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Punished Page 13

by Tina Majors


  'Tea, Edward,' She said.

  I thought she was asking if I fancied a cup, but she wasn't.

  'I'd love one Mistress,’ I replied, before adding, ‘I'll make it.'

  'Not for you! That wasn't a question, idiot,’ She reprimanded me. ‘Just for me. You can have yours later.'

  'Yes, Mistress,' I said, feeling foolish and my cheeks reddening with an embarrassed fire.

  Angelica sat at the breakfast bar opposite to where the kettle was situated and where I started to make the cup of tea. She sat on a high stool with her legs crossed. I did all I could to avoid looking at her legs and concentrated on making the tea.

  Even though I managed to avoid looking at her legs, it meant that I also had to make sure I didn't stare at her rather plentiful cleavage that was teasingly on display.

  No matter how hard I tried to avert my eyes from her legs and cleavage, it was virtually impossible.

  'Focus on me, not on my body!' She bellowed.

  Luckily for me she laughed rather than get cross about it.

  'Are you a good cook?’ She enquired.

  'Yes, I love cooking,' I lied, terrified now of saying the wrong thing – one for the punishment that might follow and secondly for a deep seated fear of losing this position I mentally admitted I craved and had been wanting my entire adult life.

  'That's good,’ She said. ‘You will be responsible for all the cooking. Sometimes I dine out but I will let you know. There will be a menu for you to follow and provisions will be delivered on a weekly basis.'

  'I don't need to go and buy them?' I asked, wanting to show initiative and willingness.

  'Not generally,’ Angelica answered. ‘But there will be times when the menu has to be changed or extra items will be needed at short notice. So in which case, you will need to do the shopping on those occasions. The kitchen will be kept spotless at all times. I will always be checking on you, be sure of that. The times I wish to take my meals are at the top of the menu. Make sure you are punctual.'

  'Ok Mistress,’ I said. ‘I love cooking. I'm looking forward to this.'

  So far Angelica was keeping the exchanges quite formal, as if I was starting employment in a normal work atmosphere.

  'I've had better cups of tea.' She remarked dismissively. 'Right. Let's move on.'

  I followed, too scared to disagree.

  'Ah,’ She said, pausing. ‘Before we go upstairs, there is something I need to show you.'

  Angelica opened a door next to the kitchen.

  It was a utility room, with a washing machine, tumble dryer and associated cleaning products.

  'You will do my washing when needed,’ She explained. ‘You must hand wash all my underwear. I want you to keep them nice for me. I don't want my silk ruined.'

  'Yes Mistress,' I said.

  I noticed a basket full of underwear. To a seasoned panty lover, this was manna from heaven.

  'This is my dining room,’ She continued, pointing in the general direction. ‘You will set the table for all meals except breakfast at the weekend, which you will bring to me in bed.'

  'Yes Mistress,' I said.

  I felt I was responding like a robot, but quite enjoyed it nonetheless.

  Angelica then walked towards the foot of the stairs and went to put her hand on the cupboard door. But under her breath, but loud enough for I to hear, she said, I think I will leave that for later. She said this deliberately, as immediately my mind was racing as to what was in that cupboard.

  Maybe it led somewhere?

  But I said nothing.

  'This is my lounge,' she continued, entering a long room with very big windows which let in a lot of light. Decorated subtlety with a traditional feel but maintaining in a modern overall look.

  'It's a very nice house, Mistress,' I commented, making a pretty clear attempt to gain favour with my new boss.

  Big leather settees, classy ornaments and actually spotless. There were also a few very arty type paintings on the wall. At first glance they appeared to be of courting couples. Upon closer inspection they were actually pictures of men worshipping women, in a very erotic way. And interestingly, the women were all of a Rubenesque nature, the men smaller and weedier with equally small penises standing to attention, displayed for the women.

  'They please me' Angelica said, with a cheeky grin as a small laugh escaped her lips.

