As You Wish

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As You Wish Page 3

by Jennifer Snyder

  “Thanks.” I winked as I took it from her and then tipped it back. It was good. A little too fruity for me, so I knew I wouldn’t have another, but it was good nonetheless. At least there was enough vodka in it to taste. I liked that she’d poured it strong.

  “No problem. I’m here all night,” she said before moving to a man dressed in a gray suit a few stools down.

  I took another swig of the drink she’d made and glanced up at the loft again. I stood, debating heading up those rainbow stairs to see what the hell was going on up there when a female with a soft yet husky tone spoke to me.

  “First time at The Monster Ball?” she asked. Something about her voice had me eager to give her my undivided attention. She sat two stools over. The olive dress she wore nearly matched her eyes.

  “Am I that transparent?”

  Her full lips twisted into a grin as she wrinkled her nose. It was the cutest thing I’d ever seen. The freckles that spread across the bridge of her nose amplified the cuteness factor tenfold. “Sort of.”

  “I’m guessing you’re not a monster ball virgin,” I said as I moved to the open stool beside her. The soft scent of lilac floated from her, and I fought against the urge to get closer. “Come here often?”

  A dumb question, but I couldn’t take it back. I really needed to rein myself in. This woman had me dumbfounded. She laughed at my dumb question, and I felt like I’d won a fucking medal. How did she have me so mesmerized? What was she?

  “Not often, no. I mean, it’s an annual event.” She tucked a few strands of her long brown hair behind her ear and smiled. “This is my second year.”

  “Okay, so you’ve got a little more experience than me with this whole thing.” Why the hell did everything I say sound perverted as shit? It was like all I could think about was sex while near her. “I guess so.” She took a sip from the red drink she held. Was it blood? Was she a vampire? “Not too much more experienced, though.”

  No, it wasn’t her that had me thinking of sex—it was her voice. Every time she spoke. There was something about her voice. It went straight to my dick.

  What was she?

  In an attempt to figure that out, I scanned the length of her with my eyes. Well, I tried. They never made it past her boobs. The dress she wore was strapless and therefore hugged her in all the right places while showing off her petite form.

  “You know, normally a guy asks me my name before ogling my breasts as much as you.”

  Her words snapped my eyes back to hers. I pulled in a breath. If I wasn’t careful, I’d screw up any chance I might have with her. I had to get my shit together.

  I held up my drink. “Sorry. Blame it on the alcohol.”

  Her beautiful green eyes narrowed. “Right. It’s all because of that fruity drink you’ve been sipping for two seconds flat.” She burst into a fit of laughter. “I’m sorry, but your drink looks prettier than mine. I’m used to guys drinking whiskey or rum. Straight.”

  “Either would’ve been fine, but it’s been a while since I’ve had any alcohol, so I wasn’t picky with whatever was handed to me.”

  She took a sip from her drink. “Why’s that?”

  That voice. It did things to me.

  “It’s complicated,” I said.

  She dipped her gaze to the crazy marble bar top. “I’m sure I could relate. Complicated seems to be my middle name.”

  I started to ask what she’d meant, but then remembered where I was—The Monster Ball. She probably would understand if I told her details. When she brought her big green eyes back to mine, I went for it.

  “I’m a genie. That’s what makes my life so complicated.” I ran my fingers through my hair, never allowing my eyes to waver from hers. She didn’t react. Not really. I wasn’t sure why this surprised me. “And you are?”


  I flashed her a grin, impressed with her non-answer. She was definitely the kind of woman to keep me on my toes.

  I took a swig from my drink. “Glad I’m holding your interest.”

  “You have been.” She shook her head and smiled to herself. “I mean you are.”

  “How many of those red drinks have you had?” I laughed.

  “This is my second, but like you, I don’t get the chance to drink much. Tonight is a special occasion.” Her eyes fell to her cup, and the smile pulling at her perfect lips faded.

  What darkness was she glad to be escaping from?

