Kindles of War

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Kindles of War Page 9

by Nicol Terra

  Tina finished her test first in minutes., writing her name on the top and slipping it on the podium, Erudite finishing not long after her.

  “Well, that is it.” She said, stretching and fluttering her wings. Erudite nodded, pulling and popping her back. Both floated to the ground and sat back in their seats.

  “Should we go back?” Erudite asked.

  “We could, but I kind of twisted my arm,” Tina admitted. Erudite snickered.

  “You could rewind your wound.” Erudite added.

  “I mean, I could, but I don’t wanna waste my energy on such a thing.” Tina said.

  “Plus, you won’t get muscle if you do that.” Erudite smiled.

  “Faeries don‘t have muscles.” Tina added.

  “Yes we do, they are tiny as fuck, but we still have them.” Erudite corrected.

  Tina snickered and shook her head. “True. I could have flashed forward time and just ‘pretended’ to do it.”

  “How far do you think you would have got if you did that?” Erudite added.

  “Well, Jay is probably too stupid to figure it out.” She said. Erudite rolled her eyes.

  “You didn’t do that, why?” Erudite asked.

  “Just in case he was smart and didn‘t get me a thousand because I tried to use Time Magick.” She admitted.

  “You make a valid point.” Erudite snickered. Tina could technically do a single pushup, and ‘loop’ the event multiples times in the future. This didn’t require physical energy, since she was a mage, but it was still illegal to use Time Magick.

  “I could drink away my sorrow.” Tina admitted.

  “And forget what you did today?” Erudite fluttered.

  “I mean, yeah.” She shrugged.

  “That reminds me.” She said, she pulled out the textbook and flipped halfway to chapter two. “If you and I know Light and Dark magic now, do you think one out of the hundred here know Ether and Nether Magick?”

  Tina pondered, flipping back to the book and nodded. They covered Ether and Nether magic, but the test strangely only had one question about it, and that was just to name the eight elements of magic. Which was: Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Light, Dark, Ether, and Nether. She blinked a few times as she felt her jaw dropped.

  “God, I'm a fucking nerd.” She said.

  “Hmm? Did you say something?” Erudite asked.

  “Oh uhh, nothing. So uh, Ether and Nether?” Tina inquired.

  “Well, the chance of getting either element is two percent, and if you had a hundred, that would mean four people here had it.

  “Huh, well in that case.” Tina thought to herself. She couldn’t think of anyone who could have the ability off the top of her head.

  “I mean, it could be such individuals are taught in a different squad but-” Erudite continued, as Tina sort of phased out, looking at Robin and Rose, their hands planted on the side of their faces. She felt her wings droop as she looked at the two, still arguing with eachother while holding their heads.

  “Tina!” Erudite yelled as Tina shot up.

  “Probably? I mean, how rare was it again?” Tina added.

  “How rare is it to stop time or rewind it?” Erudite countered. Tina shrugged.

  “Probably rare.” Tina said.

  “I would love to learn it, wanna go to the Library and take a read on the subject?” Erudite asked. Tina laughed.

  “Nah, my arms say no. How about we go back and get a drink, call it a day?” Tina added.

  “This early? It is barely mid day!” Erudite scoffed.

  “Smoke then?” Tina tilted her head. Erudite took a pause and then grumbled.

  “Fine.” Erudite finally said.

  The vending machine was almost out of the packs of Sparks, the last one going to the two as they pulled out a joint for each of them, both lighting it up. Tina took two drags, her pain and aches fading away as she floated to the ground. Erudite slowly followed, both coughing as they lined their backs on their dorm. She pondered her time here; she felt time slow down for her. She enjoyed it here, minus the training and the commanders. She loved talking with her new friends, and she loved, even more, the freedom of having a wallet. She never had money for herself back home, and she was given a free card for food and anything she wanted. Half an hour passed as Tina’s eyes wandered across the empty hall. No one seemed to have finish her test as Tina tilted her head to Erudite, who then proceeded to look at Tina. Her eyes were bloodshot.

  “Hey.” Tina said.

  “What?” Erudite asked.