  I kept looking back at them, fascinated by what I saw. The pictures added a further layer of mystery and attraction to Angelica.

  'Your daily chores for the living room and the hallway are on your rota,' She continued.

  'It seems straightforward so far Mistress,' I said, again trying to impress.

  As we left the living room, we came to the foot of the stairs by the front door.

  Underneath the stairs was a doorway, which Angelica pointed to.

  'This is my private study,’ she said. ‘I will let you know when I want you to carry out chores in there for me. Otherwise you will never open that door. Do you understand me?'

  'Yes Mistress,' I replied nervously.

  'You are not to enter without specific permission from me only, do you understand?' She said in a tone that I knew meant she was absolutely not messing around.

  'Yes,’ I said, ‘I understand, Mistress.'

  We then started to climb the stairs.

  I followed behind her and couldn't help but admire her calves, underneath her black tights they appeared spectacular. I sensed that Angelica felt my gaze and loved the fact that I could probably now see the tops of her stockings.

  The stairs ended on a large open landing. The first room was Angelica’s master, or should that be mistress, suite.


  'This is my room,' Angelica announced.

  It was huge.

  Angelica's bed was in the centre of the room and it was fairly minimalistic and like the living room, spotless. The bed was a four poster bed, very opulent and covered in beautiful white sheets.

  On the far side of the bedroom, was an open doorway leading to Angelica's en-suite bathroom. In keeping with the rest of the house, it was immaculate. Large shower and bath, with a selection of expensive looking towels.

  The rest of the floor had three other guest rooms, served by a general bathroom. There was also a spare room, which, unlike the rest of the house was full of boxes and spare clothes. I had not noticed a further flight of stairs, at the end of the hallway.

  It led to a single room and Angelica took me into it.

  The room was a small bedroom within the loft space of the house, with a sky light. It was the smallest bedroom in the house, very functional with a single bed, a bedside table, plain lamp and a single wardrobe.

  There was also a small toilet and shower cubicle in a room just off it.

  It was not far removed from a prison cell.

  'This is your room,” Angelica said. “I know you men, if you even consider yourself a proper man, don't like too many frills. So you can have a nice plain functional room. This isn't a hotel, after all.’

  'Yes Mistress,' I replied, checking out my new room.

  Angelica then opened the wardrobe.

  'As you can see there are a few outfits,’ She said. ‘In particular underwear that you may or may not be familiar with. Now, do you agree that I own you now?'

  She asked this question as she sat back down on the bed.

  'But you are free to leave at any time,’ She continued. ‘I'm not forcing you to stay. If you're here, it is of your own free will.’

  'Yes Mistress, I understand,' I said, my heart beating.

  'Stand in front of me,' She commanded.

  'Yes Mistress,' I said, quickly following her order.

  'Strip for me I,' She said, her voice serious yet also a little playful, a demeaning and fun tone to her voice.

  'Yes Mistress,' I spluttered.

  I nervously took off my t-shirt, followed by my shoes and jeans.

  I had followed Angelica's order to we
ar the panties that she gave him at the interview and stood there in front of her wearing them, conscious that my dick was hard and pointing outwards towards her.

  'Ahhh, there they are, the panties for the panty boy!' Angelica put her hand out and rubbed it over the material, over my hard cock, and then reached behind him to feel my bottom.

  'I bet you love every minute of wearing them, don't you?' She said, a wicked grin on her face.

  I just nodded, trying desperately not to get overly excited and make a mess that would surely be followed by a punishment of some kind.

  'I hope you followed my other order: that you didn't touch your tiny little worm?’ She asked as she ran her fingers over the front of the panties.

  ‘No Mistress,’ I said. ‘I promise I haven't.'

  I felt my cock stiffen further, knowing full well that this was a lie.

  ‘Well… I think you might be lying,’ She said. ‘Well, your tiny little worm belongs to me now, not you, I. It looks pleased to see its owner anyway.'