  I took the final swig from my cup and was glad it was gone so I could get myself something stronger. Since hers was nearly gone as well, I nodded toward her cup. “Can I order you another?”

  “Sure, thanks. It’s called Shifts and Giggles, and that guy makes it.” She pointed to the bartender with the long brown dreads I’d noticed earlier when Onyx had used her magic to swipe a bottle from him.

  “Interesting name. Okay, I’ll see if I can get his attention. Be right back.” I headed in that direction.

  I could feel her eyes trailing after me while I walked to the opposite end of the bar where the guy with dreads stood, cleaning a glass.

  “Hey, I’d like to order a couple drinks,” I said.

  “What can I get you?” He had a deep voice and an accent I wasn’t familiar with.

  “I’ll take another Shifts and Giggles along with your best whiskey on the rocks,” I said, praying she hadn’t been screwing with me when she said that was the drink’s name.

  “Are you sure? You say that as though it’s a question,” he said with a grin.

  “I’m sure as long as the drink is real.”

  The dude’s head fell back, and he laughed. It was loud, but not in an obnoxious or asshole way. Instead, there was something rumbly to it. Throaty and animalistic. This guy had to be a shifter of some sort. “Which is something we’ve all wished for a time or two in our lives, yeah? A little something real?”

  I nodded and cracked a grin myself. “Yeah. I guess so.”

  When he grabbed a metal shaker and poured various things inside, I watched. He moved so fast it was hard to keep up with what he was doing. Clearly, bar tending was his element. I noticed when he poured some spiced rum in the shaker, though.

  “The drink is real, and it also happens to be my specialty.” He sprinkled some sort of dust in the shaker before capping it and then giving it a good shake. “Should I make you one too? Or do you still want whiskey on the rocks?”

  My lips worked into a smile. I couldn’t help it. This big, beefy looking dude with some serious dread’s had a specialty drink called Shifts and Giggles. It was funny as hell. There was no doubt he had a sense of humor.

  “Nah, I’m good. Just a whiskey on the rocks, please.” I glanced down the bar, making sure the woman I’d been chatting with was still there. She was. She waved and smiled. I returned both. Her gaze drifted to the dance floor as a new song came on. She swayed to the beat, and I wondered if she wanted to dance.

  “Here’s the first drink,” the bartender said. “I’m guessing it’s for her.” He nodded to the woman I’d been staring at—the woman I felt pulled to for whatever reason.

  “Yeah.” I licked my lips, hoping to dim the stupid smile on my face.

  “Smitten with her already, I see. Perhaps the magic of the ball drew you two together. The question is: for what reason, destiny or lust?” he asked. When his eyes seemed to flare protectively, I questioned if he had a thing for her himself.

  “It’s too soon to tell.” I knew the comment made me sound like an ass, but I didn’t care what this guy thought of me.

  “I know your type.” His nostrils flared as he poured my drink. “You’re cocky, arrogant, self-serving, and have a string of heartbreaks trailing behind you. But her.” He nodded in her direction. “Don’t hurt her. She’s been through a lot and deserves more than becoming a notch on your belt.”

  The tie I wore suddenly felt too tight. My suit too itchy. Him knowing her well when I barely knew anything about her irked me.

  “Questions are buildin
g in your mind,” he said before handing me my drink. A smirk twisted at the corner of his mouth. It amplified my irritation. “Even though you probably won’t ask them, I’ll still answer. No, I don’t know her personally. I only know what she divulged to me about herself an hour ago when she ordered her first drink. No, I won’t tell you her story because it’s not mine to tell. What I will say is that she deserves more than the cards she’s been dealt in life. Which means, if you’re looking for a quick hook-up, move on to someone else. Her heart is already fragile, and her story is sad enough without adding any hurt you might cause.”

  I swallowed hard. Damn.

  First of all, his first impression of me had been spot on. At least if we were talking about the human me from years ago. I’d been everything he listed and proud of it back then. Flash forward to genie me now. Not so much. All I wanted was to know who’d hurt her and if there was anything I could do to fix it.

