Alliance for Justice, 522
Allison, Graham, 51–52, 590
Almaliky, Zuhair, 815
Al Odah et al. v. USA et al., 467n.1
Alpha-Omega Report, The, 151–152
Al-Qaeda: in Afghanistan, 695–696, 704–713; allegations of Saddam links to, 202, 259–262, 280–281, 310–327; detention of members of, 435n.5; Geneva Convention protection for members of, 439–440, 510n.2; international law on attacks on, 429; media coverage of, 696–701, 707–713; non-territorial goals of, 314; terrorist events linked to, 696n.1, 701–703; Wolfowitz's view of, 96
Al-Quds al-Arabi, 704–705
Alsammarae, Aiham, 755
Al-Samoud ballistic missiles, absence in Iraq of, 273–275
Alsop, Dee, 835
Alston, Donald, 726, 729
Alter, Jonathan, 506
Al-Thawra newspaper, 777, 794
“Aluminum tubes” controversy, 268–269, 289–290
Alusi, Mithal al-, 718
Ambuhl, Megan, 528
America Alone, 105–106
America First movement, 176
American Bar Association, 510, 522–523
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 522; Abu Ghraib prison scandal and, 516–517, 527–529; civil suit against Rumsfeld, 548–549
American Conservative, The, 113
American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man (ADRDM), trial of Saddam Hussein and, 808–809
American Enterprise Institute, 82, 110, 198, 200; Congressional ties to, 272
American exceptionalism, in media war coverage, 691–693
American Fundamentalism in Israel: The Relation of Fundamentalist
Churches to Zionism and the State of Israel, 157
American hegemony ideology: euro as threat to, 409–410; eurodollar conflicts and, 399–417; Iraq war and, 63–79, 211–220, 338–339, 386–397; possible U.S. loss of war and, 734–737
American Humanism, 70
American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), 139
American Jewish Committee, 139, 147
American League of Jewish Patriots, 147
American Prospect, The, 2
Americans for a Safe Israel, 139
Americans United for Separation of Church and State, 156
America the Virtuous, 62
Ames, Aldrich, 491–492
Amnesty International: Abu Ghraib prison scandal investigation and, 516–517; Guantánamo detention center report by, 464–482; prisoner abuse investigations and, 525–529
Amri, Hadi al-, 787–790
Anderson, Richard C., 135
Anderson, William, 398
Annan, Kofi, 368–369, 682, 706–707, 816
Anonymity, for journalism sources, 565–573
Ansar al-Islam terrorist group, 618, 701
Anthrax scare, alleged Iraqi involvement in, 611–612
Anticipatory self-defense, 58
Anti-Communism, Catholic Church and, 177
Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, 139, 159
Anti-Semitism: in American military, 214–215; anti-Zionism as, 140–141, 164–167; Christian Zionism and, 126, 159–161, 163–164; opposition to Israel as, 80–109, 122–124; sources of, 160 (website), 121
Antiwar movement: media restrictions on coverage of, 592–593; military veterans in, 222–231; neoconservatives and, 115, 118; Vietnam media coverage and, 598–602
Anti-Zionism, 164–167
Aquinas, Thomas (Saint): on human actions, 130; just-war theory and, 127, 132; on moral virtue, 132; on Old and New Testaments, 162
Arab-Israeli conflict, Iraq war as solution to, 651, 655–657
Arafat, Yasser, 326
Arar, Maher, 422
Argentina, 394
Armageddon ideology, Christian Zionism and, 147–149
Armed conflict principle: identification of beginning and end, 430–431; strategic information campaign using, 613; U.S. military actions as, 432n.2; war on terror and, 420–441
Armitage, Richard, 89, 257
Army Corps of Engineers, 187
Army Criminal Investigation Command, investigations into prisoner abuse by, 520–529
Army Regulation 190–8, civilian detainees and, 509
Army Reserve, recruiting difficulties of, 737–741
Arthur, Kay, 142n.1
Ashcroft, John: just-war theory and, 420; media criticized by, 589; Moussaoui trial and, 698; Plame investigation and, 499; prisoner abuse investigations and, 379, 509, 510n.2, 524; on torture allegations, 513
Asquith, Earl, 22
Associated Press, anonymous source rule at, 571
Atta, Mohammed, 259
Attar, Leila al-, 6
Attiyah, Ghassan, 22–23
Atwan, Abdel Bari, 704–705
