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Demon or Angel (Age of Exilum Book 1)

Page 13

by Lynn Michaels

  “I don’t think that’s necessarily true...” Vern scratched the back of his head in thought. “But yeah, I’m gay.”

  “Some of the guys, the dancers, they like to do private business for extra money.” Vern’s eyes widened in surprise. “It’s not required. It’s not expected. If you want to do it, we’ll make sure you’re safe, but if you don’t, that’s fine. We’ll make sure no one hassles you.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  “You don’t need to decide right away.”

  Vern nodded. Excitement swirled in his chest. Henrik hired him. He got the job.

  “Last thing...”


  “I think I have a place for you to stay. Some of the guys room together. If they like you, they’ll give you a place. Maybe you have to sleep on the couch. I don’t know. I don’t know how many are already staying there. Okay?”

  Vern nodded. “Thank you.”

  “It’s up to them. Not me. I’ll introduce you and tell them you need a place. That’s all.”

  “It’s more than I have now.”

  “Yes, it is. Now get dressed and get out of here. Come back at nine tonight. No one will be here until then.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “You have money? Food?”

  “A little.”

  Henrik pulled his wallet out of his back pocket and handed Vern a twenty. “It’s an advance. Got it?”

  “Thank you.”

  He waved Vern off. “Go eat.”



  “What’s the plan for today?” Tucker asked. He had already gotten up and found the nearest coffee joint. The little cafe, Coffee Kraze, had awesome coffee and breakfast sandwiches with real eggs, not the crap some fast-food chains served.

  He set the coffee down and watched Sean trying to wake up. His blond hair stuck up on one side like a bad eighties’ hairstyle, and his eyes weren’t focusing. Sean stretched and rubbed his face. Looking all sleepy like that—Tucker found him hard to resist.

  He climbed over the bed and wrapped Sean up in his arms. Right where he needed to be. He kissed the side of his neck and slid his hands down Sean’s bare back to his ass. He squeezed both cheeks. Sean had the perfect, tight little ass. Sean sprawled out on top of Tucker and propped up on his elbows against Tucker’s chest.

  “Hey. Good morning,” Sean said, his voice scratchy.

  “Yes, it is.” Tucker ground his hips up, showing Sean how hard his cock felt. Sean’s hardness pressed against his leg as well. The snug briefs he wore didn’t hide anything, but Tucker was not complaining.

  “Okay. First item on the agenda is fooling around. Then we’ll talk about the rest.”

  Tucker dug his fingers into the crazy, bed hair Sean had going on. “Sounds like a plan. But your coffee is gonna get cold.”

  “Mmm...don’t care.”

  “I know you don’t.” Tucker flipped Sean over to his back, kissed his chest and played with his nipples. Since he’d discovered how sensitive they were, he couldn’t stop flicking them with his fingers and tongue any chance he got.

  Sean moaned as Tucker sucked on one tiny pink bud and flicked his thumb over the other one. “Take your clothes off, Tucker.”

  Sean wanted him naked, and he meant to get there, though he reveled in the erotic feeling of being fully clothed while Sean wasn’t. He wanted to draw it out a little longer. He tugged Sean’s briefs off, watching his long legs as he kicked them to the floor. Tucker lay on his side, wearing all of his clothes, including his work boots, but Sean was completely naked. He lay back and spread his legs, wantonly. Bare and open for Tucker. “Mmm...pretty fuckin’ hot, Sean.”

  Sean lifted up on one arm and looked at Tucker with the most sensuous eyes, even though they had a little sleep crust in the corners. It was one hundred percent Sean.

  He stood up and pulled his t-shirt over his head before bending over to untie his boots. He kicked them off, followed by his jeans.

  “You’re not wearing underwear?”

  “Nope.” He shook his bare ass as if to prove it.

  “I’m dying.”

  Tucker chuckled. “You’re not, but guess what else I got while I was out?”

  “You’d better tell me condoms.”

  “And more lube. We’re gonna need lots of lube.”

  “Awesome. Let’s go.” Sean stroked his cock, giving Tucker a show.

