Collision: A Driven World Novel (The Driven World)

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Collision: A Driven World Novel (The Driven World) Page 1

by Karen Frances



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34



  Also by Karen FRANCES

  About the Author



  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, organisations, places, events, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons living or dead are entirely coincidental.


  No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people.

  Published by KB Worlds, LLC.

  Cover Design by: Kari March, Kari March Designs

  Editing by: Karen Sanders

  Proofreads by: The Word Fairy

  Formatting by: Clydeside Publishing

  Published in the United States of America


  Dear Reader,

  Welcome to the Driven World!

  I’m so excited you’ve picked up this book! Collision is a book based on the world I created in my New York Times bestselling Driven Series. While I may be finished writing this series (for now), various authors have signed on to keep them going. They will be bringing you all-new stories in the world you know while allowing you to revisit the characters you love.

  This book is entirely the work of the author who wrote it. While I allowed them to use the world I created and may have assisted in some of the plotting, I took no part in the writing or editing of the story. All praise can be directed their way.

  I truly hope you enjoy Collision. If you’re interested in finding more authors who have written in the KB Worlds, you can visit

  Thank you for supporting the writers in this project and me.

  Happy Reading,

  K. Bromberg

  Kristy this one is for you.

  Thank you for having me in your world xx

  Chapter 1

  “Ellie, can I have a minute?” I inwardly sigh as all eyes in the room turn on me. I wonder if I’ve done something wrong that has pissed Frank off as he perches his arse against his desk and rubs his head. “Everyone else, go home.”

  He comes across a bit harsh, and that’s not like him at all. The others start leaving the room. I stand firmly in the spot near the window with open views across the great city of Glasgow. I’m surprised Frank manages to get any work done every day. I’m sure if this was my office, I’d spend all my time daydreaming as I looked across the city skyline.

  “Felicity! That means you too,” Frank snaps, and I almost snigger as I catch her loitering by the door. She turns on her heel swishing her long blonde hair as she finally closes the door behind her.

  “That fucking girl will be the death of me,” Frank says, still rubbing his head as though he has a headache. “If she wasn’t the big boss’s daughter, she’d be long gone. It’s the only reason she still has a bloody job.” I hadn’t realised until this moment that Frank has absolutely zero time for her.

  I’m glad it’s not just me that feels that way.

  Sighing, Frank rounds the desk and sits down. He looks tired. There are a few more worry lines around his eyes, which aren’t their usual bright blue. His skin is pale, and if I’m honest, for the first time ever in all the years I’ve known him, he looks his age. Frank is fifty-five, but until today, he could have easily passed for being fifteen, maybe twenty years younger. A fit and healthy man who always takes care of himself. Today, though, he looks as though he’s carrying the weight of the world on his broad shoulders.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, nervously.

  “Okay, Ellie. Sit down and don’t look so worried.” I do as he says, taking the seat in front of his desk and crossing my legs. I try not to fidget. “I have an assignment for you.”

  “So I’ve not done anything wrong?” I ask, my eyes glancing outside his office. I can see Felicity still hovering by her desk. She’s a nosy bitch, desperate to find out what’s being said in here. Waiting to find out if I’m in trouble. She’d love that. If Frank were shouting at me, she’d hear it. In fact, I’m sure the whole damn building would hear it.

  “Good God, no. Quite the opposite.” He laughs, and all of a sudden, I feel at ease and able to breathe. “No, the paper has been handed exclusive access to Ryan Jackson for the next few months. He’s got a few big events coming up, and you’ll be there to report on every last one.”

  I stare at him blankly, wondering what the hell he’s talking about, and more importantly, why we would have exclusive access to anyone. “Ellie, do you know who he is?”

  Shaking my head, I answer. “No.”

  Again, Frank laughs. “And this is why you, Ellie Cooper, are the best person for the job. Ryan is a Formula One driver, the best in the UK. Do you really have no idea?”

  “No. I don’t take an interest in any sport, you should know that. Don’t we have a sports reporter for the paper?” I ask, knowing fine well that Felicity has been helping out in this department for the past few months.

  “Well, we do, but I think we can both agree she’s not the most professional person in our office. I need someone who is professional and who doesn’t care about the stature of the person she’s interviewing, and won’t fall into bed with him.”

  “Oh,” I say shyly. Now I’m fidgeting. Rumour in the office is Felicity will do anything to get herself a story, and I’m sure she has on many occasions.

  “Now, I know it’s Friday and it’s really short notice, but how do you fancy accompanying me to an event tonight?”

