Demi's at Stake

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Demi's at Stake Page 12

by N. L. Hoffmann

  “I’m certain it was him. He looks just like the picture,” Franny said.

  “And I can confirm that.” Troy entered the living room, intense gaze on me. I couldn’t help but wonder if that statement meant more than normal.

  Bear clenched his fists. “He’s going to pay dearly for what he’s done. I want that bastard caught alive.”

  “Where did this happen?” Seth asked, shoving his hands into his pockets. “We should probably start there.”

  “Right outside.”

  Seth looked at him in surprise. “Your security cameras didn’t detect him? Why was she outside by herself anyway?”

  “I’m right here, assholes.” We all looked at her. “I was outside because I was on the phone and didn’t want anyone hearing the conversation.” Franny turned away when her father glared at her.

  “One of your friends on the other side of the country, right? The one you’re trying to move in with because you’re done being a hunter?” Bear shook his head in disappointment.

  Eric put his hands up to calm everyone down. “That’s a conversation just for family. The Kings are here to help with the vampire problem, so let’s keep on topic.”

  Franny nodded. “I was screaming. Troy was the first one to come out and see what was happening, scaring him off.” She reached out for Troy’s hand. “Thank you for saving me.”

  There was no way Cathal did this. He wouldn’t have run off if his intention was to kill her. I blew out a breath. I wanted to tell them they were full of shit. But then a voice at the back of my head wondered if maybe it was him. Maybe he was trying to scare them by attacking Franny on their property.

  “What do you think, Demi? You’re being quiet,” Troy said.

  I shrugged. “Did you search the property? Maybe there’s evidence.”

  “We’re calling in additional people. Dante is close by. He’ll help,” Bear said, motioning for Eric to get to work getting their gear together.

  “Dante is an asshole,” I reminded him. “He has no respect for anyone. He’ll get us all killed if we let him loose in the city.”

  “He’s already tracking the vampire. He’s been in the city this whole time. The man’s already got evidence of where the vampire goes at night.” Bear stepped toward me, raising his eyebrows. “He’s also been watching you the entire time.”

  Blinking, I stared at him. “What are you talking about?”

  “That vampire has been skulking around you. Dante said he decided to follow everyone around to see if there were signs of vampires following us. Sure enough, one’s been watching you. The only time Dante wasn’t able to track you was when you found that spider bitch. That’s a little suspicious to me. How can you lose a tail like him on foot?” he demanded.

  Seth stepped in front of me, holding up his hands. “Hold on. What are you trying to say, Bear? This is my sister you’re talking about. She’s also a damn good hunter. She knows how to lose a tail. If she feels spooked, she’s going to act on it.”

  “All we’re saying is that your sister is acting a little weird.” Jesse raised his hands helplessly. “We have a right to be concerned.”

  “You would say that, you fucking dick! You’re just pissed off because I wouldn’t let you fuck me!” I started to scoot around Seth to get to Jesse, but my brother held his arm out, blocking me.

  Jesse shook his head, as if disappointed. “I don’t like you that way, Demi. I think you’re just embarrassed because I told you no.”

  My mouth fell open in astonishment. “What?!”

  Seth glared at Jesse. “Better watch your mouth. My sister wouldn’t lie about what happened between you two. She has nothing to prove.” He glanced over his shoulder at me. “Now, if you’re finished with your accusations, we’ll be leaving. I think it’s better if we worked separately from now on.”

  Bear nodded in agreement, sneering. “Probably for the best. Our family doesn’t need help from Kings. We’re the best of the best. We’ll get that damn vampire and string him up for everyone to see.”

  “Beat him like a damn piñata!” Jesse laughed, nudging Troy with his elbow.

  Troy crossed his arms over his chest and shook his head. He stared at me like he wanted to say something, but he looked away when Bear continued.

  “You can leave now.” Bear waved for us to move out of the living room.

  Seth shrugged. “Fine with me. Don’t come calling when you need help.”

