The Daring Twin

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The Daring Twin Page 18

by Donna Fletcher

  Anya patted her hand, understanding what she could not say. “Intimacy is natural between those in love.”

  Fiona sighed. “He said always mine, which meant he thought I belonged to him since first we met. He does not love me, I am but chattel to him, no more.”

  “I can see why you doubt him.”

  “You can?” Fiona asked with a breath of relief.

  “Of course. You want to trust him completely, and how can you? He lies.”

  Fiona’s eyes rounded. “He does not lie. He is a man of his word. A true warrior.”

  “Is he now?”

  “Aye, he protects his clan with pride and strength and provides well for them, which is why he sought a marriage with me.”

  “Then you are his chattel.”

  “A good marriage was necessary for his clan’s survival,” she defended

  “He told you this?” Anya asked.

  “Repeatedly. He was honest with me from the very beginning.”

  Anya squeezed her daughter’s hand gently. “Then what makes you think he is not honest with you now?”

  Fiona’s mouth fell open.

  “Raynor spoke of Tarr in the message he sent informing us of finding you. They were few words, but those words painted a picture of a man who spoke the truth and honored his word. It is not Tarr you doubt, Fiona. It is yourself.”

  Anya brushed back the hair in Fiona’s face. “I was like you, brash and outspoken.” She laughed. “Oleg would say I still am, but my nature was driven by fear. Fear of not being loved, since most young men showed little interest in me.”

  “None showed interest in me.”

  “That is because we are strong women, and it takes a man of great strength and patience to love such special women. I doubt Tarr understood you when first you met.”

  “He did not even know who I was, Fiona or Aliss.” Fiona smiled. “He did tell me he admired my skills and courage, more than once.”

  “He began to discover your true worth. Only a man of equal strength can do that, a man that does not fear the discovery but embraces it. I think Tarr has embraced all he has learned about you and is proud to love you.”

  “I am a fool.” Fiona hung her head.

  Anya lifted it. “Love is being foolish, foolish is being in love. All is forgiven when love is true. Do you love Tarr?”

  “With all my heart.” Fiona near wept. “It frightens me how much I love him and I worry that—”

  “He will not love you as much?”

  Fiona nodded.

  “Tarr is a man of his word, Fiona, if he tells you he loves you, believe him.”

  “He told me to believe him and he told me he would tell me he loved me every day of our life together.”

  “How beautiful and unselfish, for I tell you there will be days he may feel differently,” Anya said with a laugh.

  “Tarr loves me,” Fiona said as if accepting it for the first time.

  “Know it in your heart and it is so.”

  “My heart has known and accepted it far longer than I have.”

  “Then tell him this,” her mother urged.

  “He must think me a fool.” Fiona grimaced. “I called myself a fool before leaving him.”

  “Do not worry. He probably thinks himself an idiot.”

  “Why?” Fiona asked surprised.

  “Because he sits now wondering what he did wrong.”

  “He did nothing wrong.”

  “But he thinks he did, and he berates himself for it and wonders how he can make it right.”

  “I hurt him,” Fiona sighed.

  “It is not the first hurt and it will not be the last,” her mother advised.

  “He told me he would never make me cry.”

  Anya laughed. “Oh, dear, sweet daughter, as much as he believes that he will not make you cry, he will, though not intentionally, and he will be distraught by your tears and seek to make it right between you. It is inevitable; it is love.”

  “Does love bring more grief than pleasure?”

  “That is up to those who love.”

  “I have brought grief to our love,” Fiona admitted with reluctance.

  “Then it is time to turn it to pleasure.”

  Fiona looked doubtful.

  “Patience with yourself. This is all new to you, and it will take time to understand. Let your heart lead you and forget everything else.”

  “That is easier than it sounds.”

  “Let go of the fear, Fiona, and it will be much easier than you think.”

  “The fear has kept me cautious all these years.”

  “You need it no more,” her mother said gently. “You have me and your father now. We may have failed once to protect you girls, but I give you my word we will not fail again.”

  Fiona smiled. “You are telling me that if you thought Tarr no good for me you would stop this marriage.”

  “Immediately. Oleg and I want what is best for you girls even if it means losing you to a husband when we have just found you.”

  “Our parents were like that, putting Aliss and me above their needs.”

  “You do not know how happy it makes me to know that you both were loved. I feared you might have suffered a harsh life. I am glad, so very glad you had loving parents.” Anya sniffled. “Though I cannot say it does not upset me that I missed all those years with you.”

  It was Fiona’s turn to comfort. “We have many more years ahead of us, and between Aliss, Raynor, and me you will have many grandchildren to spoil.”

  Anya kissed her cheek and whispered, “Do not keep me waiting.”

  Fiona hugged her. “I am anxious.”

  “I would bet that Tarr is eager.”

  “What if he thinks me insane?”

  Anya grinned. “Insanely in love with him. Go to him with nothing but love on your mind. Let no doubt enter your thoughts, and be ready to love him with all the passion your heart holds for him. Believe me when I say your actions will be enough. There will be no need for talk.”

  “Thank you,” Fiona said with a hasty hug, and hurried out of the room before she lost her courage.

