Kindles of War

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Kindles of War Page 51

by Nicol Terra

  “To my dearest fan. Illevetar.” She wrote, putting a heart where the ‘a’ would be in her name. She winked and handed the picture back to her.

  “What do you wanna be when you grow up?”

  The child giggled, her hands tied behind her back as she cocked her head to the side. “I wanna be a Police Woman!”

  Illevetar smiled. “That sounds like a good dream, and I believe you can do it.”

  She took a boat from her house to a building made of the stone dome, one of the few buildings not made of straw or wood. The day was still early, and the sky was clear, no cloud in sight. She still struggled to understand her newfound ability, with Rachel and Ahn as confused as she was. She shrugged it off though, hoping she will learn more about it soon. She threw a silver coin at the boat captain as she took a step out. Rachel and Ahn were all dressed formally in front of the domed structure. Rachel instead, however, had on a white dress with blue lacing wrapping throughout her skirt. Ahn wore a black shirt with black pants, complete with a white tie. All of their clothes were new, something she still struggled to accept but Rachel and Ahn took theirs guilt-free, so she pushed that thought in the back of her mind. Plus, it was her reward in a way, something she reluctantly accepted.

  “What do you wanna do?” Illevetar asked.

  “Let's get drinks!” Ahn added

  “Can't, I am sixteen.” Rachel frowned.

  “I mean, what is the age of drinking here?”

  Rachel pondered for a moment, and then she shrugged. “Beats me.”

  “We can check, how about we also go to Silk threads?”

  The three nodded in agreement. The inside of the stone structure was filled with hundreds of people, recently revitalized and ready to shop. Each of the tens of booths, all shaped in a distinct ‘bubble’ design, all were selling new products. Most of the mall was devoted to food and technology, with some booths focusing on crystal and weapon sales and a few rooms in the back were darkly lit and illuminated with red lights, with no sign other than women walking quietly in and out of the dark, shrouded bubbles. Illevetar turned to see Rachel gone, only for her to turn the other direction to see her at an ice cream shop.

  “Ah yes, I will have the two number nines, a number nine large. A number six with extra dip and two number twos.”

  ‘What flavor?”

  “How about Yearning Yellow?” Rachel said.

  “Is she ordering for all of us?” Ahn asked.

  Illevetar shivered. “God, I hope not. I don‘t want a number two.”

  “What about a number nine large?”

  She shrugged. “Is that in the cone bowl?”

  He nodded.

  “Then yes, I would very much like the Number Nine Large.”

  The inside of the ice cream parlor was filled with tens of people; some of them were raising their ice cream cones toward Rachel as a sign of support. The others continued to munch on their ice cream while looking at the Holosphere. There were dozens of tables with a single counter for employees and a Holocube in the counters back. The Cube dispensed both ice cream and toppings, either on bowls or cones. The Holocube also played news stories from around the world. Everyone, refugee or not was happy and talking amongst themselves.

  “Oh my god, maybe we can all move here!” Some woman said.

  “My old buddy used to work in construction. We need a small loan of a million dollars.” Another man said

  “I can help with that.” Someone else said.

  “We will need to double our housing!”

  “I wonder how they get the news here.” She said. Rachel blinked.

  “I think Yas told me Tenclo was the largest city, just over a million live here. It was the first city to adopt Holotechnology and the only one.”

  “That makes sense,” Illevetar added.

  “So a few Holocubes and we call this ‘adopt’? I tried to pay for food here with my Holosphere, and the clerk looked at me like I stole something!” Ahn said, grumbling to herself.

  “I heard they eradicate the filters before they transport the signal here.”

  Illevetar titled her head. “Filters?”

  “Surely you know about censorship in the five great powers.”

  “First, I heard of it.”

  “I don’t care. I want my ice cream.” Rachel groaned.

  “You fought a small battle where the fate of millions was at stake, and your first thought is you want ice cream?” Illevetar asked. Rachel nodded in agreement.

  “Of course! I did this for the Ice Cream.” She said dryly.

  Illevetar rolled her eyes. She can always count on Rachel’s goofiness.