  WAKING UP, I HEARD movement in my room. I grabbed the stake under my pillow and slowly turned my head, making eye contact with Troy, who sat in one of the chairs, ankle resting on his knee, arms crossed. I glared.

  “What the hell are you doing in here? I had the damn door locked for a reason!” I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Reaching for my phone, I glanced at the time, finding I had only been asleep for four hours.

  “I came to see if you were okay.”

  “I’m fine. Why didn’t you knock?”

  He raised a plastic keycard. “I stole your duplicate.”

  “Why the fuck would you do that?” I demanded, climbing out of bed. He was pushing his luck.

  Troy stood and walked over. His hands moved to my waist, pulling me to him. “You’re so sexy when you wake up.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Does Bear know you’re here?”

  He lowered his head, pressing light kisses against my neck. “I didn’t want us to part on bad terms.”

  Why was I letting him touch me? Because he was human? There was something off about him, though.

  Placing my hands on his chest, I pushed him back, capturing his gaze with mine. “You seemed to have a problem with me earlier. What’s changed?”

  “I didn’t have a problem with you earlier.” He slid his hands up my shirt, making me shiver.

  Grabbing his wrists, I forced him to stop. “Yes, you did.”

  Pulling away, Troy turned around, placing his hands on his hips. “I know you’re talking to the vampire.”

  “What? Why would you think that?” I demanded, pretending to be angry.

  He turned around to look at me. “Because he’s the one who ran into your car. I recognized him from the picture.”

  I shook my head. “I’ve never met that man before. And I don’t appreciate you thinking I would lie to everyone.”

  Troy frowned, walking back over to me and placing his hands on my shoulders. “That was him. He’s tracking you. Why is he watching you and not the others? I don’t understand.” He pulled me into a hug, resting his chin on top of my head.

  Swallowing hard, I gathered my thoughts. What would happen to me, to my family, if they figured everything out? How would everybody react if they could confirm I was consorting with the enemy?

  “I’m worried about you, Demi. If he gets this close, I have to assume he is fascinated by you for some reason.” Troy pulled back from me and pressed both hands to my cheeks.

  When his phone began to ring, he swore. “We always get interrupted.” Pulling it out of his pocket, he glanced down at the screen. “It’s Bear. I have to go.” He pressed his lips to mine again, then hesitated before leaving. “I’ll come back later. I want to make sure you’re okay.”

  “A phone call is fine.”

  “I want to check around the area and make sure he’s not watching.” He tucked my hair behind my ear. “I need to make sure you’re physically okay.”

  I opened my mouth to argue, but he strode out the door. This thing between us was suddenly getting deeper. It was meant to be a one-night fling, but now he acted like he cared.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Staring down at the cup in my hands, I decided that I couldn’t keep it. Everyone was watching my every move, and if any of them got brave enough, they might look through my room. Hell, they obviously had no problem invading my personal space, so they could even feel it in my clothes by accident. It was safer with Cathal.

  Picking up my cell phone, I wished I could call him. It would be so much easier for him to just appear in my
motel room instead of me secretly going to his apartment. I debated on calling Will. He might be able to trace Cathal’s phone number. As I scrolled through my list, I stopped, seeing Cathal’s name. Did he put that in there himself? When? How did he figure it out?

  Tapping his name, I put the phone to my ear. A few seconds later, his sexy, Irish voice came on the line.

  “I need you to come to the motel,” I told him.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine, but we need to talk.”

  A second later, he stood in front of me...wearing nothing but a towel. My mouth fell open, eyes widening. When I didn’t say anything, he waved a hand in front of my face.

  “You appear flushed. Is something the matter?”

  “Umm... No. I’m good.” I looked away, trying to remember why I had called him. I couldn’t stop glancing over, watching as beads of water trailed down is chest and into the towel.

  “Are you running a fever? Are you sick?” He frowned, appearing concerned. “I’m not certain what to do when a human is sick. It’s been a long time for me, and I’m not sure how you take care of an illness that has evolved over the centuries.”

