The Seduction of Laird Sinclair

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The Seduction of Laird Sinclair Page 12

by Kara Griffin

  Within seconds, she cried out with pleasure. Her climax was long, and it utterly affected him. Callum couldn’t hold back and his body shook. In seconds, he vastly lost control. He thrust mindlessly until every part of him ceased to exist. His climax rivaled hers, and he shouted when his essence burst forth and drained him of his strength. Violet leaned on her elbows and watched him. Her pretty lips parted and she moaned as he continued to move within her.

  Callum shook, and his knees gave way. He fell atop her and rolled to his back. His breath raucous, his blood rushed through him, and his ears rang. All this brought a rare smile to his lips. Violet knelt on the bed next to him and kissed his chest. He stared at her lovely face and tried to figure out how she’d easily slayed him. As much as he hadn’t wanted to ravish her, or be as brutish in his lovemaking, he was overtaken with a fervent rush. He shook his head at his debauched behavior. He would have ravished her if he hadn’t taken more time beforehand to ensure she was properly prepared.

  “Thank you.”

  He scowled at her words. The last thing he expected to hear, was her gratitude. “I should thank you. Why, Violet?”

  She kept her hands on his chest and ceased kissing him. She leaned across his body and smiled. “Why what?”

  “You gifted me with your body… I want to know why.” The question echoed in his mind. Women didn’t give themselves unless there was something in it for them. At least, that was the excuse he’d come up with to account for his wife’s mistreatment. Why was he being so indifferent? Violet wasn’t like her… At least, he hoped not.

  She pressed a light kiss on his lips. “I told you, I wanted you. My marriage was one of friendship. I could never reach fulfillment…with Charles. I thought myself incapable of… You proved me wrong because I never felt like that before.”

  “Why, did you not love him?” Callum shouldn’t have asked such a question. Speaking of another man’s amorous pursuit of her didn’t seem right.

  She took his face in her hands and he closed his eyes. “Callum, please look at me.”

  He opened his eyes and his jaw tensed in wait of her answer.

  “He was a good man and wanted me to love him. I never got the feeling I thought love to be. I wanted to be with you and to experience true passion—”

  He stopped her with a kiss. Callum continued to move his mouth over hers in the hope she wouldn’t profess such sentiment to him. He gently forced her beside him and leaned on his arm and finally broke the kiss. “You should have saved yourself for your new husband. You’re young enough to remarry. I don’t like that I’ve dishonored you.”

  She set her hand on his neck and her finger massaged the slope of his skin. “I didn’t want to save myself. And there is no dishonor in what we shared. Besides, there is little hope that I’ll remarry unless I agree to wed the king’s choice.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “If you came in here intent to seduce—” She stopped him from speaking when she straddled his hips. Her lovely body displayed before him. Renewed vigor came and he groaned at how easily she taunted him. “Violet, what you’re doing to me… I don’t want to hurt you, but I want to take you again.”

  “You can never hurt me.” She pressed her bottom against him and joined their bodies.

  Callum lay back thoroughly content to watch her seduction. Their desire sated again and Violet snuggled beside him. No woman had ever pleased him as much as Violet had. He wanted to understand what passed between them, but he wouldn’t question it. She wanted him and he admitted he wanted her. Perhaps he’d been too long without a woman’s touch. That had to be the cause of his uncontrolled response. At least, that’s what he told himself to accept his culpability.

  “You cannot love me.”

  She didn’t blink or show enmity of his words. Violet smoothed a hand over his tender shoulder and tilted her chin. “I will not say love words to you. If I do fall in love with you, Callum Sinclair, I shall keep it to myself.”

  He rolled to his side and trapped her within his arms. “We should keep this easy and not complicate it with a sentiment. If we’re to be together… I want your promise not to be with… others. We should make a pact.” Callum needed her vow not to cavort with others. But she wasn’t like that, or at least, he didn’t deem she’d be unfaithful. Still, giving himself wasn’t easy and if he wanted to pursue her, he had to assure himself, he wouldn’t be mistreated again.

