The Pokémon School Challenge

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The Pokémon School Challenge Page 2

by Jeanette Lane

  “See, I really want to become a Pokémon Master! So I want to learn everything about this place,” Ash told his classmates. He was certain that spending time with everyone at the Pokémon School would get him one step closer to his dream.

  At once, a crowd gathered around Ash. “That’s so cool,” Sophocles said, motioning to the band on Ash’s wrist. “Is that a Z-Crystal?”

  “Yeah,” Kiawe said, stepping a little closer to the group. “It’s an Electrium Z. Where did you get that? You didn’t participate in the Island Challenge, did you?”

  Ash remembered the explanation of Kiawe’s band, called a Z-Ring, the day before. He knew what Kiawe had had to accomplish to earn it. “Tapu Koko gave it to me,” Ash said awkwardly.

  “Tapu Koko?” Kiawe sounded uncertain.

  “You saw it again?” Mallow questioned.

  They were all fascinated, so Ash told them about how the band just came floating down to Ash and Pikachu. “Right out of the sky.”

  “Pika pika,” Pikachu murmured in agreement.

  “How could it have gotten a Z-Ring?” Kiawe wondered.

  “It felt like …” Ash paused. “It felt like Tapu Koko was telling me that the ring was for me.”

  The other students all reacted with amazement. Only Kiawe looked truly uncertain.

  “I read about Tapu Koko before,” Lillie told them. “Tapu Koko is well known as the guardian who likes to help islanders, but it also likes to play tricks on people.” She took a deep breath. “I also read that on rare occasions it will give mysterious gifts to people it likes.”

  “That’s great! So that must mean Tapu Koko really likes Ash!” Mallow said.

  Ash hoped that was the case, but he also considered the other things that Lillie had told them. They didn’t really know why Tapu Koko had given him the Z-Ring.

  “Kiawe, hold on,” Sophocles said. “You got your Z-Ring from the Akala Island Kahuna, right?”

  “Yeah,” Kiawe agreed. “By successfully passing the grand trial.”

  “That’s awesome!” Ash couldn’t contain his excitement. “Does this mean I can use Z-Moves just like you?”

  “Using Z-Moves should not be taken lightly!” Kiawe said. “Only when a Pokémon’s and its Trainer’s hearts become one will the Z-Ring turn their feelings into power. But those feelings must be about something greater than themselves. Like …”

  “Like what?” Ash prompted.

  “Helping the islands. Helping Pokémon,” Kiawe continued, “or helping others. Only those who care about all living things in our world are permitted to use Z-Moves.” Kiawe sounded stern but noble, as if he were standing up for something he believed in.

  “I’m not exactly sure what Tapu Koko saw in you, but as a Z-Ring owner, you need to realize your responsibility.”

  Ash looked at the older student. The Z-Ring around Ash’s wrist was shiny and angular. With its elaborate crystal, it looked very modern. The necklace around Kiawe’s bare neck was different. It was made of ancient beads and artifacts, all strung on a rope of brown leather.

  “Kiawe? I don’t understand much of that complicated stuff,” Ash admitted. “But I know how special the Z-Moves are. You can count on me. And that’s about all I can say.”

  Kiawe smiled. “That’s good enough.”

  Professor Kukui called the class to order. That day, Principal Oak was teaching. His lesson was about how there were many Pokémon who look different in the Alola region. He started by pointing out the differences between the typical Exeggutor and the Exeggutor from Alola.

  “Wow,” Sophocles exclaimed. “Their heights are totally different.”

  “But their faces look the same,” observed Lana.

  They both were right. The principal went on to explain that the warm and sunny weather on the islands created an ideal environment for many Pokémon. “The phenomenon of Pokémon developing their distinct appearance based on the region in which they live is called ‘regional variant,’” the principal continued. He went on to tell the class that Exeggutor is usually a Grass- and Psychic-type.

  When he asked what type Exeggutor in the Alola region was, Lillie was quick to answer. “A Grass- and Dragon-type,” she called out.

  “So Exeggutor is a Dragon-type, too!” Ash said, rushing forward to look at the super, long-necked Exeggutor up close. Its neck looked like the trunk of a palm tree, and its tail looked very much like a thick branch.

  “Whoa, there’s something about its tail you should know,” Lillie started to say.