  Angelica laughed.

  'Now I will leave you here for fifteen minutes so you can read over your chores and get acquainted with your room in your new home,’ She said. ‘I'll call you down shortly, and I will give you some more instructions.'

  I sat on the bed for a moment in a trance like state.

  I was in just pink panties and filled with such a nervous excitement and sense of wonderment.

  Angelica, after all, gave me the option to leave at any time.

  Yet, right now, I had absolutely no intention of leaving.

  I had fantasised about this scenario all my adult life and I was prepared to give it a go.

  I couldn't believe how sexy I found Angelica and already was developing a crush on her. There was an aura and deportment about her that I found captivating.

  I had spent the time between the initial interview and today in a dreamlike state, masturbating constantly and full of anticipation at perhaps catching a glimpse of her in the shower, or changing into lingerie.

  Lingerie that I would surely attempt to try on at any given opportunity.

  While I sat on the bed slowly facing the reality of the situation, downstairs I would later find out that Angelica was making her assessment of me. She was thinking about I and whether or not I would cut the mustard. A big smile broke on her face at this point. So far, I had seemed to take everything on the chin and did everything I was told to. She loved my naivety and my cheekiness. But more than anything she loved the fact that my cock was always aroused and she knew I was ripe for training - even if I was finding it all a shock right now.

  Angelica was a strict yet caring Mistress, who would tell it how it is and would not mince her words. She wanted me to carry out chores in and around the house, to use him as a play thing and humiliate him whenever or wherever possible. At this stage she did not know what exactly she wanted to do, but time would tell. Initially she would start me off with household chores and to put me through my paces.

  Perhaps build me up a little as a false comfort before beginning the punishment and real degradation.

  Angelica was not sure whether or not to keep the relationship discreet, or indeed perhaps she would have friends, male or female, pop round and display me to them.

  Maybe not today, tomorrow or next week… but definitely in the future.

  But, back to the present.

  I was reading through the list of chores. It looked fairly straightforward, with specific times given for various duties. It was clear that every minute of my day would be accounted for. I did notice a few blanks, but did not know what this meant.

  I looked around the room and caught a glimpse at myself in the fall length mirror.

  My god, it was a complete departure from the pin stripe suit I so often wore to work in the city. But, the sight of me standing in frilly pink panties excited me more than anything had since returning from my travels.

  I was a little unsure what to do next, whether to actually start or wait for the next command. I just didn’t want to make the wrong move, worried what the consequences would be.

  I got off the bed and took a peek in the wardrobe, before unpacking my bags. In the wardrobe was a closed bag with a note stapled to it. It read:

  Inside this bag you will find underwear that you are to wear at all times. There is also a black bin liner, and into which I want you place all your male underwear.

  Inside the bag was a selection of women's underwear: conventional panties, lace, frilly, cotton, thongs different colours and patterns.

  I was stunned.

  It was one thing wearing panties right now, but to wear them forever and give up my Calvin Kleins was quite another. But rules were now rules, and if I did not like it, I could always return to the unemployment I faced in my regular life.

  With that in mind, I emptied the bag on the bed and reluctantly replaced them with my boxers and other male underwear.

  Once this was done, I finished unpacking the rest of my belongings, feeling a definite sense that my old life was drawing to a conclusion and something new was happening.

  Not long after, Angelica called me to come to the living room.

  I headed downstairs, still wearing only the panties and I found Angelica sitting sprawled out on the sofa, like the Queen of Sheba.

  My heard began to beat quicker, my face flushed was embarrassment and a deep sense of arousal.


  'Come and sit here by me,’ Angelica said pointing to the floor by her feet.

  'Yes Mistress,' I said as I walked over and sat at her feet.

  'Mmm, I do like you saying Mistress, it... feels natural to you doesn't it?' She said, not really asking me for my opinion.