  Chapter 26

  Fiona rushed into Tarr’s room, slamming the door behind her so hard she could have sworn she shook the entire keep.

  Tarr remained as she had left him sitting on the bed.

  He stood when she did not move and they stared at each other, both questioning with their eyes until Tarr stretched out his arms to her.

  She flew across the short distance and would have knocked him over had he not braced for the impact and glad she was that he did, for his arms wrapped around her and held her against him with a strength that assured he would never let her go.

  She looked up at him and he shook his head.

  “No words this time. This time I show you how much I love you.”

  Love him, just love him.

  She smiled and turned her head to the bed.

  He smiled along with her as he lowered her to the bed, but before he joined her he shed every piece of clothing he wore and his nakedness left Fiona breathless.

  He was magnificent, big and solid and confident as he crawled over her.

  “Your turn.”

  He took off each of her garments slowly, his fingers stroking her naked flesh as he went along. Short strokes, long strokes, lazy strokes, and quick strokes until Fiona moaned, “Not fair.”

  His muttered laugh sounded more like a growl and when he nipped at her nipple then took it into his mouth to tease, she knew he had no intentions of playing fair.

  But then neither did she. She had no qualms about being adventurous in a game she had never played before. She only knew she wanted to fully participate. She slid her hand over his chest, down his stomach that was warm and hard, and stopped suddenly when he squeezed her breast and suckled her nipple like a man enthralled with the taste of her.

  She groaned at the passion stirring in her and her hand inched down slowly until she was able to grasp hold of him
. He was silky smooth and rock hard, and he pulsated in her hand. The feel of him empowered her like never before, and she did not want to let go.

  She massaged the length of him and he brought his head to rest against hers.

  “You know not what you do, lass.”

  “Teach me,” she challenged, and rubbed him against her own heat.

  He threw back his head and moaned like nothing she had ever heard before, and it fired her blood even more.

  “Keep that up and this will be done before it starts,” he managed to say on a quick breath.

  She released him, not wanting this time between them to end too soon.

  As soon as she did, he moved down between her legs and tasted her, sending her passion soaring while her hands grabbed hold of the pillows and squeezed. She tossed her head from side to side as his tongue did oh-so-deliciously nasty things to her.

  She begged him not to stop and he did not; he continued tormenting her until she almost cried from the pleasure he was giving her.

  Then he stopped and she whimpered. He lifted her legs over his shoulders and slowly entered her. She was eager for their joining and tried desperately to draw him closer.

  “Easy, lass, I do not want this to be painful.”

  She glared at him with blazing green eyes. “The pain will be a welcome relief to this torture.”

  He laughed. “God love you, Fiona, for being such a passionate woman.”

  “Then feed my passion, husband-to-be.”

  “You will wed me, then? Of your own free will?”

  “Aye, aye,” she cried in surrender, and moved against him. “I love you, Tarr.”

  He grabbed hold of her backside and with a careful thrust entered her.

  “More,” she pleaded.

  He gave her all of him and she reached out.

  He leaned down over her and together they joined in a matching rhythm. She latched onto his broad shoulders and moved with a wanton abandonment that pleased her and had him basking in her eager response.

  He took her mouth, his tongue mingling, urging, teasing hers, and matched her movements with equal eagerness.

  She tore her mouth from his, her breathing quickening as she rose toward climax.

  He quickened his pace and she moaned loud and long, and he rode her hard and furious.

  It hit her like a giant wave washing over her again and again until she thought she was drowning.

  She heard him groan and clasped him tightly to her, the last ripples of pleasure racing through her to slowly recede quietly in the distance.

  He rolled off her to lie beside her, his hand reaching out to take hers.

  She held firmly to him, needing an anchor, afraid she would drift away with the ripples. It took several minutes before her breathing returned to near normal, then she turned to look at him.

  “I had not thought coupling this much fun.”

  He laughed and moved to lie on his side, bringing her hand to his lips for a kiss. “I am glad you think it is fun. This way you will wish to do it often.”

  “Very often,” she said seriously.

  “I will make sure of it,” he promised her.

  “I will too.”

  “Then it is a slew of children we will be having.”

  “I will give you as many as you like.”

  His smile faded. “You truly wish to wed me, Fiona?”

  “Aye,” she said joyously, and planted a wet sloppy kiss on his mouth. “I do.”

  “Good, then our children will be conceived of love.”

  “Lots and lots of love and we should wed as soon as possible.”

  “I agree, but I wish to wed at my residence so that my clan can join in the celebration. Of course, your parents must be present.”

  She sat up quickly. “We must inform them of our intentions to wed.”


  “They will be relieved to know all is settled between us.”

  “Later.” He said and urged her down beside him with a firm hand. “I have waited long and patiently for this moment, and I wish to lie here beside you and look at your beautiful body.”

  “I have never spent an afternoon in bed.”

  He grinned. “That is about to change.”

  She giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck, nibbling at his lips. “I do like the taste of you.”

  “You can taste me anytime.”

  “Be careful what you allow me. I may not get enough of you.”

  “Wear me out, lass, I care not.” He laughed and pulled her on top of him.