  Shaking my head, I gestured to him, still looking away. “I’m not sick. You’re half-naked, Cathal! How can you show up here like that?”

  He looked down at himself. “I was concerned, so I came immediately. Is there something wrong with me?”

  I groaned in exasperation. I had a hard enough time controlling myself when he was fully clothed, but when he was partially naked?

  I fanned myself. “You look great.”

  “Then what’s the problem?” He took a deep breath, his nostrils flaring, realization crossing his face.

  Grinning, he reached for my hand. “Come with me so I can dress.”

  Accepting his hand, I gasped in surprise when he pulled me into his arms. I clutched the cup to my chest, waiting for us to appear in his apartment. When we did, I pulled away from him, stumbling a bit.

  I waved him away. “Go get dressed.”

  Chuckling, he walked through the living room and into his room. Sighing, I looked around the apartment, seeing his shoes and shirt in the middle of the room. He must have just gotten back home.

  When he returned, fully dressed, I motioned to the shoes and shirt. “You just get home?”

  Nodding, he walked into the kitchen. “I did. I was searching for a vampire.”

  Surprised, I leaned on the counter. “Why were you looking for another vampire?”

  “Because he’s impersonating me,” he growled. “Hunters are after him, calling him by my name. I only know that because they encountered him a mile from here, before he killed them, while I searched for Ming-Na. When they asked him who he was, he gave them my name. No other vampires know I’m here.”

  I frowned. “Why would he impersonate you?”

  He shrugged. “No idea.” Pouring wine into two glasses, he handed me one.

  I took a sip, nodding in approval. “This is good.”

  “I’m glad you like it.” He leaned a hip against the counter. “So, why the call? Is it because of the cup?” Gesturing to the silver object in my hand, Cathal frowned. “Are you returning it?”

  Swallowing the rest of the wine, I set down the glass. “It’s not like that. Everyone suspects that I’m communicating with you all because that bastard hunter, Dante, has been watching me. I figured it was safer with you.”

  “Watching you? Why would he be watching you?”

  “Keeping track of you. He’s seen you watching me.” I smirked. “Which, actually, is kind of creepy.”

  Cathal shrugged. “I come to see you, but if I hear you have company, I hang around and wait.”

  “Hear? So you hear everything that happens in my room?” I demanded, hands clenched.

  Holding his hands up, he smiled. “Only some of it. I have respect.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Somehow I doubt it.”

  Taking another sip of wine, he gestured to my glass. “Would you like more?”

  Nodding, I slid it over to him. I watched as the red liquid filled my glass. “Okay, so now we have to worry about the spider bitch and this unknown vampire pretending to be you.” I pinched the bridge of my nose, shaking my head. “Why does the list of enemies keep growing?”

  “You hunters always have a growing list of enemies.”

  He had a point.

  “I need to ask you something.” At his nod, I continued. “Did you attack Franny Collins?” Though I felt like I knew the answer already.

  Tilting his head, he frowned. “You think I would attack one of them? What would be the point?”

  “Exactly, you’re not–”

  “I would kill, not attack. If it were me, they would all be dead.” He pursed his lips. “This new vampire is giving me a bad name.”

  “I think you do that all on your own.”

  He smiled, holding up his wine glass. “Touché.”

  Downing the rest of my wine, I slid my glass back over to him. “You’re not supposed to kill them, remember?”

  Cathal poured me some more, not answering. He stared at me for a second, reaching over to play with my hair. “Tell me about the cup.”

  “Oh... Right.” I blinked, starting to feel warm all over from either the wine or being in Cathal’s presence. “I need you to keep it because I’m afraid one of them is going to find it.” Glancing over at it, I sighed. “I know you gave it to me, but I’m afraid one of those assholes will steal it.”

  Frowning, his fingers went from my hair to trailing down the side of my face. “If you would just drink from it, we wouldn’t have to worry about anything.”

  “You’re going to have to get over me drinking out of it.”

  “Then why do you keep it?” he asked, searching my face.