  “Why are we smoking?” Tina asked she looked only ten minutes passed, but when she looked at the time, it was half an hour. She was too high to even think. Erudite laughed, Tina, joining in her with her.

  “I don’t know, and I thought you would remember.” Erudite giggled.

  “I don’t.” Tina giggled with her.

  They both laughed again as they rose from the ground, leaving Time behind. Their laugh continued as they tried to shake it off. The two together had a horrible habit of forgetting why they did the things they did together.

  “Let's get a snack.” Tina asked.

  Erudite smiled, her stomach growling as she rubbed her belly. “How about cinnabons?” She said. Tina nodded, her eyes red and her wings fluttering.

  “I love Cinnabons!”

  “I love them too.” Erudite giggled, flying over across the hallway near the door outside. Tina followed and took a step back in awe. She saw a bunch of sweet food, cinnabons, croissants, candy, apples, oranges, cherries, all fresh. She saw a red and blue light inside the machine, keeping the food preserved. Erudite slid her card, as a red bubble from the top light flew down to the Cinnabon, rotating it twice and dropping it below. She pulled the wrapper off and split it in half. Tina took the half, the warm cinnabon feeling toasty in her hand. She took a big bite, her eyes widened. The inside was warm and tasted fresh. She swallowed.

  “What even is this machine?!” Tina said. Erudite raised a brow.

  “You never saw this kind of vending machine before?” Erudite inquired. Tina grumbled and shot her gaze away.

  “Hey, I grew up drawing robots in the dirt with a stick, don’t sass me.” She said with a blush.

  Erudite giggled. “Fair.” She fell back on the floor and sighed. “Well, it is powered by a crystal inside, and when you order something, it creates a bubble and heats it or cools it down for you.”

  Tina nodded, amazed and stunned.

  “Crystal technology is everywhere these days.” Tina added.

  Erudite grimaced. “Yeah, I mean, it is easier to use crystals in technology and magic in construction and public health.” She added.

  Tina nodded.

  “Well speaking of, what did you do with your degree after your thesis got published?” Tina inquired.

  “I got a job in Portal Manufacturing. It paid well until we got that stone.” She sighed.

  Tina shook her head. “Job cuts?”

  “Yeah, our business went under, and I joined the Military. My degree is only good for combat or logistics, and the latter is highly competitive.” She said.

  Tina took another bite of her cinnabon and grumbled. “Well, do you like it here?”

  “Of course, don‘t you?” Erudite asked.

  Tina smiled. “Of course. Seems to be a good start so far.” The two finished their cinnabons and took another light of their rolls, taking a big exhale as they sat together.

  “So, what do you think will happen when we get deployed?” Tina asked.

  Erudite shook her head. “Don’t know, as long as I am with you and we can keep our people safe, I am content.”

  A sole airsail flew in the dusty dawn, the air was suffocating and oppressive. The blue and red stars shined a bright light, illuminating the horizon with a violet haze. The violet haze shined across the sapphire blue ocean, twinkling a white sparkle that was blinding to the eyes. In the furthest horizon laid a large island the shape of a long bar. That was Idera, but Ahn intended to
head west, the furthest away he can be from home he can get. He left that part behind him. Unfortunately, he had to land on Idera to get new supplies, something that partially made him grate his teeth. Ahn kept pacing inside his room back and forth, antsy. A small, half burnt blunt was lit in an ashtray. He heard a distinct sphere fly to him, black and shining a new hologram.

  He grumbled and cursed to himself. He took a long, deep breath. He has been antsy since he boarded this Airship in the sky. Ahn decided, to instead stop and sit down on the carpeted floor. Ahn closed his eyes, his breath flow out, fueling his body from inside and calming his nerves.

  “Remember your training.” He said to himself. He felt his breath grow and more steady. He saw them, his mind closed off from the outside world. Eight Wheels of Energy, swirling and trashing inside. This Energy was in massive cyclones, warping inside him. Some Wheels Spun faster then Others, the Fastest was Red. Ahn smiled. Instead, he dove into the Red Circle of Energy. His Red Chakra, he Felt swallow him whole, as the wind around him warped his soul and mind. He gathered his thoughts onto this point, wholly disconnected from the outside world.