  But Ash reached out to touch the Pokémon’s long tail. At once, Exeggutor curved the end of its tail around to face Ash, and that was interesting, because the tail had a face of its own!

  The face was round and lime green, with puckered lips and a foul expression. In an instant, the tail whipped back and lashed out at Ash, flinging him in the air. Ash smashed into a bookcase ladder, smacking against each rung as he fell. Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam!

  “Oh, brother,” Kiawe said under his breath.

  Finally, Ash caught one of the ladder rungs so he didn’t crash onto the hard floor.

  “The tail of the Exeggutor has a mind of its own,” Lillie informed them. “You need to be careful in case it decides to attack you, which is what I was trying to say before.”

  Ash slid down to the floor. “Next time, get to the point a little sooner, ’kay?”

  It was clear Ash had a lot to learn about regional Pokémon, and he’d probably have to work hard to catch up with his classmates. But a spanking by a Grass- and Dragon-type Exeggutor’s tail was not going to stop him!

  Luckily, Professor Kukui made up for the trying day with a delicious meal back at his house. “It’s called an Alola plate, and it’s a popular dish in this region.”

  Pikachu was adjusting well to life in Alola. It had made fast friends with Professor Kukui’s favorite Pokémon, Rockruff. Rockruff was a Puppy Pokémon, and it had a long history of living in harmony with people. This Rockruff liked to snuggle up to Ash and Pikachu, rubbing the rocks on its neck up against them.

  The next morning, Professor Kukui had already left for school when Ash woke up. Ash soon realized that he was running late, and it was only his second day! As he raced along the road, Pikachu bounded close behind.

  As soon as they had reached the school’s grand archway, they saw something blocking the entrance. Ash ran right into an object that was almost clear and felt like rubber. Whatever it was, it was expanding and pushing Ash away!

  All at once, it popped, and Ash and Pikachu fell backward to the ground. “What was that?” Ash exclaimed, curious.

  One by one, Ash’s classmates appeared, looking very proud of themselves. When Ash saw Popplio there, he realized that he had run into one of the Sea Lion Pokémon’s giant bubbles! But why?

  “Alola surprise!” Mallow, Lillie, and Lana yelled at once.

  “Did we surprise you?” Kiawe asked, offering Ash a hand up.

  “You can say that again,” Ash admitted.

  “First off,” Mallow began, “we decided today would be the perfect day to have a surprise welcome party for you! And that’s just the first surprise.”

  “And next,” Sophocles added in a gruff voice, “Togedemaru and I wanna challenge you.”

  “Challenge?” Ash said hopefully. “A Pokémon battle, right?”

  Ash was thrilled at the idea of a real Pokémon battle. He and Pikachu made such a good team, and it would be a great way of proving himself in front of his new classmates. “Okay, Sophocles, I accept your challenge! Right, Pikachu?”

  “Pika!” Pikachu offered an excited squeak.

  Ash and Pikachu were ready to show their stuff!

  Ash and Pikachu looked at each other. They were both in their battle stance, but then they noticed two giant tubs of balloons. Sophocles stepped in front of one of the tubs and crossed his arms. Togedemaru was perched on his head.

  Ash and Pikachu realized that it was not going to be an ordinary Pokémon battle, but a k
ind of carnival game. What a bummer!

  “Whichever team pops all the balloons first wins the game!” Mallow announced.

  “Ready,” Kiawe directed. “Go!”

  Ash and Pikachu went in with a good attitude, but they struggled to pop even one balloon. Meanwhile, Sophocles was using the sharp spines on Togedemaru’s back to pierce one balloon after another. Pop, pop, pop!

  When Lillie told them they could use Pokémon powers, Ash jumped at the opportunity. “Let’s pop them all with Thunderbolt!” he said.

  As Pikachu charged up, Sophocles looked at Togedemaru. “All right, this is our chance!”

  Pikachu shot into the air and blasted off a strong Thunderbolt, but the bolt didn’t zoom toward the balloons. Instead, Togedemaru seemed to absorb all the charge. The Roly-Poly Pokémon spun around the balloon tub in a super-fast whirl, bursting one balloon after another.

  “Hey, what’s that all about?” Ash asked.

  “Here’s the deal,” Sophocles explained. “Togedemaru’s ability is Lightning Rod. It absorbs lightning bolts with its spines. Then it releases those lightning bolts as a move.”

