Springs, because being at Meadowbrook was too hard. The criminal suit may have been wrapped up in a neat little bow, but there was always the threat of a civil suit. He was covering his and Meadowbrook’s ass. They had nothing to worry about, of course. A civil case would jeopardize my anonymity, and plus, I had a more lucrative deal in the works.

  “Of course,” I said demurely. Demure, as if I could even spell the word. Nothing about me was demure. “If anything, all this is my fault. My reputation precedes me most of the time, and maybe I was lonely, and Dr. Cooper is a handsome devil.”

  “No, you mustn’t think that way,” Rogers insisted, taking my hand from across the table. We sat at a corner booth in a quiet coffee shop. I’d offered to let him come to my hotel, but he wisely declined. “You aren’t to blame for any of what happened to you. Dr. Cooper is a sick man, and he’s been punished for his actions. I hope you know that isn’t what Meadowbrook stands for. Our patients’ safety is a top priority, and nothing like that will ever happen again. I promise.”

  I fluttered my lashes, and dropped my hands into my lap. A cute little barista came by with two mugs, hot chocolate for me and black coffee for Rodgers. “What happened to him?”

  “You don’t have to worry about him. He’s where he belongs—in prison.”

  “Prison,” I gasped in mock surprise. I knew where he was, and the minimum-security detention center he was in was hardly a prison. He got a slap on the wrist, six months, minus time served while he awaited trial. I waited for that bastard for five fucking years, and he only got six months.

  “Yes, he won’t be bothering you anytime soon.”


  “Yes, it’s very good.” He paused and took a sip from his mug. He didn’t come here to catch me up to speed on Damien, he came to ensure I wasn’t planning to sue.

  I let him suffer for a little while longer, then put him out of his misery. “I’m not suing the hospital, Dr. Rodgers.”

  His shoulders slumped in relief as he dabbed at the tiny bea
ds of sweat collecting on his brow. “I mean, of course, it’s solely your decision.”

  Rolling my eyes, I dropped the damsel in distress act. “Do you know how many books I sold last year alone?”

  Rodgers shook his head, confused by my sudden personality switch.

  “Five million. Plus speaking engagements and Pussy Power merchandise, I’m a very wealthy woman. I don’t want or need to sue Meadowbrook.”

  “That’s a relief.”

  “A fact that I could have told you over the phone, but I wanted the face to face.”

  “Why? Why would you even want to come back here?”

  “Because I was hoping you’d get a message to Dr. Cooper for me. I can’t very well go visit him, now can I?”

  “O-okay,” he stuttered.

  “Tell him I miss him, and I miss the dragon more.”

  “Ms. Boudreaux…I don’t think—”

  “Dr. Rodgers, I’m not asking you to think. I’m asking for a favor. I’m pretty sure you convincing me not to sue saved your job, and now, I want something in return.”

  “But why? Damien took advantage of you.”

  “He did not,” I scoffed.

  “He did, you were in his care. Your relationship was unethical, illegal, and highly inappropriate. He’s a predator.”

  “He didn’t tell you, did he?” The cheating bastard was loyal. I thought for sure he’d throw me and our past under the bus. “Dr. Rodgers, I’m offended you think so little of me. Damien wasn’t the predator, he was the prey.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Damien and I met six years ago in Aspen. We fucked for three days straight and then I never heard from him again.” Rodgers spit out his coffee, but I ignored him. “Months went by, and I couldn’t get him out of my head. The memory of him—his skin against my own—haunted me. I had a speaking engagement in New York. This was before he moved to Colorado with his bitch wife, obviously. I looked him up when I was in the city. Got all dolled up, I’m talking boobs up to here,” I said, gesturing to the top of my chest with my hands. “Anyway, when I got to his house, he was just leaving. I couldn’t even get my door open before he slid in the back of a town car and drove off. I followed him, because I’m crazy like that, and I watched his car park in front of a brownstone. He waited. I was tempted to go to him, but how would I explain myself?”


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