Auda, Haythum, 189
Augustine (Saint), 70, 127
Aukofer, Frank, 600
Axelrod, Jim, 602
“Axis of evil” 74, 341–342
Ayar, Farid, 778
Aziz, Tariq, 658, 662–672, 674–682
Ba'ath Party: Hussein's leadership of, 676; Iraqi electoral politics and, 762–764, 766, 770–772, 780–781; Iraqi partition proposal and, 646; Iraq Revolution of 1968 and, 665–666; Iraq Special Tribunal exclusion of, 814n.1; post-election unrest in Iraq and, 789–793; resistance fighters from ranks of, 713–715, 717–718; Shiites in, 720
Babbitt, Irving, 70–71
Babnet Tunisie (website), 716
Bacevich, Andrew, 240
“Back-door draft” by U.S. military, 737–741
Bacon, Ken, 604
Badr Brigade, 732n.5, 744, 789–790
Baghdadi, Ayatollah Ahmed Hassani al-, 721
Bagram Collection Point, interrogation techniques at, 518–519, 525, 540n.4
Baker, James III, 10, 72, 172, 337–338, 495, 502
Balfour Declaration, 147
Bancroft-Hinchey, Timothy, 761
Bandy, John, 693
Bank for International Settlements, 415
Barber, David, 66, 147
Barney, Chuck, 596
Barzoft, Farzad, 678
Basri, Carole, 192–193
Bassiouni, M. Cherif, 815
Battlefield Interrogation Facility (BIF), 541–542
Bauer, Gary, 142n.1, 154
Bazelon, Emily, 551–552
Bazzi, Mohammed, 703–704
Bechtel Corporation: defense contracts of, 203; insurance coverage for, 189, 191; profiteering in Iraq by, 187, 195
Becker, Richard, 136n.1
Begg, Moazzam, 479
Begin, Menachem, 157–158, 316
Behn, Sharon, 730, 752
Beichman, Arnold, 658
Bell, Gertrude, 23
Belloc, Hilaire, 766
Bender, Brian, 716–717, 719n.5, 726n.2, 727n.1
Benderman, Kevin, 223–224
Benderman, Monica, 224
Bendersky, Joseph, 214–215
Ben-Gurion, David, 138
Benjamin, Jean-Marie, 658–672
Benjamin, Walter, 215 (website), 658
Bennett, William, 75, 116
Berlusconi, Silvio, 497
Berryman, Phil, 354
Bhatia, Shameem, 21
Biden, Joseph, 464, 746
Bilderberg conference, 402
Bin Laden, Osama: Afghanistan as haven for, 373; alleged Saddam Hussein link to, xx-xxii, 108–109, 310–327; Bush administration strategies concerning, 101; CIA links to, 31, 376–377; Defense Department goals concerning, 201; on demise of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, 393; description of, 168; “messianic vision” of, 45; Zarqawi and, 703–713
Bischel, Dave, 223, 225–231
Black propaganda techniques for marketing Iraq war, 632–624
Blair, Cherie, 611
Blair, Dennis, 217–218
Blair, Tony, 16; “Downing Street Memo” and, 278–279, 281; strategic inform
ation campaign and, 613
Blankenship, Khalid Yahya, 695
Blix, Hans, xxii, 273, 340, 369n.1, 621, 635, 816
Bloch, Ernest, 215
Blondet, Maurizio, 18, 28–41, 820
Bloom, Allan, 66
Bloom, David, 602
Blum, Steven, 739
Boehm, Libbie, 624
Boeing Corporation, 192–193
Bolton, John: Christian Zionists and, 156; euro-dollar conflict and, 412–413; manipulation of intelligence and, 288–289; neoconservatives and, 89; Plamegate and, 503; pre-Iraq war buildup and, 257; yellowcake uranium controversy and, 496
Boltz, Stephen, 540
Bond, Christopher, 498
Boot, Max, 691, 759
Borchgrave, Arnaud de, 35, 88
Borger, Julian, 122
Bosch, Orlando, 51
Bosnia: Guantánamo prisoners from, 487; UN response to, 367
Bossuyt, Marc, 4n.1
Boston Globe, 535, 576, 579, 715–717, 719
Boudreaux, Richard, 771–772
Boykin, William, 180, 536, 538
Boyle, Francis, 372–382
Braden, Tom, 175
Bradley Foundation, 7
Branigin, William, 577–581
Brazil, 394
Bremer, L. Paul: description of, 22; economic reconstruction in Iraq and, 118, 416–417; free-market ideology of, 194; on Iraq experiences, 566; Iraqi electoral politics and, 763; Iraqi Special Tribunal and, 810; privatization of Iraqi industry and, 653; profiteering in Iraq and, 188–190, 194; “Transitional Administrative Law” of, 784; writ of habeas corpus served on, 799–807
Bretton Woods Gold Exchange system, 400–402
Bridges for Peace, 152n.4
“Bridge to Baghdad” aid group, 686
Brinkley, Douglas, 105
Brodhead, Frank, 765–766, 774, 785–786
Brooks, David, 67, 114
Brooks, Vincent, 597–598, 615–616, 624, 629
Brown, David, 86
Brown, John, 350
Brown, Ron, 834
Bruner, William, 262
Bryen, Stephen, 257, 260
Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 35, 107–108
Buber, Martin, 139, 165
Buchanan, Pat: isolationism of, 117–119, 176–177; neoconservatives and, 86–87, 112–113, 200; neoconservatives criticized by, 200
Buckley, William F., 175–178
Buffet, Warren, 398
Burgos, Russell, 199
Burke, Arleigh, 711
Burma, U.S. clandestine and paramilitary operations in, 705n.2
Burnham, James, 115, 175–176
Burns, Eric, 501
Burns, John, 778, 791, 796
Burridge, Brian, 631
Burroughs, John, 361–371
Bush, George H. W.: administration, political-ideological imperialism of, 73, 79; assassination attempt against, 6; Bosch pardon by, 51; foreign policy by, 74, 77; Gulf War and, 29, 294; Joseph Wilson honored by, 494; just-war theory and, 136–137; neoconservatives and, 86–91; New World Order by, 72; nuclear non-proliferation and, 337–338; Operation Desert Storm and, 254; opposition to Iraq War from, 9–10; pardons of Iran-Contra participants, 298; post-cold war imperative of, 71–77; Woodrow Wilson and, similarities between, 74
Bush, George W.: Abu Ghraib prison scandal and, 531–539; American Empire, ideology of, 63–79, 181–184; American exceptionalism ideology of, 691–693; “axis of evil” speech of, 74, 341–342; Aziz and, 679–682; Catholic Church and, 171, 357; Christian Zionist support for, 156; Congress and, 344–345; critics of, 35; cruise missile attacks authorized by, 6, 8; effect of September 11 on, 104–105, 182; electoral politics in Iraq and, 761, 772; evangelical beliefs of, 45, 104–105, 155, 182–183, 233; foreign policy of, 91–95, 347–351; goals of, 181; Gonzales and, 557–561; Guantánamo detentions and, 464, 471, 472n.2, 474–482, 510–513; ideology-driven policy procedures of, 121; impeachment efforts against, 375–382; intelligence information sources of, 253–257; intelligence manipulated by, 271–305; Iraqi regime change as goal of, 15–16; Iraqi war initiative of, 9–11, 16–17; just-war theory and, 135–137; “Kool-Aid” loyalty test for, 250–275; lies told by, 15–17; media manipulated by, 565–583, 588–589; “messianic vision” of, 45, 76; military orders of, 372, 379; neoconservative influence with, 88, 91–92, 94; nuclear weapons in Iraq and, 341; opposition to, 35; Palestinian policy of, 97, 112; Plamegate and, 492–504; post-cold war imperative of, 72–77; presidential campaign of, 92; Putin and, 392; resistance fighters in Iraq and, 712, 725, 757n.2; Saddam-al-Qaeda link claimed by, 202, 291; “six-pronged” Iraq strategy of, 565–573; State of the Union (2003) speech of, 496, 503–504; strategic influence marketing campaign for Iraq war and, 604–606, 636–640; strategy statement of, 76; terror rhetoric of, 49, 51–53, 312–313; unjust war by, 136; unilateralism embraced by, 106–109; war on terror-Iraq war link made by, 309–327; West Point graduation speech (2002) by, 135; writ of habeas corpus served on, 799–807; yellowcake uranium controversy and, 267–269, 496–504
Bush, Laura, 611
Bush at War, 95–96, 99
Butler, Richard, xiv Bybee, Jay, 510n.2, 546, 554, 559–560
Byrd, Robert, 1, 374
Cable News Network, 69
Callwell, C. E., 318
Cambone, Stephen, 515, 532–533, 535, 538
Campbell, Alastair, 608
Camp Victory, 798
Camus, Albert, 461n.2
Canada, war crimes charges against U.S. in, 548–549
Cannistraro, Vincent, 261–262, 270, 309, 493
Car bombs, media coverage of statistics on, 727–734
Card, Andrew, 502, 608
Carmon, Yigal, 260
Carr, David, 505
Carroll, Rory, 732n.5
Carter, Jimmy, 157, 300–301, 340, 464
Casaroli, Agostino Cardinal, 658
Casey, George, 724, 728–729
Casey, William, 176, 285–287, 289, 295, 581
Catechism of the Catholic Church, 162, 356
Catholic Church. See also Papal authority: American support of Pope, 171; Christian Zionism and, 142–143, 161–167; dispen-sationalism and, 146; Iraq relations with, 661–672; Israeli policy of, 169; Jewish relations with, 166; just-war theory and, 129–134; neoconservatives in, 354; New Covenant according to, 161; Old Covenant according to, 161–163; Republican Party and, 177–179; sex abuse scandals in, 171; support for Iraq War in, 153–157, 171–179; Zionism supported by, 140–141, 164–167