  “What’s wrong with Grace?” My heart is racing as I wonder why his wife—my mother’s life-long friend isn’t going with him. They always go to events together, the Christmas office party, birthdays and all other engagements. They are the perfect couple. A normal person would be worrying about the timescale to get ready, but not me. I can throw myself together quickly.

  “Grace is okay, so don’t worry. I can see your mind doing overtime trying to suss it out. If you must know, it’s our Bethany. She came home.”

  “That’s great news,” I say, butting in. Bethany is the same age as me, twenty-six. She’s a bit of a rebel and caused both Frank and Grace hours of worrying. She’s been in and out of rehab more times than he cares to mention. He’s not one for discussing his private family affairs, but for the last year, they’ve been worried because they haven’t seen her, she’s only sent them
the odd message. Which meant they knew she was alive, at least.

  He frowns. “We’ll see how long she stays clean for this time, although I’m not sure we can even say she’s clean now.” I offer him a smile, knowing he’s had it rough with her. “If only Bethany was more like you. Even Grace agrees with me on that.”

  “I don’t know what to say.” I have a lot of time for them. They’ve helped me a lot, probably without even realising it, over the last few years, but that’s not something I want to think about.

  “Don’t say anything, except that you’ll accompany an old man to a charity event, please?”

  “What time do I need to be ready for?”

  Frank stands with the biggest smile on his face and approaches me, placing his hands on my shoulders. “You have made me very happy.”

  “Grace does know you’re asking me, right?”

  “Of course, she does. It was her idea. I’ll pick you up at seven.”

  “Gee wiz, you don’t give a girl much time to look presentable,” I tease, noting the time. Four-thirty; plenty of time for me.

  “Ellie, with your natural beauty we could leave straight from the office and I’m sure everyone would be talking about the beautiful girl on my arm. Is that over-doing the flattery?”

  “Just a bit,” I say, my gaze drifts down my own body, taking note of my clean and still white t-shirt and my faded jeans. I don’t think we could go straight to a charity event today with me looking like this. “Is Bethany okay?” I ask not wanting to sound nosy.

  “She’s pregnant.”

  “Oh!” Shit. I’m not sure congratulations should be offered, although I do know Grace has always hoped that one day she’d become a grandmother.

  “Yes, that’s what we thought when she walked in the front door last night. She pleaded with us both for help but I’m not sure she even wants our help and, if I’m honest, I’m more concerned for that poor baby’s well-being. She has no idea how far on she is, but to look at her, it could be any day now. We’ve not seen her for nearly a year and, as far as we’re concerned, she’s been using for months. So, you’ll understand that Grace wants to stay with her to keep an eye on her.”

  “Frank, I’m so sorry. If there’s anything I can do…”

  “You’re doing more than enough. Now, go home and I’ll pick you up at seven sharp. If there’s anything you need for tonight, stick it on the credit card and I’ll sign it off as expenses.”

  “There’s no need for that.”

  “Go on. Get out of here.”

  I turn and walk toward the door then pause. “Frank, will you tell Grace I’m here if she or Bethany need me?”

  “I will do, and thank you. But you can see them on Sunday for dinner, as usual.”

  I nod.

  He sits back down, and I leave him to his own thoughts. Now it all makes sense why he looks so lost. I hope Grace is okay. I make a mental note to give her a wee call tomorrow.

  Grace has been my shoulder to cry on. She’s always been there with her kind words, so now it’s time for me to pay her back the only way I can, by being there for her.

  “That looked very cosy.” I lift my head to see Felicity standing by my desk with her Gucci bag in her hands. She does like to flaunt the fact that she comes from money. It’s just a pity manners can’t be bought.

  “I was just being given my next assignment.” I grab the papers on my desk and pick up my bag. She walks beside me, and any hope that my ride down in the elevator was going to be quiet is gone as we step inside. She’s dying to ask. I can almost hear her mutter the words that must be spinning around her head.

  “Well, what low life are you going to be reporting on next?” she finally asks with an air of smugness surrounding her. “Because you do tend to report on the most helpless of cases.” She’s a bitch. I report on real-life issues involving real people; stories of the heart.

  I could easily wipe that smug expression from her face, but I won’t. I think it should come as a shock to her when it’s revealed because, even though I know nothing about the man I will be reporting on, I can bet Felicity knows every last detail, probably down to the colour of his boxers.