  She rested her head on his shoulder with a yawn, splaying her hand on his chest.

  “It looks like it is I who have worn you out.”

  “Give me time to refresh and we shall see who wears who out.”

  “Rest, then, and I will take you up on that challenge.”

  “You will lose.”

  “Impossible, lass, I win either way.”

  Tarr and Fiona were sitting at the trestle table before the hearth the next morning when Aliss entered through the front doors of the great hall along with the first light of dawn.

  “Where have you been?” Tarr asked with concern before Fiona could.

  A yawn attacked Aliss, leaving her no time to answer.

  “You have not slept,” Tarr said, and stood to assist her to sit.

  “I birthed a stubborn babe last night.” Aliss sat with a grateful plunk on the bench, her green shawl slipping off her shoulders as she reached to pour herself a goblet of steaming cider.

  Fiona did it for her. “It appears neither of us slept in our bed last night.”

  Aliss moved the tankard away from her lips and grinned so wide her eyes appeared to smile. “I am so very happy for you both.”

  “Fiona has agreed to wed me.”

  “What is this I hear?” Oleg said with excitement as he and Anya entered the hall followed by a smiling Raynor.

  Anya rushed forward and hugged Fiona. “We have a celebration to plan.”

  “Your help would be appreciated,” Fiona said, “though we wed on Hellewyk land.”

  “We could have a fine celebration here,” Raynor offered.

  “My thanks,” Tarr said, “but we wed at my home.”

  “You do not leave yet, do you?” Anya asked anxiously.

  “A week’s time and then we leave, but you are welcome to come and visit at Hellewyk.”

  “What if Fiona remained here with us?” Raynor suggested. “She would have more time to visit with our parents and then we would journey with her to your keep.”

  To Fiona’s surprise Tarr turned to her.

  “What say you, Fiona?”

  He was giving her a choice and his considerate gesture swelled her heart to near bursting. It also acknowledged that he understood her need for independence in her life, not something many husbands would allow, let alone value. Her husband-to-be was a special man and she suddenly felt grateful.

  Her arm coiled around Tarr’s. “I go with Tarr.”

  “Then Aliss can remain with us,” Raynor said.

  “She cannot,” Fiona said curtly.

  “Is it not her decision?” Raynor asked.

  “I know her decision. She would not remain here without me. Right, Aliss?”

  Aliss, her elbow on the table’s edge, rested her chin in her hand and fought to keep her drooping eyes open. “What?”

  “Dear lord, she looks exhausted,” Anya said, and hurried to her side. “Come, dear, let me get you to bed.”

  Fiona nearly jumped out of her seat. “I will take care of her.”

  “It is all right, I will see to her,” Anya said graciously.

  Tarr reached up and tugged Fiona down beside him, forcing her still with a firm hand. “Thank you, Anya. Fiona and I have matters to attend to.”

  A protest hovered on her lips, but one warning look from Tarr told her she best save it for a more private time.

  Then his dark eyes softened and shifted to Anya and Aliss.

bsp; Fiona’s eyes followed and she realized what he tried to convey to her. Anya for the first time in twenty and one years was able to care for her daughter.

  She felt a tug in her heart for the woman as she slipped her arm around Aliss and helped her up, all the while talking gently to her.

  “I will have you tucked soundly in bed in no time.”

  Fiona watched the pair walk off and was surprised that she found herself close to tears. How Anya’s empty arms must have ached for her twins. How horrible to always wonder if her babies were safe and cared for. She and Aliss had been spared such cruel suffering, never knowing their true parentage and having been lucky to be placed with good, loving people.

  “This has not been easy for her,” Oleg said, his voice quavering. “And my Anya is a strong woman, much like yourself, Fiona. Her heart has suffered greatly these many years, and I had hoped this reunion would heal it.”

  Fiona reached across the table and placed her hand on her father’s arm. “You brought her to the only place she could heal. You brought her home to her daughters.”

  A tear slipped down Oleg’s eye. “You have grown into a fine woman. I am proud to call you Daughter.”

  His words touched her heart and for a brief moment she thought of her own father, different in features from Oleg but similar in nature. Her father would expect her to honor and respect Oleg, and in her father’s memory she would do that.

  “It is with pleasure I give my blessings for you two to wed,” Oleg said, looking from Fiona to Tarr. “The joy on my daughter’s face tells me she is happy, and if she is happy then I am happy, but”—he waved a finger—“be prepared for frequent and lengthy visits from Anya and me.”

  “You are welcome anytime, and you are welcome to stay as long as you wish,” Tarr said.

  “He is a good man,” Oleg said with a nod and a wink to Fiona. “A very good man.”

  “I think so,” Fiona said, and ran her hand over Tarr’s arm down to lock her fingers with his. He moved close against her side and she cherished the warmth and strength of him. He would love her, she was sure of it and feeling rather foolish for causing him and her so much angst. But that was behind them. Their future loomed large before them and she looked forward to everyday of her life with him.

  Talked turned to the ordinary, and Fiona became restless listening to the men, though their conversation did not bore her. She, however, felt the urge to be outdoors, to feel the sun upon her face and enjoy the crisp fresh air.


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