  'Yes it does, Mistress,’ I said, my pathetic little erection fit to burst inside my tiny panties.

  'And now you have seen, well, most of the house what do you think?’ She asked. ‘I know you have yet to see the outside, of course there are chores for there as well.'

  She stroked me hair as if I was her own personal pet. I felt utterly degraded, but also strangely comforted.

  ‘Yes, it is fantastic, Mistress,’ I said.

  'Why thank you...and are you happy with your room?’ She said. ‘Close to mine in case I need you in a hurry of course.'

  'Yes it's lovely, a nice view of the country side too,' I replied, trying to be polite and respectful to her generosity.

  Angelica laughed.

  'Do you think you will have any time to appreciate it?' She asked, a firmer tone in her voice.

  ‘That is up to you, Mistress,' I answered.

  'You looked at the rota… any questions?' She asked.

  'Seems straight forward,’ I said. ‘But there are some blanks. What do they mean, Mistress?'

  'Ahh, well they are to be filled in later boy,’ She said. ‘When I can see how long you take to carry out your chores, and as I get to know you better, there will be other tasks added as you become more competent. Some will be to your liking, some might not be. Either way, they will be for my pleasure. Which of course is paramount. Don't you agree?'

  'Of course, Mistress. What sort of tasks?' I asked innocently.

  'Don’t you question me. You’ll find out when I want you to find out,’ Angelica said, clearly unimpressed. ‘I think you will find out soon enough. And I think you will be happy to carry them out.'

  Angelic lifted my head up to face her. She was smirking. A smirk that had a touch of the devil about it. I felt afraid, turned on, and totally entranced by this woman.

  'I notice my tiny little worm is pleased to see me and seems very happy, little man.' Angelica said, grinning even more as she tickled around my crotch.

  I looked down at my panty clad dick. I was in such a daze, brought on by the situation, that I yearned to cum inside my panties, to be commanded to eat my mess and make an exhibition of myself for my new Mistress.

  Angelica slowly slid her hand down my chest and then into my panties.

  I felt her perfec
tly manicured hands on him. It had been a while since a woman touched him, let alone one touching my penis. I suddenly became frightened with the thought that I might actually cum there and then.

  'You're not really showing much control, are you?' Angelica said, raising an eyebrow and continuing with her smirk.

  She gripped hard

  'This little cock is mine now and only spurts when I say so,’ She said, firmly. ‘Isn't that right little boy?'

  'Yes Mistress,' I said, totally under her control.

  'I was hoping for a servant, with a real cock, one that I might actually use for my pleasure,’ She explained. ‘Unfortunately, this little worm could never be used for my personal pleasure. So, while you're under my wing, it's highly unlikely you'll be having sex. Certainly not with me anyway. Do you have any objections?'

  I was stunned.

  But I was practically hypnotised by her charisma and her power.

  ‘No, Mistress,’ I confirmed. ‘I'm here for your pleasure, not mine.'

  Angelica removed her hand and patted me on the ass.

  'Good boy. Enough about your penis,’ She said, laughing. ‘There really isn't much to talk about and more importantly it's getting on for my lunch time, I believe. So off you go.’

  I stood and looked down to see my cock poking up in the panties. Lunch for Angelica consisted of freshly prepared sandwiches.

  'What do you want in your sandwiches today?' I asked, totally screwing up the protocols I was meant to learn.

  'Oh for God’s sake, the menu is in the kitchen, remember?’ Angelica snapped. ‘I will let it go this time, as you have had to take on a lot of information all at once. But I don't expect to be bothered with trivial questions again. Do you understand?'

  'Yes Mistress,' I said. ‘I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.’

  'Good boy. Don't take too long. I'm hungry!' Angelica said.

  It seemed liked she was loving it more and more. Bossing me around and me being so compliant.

  ‘Oh, one more thing,’ She said. ‘I’ve had a change of heart. Come over here now and get yourself across my lap!’


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