  Instead of giving Sean the same show, he grabbed the supplies and crawled back on the bed, wanting to get his hands on Sean. “I need to be inside you. Now!”

  “Do it.”

  He took his time with the lube and his fingers, playing with Sean’s ass. He wanted his first time to be perfect.

  “Tucker...” Sean moaned and fucked down on Tucker’s fingers. The lust in his eyes made them dark with pupils blown. “More. More...”

  “I’ve got you.”

  After rolling the condom on, he lined up his head at Sean’s hole. He pushed on Sean’s thighs, opening him up a little more. “Bear down, Sean.”


  “It helps to push down on it.”

  “Oh.” Sean tried to do as he’d said, and in a moment, the head of his cock breached the outer muscles, sliding in. “Oh!”

  Tucker pulled back, leaving only the crown inside. “You okay?”


  Tucker grabbed the lube and squirted a bit more around his sheathed cock before sliding back in. “Better?”

  “Yeah. Yeah.” Sean’s words came out with his panting breath. “Oh...yeah...”

  Fully seated, Tucker stopped. He waited until Sean wiggled around. He pulled out slowly and slid right back in. He moved with long, slow strokes.

  “Oh God! Oh God! We’re doing it. You’re in me...”

  “Yeah. We’re doing it.”


  “Are you okay?” He didn’t want to hurt Sean, and he couldn’t tell if his calling out was good or bad.

  “Yes. Yes! Faster. Oh, God!”

  Tucker took him at his word and picked up the pace. He pumped out a rhythm with long beats, but faster and harder. It didn’t take long before he needed more. His strokes shortened, and he fucked faster. A high-pitched cry came from Sean, and his already tight, hot ass gripped Tucker’s cock harder, clinging to him like a fiery fist, burning him with pleasure.

  Sean pulled his knees apart. “Look!” Cum splashed over his abs and chest in long squirts.

  The sight of Sean’s release nudged him too far over the edge. He tensed up as he exploded, complete with the stars shining behind his eyes like fireworks. “Ahh! Sean...”

  After lying still for a while, Tucker finally pulled out and cleaned up. He wet a cloth and wiped Sean up while he wiggled around under Tucker’s ministrations. He tossed the cloth into the bathroom where it plopped on the tiled floor. Then he crawled into the bed and pulled the sheet up over their shoulders. He held onto Sean, keeping his back snugly against Tucker’s front. He nuzzled into the hair at the back of Sean’s neck. He smelled like sweat and sex and brown sugar—like everything Tucker wanted to keep in his heart.

  Sean shifted around a bit before settling down. He sighed. “I wish I’d brought my guitar. I left it at the camp. I didn’t know where I’d end up, and I wanted it safe.”

  He thought Sean had mentioned that before but wasn’t sure. “You play?”

  “Of course.”

  “Mm...I should have remembered. I’ve seen you play at church.”

  “Music is kind of my thing. I feel out of sorts without it for so long.”


  “Don’t worry about it. It’s my fault. No biggie.”

  It sounded like a biggie to Tucker and something he wouldn’t forget again.

  The way things had progressed between them amazed him, but it also worried him a little. He’d never thought he’d be with Sean in the first place, but since it had happened, he wanted it to continue. The worry came from Vern and all his weirdness, in
cluding Sean’s strange dreams. He swallowed hard. He had to focus on their mission. The sooner they found the missing kid, the better. “So...thoughts on finding Vern?”

  “I’ve been thinking...Vern wanted to go to Miami to be an actor. I mean, he came here, specifically to go to the acting school.”

  “If he did actually come here.”

  “No, I’d bet money he did, and he’s here already. It’s been like over two weeks since I’ve seen him.”

  “Okay. And if he is here? Shouldn’t we check the school first?”

  “But he never finished high school. They wouldn’t let him in.”

  “You did, though?” Tucker drew long lines with his finger down Sean’s arm.

  “Yeah, well...I didn’t walk in the ceremony. I don’t have my diploma in hand, but I met all the requirements. I probably just have to ask for it.”

  “I hate that you missed that.”