  I opened my mouth, then closed it. I didn’t have an answer. Why did I keep it? I could have insisted he take it back, but I had taken it with me. “I don’t know.”

  “Perhaps because it was a gift from me?” he suggested, inching closer.

  Taking a step back, I drank some more wine. “No.”

  Cathal tilted his head, fingers trailing down my neck. “I think you’re lying.”

  Shaking my head, I sipped some more. “Nope.”

  Taking my glass, he set it down on the counter. “Even though you don’t want to admit it, you see what’s between us.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Oh please. No more of this fairy tale stuff, Cathal. I just came over so you could take this back.” I reached for the cup and shoved it into his chest. “I’m leaving.”

  Just as I was about to turn around, he grabbed me around the waist with one arm and pulled me to him, setting down the cup with his other hand. My breath caught, lost in his gaze. Pressing his lips to mine, he coaxed my mouth open, exploring with his tongue. I moaned, touching mine to his, weaving my fingers through his slightly damp hair. I pressed myself against him, wanting more.

  He pushed me up against the counter and lifted my legs around his waist. I could feel his hard length press against my center. Tilting my head back, I basked in the sensation as he kissed my neck, fangs scrapping along my skin.

  “Your room,” I whispered.

  He transported me to his bed, Cathal untying my boots. He slowly removed one, letting it drop to the floor, then did the same with the other. He positioned himself between my legs. I pulled him up to me, kissing him hard.

  Cathal pulled away and yanked off his shirt, dropping it to the floor, exposing his beautiful body. I ran my hands over his muscles, admiring every part of him. I trailed my fingers down his stomach and undid his jeans, shoving my hands in and pushing them down. He grasped the hem of my shirt and pulled it over my head, gaze raking over my chest. Leaning down, he trailed his tongue over the swell of one breast, smiling against my skin when I sighed.

  I could hear the faint sound of my cell ringing in the kitchen. At first, I ignored it, enjoying the feel of his hand moving down my st
omach. Then I shot up.

  “Shit, I have to go.”

  “What?” He looked at me in surprise. “Ignore it.”

  “They’re trying to find me, Cathal.” I scooted off the bed, grabbing my shirt and boots, throwing them on. “They’ll track my phone and everything will fall apart.”

  Seeing how serious I was, he sighed and stood. “I’ll get you there.”

  The phone rang again as I grabbed my coat. I looked at him with a pleading expression. He nodded, grabbing me, transporting me to a block away from the motel, as if I were just walking back.

  I grabbed his face, kissing him. “I’ll talk to you soon.”

  Surprised by my kiss, he stood there as I hurried down the road. I walked around the corner to find Seth and my sisters standing in the parking lot. Seth shook his head, phone to his ear.

  “She won’t fucking answer the phone. The tracker says she’s across town again.”

  I saw Blair look around, finally spotting me and pointing.

  “No, she’s not. She’s right there.”

  I waved, smile on my face. They stared at me, eyes narrowed. Maybe smiling was a bit too much, but being with Cathal made me feel good. Well, that and the wine.

  “I’ve been calling you.” Seth gestured at his phone. “Where the hell were you?”

  Grabbing my phone from my pocket, I glanced down at it, feigning ignorance. “Sorry. I guess I wasn’t paying attention.”

  Ruby shook her head. “I think there’s a man. Were you with Troy?”

  All three of them looked at me, searching my face. I shook my head. “No, I wasn’t.”

  “But it is a man.” Blair nodded with a smile. “You’re glowing.”

  “I was hurrying back here. Of course I’m a bit red.” I looked away when Ruby walked closer, inhaling deeply.

  “I smell men’s cologne.”

  Seth sighed, rolling his eyes. “If it’s a guy, why are you hiding it? It’s not like I’m going to ask to meet him. We’re only here for a little while, so I know it’s nothing serious.” He shoved his phone into his pocket. “Anyway, the reason I was calling was because I caught Dante in your room, digging through your bag of clothes, obviously searching for something.”


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