Russell and John have now finished their lunch break, and they get back to work. The end of their shift arrives, and the men have completed their first day. Russell and John get into Russell’s car, and Russell drives towards Walgreens to pick Jesse up from work. Jesse waits in the break room of the store, and Russell’s texts him that he’s outside. He walks out to Russell’s car, and sits the rear seat. Instead of taking John home, Russell drives to get some Chinese food, and he invites John to his apartment. When they walk in, John is amazed at Russell’s place. John takes a seat on the sofa, and Russell takes John’s crutches and sets them on the side of the sofa. Russell grabs himself, Jesse and John a beer. John then starts to compliment Russell’s apartment.
“I like how you have this. Never knew you were a man that was this styled. I like the sports motif, and all the jerseys you have up. It’s interesting, and I like it.”
Russell smiles at him, and takes a seat next to him on the sofa. All three of them then start to eat, and Russell turns on a muted NFL game on the television. He and John start to joke around with each other. Jesse is on the other side of the sofa, reading a magazine. John while he’s staring at the football game on the television with Russell, starts to speak.
“Russell, I have your back man. Don’t worry, if you need me I’m always here.”
Russell while he’s starting at the football game on the television, nods his head. Later on in the night, Russell takes John back home. Russell and John leave the building, with Jesse staying. Jesse walks into the bedroom, and starts to get into his sleepwear. Jesse then lays down on Russell’s bed, reading a magazine with his headphones on. Russell soon returns from dropping John off, and joins Jesse on the bed; with with the suit he wore to work, still on. Russell then crawls across the bed to Jesse, and whispers to him.
“I had a long day at work, and I’m tired. You want to help me undress?”
Jesse looks up from his magazine, and laughs at Russell. He then helps take Russell’s suit off, and Russell then lays down in the bed in his underwear. They both then fall asleep. Russell, Jesse and John continue on the rest of the week, adapting themselves to their brand new lifestyles; going about their second chance that they now have in their lives. One major thing on Russell’s mind, is the car competition show on Saturday. Friday night after work, after Russell dropped John off at home, he and Jesse return to Russell’s apartment; they slip into comfortable clothes. They also pick out a change of clothes; as they are going to sleep over and spend the weekend at the “Home Base” unit, so they can go straight to the competition the next day. Russell brings two large brown cardboard boxes that were shipped to his apartment with him. Jesse helps carry one of the boxes. Russell then drives over to the unit.
Once inside the unit, Russell opens up the cardboard boxes to Jesse’s wonderment. Inside are several modified car parts, which belong to the Oldsmobile convertible that Russell plans to enter in the car competition. Russell then starts to open up Brian’s tools, and starts to tinker with the convertible. Jesse hands Russell a beer, and Russell takes small sips of it, before he gets back to working on the car. Russell, remarkably with only one arm, is doing a good job of taking apart and detailing and modifying the vehicle. Jesse would occasionally help hand him tools, and to move things out of the way. Jesse would also take a rag, and wipe oil and sweat off Russell’s face. While Russell is working, he grunts out to Jesse.
“Well, I’m not as good as Brian was. He would have been done already. I mean I only have one fucking arm, and I’m still getting the shit done right. If we don’t get at least third place, I’m going to be pissed. This car is a classic, and I have to show it off.”
Jesse wipes more oil and sweat from Russell’s face as he’s working on the car. Russell finally finishes his task, and the car is now ready for the competition. Jesse starts to add wax and polish to the car, and cleans the headlights and windows. Russell hops into the shower to clean up, and Jesse then gets into the shower after him. They both then lay down, and go to sleep.
The following day, Russell wakes up and notices that Jesse isn’t in the bed. He gets his clothes on, gets ready regardless. He puts on a black polo shirt, some khaki shorts, and some flip flop sandals. While Jesse is still out, he walks over to where Brian’s workstation is. Russell starts to go through several drawers looking for something, and inadvertently sees a portrait picture that Max took of himself, Jesse, Kevin, Brian and Victor, standing outside the unit together. Russell smiles to himself, and tapes the picture up on a board situated on top of the drawers. Russell also inadvertently finds Kevin’s marijuana bag. He puts it in his pocket. Russell then finds what he was looking for, which is a small box; putting it in his pocket. A few minutes later Jesse who’s wearing a striped and patterned white button up shirt, black shorts and sandals, walks into the “Home Base” unit. Russell can’t believe what he sees, as Jesse walks towards Russell with a bulldog puppy.