  “Wow …” Ash said, amazed. “Togedemaru rocks!”

  As soon as Mallow declared Sophocles and Togedemaru the winners, Lana told Ash what his next surprise would be: a challenge against Lana and Popplio, the Sea Lion Pokémon. It was going to be a Pokémon Aquathlon, which was a competitive sport where the contestants run and then swim.

  On land, Pikachu took a considerable lead. As Pikachu dove into the ocean, Ash yelled, “That’s great! Head for the finish line!”

  Pikachu was speedy, but Popplio was made for swimming. It had long fins for pushing through the water, and its body was aerodynamic. It took very little time for Popplio to overtake Pikachu by swimming.

  Popplio leaped triumphantly out of the water.

  “Popplio can swim at speeds of twenty-five miles per hour,” Lillie stated. “Very impressive.”

  “I can’t believe how fast Popplio can move,” Ash admitted. When Pikachu paddled up to land at last, Ash greeted him with a warm, dry towel. “Great, Pikachu! You rocked it.”

  The next challenge was a Tauros race against Kiawe. This really was not like any other school Ash had attended!

  While the race was close, Ash came up short. When he dismounted, he gave Tauros a mighty pat. “Thanks,” Ash said. “You’re awesome.”

  “Pika!” Pikachu ran toward Ash.

  “Thanks for cheering me on, buddy,” Ash said, but Pikachu was no longer looking at him. Ash turned around to see that Professor Kukui was approaching them with Rockruff.

  “You’re now looking at your fifth surprise!” the professor said. “If Pikachu agrees … let’s battle!”

  Ash could hardly believe it! “Whoa … a battle! And against Professor Kukui!”

  Pikachu bounded onto Ash’s shoulder in excitement.

  “Before that,” Mallow added, “I’m my family’s restaurant’s poster child, so I’m going to prepare us all a little lunch!”

  All Ash really wanted was a Pokémon battle, but all of a sudden … “Um, come to think of it,” he admitted. “I’m starving!”

  At Mallow’s family’s restaurant, they all got their fill. “Delish!” said Ash, looking at all the colorful platters of food.

  “Mallow’s restaurant is good,” agreed Sophocles. “I don’t like to eat anywhere else.”

  Even the Pokémon had a tasty and healthy meal. They all ate off the same large plate.

  Just as Ash was going to take another big bite, a high trill carried over the wind to the restaurant porch.

  “What was that?” Ash mumbled, even though he was pretty sure what the sound was. He stood up and walked over to the edge of the porch, gazing into the forest.

  Suddenly, there was a gentle swishing sound, and Tapu Koko appeared right in front of Ash. His classmates all gasped in surprise.

  “Melemele’s Island Guardian!” Lillie whispered in awe. “Tapu Koko!”

  “What a sight!” Mallow said.

  “Beautiful,” Lana agreed.

  All the Pokémon murmured in excitement, too.

  Here was Tapu Koko, hovering before them—face-to-face with Ash. The Spirit Guardian regarded him with an intense gaze.

  “It’s great to see you,” Ash said. “I didn’t get a chance to thank you for the ring. So, thank you!” Ash held up his arm to show the Spirit Guardian that he was wearing it.

  Tapu Koko answered with an inquisitive chirp. With a speedy swoosh, Tapu Koko rushed forward and snatched Ash’s baseball cap from his head, holding it tight in its sharp beak. Then it darted all around the porch.

  “It’s so fast, I can’t see it,” Ash said.

  Tapu Koko dashed around playfully and dropped the cap on Pikachu’s head. Then Tapu Koko grabbed the hat back and jetted off into the forest. Even though it glided with great speed, it was nearly silent.

  The students and their Pokémon watched it go.

  Hey, wait!” In an instant, Ash started to chase after Tapu Koko.

  “Pika!” Pikachu called out to Ash as it followed its Trainer. All Ash’s classmates and Professor Kukui joined them.

  Tapu Koko easily weaved through the forest, floating over crystal-clear streams and fallen trees. Ash and Pikachu hurried to keep up.

  When Ash arrived in a clearing, it seemed as if Tapu Koko had disappeared. Ash looked to the top of the trees, searching behind the jade-colored leaves. “Huh?” he questioned. “Where is it? Where’d it go?”