  Rachel walked away to pick up the tray of Ice Cream orders as both Ahn and herself sat at a nearby table. She looked at the Holocube, news playing for her to see.

  “We interrupt this program to bring a special announcement. We have now received word that Zalima, Chief Commander of Kulso, has gone missing on the Idera Archipelago according to an exclusive report. He was last sighted with a human male with black hair. Kulso has made no comment on the matter, however, combined with the Battle of Tenclo, and the head Chief Commander is now dead, the army is considering making a full retreat on Idera and nearby territories.

  “Hey, that is good news!” Said one.

  “We might be able to live in peace!”

  “We won the battle and the war!”

  Illevetar leaned her head toward Ahn, whispering towards him.

  “Who is Zalima? Surely you know.”

  Ahn darted his head away. “I do.”

  “How strong is he?”

  “Well..other than she was Chief Commander, I wouldn’t know. He was, however, strong enough that Zane told me he might be the reason Ioja and Yas are gone.”

  She tilted her head. “Why?”

  “Zalima was sighted briefly at Ramas before it burnt down and guess where we last saw them?"

  “Do you think she is dead?”

  Ahn darted his head back. His gaze was uncomforting. Illevetar frowned, he looked forlorn, almost saddened. “I think so, but if she is dead. I am worried who might have killed her.”

  “Probably have an idea. He does have black hair.” Rachel said. Ahn sighed.

  “Great, more freaks.”

  “Trust me, I relate.” Rachel said.

  Rachel sat the plate of Ice Cream in front of the two, picking up the first cone and slobbering all over the cone.

  “Well, wii do kno that won person might be the source.” Rachel said. Ahn sighed.

  “Swallow please and start over.”

  Rachel swallowed and exhaled. “Not sure if I can tell, this is someone from Kragg.”


  “Fuck, I was expecting a day to figure it out.” Rachel said. “How did you know Ahn?”

  “I figured, it was a theory, but Liam is affiliated with someone that we might be interested in meeting,” Ahn said.

  Illevetar cocked her head to the side, only for an image popping from Ahn’s Holosphere revealing a woman hidden by a purple shroud in a wooden carriage; carried by men.

  “What the fuck are you showing me?” Illevetar asked.

  “Is it porn?" Rachel asked next

  Ahn scoffed. “No, it isn’t. It is Jessica.”


  “Oh, Slave Carriage.” Rachel said. “She is one of the eight guild leaders that rule the west." Rachel said.

  Illevetar gulped, even she knew about the 8 Guild Leaders supposedly to rule the Western Expanse. The 8 Guild Leaders and 5 Great Royals of the West were powerful monsters that shaped the course of modern history, all comparable to one another in raw power and can easily end the world if they wanted. Jessica was once stated to have fought her mother in the past, something that gave Illevetar a shiver before she composed herself.

  “That strong?”

  “Well, if Liam is associated with Jessica.” Rachel said, her hands covering her face as she threw the cone in her mouth and munched. “I will ne
ed to find him, Legion Commander's order. He was supposed to be my backup. This could be it.”

  “Is Jessica evil?” Illevetar inquired. Rachel nodded.

  “Well, Kragg has a bounty on her. Her bounty piece is Osmium. I only know one other bounty that high. I think the reward is five trillion for her.”

  Ahn coughed uncontrollably. His face turned purple and then blue, only for Rachel to smack his back. He spat out a large piece of ice cream cone back on to his plate.

  “Gross,” Illevetar added

  “That is more than half the gross city product of a small city!" Ahn shouted

  ‘Well, you in?”

  “Fuck it. I could use more cash.” Ahn said sarcastically, only for him to dart away. “Although I am concerned with Liam.”

  “I think I will report this to Mysen. Mom will listen if I told her what happened here.”

  “Good luck.”

  “Speaking of, if we are splitting up, why not form a Guild ourself?”

  Ahn raised a brow. “I mean, I am not opposed. After this and my trip to Zynthia, I am heading eastward to Meraci.”

  Rachel and Illevetar nodded. “Same let's meet up in the Summer and discuss what we found.”