“I named him Kevin. I wanted him to be a surprise before you woke up. So much for that. Ha-ha.”
Russell picks up the dog as it licks his face. Russell finding this cute, responds to Jesse.
“Aww, this is nice. He’s gotta come with us now, we can’t leave him here when we’re at the car show. Speaking of that, we’re gonna be late for the contest, so come on. But before we go, I want to show you something.”
Russell directs Jesse over to the photo he found, which he hung up on the wall. Jesse vaguely remembers the photo, yet is happy to see it. Russell also informs Jesse that he found Kevin’s marijuana bag. Before they exit out the unit, Russell with one hand, remarkably begins to roll a marijuana joint successfully. He and Jesse then smoke it together. Russell then puts the marijuana bag, back in the drawer.
They then quickly prepare themselves for the car competition, and take the convertible out of the unit. Jesse walks back to the door and locks it. He grabs the bulldog in his hands, and Jesse sets the dog on his lap. With the top down, Russell then heads to the car show in Malibu. He makes a stop to get kibble at the pet shop, and then they proceed towards the classic car competition.
Once they arrive there, they see fifty other cars apart of the show roster. From classic Cadillac’s, Fords, Chevrolets, and other models. However, there is only one other Oldsmobile in the roster, including Russell’s car. Each of the cars are put into several different categories; from sports cars, to convertibles, to luxury cars, and trucks. Russell is competing in the convertible category. During the competition, so the judges aren’t biased, the owners of the cars must wait in a separate area until scoring has finished. The judges look at all the cars, and they take a liking to Russell’s Oldsmobile that he modified for the contest. It is now time for the scores to be revealed. Russell actually ends up taking second place in the competition. This is something he’s happy with, despite the fact he wanted to win. As long as he got at the minimum third place, that was all that he cared about. After the scoring is finished, the car owners can hang by their cars, so visitors of the car show can ask them questions about the vehicle. Russell and Jesse stand by the car, with Jesse holding Kevin the bulldog, in his hands. An elderly Caucasian man walks by Russell and Jesse, and smiles at them both. The man takes a close inspection at the car and asks Russell a question.
“Out of all the cars here, I have to say this one stands out. It’s my absolute favorite. If you don’t mind me asking, where did you get such a beautiful car son?”
Russell adjusts his sunglasses, and smiles at the man, and then answers his question.
“I got her from a close friend of mine. He sadly passed away, but he was really into cars. I do agree, she is beautiful, and this is a one of a kind car. Yes, sir.”
The man continues to look around the car, and carries on speaking with Russell.
“These Oldsmobile’s are really rare, and really something. I’m surprised you only got second place, to me this car should have won for sure. This is a lovely car you got son.”
Russell smiles at the ol
d man, and he shakes Russell and Jesse’s hand. Several more people come up to the car and ask Russell questions about it. As the day continues, attendees at the event, start to depart. At this time, Russell and Jesse, with Jesse still holding Kevin the bulldog in his hands, go and look at the other cars apart of the show. While they are walking through the car show, Russell still has an extreme bias to his Oldsmobile.
The other cars don’t compare to his, and he is appreciative of the other vehicles, and the work put into them; he is adamant in believing that his car reigns supreme over the others. With it now being evening time, Russell and Jesse decide to take their second place trophy from the coordinators at the contest, and they then drive away from the car show. While he’s driving, Russell speaks to Jesse.
“I’m hungry, so I’m going to go stop at In-and-Out Burger. Is that fine with you?”
Jesse turns his head over at Russell, and nods in agreement. Russell then heads straight there. He gets in the drive thru line, and places his order; which consists of four double double cheeseburgers, two orders of fries, and two cokes. The line as usual is quite long, so Russell turns on the stereo in the convertible. While he’s in the drive thru line, Russell notices that many people are being captivated by the car, and look at in amusement.