Catholic World News, 359
Cavuto, Neil, 595
CBS News, Iraq war coverage by, 598, 602
Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR), 442–443, 534, 547
Center for Media and Democracy, 584
Center for Public Integrity, 536
Center for Security Policy, 82
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA): Abu Ghraib prison scandal and, 515–517; Afghan anti-Soviet jihad linked to, 575, 581–583; assassination bids on Saddam Hussein by, 6; bogus biological weapons claims and, 269–270; Center for Weapons Intelligence and Arms Control, 289–290; Chalabi and, 253, 255; Cheney and, 266–269; corruption of intelligence from, 282–283, 292–294; Defense Department rivalry with, 266–269, 286; FBI and, 303–304; founding of, 174; Guantánamo detainees and, 510n.2; Halabja massacre investigation and, 329–331; history of analysis by, 294–295; Iraqi electoral politics and, 768–769; Joint Task Force 121 and, 541; leadership flaws at, 300–301; National Review links to, 174–176; Negroponte's reforms for, 296–299; Office of Special Plans and, 283–285; organizational changes in, 304–305; Plame outing and, 491–504; politicization of, 285–286, 288–289, 297–299; prisoner abuse investigations and, 522; Rendon Group and, 611; resistance to Iraq war in, 257, 280–281; Salt Pit case against, 519; “Scorpions” paramilitary force, 2; spy scandals at, 491; “unlawful combatant” status of, 435n.3; WMD intelligence from, xvi, 276, 282–283; yellowcake uranium controversy and, 494–504
Centre fo
r Strategic and International Studies, 35
Cerrillo, Dan, 542
Chain of Command: The Road from 9/11 to Abu Ghraib, 536, 713-Chalabi, Ahmad: bogus WMD claims and, 291; Defense Department ties with, 201, 264; Gore and, 8; as intelligence source, 253–257, 283, 296; Iraqi connections of, 10; Iraqi electoral politics and, 766–767; Middle East politics and, 24; ouster of Saddam and, 258; political background of, 254–257; trial of Saddam Hussein and, 814–817; UN support of, 14
Chalabi, Salem, 810–811, 814–817
Chaldean Christians in Iraq, 676–682
Chamberlain, Neville, 116
Chamberlain, Robert, 445n.1
Charlotte Observer, The, 180
Charlton, Lionel, 25
Chavez, Linda, 178
Chechnya: Islamic terrorists in, 340; Russian assault on, 575–583
Chemical weapons, use against Iraqis of, 328–331. See also Weapons of mass destruction
Cheney, Dick: American Empire ideology of, 181; bin Laden and, 101; bogus WMD claims by, 28; Christian Zionists and, 156; critics attacked by, 635; Defense Planning Guidance document and, 338; euro-dollar conflicts and, 400, 412–413; G. H. W. Bush and, 87, 343; Guantánamo detainees and, 449; Information Collection Program and, 266–269; Iraqi information sources of, 253–257; Iraq war buildup and, 251–252, 256–258, 493; Lebanon occupation and, 200; Libby and, 263–264; Luti and, 200, 263–266; misuse of intelligence by, 277–278, 283–286, 288, 292–295, 297; neoconservative ties of, 94–95, 122; oil industry links to, xx-xxii; on presidential authority, 604; privatization of Iraqi industry and, 653; Project for a New American Century and, 7–8, 88–89; resistance fighters in Iraq dismissed by, 725; Saddam-al-Qaeda link claimed by, 291; unmanned airborne vehicles in Iraq, bogus claims of, 270–271; Vulcans group and, 251; Wilson-Plame scandal and, 495–504; yellowcake uranium controversy and, 267–269, 493–495
Cheney, Lynne, 412
ChevronTexaco, euro-dollar conflicts and, 400
Chicago Tribune, detention stories in, 508
Child and infant illness and mortality (Iraq): bombing raids and, 6; impact of sanctions on, 4–5, 34, 666–672
China: decline of U.S. hegemony in, 396–397; dollar reserves of, 414–417
Chirac, Jacques, 589
Chomsky, Noam: international law and, 42–53; just-war theory and, 133–134; “manufacturing consent” theory of, 233; Zionism and, 138, 140
Chosen People Ministries, 152n.4
Christian Action for Israel, 152n.4
Christian Century, 158–159
Neo-Conned! Again Page 115