  “You have my promise, Callum. I won’t be with others and only want you. I should like to do that often.” She lay beside him and peered at the ceiling.

  “You’re a sweet minx to give yourself to me.”

  She giggled when he pressed light kisses on her neck and shoulder. “If I pleased you, then that makes me happy. You have my permission to kiss me, whenever you like.”

  He kissed the side of her neck. When he pulled away, he grinned. “Tell me about your life. You spoke of the fiend the king wanted you to marry. What about your happiness? Were you content?” Callum held her hand, and she lay against his side. He leaned his head against hers and hoped she tell him something of her life before she came to the Highlands. She might even mention her daughter and what happened to her.

  “I lived in the country far from London or towns. We lived a simple life, and I rarely saw my husband. Our manor home was small compared to your castle, but comfortable. I have a daughter, Cora, who is three in years, soon to be four. I miss her.”

  Callum scowled and didn’t like the distress in her tone. “You have a lass? Why did you leave her behind?”

  She sighed and wiped a tear from her eye. “I wouldn’t leave her for any reason. The king took her and told me he wouldn’t release her unless I accepted the knave as my husband. I wouldn’t agree, Callum, and if I had married him, he would’ve hurt me. Cora would’ve been hurt too. I must trust Richard wouldn’t harm her. I pray she’s somewhere safe. Henry promised he’d find her and has his men in search of her.”

  He pressed her back and set a gentle kiss on her lips. “We will find her, Violet, somehow. Don’t despair.”

  “Each day that goes by… I fear I’ll never see my baby again.”

  “You will. I promise we won’t give up hope. You’ve been kind to Dela and it’s the least I can do… to help in search of your daughter. My lass hasn’t had an easy time these past months and she seems to take to you. Thank you for that.”

  She pressed a hand on his chest. “I wanted to speak to you about her…”

  “Nay, let us sleep. On the morrow, we’ll discuss her. Rest, sweetheart.”

  She closed her eyes, and Callum continued to hold her. He thought about her daughter and how he might aid in finding her. There was only one person who was friendly enough with England and its peerage, to gain information on the lass’s whereabouts. He’d send a missive first thing in the morning.

  Chapter Twelve

  The morning sun streamed into the bedchamber and warmed her face. Violet stretched and peered at the empty space beside her. Callum was gone and was already about his day. She hoped to awaken and find him there. She was disappointed and wished he’d awakened her with a kiss. What they’d shared the night before astounded her. Never had she experienced such pleasure, or allowed a man to touch her as she had Callum. Her seduction of him was laughable because she hadn’t really done much to entice him. He’d wanted her, and she didn’t need to be learned in the ways of seduction. Thank God for that.

  Their conversation troubled her though because he didn’t want sentimentality between them. She supposed after what he endured with his wife, Callum was leery to accept or declare love. How would she show him such love existed, and gain his affection in return? The situation would be difficult. Somehow, she’d make her way inside his heart. And if he hadn’t already penetrated her heart, she might have been insulted by his request that she not love him. Could she love a man the way she’d always hoped to?

  Violet shook the confused questions aside and rose. She pulled a cover around herself to hide her nake
dness. She held her nightrail and robe, and wouldn’t bother to don them since she’d dress when she reached her chamber.

  At the doorway that led to Callum’s office, she stopped. He sat behind his desk. She took him in. How handsome he looked in the morning. He wore a white tunic, untied at the neck. His red and varied colored tartan surrounded his waist. He hadn’t put on his boots and set his feet on a nearby stool. The manliness of his position caused her to sigh. She wanted to sit on his lap and kiss him. But he grimaced and rubbed his thigh. Before she alerted him to her presence, he grabbed the container Henry had sent. Callum opened the container and rubbed a scoopful of salve on his leg.

  “God Almighty, that stuff stinks.”

  She slunk back when Clive’s voice resounded in the other room. Clive was out of sight, beyond the desk, and she hadn’t known he was there.

  “But it helps ease the muscles.” Callum’s eyes darted to her. “Ah, Violet, good morning. Come.”