  “Then we can go to the moon.” Illevetar smiled. Ahn raised a brow.

  “That is a thing?”

  “Apparently one of us is thinking we are going to a theme park or something.”

  Illevetar rolled her eyes. “Less talking, more group building.”

  The three grabbed their Holospheres and opened their Messages Tab. Illevetar scrolled all the way to the top and created a new group chat, adding Ahn and Rachel to it.

  “What should we call this guild?”

  “Well, what is our goal?” Ahn inquired.

  Rachel said nothing, instead of reaching for the second cone as she tossed it into her mouth.

  “How about Fellowship of Idera?” Illevetar asked.

  Both nodded in agreement. “I think it fits.” Rachel said

  “Fine by me,” Ahn added.

  The three formed a group chat and designated in the top setting from ‘Personal’ to ‘Guild.’

  The City of Tenclo. A week has passed, and everyone she met is now gone. Ahn left back to Zynthia and Illevetar back to Mysen. The three had their Holo ID’s, and they became inseparable friends. Rachel couldn't help but smile at this new revelation. She was in bed, too lazy to get out of it. She wore some new clothes, wearing a red, thin jacket and a white shirt underneath. She had dark, forest green pants. Her Holosphere floated towards her, Daniel’s hologram greeted her.

  “Congratulations, I heard you won,” Daniel said.

  Rache blinked and then shook her head. "No actually, I am currently an illusion, the real Rachel is imprisoned in a dark camp somewhere."

  "Very funny."

  "No, it's true." Rachel waved her hand like a Jedi Mind Trick.

  "Nice try," Daniel said. Rachel smiled and then shook her head.

  "Damn." Rachel giggled, her smile fading away. “Yeah, I did. I have a lot to learn.”

  “You want your payment now, or later?”

  “This was a job?” Rachel said sarcastically.

  Daniel laughed and shrug. “The two remaining cities pooled money together to pay us. They think we sent you, due to our affiliation.”

  Rachel blinked. She forgot that the Idera Archipelago is partially Kragg territory. She wasn't sent for this, just to explore and try to find a Calamity Stone. “Well, you kind of did.”

  “Well, this turned out to be a much worse situation other than a ‘checkup.’ You got a lot of money.”

  “Oh, wow. What did we get?”

  “Well, the Elf and Chisean got a hundred gold. You got a hundred and ten.” Daniel said, taking a brief pause for a moment. “I kept extra for you.”

  Rachel scoffed. “I'll pay them back later.”

  Rachel got a notification on her Holosphere as her account was loaded with more money, she now has one hundred fifty gold and ten silver in her account. After having the chance to go back to her Airsail and knock a few would be thieves, having her Holosphere felt great.

  “Dani, I got a request.”

  “What is it?”

  Rachel's face turned stern. “I am exploring this Island Archipelago more. I have a feeling there are more soldiers hidden, in the uncivilized parts.”

  "How much are you on this Liam thing?" He inquired.

  Rachel paused for a moment and then choked. "I don't know. I just...don't feel right. Plus, those Tornados."

  Daniel took a brief pause, his eyes closed as the hologram flickered for a moment.

  “You believe Tom?”

  “I do.” Rachel said.

  Daniel sighed. “Fine, fine. You two win. Ill place a bounty for Liam. Check your Holosphere, you know how bounties work.”

  Rachel nodded. Bounties were only given by the host country of an individual. All of Liam’s accomplishments, feats, abilities, and powers are listed as well as his crimes. Bounties don't have a physical price listed, except a color that shows the level of threat for an individual. Certain colors mean certain levels of power. Rachel also knew that Liam had the power of a Chief Commander. She once tried to fight Daniel before he got promoted, and before she knew it, she was knocked out. This an opponent she could not face yet, his bounty should be Diamond in color.

  She, however, couldn't shake it off. How would she rise up to that wide of a gap?

  “Zane also requested if I place a bounty of Liam that you take a soldier with you to find him, and Tom.”

  “Who is it?”

  “Beats me. Zane wants you to meet him or her later when you leave."

  Rachel nodded. "Noted."