Jesse is looking down at Kevin the bulldog, and petting his ears. Russell looks over at Jesse playing with the dog and smiles. Eventually, Russell makes it to the service window of the drive thru, and gets his order. After getting the food, he drives down a short distance to the beach; “Point Dume” beach in Malibu to be precise. Russell parks the convertible on a private section of the beach, and he closes the top of the convertible.
There is virtually no one else here at this beach, and it’s a private intimate spot. He signals for Jesse to get out of the car. Russell locks all the doors, and opens the trunk grabbing a blanket; Russell is also carrying Kevin the bulldog. Jesse carries the food and the drinks. They get situated on a nice spot of the beach, having a perfect view of the evening Californian sun.
Russell lays the blanket down in the sand, and he and Jesse, sit down on the blanket. Russell sets the dog down on the blanket, and the dog starts to fall asleep. He and Jesse then begin to eat their food, looking at the ocean waves. The sky is blue, and the sun is giving out an orange streak into the sky. As they are eating their food, Russell starts to softly speak to Jesse.
“Jesse, I want to say that I’m really happy in my life right now. I’m blessed to have been given a second chance at life. This whole journey I’ve been with on you has been wild. I feel that there is only one thing left for me to do, and then I’ll truly feel complete with my life.”
Jesse looks out towards the sunset, and has an idea of what Russell is talking about, but doesn’t want to rush into any conclusions; he remains quiet looking at the ocean. Russell then reaches into his pocket, taking out the small box. Without Jesse watching him, he opens the box and puts the contents inside of it, inside his hand. Russell then crawls over to where Jesse is and moves in front of him. Jesse laughs at him, and his full attention is now on Russell. Russell then kneels down on one knee, opens his palm, revealing a platinum ring band. Jesse immediately puts his hands across his mouth, and feels like he’s living a dream. Russell then whispers to him.
“Jesse, will you marry me?”
Jesse with his mouth still covered, is still shocked. Russell remains kneeling in front of him, and Russell starts to put the ring on Jesse’s finger. Jesse then gives his answer while crying.
“Yes Russell. I will.”
Russell and Jesse hug and kiss each other for several minutes, while wrestling and cuddling each other as well. They then compose themselves and sit back up. Russell stares out into the beach, and observes the evening sky glow from the sun. He scans over the ocean, hearing the waves crash and roar towards the shore. Jesse then leans under Russell’s chest, and Russell picks up Kevin the bulldog, petting the dog. Russell then whispers out.
“My life is complete.”
Russell and Jesse watch the sunset. They then get back into the convertible, driving off into the distance. Russell continues to drive down PCH with the top down, blasting music. Jesse holds onto Kevin the bulldog tightly. They continue onto down the road, with the California night sky glowing. Russell carries on with his life, completely happy and feeling complete.
Los Angeles, a vibrant and loud city. A very populated city with an array of activity, and never that many dull moments apart of it. A city that has a lot of action and entertainment to offer, and for those to participate and take part in such agendas. A city that has many opportunities available. In this city, there are many who hold onto dreams of success in their life. Very driven on compassion and desire, with a very competitive edge for those to reign supreme above others in many aspects. This is a city which has many characters and personalities apart of it, all of which are finding their piece of the puzzle in the success and business ladder. It is also a city where crime and masterminding also come into play. In these difficult times to where those who have desires to achieve what they want, will do just about anything to obtain them, it becomes a very complex and complicated industry to understand. Everyone tries their best to fit into a loop or place to which they feel the most comfortable by, and willing to accept and understand their full potentials and abilities toward.
About the Author
Brennen Tammons, was born in Los Angeles, California. He is an African American, gay writer. Having a unique imagination, allows him to explore diverse topics with his writing. He enjoys dancing, aerobic exercise, all types of music, (having a soft spot for jazz, soul, urban and electronic music), playing Nintendo games, and researching new topics and ideas.
Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained Page 63