  “I’m not entirely sure, but as soon as I know, I’ll be sure to pass on the information,” I say as we exit the elevator in the underground staff parking.

  Her flashy new convertible is right beside my car, and I swear she’s parked it there to make hers look good, not that it doesn’t anyway. I sigh, knowing my wee car has been bought and paid for with my own hard-earned cash, unlike hers which she’s been happily telling everyone that ‘daddy dearest,’ bought for her, just because he could.

  Spoilt bitch.

  “I suppose you don’t have any plans for the weekend, you never do. Whereas I’m heading to a cocktail bar tonight with the girls. One of these days, I’ll invite you to tag along,” she says sounding ever-so arrogantly as she unlocks her car. Her voice is so damn irritating.

  “That would be nice,” I say through gritted teeth and a fake smile. “You have a great time.”

  I get in my car and close the door. I sit for a moment, pretending I’m looking for something in my bag. She gives me a wave and starts her engine, revving it a few times before speeding away.


  I don’t know why I can’t stand her. Well, I do; she thinks she’s so much better than everyone. She treats people like dirt. I just don’t understand how a person can be so nasty all the time. For me, that would be too bloody hard.

  I shake thoughts of Felicity from my head and start my car. I have a night out to look forward to, even if it is with Frank and work-related.

  “I can’t do my damn hair!” I shout out, throwing the hairbrush across the room. Make-up is on point, if I do say so, but this hair… I can never do anything with it.

  “Well, if you would stop throwing the brush around, you might manage it.” I spin around to see Dani standing in the doorway staring at me with a quirky grin on her face. “Let me do it for you,” she says, stepping toward me with a glint in her eyes and a cheeky smile that only curves slightly at the corners. “Where are you going? Has my girl finally got herself a hot date?”

  “If you call Frank my hot date, then think what you like.” I stare into the mirror as she sets about trying to tame my unruly curls. Dani has said many a time that she’d love to have my hair and I’d happily swap. I’d love to have the long straight hair she has.

  “So, a work-related event?” she asks, squirting some hair serum in her hands.

  “Yes. Grace can’t make it and suggested I go.”

  “Oh. Maybe you’ll meet someone interesting. You could do with spicing up your life. I shouldn’t be the only one having all the fun.” Dani’s idea of fun is completely different from mine. She’s a player, whereas I don’t really have time for a social life with my job. A lot of my work takes me out the country. So far this year I’ve been to war-torn countries, seen human trafficking first-hand, and I’ve helped with an ongoing investigation into the criminal underworld. “What kind of event is it?”

  “What you mean is, what am I wearing?”

  She smiles. “Of course.”

  “I was thinking about my black cocktail dress. You know, the one with the low back.”

  She screws her face up as she works on my hair and I can tell she hates that idea. “I have the perfect dress for you… my red silk. It would look incredible and I know just what to do with your hair.”

  There’s no point in me saying no because this is Dani and she’ll only insist, and she doesn’t take no for an answer.

  We chat about her day. She tells me about all the flower arrangements she’s made and orders she’s taken. I love seeing her so happy about her work. It was a huge commitment and she delayed for months as she agonised over whether to set up a business on her own, but she did, and I am extremely proud of her. She’s doing what she loves, and for no one but herself.

  “Right, enough about my day. How was work?”
/>   “Same old, same old. Felicity is her usual charming self.”

  “If she’s bugging you, just tell me and I’ll happily give her a slap on your behalf.”

  “No. I’m sure I’ll wipe the smug look from her miserable botox face soon enough.”

  Dani stops pinning my hair. “Why? What do you plan on doing?”

  “This looks amazing,” I say, admiring what she’s done with my hair.

  “Never mind the hair, spill it.”

  “Frank has given me an assignment, and it’s usually Felicity that covers the sports. I don’t think she’ll be so happy when she finds out he’s given it to me.”

  “Oh, now that sounds interesting. You wait right here, and I’ll go and get the dress.” I do as she says, looking into the mirror and hardly recognising the woman before me. I can’t remember the last time I was dolled up. I spend my life running around in jeans, t-shirts, and as my mum would’ve said, gutties; my Converse. I sigh with the thought of my mum now firmly in my head. I’d like to think she would be happy for me, but the reality is, if she were alive, she probably wouldn’t even give me a second look. I won’t say I’m happy in my life, but I’m on the right track. My work is what keeps me focused and, of course, Dani.

  “Right, Miss Cooper, here it is.” Dani rushes back into my bedroom and I can’t stop the gasp that falls from my parted lips.


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