  Then, Tapu Koko appeared again … and plopped the baseball cap on Ash’s head. It had one wing stretched out, as if it were pointing right at Ash and Pikachu.

  “Hey, what’s going on?” Ash wondered. “I think you want to have a battle with me?”

  By this time, the group had gathered behind him, but Tapu Koko only seemed interested in Ash and Pikachu.

  “A battle?” Kiawe sounded uncertain.

  “So his fifth surprise isn’t me,” murmured Professor Kukui. “Guess it’s Tapu Koko instead.”

  “I read about this sort of thing once,” Lillie said. “Tapu Koko is a very curious Pokémon. Long ago, it would challenge islanders to Pokémon battles.”

  “All right, you’ve got yourself a deal,” Ash said, looking right at the Spirit Guardian. “Let’s have a battle now!”

  “Pika pika!” Pikachu chimed in.

  At once, Tapu Koko spread its wings wide, and a mystical force radiated across the forest floor. It put an electric, yellow haze on everything.

  Professor Kukui gasped. “That’s Electric Terrain,” he stated.

  “Ash!” Lillie yelled. “Electric-type moves become more powerful while Electric Terrain is in effect!”

  “Lucky for us!” Ash replied. “All right!”

  But before Ash could call a move, Tapu Koko dove forward, aiming right for Pikachu! The Spirit Guardian glowed with a bright, multicolored force when it attacked. It hit Pikachu head-on, and the little Electric-type Pokémon tumbled backward.

  Tapu Koko spun around and took aim again.

  “Down, Pikachu!” Ash cried. Pikachu ducked for cover. “Now, let’s show them what we can do,” Ash directed. “Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!”

  “Pi-ka-chuuuu!” the Mouse Pokémon cried as it charged up.

  Pikachu’s charge surrounded the Spirit Guardian, but when the power fizzled away, Tapu Koko still floated there, unchanged.

  “It didn’t do a thing,” Ash mumbled in disbelief.

  “Tapu Koko’s just too strong,” Kiawe suggested.

  When the Spirit Guardian rushed toward Ash, the young Trainer shielded himself. But the powerful Pokémon stopped in front of him and gently brushed its wing against the Z-Ring. At its touch, the ring began to glow.

  “You want me to use it?” Ash asked.

  Tapu Koko made a light whirring coo, encouraging Ash.

  “The Z-Ring? And Electrium Z?” he said softly. “I have no idea how to do it, but I’ll try! ’Kay Pi
kachu. Let’s show our Z-Move!” Ash took his stance, and Pikachu got ready.

  “Oh, Ash,” Mallow murmured with concern.

  “Can they do it? I wonder,” Sophocles said.

  “All right.” Ash crossed his arms, and the Z-Ring seemed to glow brighter. Pikachu stood up, balling its paws into mighty fists. They seemed to move with the same powerful strides as they geared up for their Z-Move.

  At last, Ash called, “Go, Pikachu!”

  “Pika pikaaaa!” The Mouse Pokémon was determined, its zigzagged tail flicking with energy. Just as Ash thrust his clenched fist forward, Pikachu did the same.

  “Here we go,” Ash grunted. “Full … power … now!”

  A ball of brilliant electricity zapped from Pikachu’s paw and zoomed toward Tapu Koko.

  “The Electric-type Z-Move!” Kiawe gasped.

  “That was Gigavolt Havoc!” Professor Kukui confirmed. “Wow!”

  On the other side of the clearing, Pikachu’s Electro Ball seemed to explode with a bright bang. The explosion sent a gush of wind in all directions. Pikachu was limp with exhaustion. The Z-Move took a lot of power.

  “That was a Z-Move?” Ash said. “Oh, man.”

  When the dust had cleared, Ash and Pikachu could see a crater in the ground. The Z-Move had left a trail of broken soil, and the explosion had blown a deep hole in the forest floor.

  Despite the destruction, Tapu Koko hovered in the clearing, unharmed. The Spirit Guardian gave them a reassuring coo. And then, in an instant, it was gone.

  The next thing Ash knew, his classmates and Professor Kukui were all rushing toward him.

  “Are you okay?” Mallow asked.

  “Yeah,” Ash answered.

  “I can’t believe how strong you and Pikachu are!” Mallow added, saying what all the students were thinking.

  Kiawe noticed something. “What happened to your Z-Crystal?” Kiawe asked. “It disintegrated.”


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