  She shook her head. Callum raked his eyes over her and grinned. He understood her situation because she wouldn’t join them draped with only a cover to hide her body.

  “Clive, will you leave us? I’ll find you later to finish our discussion.”

  His cousin guffawed and shot his glance at her as she peeked beyond the door. “Good morn, Milady. I’ll leave you to greet the day.” Clive bowed and exited the chamber.

  Callum twitched a finger at her and grinned. He pulled her on his lap when she neared and wrapped his arms around her waist. She smiled widely and pressed her hand on his chest. “I like your smile, especially when you’re wearing it with no garments on.”

  She laughed, leaned forward, and set a light kiss on his face. “Good morn. I would have enjoyed seeing your smile likewise.”

  He groaned and leaned his head against hers. “I should’ve made Clive leave when he got here, but he was intent to give his morning report. What are you about this day?”

  She took the tie of his tunic and rolled it between her fingers. Being in his arms was the perfect way to begin the day. “It looks to be a fair day. I asked Dela to help me with the garden. I’d like to visit the village to purchase seeds, and perhaps get started.”

  He pressed the back of his hand on her cheek and brushed the strands of her hair behind her shoulder. “I have a busy day, and won’t be at the keep until supper. But I promised to see Dela. I’ll do so before you leave.”

  Violet settled her head on his shoulder and sighed. “Callum… There’s something I need to tell you. It’s not my place to tell you this, but I’m concerned. Your cousin… Hawisa treats Dela horribly.” She rushed through the explanation of how the woman spoke disparagingly of Dela’s mother, and how she held the girl under the water during her baths.

  Callum’s arms tightened. “Why would Hawisa mistreat my daughter?”

  “I know not, but you must be concerned about your daughter. I fear for her safety.”

  He pressed his hand on hers and nodded. “I’ll speak with Hawisa.”

  Violet rose. “I will be about my day then.”

  “Aye, and will I see you this night?”

  His deep voice sent a thrill of excitement through her, and his eyes bore into hers as if he was unsure she’d agree. “If you wish it.”

  He tugged her hand and pulled her forward for a long kiss. When he released her, he smiled, and she was awed by the dimples on his cheeks. The man was too handsome, and she couldn’t believe she’d seduced him. Seduce might not be an apt word for it since they both wanted what each gave.

  “I wish it, but only if you promise to let me have my way with you again.” He flashed a sexy grin.

  Violet nodded and giggled as she left his chamber. She searched the hallway for anyone about and hastened to her room. She didn’t want to be caught wrapped in a cover traipsing the hallway. When she reached her chamber, she closed the door and leaned on it.

  The sound of a growl came, and footsteps neared on the wooden floorboards. She gasped when a knock came, and the sound of the dog scratching at the door. Gussy wouldn’t knock. Whoever was there was intent to let Frang inside to harm her. Violet pushed the wooden latch to the lock position and stared for a long moment. The sounds retreated, and she hurried to finish her morning chores.

  Someone wanted to frighten her and used poor Frang as a threat. Since Frang belonged to Hawisa, Violet surmised the woman’s intention. Somehow, she had to discern a way to placate the dog and his mistress.

  While she readied for the day, she thought of Callum, and how pleasurable her night with him was. She’d never experienced a night of passion with Charles. A sad thought came when she considered she hadn’t given him much of a chance to woo her. Hopefully, he forgave her for being prudish. Violet swore she wouldn’t make the same mistake with Callum.

  She dressed in a worn gown of blue, and the material was soft and warm. Her boots had dried from her mishap with the puddle. If she would walk to the village, she wanted to keep her feet warm since the ground was still cold from winter. When she was ready, she opened the door and checked to make certain Frang was nowhere in sight. With the dog on her mind, she thought of a way to possibly get him to befriend her.

  Hawisa undoubtedly disliked her and set her dog on her. Both times she’d been attacked, she’d heard a woman give the command, and she’d recognized the sound of her voice. Violet had hoped to befriend the woman, but now, she wasn’t sure she wanted the woman as a friend. What worried her more was that Hawisa wanted to harm her. She had to find a way to protect herself and not bring Callum more worries than he already had.