  The Hologram faded. Rachel stretched her arms out, slowly getting out of her bed.

  The city, while remaining the same has changed. Ever since the battle, at the behest of Rachel and some prodding from Ahn, Kragg sent troops to fortify the island. In this string of islands, where most are uninhabited,

  Rachel got a map of the islands on her Holosphere as she slowly inspected it, not because she wanted too but because she was looking for a place for Liam to hide.

  The ten islands were once whole, but when Riha and the Great Storm rained for two thousand years, the continent became a string of the islands. The two largest northward were heavily mountainous. Dragons and Undead roamed the mist choked ground while Demons would hide in caves. It was a deadly place that even the locals avoided.

  “So how dangerous is it?”

  “For me? Even I can possibly die if we went there immediately.”

  “You beat Xin.”

  “I know only one thing about Liam, he has two crystals, one of which houses a Demon. If he has a Demon Crystal, and he is as powerful as a Chief Commander, it can be inferred that the Demons on the two islands would be similar in power.”

  “A demon?” Tom stammered. Rachel nodded.

  “He only got it for a year ago, yet strangely, it was never listed where he found it, if he bought it, stole it or killed for it.”


  “We have to go there.” Rachel interrupted, the boat slowly pulled up to the twig temple. The boat paddler smiled, pointing to Rachels Holosphere on her right pocket.

  “You have to show me how to use one of those.”

  Rachel smiled. “I'll think about it. I am not the biggest techie.” She tossed her last silver coin in her pocket. The man snatched it and paddled away. Rachel sighed

  “That was my last coin.”

  “But you got paid a hundred ten gold.”

  “Yeah, but, we are going to a place where I can't use it.”

  Tom raised his head up as if an idea popped in his head. “What about we take a detour?”

  “Where too?”

  “There is Eobomune.”

  Rachel shivered. “I hate the heat.”

  “Yeah, but there are cities. Plus, it is neutral territory.”

  Rachel blinked, wa
lking inside the twig temple. “What, it isn't affiliated with the great powers?” She said the two continued to walk.

  “Actually, it is two similar kingdoms, each ruled by a different King. They even have a Gigapolis! Perth, the Gem of Alexandria!”

  “I assume that is one of the kingdoms names?” Rachel inquired

  “Alexandria and Lindus.” Zane approached the two.

  “How are the soldiers?”

  “Obviously we suffered casualties, a few dead and three dozen wounded. We, however, fended the city and most of the enemy combatants were slain.”

  “So the Battle of Tenclo?”

  “Kragg And Colonial Victory. Did you see the newest article?” Zane said, pulling a paper from his back pocket, slightly crumpled up.

  Who is the Flash of the West?

  On January 2nd, 2540, our island was besieged by three strange invaders. One by one, small villages fell as the cities swelled with people. Food was scarce, and the unease was high. Soldiers hid in bars, afraid to talk. Parents hid in the basement, afraid to ask for help. Business Owners closed shop, afraid to lose valuables. In just two months, the unemployment soared in Tenclo to 9 percent and it looked this city too would fall.

  Yet there was a single hero, a human that defended our vast and open culture. She was friends with an Elf and a Chisean, setting asides borders for brothers.

  Rachel Ora, 16, Born July 29th, also known as the ‘Flash of the West’ single-handedly defeated three hundred and sixty soldiers at least and Xin ‘Absolute Zero,’ a Lieutenant known to have never lost against a crystal user. She is fast as people from Ramas describe her.

  “She was as fast as lightning, she saved me.” Said, one man

  “I was afraid when I saw two soldiers, pinning me down, and taking off my clothes. I closed my eyes, and in a second, I was outside.”

  Rachel got her nickname for her Mookaite crystal, using Lightning to Blitz through her competition with speed. She is witty, capable and unique.

  The Ideran Post thanks Rachel for her speed of action, saving us all.

  Rachel was quiet, she wanted to smile, but she felt embarrassed. She rubbed the back of her neck, blushing.

  “I am speechless.”

  “Let's just say, Eobomune might be your perfect detour.”

  “Why?” Tom asked.


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