  I lifted the drinks in a gesture of thank you and gave the bartender a nod before turning to walk back in her direction.

  She was swaying in her seat to the music, her high-heeled foot bouncing. Nothing about her would lead me to believe she had a fragile heart or shitty cards dealt to her. Then again, I knew how well some could pretend their life was a bowl of rainbows when, in fact, it was sour ass lemons. Maybe she was just letting loose tonight and enjoying being away from whatever shackles held her down back home.

  Not only could I relate, but it was also something I had no issue drinking to.

  “Hi, my name is Ryan. I’m a genie who loves long walks in the open air, whiskey on the rocks, and getting to know beautiful women,” I said when I made it to her. I held her drink out and smiled.

  Her head fell back, and she laughed. It was the sweetest sound I’d ever heard.

  “You enjoy getting to know beautiful women, huh?” Her eyes darkened, but her smile never faded. She arched a brow. “Is that a nice way of saying you get around?”

  I placed a hand over my heart, pretending her words had hurt, as I situated myself on the stool beside her. “Ouch. I’m offended.”

  She laughed again, and I realized I was two for two. It made me feel like a damn king.

  After she contained her laughter, she shifted to face me, giving me her direct attention. Her eyes were the perfect shade of olive green, and her freckles were the cutest. “Hi. My name is Alayna. I’m a siren who enjoys being on dry land, fruity drinks, and getting to know handsome men.” She winked.

  Siren. So that was why her voice called to me…

  “You think I’m handsome?” I wiggled my brows.

  Her teeth sank into her plump bottom lip to suppress her smile. Did she know how sexy she looked when she did that?

  She took a sip from her drink and then stared up at me through her thick, long lashes. “Maybe.”

  My heart skipped a beat. One thing became certain at that moment: I was head over heels for her, and all I knew about her were five things.

  One, she was a siren.

  Two, her laugh—and voice—were the most beautiful thing I’d ever heard.

  Three, she had a sad story.

  Four, her name was Alayna.

  And five, I didn’t want to spend this night of random freedom with anyone besides her.

  Chapter Four

  Alayna’s gaze drifted to the dance floor as the band played a new song. I scanned those dancing closest to us. A woman with white-blond hair and a snow-white complexion caught my eye. Her eyes were so blue and bright they seemed to glow. I continued to stare at her, watching as she laughed at something the guy she was dancing with had said. Was she a vampire? A witch? What about the guy she was with? This place was filled with supernaturals of every type. I wondered how the host was able to get everyone here and make them behave.

  “You mentioned earlier this was your second time here,” I said, drawing in Alayna’s attention. My curiosity about this function was getting the best of me. “Does that mean you know who throws this thing?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t think anyone knows.”

  “Really?” That was odd.

  “Yeah. Everything about the ball is always shrouded in mystery.”

  “I find it hard to believe something this massive happens yearly, and no one knows who hosts it. You’d think someone would want to take credit for a party like this.”

  “You would think, but you’d be wrong.” She leaned closer, her lilac scent filling my nose. God, she smelled good. “There’s some sort of magic involved. More than the invitation and traveling by moonlight.”

  I took a swig from my drink. “So, the host is a witch or an enchantress?”

  “That’s what most believe since there’s so much magic used each year.” She moistened her plump lips with her tongue, and the urge to kiss her and then some rushed through me. “I mean, this isn’t even the same place it was held last year.”

  “Really? Where was it last year?”

  “A castle. There was a giant ballroom and tunnel-like hallways that branched out into secluded rooms. It was all gothically beautiful.”

  I snorted. “Sounds very Cinderella-like to me.”

  “It was fun, but I’m guessing the host didn’t find her Prince Charming, or else we wouldn’t be here.”

  From the gleam in her eyes, I knew there was more to what she’d said, and she was just waiting for me to ask. “Excuse me?”

  Her wide smile grew, making her look even more stunning. “There are all kinds of theories about who the hostess is and why she throws a ball every Halloween. One story is that she’s looking for her soulmate. If you follow this version, she was cursed some time ago to find true love before the party is over.”