  “ was worth it.” He turned over and rubbed his face against Tucker’s chest and sighed. “So...the only thing I can think of to find Vern…look in places doing casting calls where Vern might go. I mean, seriously, I would expect if he can’t get into the school right away, he’ll try to get acting jobs.”

  “Okay. Makes sense. I saw local papers at the coffee shop. Let’s dress and get going.”

  “Here’s one.” Sean pointed to an ad, sliding the paper across the table.

  Tucker grunted and took a sip of coffee.

  “It’s not far from here. Right?”

  “What time?”

  “ now.” Sean looked up at him hopefully or maybe expectantly. Either way, Tucker couldn’t tell his sweet face no.

  “Come on then.”

  Sean smiled brightly, confirming what Tucker already knew in his heart. He’d do anything to make Sean smile.

  They drove to the open casting call. They’d already stopped at three places, and Tucker didn’t think they would find Vern at this one either.

  He parked in front of a warehouse in an industrial area on the edge of the main city. The first place they’d been to had been in the heart of downtown, and he’d had to drive around the block repeatedly to satisfy Sean Vern wasn’t showing up. This place proved much easier.

  The worn, gray building had peeling paint and some graffiti tagged on one side. The front doors had been propped open, and a line of would-be actors already stretched out onto the sidewalk surrounding the front of the building. Tucker eyed all of them carefully, but none of them looked familiar. Not that he could necessarily pick Vern out of a lineup. “Sean?”

  Sean shrugged and stuck his head in the door. A few of the actors called out in protest. No line cutting on them. “Hey, relax. We’re not here for the auditions.”

  Tucker didn’t want them to riot. Several of them groaned, but no one bitched about it. Sean ignored them all and pushed inside, and Tucker followed him.

  Inside the front area, more actors lined up and handed over portfolios to two young ladies sitting behind a foldup table. They took the information and wrote it on a list before nodding for the next in line.

  Sean skipped the table altogether and pushed through the next set of doors. No one stopped him, but the ladies gave him the evil eye.

  Tucker shrugged and followed Sean inside.

  The lights were dimmed, but several spotlights shone on an area in the front like a makeshift stage. Three rows of foldup chairs had been set up facing the lit area, and a few of them were occupied. Sean walked right up to the front and stared at the actors on the stage.

  One of them was a young lady with long, thick blonde hair and a curvy figure. She wore a short skirt showing off her long legs and a cropped top that exposed her belly button piercing. She kept flipping her hand around in the air, and a dark tattoo on her wrist flashed as she moved. She definitely caught the eye. Her voice resonated with rich, full tones as she read her lines, projecting out to the crowd.

  The other actor stepped to the side and looked up from his script. He had brown hair and a slight frame. He couldn’t be much older than Sean, if at all. Thick glasses covered his face, but it didn’t stop Tucker from seeing his handsome face with well-defined cheeks and jaw. He spoke his part as if he’d already memorized it.

  “Stop a second.” One of the men sitting in the chair stood up. “I know you need the glasses to read right now, but can you take them off a second? Can you do the part without them once you’ve memorized the lines?”

  “Yes, of course.” He took off his glasses and tucked the arm into the front of his button-up shirt where they caught on the top button. “I’ve got the first two pages or so down. Can we read from there?”

  “Yes, please. You should think about contacts. All right, people! Take it from the top.”

  The two actors went through the play again, both acting from memory, not reading from the script books. They were pretty good, but what did he know about acting? He nudged his shoulder into Sean’s, getting his attention. He nodded to the stage area and smiled.

  Sean nodded and pointed to the male actor and mouthed the words, That’s him.

  “Vern?” Tucker whispered, and Sean nodded again.

  Sean’s young friend impressed the hell out of Tucker. He looked good, and he acted like a pro. He was bound to get the part.

  After a few minutes, the man in the front row thanked him and said they’d let him know. Vern thanked the guy and put his glasses back on. He was a regular Clark Kent, that one.

  “Vern! Wait,” Sean called out, jogging after him.

  He stopped in his tracks. For a second, Tucker thought he would bolt, but then he laughed. “Sean? Is that you?”