  The wheel of Red Energy gave him Red Aura, which on the outside, he breathed out a Red Armor of Energy. He took a long sigh as on the inside, his mind and soul was inside his Chakra. The Chakra Spin made him see nothing but a scarlet red cyclone of Energy. He raised his hand, bright and white. His soul was something he could see through, but he felt the Red Energy pop out of his Astral Self. Ahn felt as if he was in the sea of Red Energy. The hand dropped down as the Wheel and Storm around him slowed, he felt his mind grow more and more blank as he fell back to reality. He felt his eyes widened, his body awash with Red Aura. He then heard a loud beep, as a small white box of glass above him started to type out a message. The white box with black text read “Arrival in ten minutes, prepare for docking.”

  He sighed as he went outside, he gazed on the islands below him, the one that stood out to him was the one with seven tornadoes the size of mountains circling in orbit from one another. These large cyclones of wind, spun around each other, almost as if they were moons orbiting planets. These giant cyclones crackled with energy. Another one of the islands to his right he noticed was completely enshrouded by rainforest and swampland. He saw a giant blue light come from the island as he felt his face turned ghost white.

  “That is normal.” He said with a sarcastic smile, as he went back inside his room. "This is the most normal place I have ever been too." Ahn added and holstered his sword and slid out a box from under his small bunk bed. He opened the box and saw four bottles, one blue, one red, one green, and one yellow. He pulled out the red one and dipped the wand in the liquid a good five times. Ahn blew a bubble from the wand as a pile of armor popped as soon as the bubble popped. The armor was not rigid like most pieces of armor, instead of flowing like most clothes, as it bulky form started to compress and merge with the body itself. The shimmer of silver matched well with his snow white skin.

  The black Holosphere started to blink rapidly. Ahn saw an image of a man greet him, it was Ryunsun.

  “Yo, I just wanted a quick update on your location.” Ryunsun asked

  “Well, I am above Idera. I should be landing soon.” Ahn added.

  “Any resistance?” Ryunsun asked.

  “Not that I can see.” Ahn shrugged. Ryunsun paused for a moment. “Guess it is not an issue then, I hope that crystal fares you well. You are in uncharted territory.”

  Ahn nodded as the hologram faded away, the sphere flew back into a hole in the wall.

  He gave a small smile until he collapsed to the floor as a massive ‘slam’ echoed throughout the ship. He went outside to see his sail lit and half his deck missing. He looked to see a cannon pointed directly at him in one of the islands below. He went to what was left of the dock and raised a red Holosphere, only for it to be destroyed instantly as the airsail started to spiral out of control with the ship. Splinters of wood a far as he can see spiraled everywhere. Ahn held his ears, the sound was painful as the cracking wood snapped so quickly the sound popped around him.

  In just a second, a small cannonball, not much larger then a baseball blasted through the ship, splintering the ship into hundreds of pieces. Ahn simply grabbed onto a piece of driftwood.

  A sudden image flashed into his head, as he started to release orange energy around his body, forming a force field as one last cannonball greeted his face. He was knocked into free fall into the smallest island below. He saw a drop of blood come from his nose.

  Twenty seconds later, he landed on the ground of the island. His orange aura crackled a tad but kept him safe from the fall. Ahn shook his head, his eyes filled with rage. He then let out whooping cough, his Orange Aura flushing strongly. He let out a handful of blood. His anger became boiling, fueling his Aura as he let out a final bloody cough. When Ahn stumbled upward, he felt his body respond with even more rage.

  “When I find that guy who thought it was a good idea to shoot me down...” He growled, stomping towards the snow-peaked mountains from the endless hills. He glanced around, looks like he landed somewhere west. He more pissed than anything else. Ahn reached for his pack of Jays, pulling one from the pack, lighting one and taking a quick drag.

  “Might as well head north.” Ahn grumbled.

  Snow snapped through the snow peaked mountains. The forest and the mountain was covered by perpetual cloud cover. Surrounding he saw silver like rocks that were glistening with the sunlight. He knew they were probably Elemental Eggs, but he also didn't want to get anything mad, so he left them alone. Plus, if he pissed off a Mommy or Daddy Golem and he had his soul sucked out of it, he couldn’t get that desk. The forest had a gentle fog that peaked throughout the horizon as far as he could see. Rain wafted in the air, the fog stretched with the white haze clouding Ahn’s vision.