  “Like I said, this all sounds very Cinderella-like.” I took another swig from my drink. Fairytales weren’t my thing. “What other theories are there about our mysterious host?”

  “Well, there’s one more tied to finding true love’s kiss.” She looked at me through those thick lashes of hers, and it took every ounce of willpower not to lean in and brush my lips against hers. “In this version, the host of the ball is an enchantress who was cursed by another to have one night a year to find her true love and break the spell with a single kiss. That night is supposedly Halloween, and she created the monster ball to have a better chance at finding Mr. Right.”

  “Whatever the case may be, I’m just glad we’re here, able to enjoy our night of freedom together.”

  Her eyes widened. Emotion swirled through them but disappeared too quickly for me to name. I thought over my words, wondering what had caused such a reaction from her. Had it been the word freedom?

  “Any other rumors you’ve heard?” I asked, hoping to diffuse whatever she was feeling.

  “There is one that doesn’t involve true love or soulmates.” She grinned.

  “Okay, lay it on me.”

  “Some say she throws this ball so the supernaturals of the world can procreate.”

  “From the many bumping and grinding on the dance floor and making out in the corners, that might be the most valid theory,” I chuckled.

  She shrugged, and her expression had me thinking it was her least favorite theory. “Who knows?”

  “Okay, enough sitting at the bar. Care to dance?” I stood and held my hand out to her.

  “Sure.” She smiled up at me as her hand slipped into mine. A zap of energy shot through me upon contact with her unlike anything I’d ever felt before. It excited me.

  We made our way to the dance floor, weaving between couples dancing and dry humping one another as we moved deeper into the crowd. The music became louder. I could feel the bass vibrating my chest. The sensation brought a smile to my face, because for the first time in a while, I finally felt alive.

  Alayna moved to the beat, allowing it to direct the sway of her hips and movement of her arms. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. If she hadn’t told me she was a siren, I would have thought she was a witch because she had totally put a fucking spell
on me.

  We danced for what felt like hours. It was the most fun I’d had in ages, but it was the most torture as well. After a few songs, Alayna loosened up enough to move her body against mine while she danced. The tension between us hit a new level, one where my slacks had grown too tight and all I could think about was her dress hiking up a little higher.

  I pressed my lips against her ear. “Want to take a break?” She nodded, and I noticed goose bumps prickle across her shoulder and down the length of her arm from the sound of my voice. Clearly, she was as worked up as I was. This was a good sign. “Maybe get another drink?”

  “Yeah, sounds good,” she shouted over the music.

  I intertwined our fingers and started weaving our way through the crowd back to the bar. I liked the way her hand felt in mine more than I should. It had me smiling. Until a woman decked out in a black feather dress stepped into my path, her dark eyes zeroing in on me. A secretive smirk twisted her lips before her gaze shifted to Alayna.

  “Sometimes it takes more than once to get it right,” she whispered. Her eyes then drifted to look at the others taking up space on the dance floor.

  Was she the host? Or was she looking for someone?

  As she became lost in the crowd, the image of her grew fuzzy until I couldn’t remember a single detail about her.

  Alayna slipped in front of me when we finally maneuvered our way through the crowd.

  “Let’s head upstairs,” she said. “One of the best things about these balls is exploring the setting. There’s always so much to see.” She pulled me toward the rainbow steps.

  “Okay, sure.” I’d never denied a woman’s request to head upstairs at a party, and I damn sure wasn’t about to start now.

  Her heels clicked against the rainbow steps as she walked up them. When a group of guys came down, I was forced to slip behind her so they could pass. I tried to keep my eyes off her ass, but it was impossible with the way the fabric of her dress hugged her.

  When we reached the loft, I noticed it ran the length of the entire building and was roughly ten feet wide. From up here, I could see the entire dance floor below. I liked it better up here. There were fewer people, but there was also something that caught my eye—glowing cubes in each corner of the space. They seemed private and like a great place to have a drink, talk quietly, and get to know one another better.


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