  The hallway was unoccupied, and she hastened to the kitchen and found Gussy there.

  “My Lady, good morn. You haven’t met Bailey yet, he’s the keep’s cook.” Gussy motioned to him and continued to knead the dough on the table.

  “Milady, Gussy’s told me about you. Welcome to the Sinclair holding.”

  The man was handsome with light short hair, green eyes, and a smile she was sure affected her maid. Violet thought Gussy might be interested in Clive, but there was an obvious attraction between Gussy and the cook given the blush on her friend’s face. Their gazes were sweet. She wondered if Callum looked at her likewise.

  “I’m pleased to meet you, Bailey. I hoped you might help me because I need to befriend a dog. He is given to attack me by his owner. Do you have something to get him to cease his attack, a bone or morsel, or something to appease him?”

  Bailey nodded. “Aye, Milady, over there.” He pointed to a bucket near the cooking fire. “There are bones and scraps you can take. I usually feed them to the pigs, but you’re welcome to take what you need. Help yourself.”

  She took a large bone and a few dried pieces of meat and wrapped them in a cloth. “My thanks, this is perfect and might do the trick.”

  Gussy handed her a piece of sweetened bread and an apple. “You haven’t eaten yet. Take this. You’re probably famished after your night with―”

  Violet’s eyes widened and she placed a hand over Gussy’s mouth. She leaned close. “Say no more. Thank you for the food.” She fled the kitchen before Gussy teased her further.

  She wouldn’t disturb Dela and Callum’s visit and decided to walk to the village on her own. The girl needed time with her father, and when she returned, she’d find Dela and have her help her in the garden. Along the walk to the village, she stopped at the gate to ask for direction. The guard, a young soldier named Peter, couldn’t have been more helpful. He rambled on in a flustered state, but she got the gist of where to go.

  During her sojourn, she ate the food Gussy gave her. Near the village, she found a man who sold vegetables and herbs. He didn’t sell seeds or know where to find flowers to plant, but he agreed to give her some herb seeds for the laird’s garden. On her return, she cut through the woods and strolled along.

  The beginning of spring neared, and a few sprouts lined the forest floor. Soon the trees and shrubs would burst with greenery. Fields and meadows would cover in grass
es and the first flora of the season. Spring was always her favorite time of year. The thought of gardening again, put a bounce in her step.

  She neared an edge of trees and stopped when she heard a loud growl. Violet thought a boar or some such creature stalked her. But she turned and saw Frang standing near a tree trunk and his back fur hackled. He ran at a full sprint toward her. She ran as fast as she could, but couldn’t outrun him. Violet peered behind her in her haste to get away and didn’t see the thorn bush ahead until she ran through it and got caught. Her garment was completely ensnared by the thorns, almost around the entirety of her skirts.

  Frang stopped and growled. He bared his teeth and he sounded as if he wanted to rip her to shreds. She reached into the seam of her gown and retrieved the bone and meat she’d grabbed for him. Violet tossed the bone at him, and the dog circled it until he sniffed and settled down to enjoy his treat. His growl ceased.

  While Frang was busy, she tried to free herself but was unsuccessful. Frang whined for more treats, and she tossed him the dried pieces of meat. When he finished, he barked as if asking for more.

  “I’m sorry I have nothing else for you. Go on, go home. Shoo.”

  He whined but did as she said and bounded from the woods. She watched him trot off and gave thanks to God for saving her. If she hadn’t stopped by the kitchens earlier that morning, she might well be injured or even dead. The dog would’ve easily injured her or worse.

  An hour passed, then another. Violet considered removing her gown, but she wouldn’t walk back to the keep unclothed. “Oh, why didn’t I wear my cloak?” She regretted forgoing it and pulled at her skirts, but made the situation worse and tore the fabric. A large rent split the middle of the gown and the air chilled her legs. “My favorite gown. How wretched it is now.” She sighed at the thought that it was unrepairable.


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