  “Yeah. Can we talk?”

  “Of course. Come on.” He quickly led them outside before the next actors took the stage. “Didn’t want to interrupt the next guy. Hey! You look good. Who’s this?”

  “Tucker Mason. You know Tucker.”

  “Tucker like Tucker’s, Tucker?”

  “That’s a mouthful,” Tucker groaned.

  “The auto place in Lovejoy, right?” Vern asked.

  Both Sean and Tucker confirmed his guess at the same time.

  “I don’t think we’ve ever actually met. I go by Vick around here, though. Vick Sadler.”

  “Vick?” Sean asked.

  Vern nodded.

  Tucker wanted to direct the conversation somewhere more private. “Okay, guys. Why don’t we go get some lunch and chat?”

  Vern pursed his lips. “I don’t know if I have time.”

  Sean pouted. “Why not? Look, I’ve come all this way—”

  “Why? I mean. I didn’t ask you to, and I’m not going back.”

  Sean kicked at the pebbles on the pavement. “I, uh, I needed to know you were okay. Safe.”

  “Yeah, I am. I’m doing all right. You don’t need to worry. I’m, uh...kind of surprised, Sean. I mean. I know we were friends, but we weren’t super close. I mean. I didn’t have anybody.”

  “Exactly, Vern—”

  “Vick. I hate that name. Please, it’s Vick.”

  Sean sighed. “Vick. Fine. That was my point, though. Nobody cared about you.”

  “So you decided to find me—all by yourself?”

  “Sort of, yeah.”

  For a moment, Vern/Vick scowled. His eyebrows behind the thick glasses pressed together in the center. Then he smiled, looking more relaxed. “Well, like I said, I’m surprised. I’m glad, though. It’s nice to know someone cared. I, uh...I didn’t think anyone would even know I’d gone.”

  “I knew.”

  “Thanks. Still...I have to get home and get ready for work. So...”

  “Oh, great. Where are you working?” Sean asked.

  Wow, Vern already had a job, a place to live, and auditions. Vern had proved more resourceful than they’d expected.

  “Abaddon. It’s a-a...nightclub?”

  “You don’t sound sure,” Tucker said.

  “Uh, it’s a-a dance place. You know a gay club with dan
cing. That’s what I do. Dance.” Vern put his hand on his hip as if challenging them to contradict him. “Why don’t y’all come by tonight? I’ll get you in. Then we can do breakfast or something tomorrow and talk more?”

  He sounded confident on the one hand, but covering up his vulnerability on the other. As if he was...acting.

  Tucker hesitated to answer him on the gay club thing, but Sean jumped right in. “Yeah! I want to see where you work. I’ve never been to a gay club either.”

  He turned to Tucker as if asking his permission or inviting him to come. Tucker didn’t know which, but again, he couldn’t deny Sean anything in his power to grant. “Sure,” Tucker said and nodded.



  Vern sat on his bed in the apartment he shared with three roommates. There were two rooms, each with two beds in them. A couple of the other dancers from the club shared one, and Vern roomed with one of the bouncers. His bed had been pushed against the far wall and had one of his roommates’ sheets on it. He had to borrow everything, but he finally had a safe place to live and half a closet where he could put his clothes. Even washing clothes thrilled him, since the apartment came with a little closet off the kitchen that had one of those washer and dryer things stacked on top of each other. He never thought he would be so happy to see appliances. He almost kissed the machine.

  Since they all worked in the same place, he could count on a ride to and from the club, though coming home meant he had to wait around for the others, but he didn’t mind that either. He’d been working there and staying with this group for a few days. It had taken him weeks to make it to Miami and find his place, but he’d done it.

  The quiet bouncer bulged with huge muscles, and his light, sandy-brown hair, buzzed short—military style, exposed his rugged face. His name was Daniel Johansson, and like Vern, he wanted to be an actor, though they wouldn’t be auditioning for any of the same parts.

  “Yo, Vick!” he called out, entering the room. “I’ll be ready to go in about ten.” He wore a big, green towel wrapped around his waist and nothing else. Water dripped from his hair.


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