  The forest started to grow flatter and flatter. The hills were dark purple and green, with dozens of flowers and grass dotting the landscape. These hills stretched for as far as Ahn can see, with dozens more Eggs. Small blobs of water darted away, hiding into the darkened forest or digging into the mountain itself. Time passed, as he felt his anger subside away as he was in awe of what he saw. When he slid his gaze around, he couldn’t help but feel the untouched nature was beautiful.

  “When I get rich, I am buying a house on an island like this one.” He thought to himself.

  The rolling hills had many old stone pillars popping out of the ground itself. Broken, shattered and with magical enchantments, they were ancient. Vines swallowed the stone monuments, inscribed with an ancient language he did not understand only that he knew was over millions of years old. Yet after years of being taught privately by all the teachers in the world, scribbles were scribbles.

  What greeted him next was a small city, long destroyed. Many of the buildings were half ripped apart, and the other half being slowly retaken from nature himself. The forest was gone now, with the new clearing and ruins being the only thing left. Ahn slid his hand down one of the pillars, the grainy texture of sand rushing through his fingers as the pillars disintegrated.

  The city was at the very least orderly, many buildings in groups of four, regardless of size. The most significant buildings still left were often tens of feet tall, uniquely egg-shaped if they were intact. Ahn’s eyes sharpened, this was man made.

  If they weren’t intact, it was like a cracked egg, a mysterious liquid flowing out of them. Ahn stepped on the fluid accidentally, the seeping sour slime slithering inside his boots. He felt the liquid have a glow as he turned around to the cracked egg-shaped building. The liquid was greenish, giving off a faint sense of energy. The grass was gone near the fluid; instead, it was blooming with flowers. The liquid felt like slimy goo as when he smacked it off his hands, the land grew a small sapling in an instant.

  “Ew.” He revolted, His crystal wrapped around his neck gave a quick shine as he burnt the liquid away from his hand. Dry instantly, and not a single burn.

p; He felt this crystal shatter at this action, he only used it once! Was he that untalented with telling a rock to make hot things? He heard about the mysterious power of crystals, how they provide fantastical powers, but even the spirits of the beings that once lived was still alive.

  He called out. “Hello?” He asked.

  No response, it was merely a mass-produced tool, no longer a creature. In a way, a small sense of pity flushed him as he couldn’t help but look away.

  He sighed. He then heard footsteps behind him. He turned around to see five Malditions heading his way, he hid instantly in a nearby building, his body flat on the floor to avoid attention.

  The largest one spoke “Are you sure he survived? That cannonball was enough to destroy a small town.” His gruff voice bellowing below the other four. He stood seven feet tall, a real monster. Ahn shivered, this voice was enough to cause his spine to shake.

  “We can't be too careful, I heard that these forwards are rather tricky.” This voice was softer, and from his limited view, it looked like he was the smallest.

  Then a distinct ‘pop’ echoed throughout the ruins, looks like someone teleported here. Ahn popped his head out just a tad to get a better view of the group. He then snapped it away, instead of feeling his heart race.

  “No, just use Blue!” He thought. He felt his eyes turn Blue. He sensed the four souls behind him. The largest was the one in the center, closest to Ahn. He was powerful, his Soul was strong enough to beat him if he was not careful.

  “Hey, we need to leave. Looks like there are an Elf and a Human in the Hoss range”

  “Any identification on them?”

  The man, the softest and yet the most serenely sadistic voice smirked. He had ravenous red eyes, his body was charcoal gray. His hands aged, and his body still youthful. What stood out to Ahn most not his appearance, but his tone.

  “Princess Illevetar and Rachel Ora. I heard the latter is immensely powerful, she was given the nickname the Flash of the West due to her speed.” He said. Ahn felt each and every word lower and lower, his serenely slimy sounds were poison to Ahn’s ears. His body shook, his Blue Aura can see the soul of someone, gather their strength and power of a foe. Yet for Ahn, he couldn’t sense anything from this man. That was more dangerous then knowing how powerful the man was.


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