Twin Temptations

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Twin Temptations Page 2

by Carol Lynne

  Lilly turned and sauntered off, sweet ass just swaying from side to side like she knew it’d drive Ranger crazy. He blew out a long breath and shook his head. Shit, had he just talked to her or issued a challenge? Ryker was going to kill him.

  Ranger stood, and after giving Lilly one last glance, walked out. Pulling up in front of the diner, he decided not to tell Ryker about everything that had happened. It was bad enough that he’d opened his big mouth about the ass groping incident. He sure didn’t need to tell him Lilly was thinking about other men.

  Ryker jumped in with the take-out bag. “It’s about time you got here. He set the bag in the seat between them before reaching out to squeeze Ranger’s thigh. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I apologized for being an asshole when she walked into the office. She accepted my apology but said it had hurt her feelings.” He pulled out onto Main Street and headed toward home.

  “And?” Ryker prodded.

  “And nothing. I finished my beer and left.” He refused to look at Ryker, afraid he’d give his deception away.

  As soon as they pulled off the county road onto their long winding driveway, Ryker moved the bag to the floor and scooted over next to Ranger. He kissed Ranger’s neck and moaned. “Why do I smell Lilly back here?”

  “She leaned in close to talk so the whole bar wouldn’t hear. She must’ve been wearing perfume.” He jumped a little when Ryker grabbed the hardening shaft between his legs.

  “Then tell me why you have lipstick on your ear?” Ryker asked.

  “I just did,” Ranger said in a defensive tone. “She leaned in and whispered in my ear.”

  Ryker’s eyes narrowed at the obvious omission on Ranger’s part. When Ranger stopped the truck in front of the garage, Ryker grinned. “You know I’m gonna be smelling on this neck all night.”

  “Be my guest,” he said, and gave Ryker a quick kiss. “First let’s eat, I’m starving. After dinner we’ll put an icepack on your leg while we watch TV.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  Ranger grabbed the bag of food before Ryker could. “You’re going to have enough problems getting up the steps without carrying something.”

  “Ahh, you’re always thinking of me,” Ryker teased and batted his long black lashes.

  “Always,” Ranger replied with a wink.

  * * * *

  With a large icepack and towel in hand, Ranger crawled back in bed. “Let me put this under you so you don’t get the bed all wet,” he said, carefully lifting Ryker’s leg to spread out the towel. He looked down at the still swollen bruise. “Have those pain pills kicked in yet?”

  “If they’d kicked in already I’d be asleep.” Bub ran his fingers through Ranger’s hair as he adjusted the icepack. “Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome,” Ranger said, placing a kiss on the heated skin. “I think you should stay home tomorrow and keep this elevated.”

  “Stop frettin’, it’s just a bruise. Besides,” Ryker said, pulling him into his arms, “you know I go crazy when I’m here without you.”

  “I could call Sonny.” He kissed Ryker’s neck up to his chin, running his tongue over his heavy five-o’clock shadow.

  Ryker lifted his chin to give him more room to play. “I love Sonny, but he’s not you. He’s always so jittery when he’s away from the ranch that he makes me nervous.”

  Ranger continued to distract Ryker with kisses while he thought about Lilly. Her words kept going round and round in his mind. Damn, he sure wished he knew what she had planned.

  “What’s wrong,” Ryker asked.

  “Nothing. Go to sleep, Bub.”

  “That’s the second time you’ve lied to me tonight. What happened with Lilly?” Ryker drew lazy circles over Ranger’s back.

  “I told her we were interested in her, but she needed to live a little first. She just got this really strange look on her face, and then she licked my ear and told me to sit back and watch while she did some living. I guess I’m trying to work out what she meant. I mean, I think I know, but I can’t see Lilly getting wild just to prove something to us.”

  Ryker cleared his throat, and tilted Ranger’s head up to look at him. “Why can’t we just ask her out on a date? I’m sorry, but I really don’t understand why we’re waiting. I know I’m not the only one with feelings for her so why we’re putting it off?”

  How could he tell Ryker his greatest fears without sounding like a selfish asshole? He’d fought with himself for four years, ever since that day Lilly had first caught them. The heated look Ryker had given her almost boiled his blood. Was it jealousy or fear?

  “Ranger, talk to me.”

  “We can ask her, I’ll call her this week and see when her next day off is,” he agreed, not wanting to analyze his feelings.

  “Really?” Ryker grabbed Ranger’s head and pulled him forward, thrusting his tongue into his mouth. “Turn off the light, I got a man to thank before these pain pills kick in.”

  Chapter Three

  Driving to work the next afternoon, Lilly gripped the wheel so tight her knuckles turned white. “What were you thinking?” She couldn’t believe she’d told Jeff she’d go out with him. “Okay, calm down and take a breath,” she said aloud. “You’re almost twenty-two years old, it’s past time you explored the dating scene.

  “But Jeff? Of all the men you could have spread your wings with, why’d you have to say yes to him?” Even though she’d asked herself that same question over and over since the previous night, she already knew the answer. Because he would give her the experience Ranger and Ryker seemed to want her to have. Evidently, the twins weren’t into virgins. A bark of laughter erupted from her throat. “Just my luck. I’ve saved myself for two men only to find out they didn’t want a virgin.”

  Pulling into the lot, Lilly parked her fifteen-year old Toyota Corolla beside the light pole. Taking a deep breath, she rested her head on the steering wheel. So many sleepless nights she’d spent since she’d first seen Ranger and Ryker kissing in the feed shed. Watching the two of them felt like looking into the sun, you knew it was dangerous but you couldn’t help yourself. Lilly had watched them for several long passionate minutes before they’d heard her sigh.

  They’d jumped apart so quick it had made her head spin. While Ranger had turned red and had told her they’d be out in a minute, Ryker had just stared at her, heavy-lidded with desire. She may have only been seventeen at the time, but she’d known what that look had meant. From that moment on, she hadn’t given other men the time of day. She knew someday, Ryker and hopefully Ranger, too, would follow through on that look.

  Well, now she knew what they wanted from her at least and come hell or high water she would do anything she could to get herself the experience they seemed to require. She’d cut off one her red Dead Zone T-shirts so that it now exposed her belly ring. The shirt along with her short denim skirt and red cowboy boots should attract plenty of attention. Friday nights at the Zone were always packed with rowdy cowboys, and tonight was hers for the taking.

  * * * *

  “Ready to go?” Jeff asked, leaning against the bar.

  No, she wanted to scream, but instead nodded. Going behind the bar, she picked up her purse and plastered a smile on. “Let’s go.”

  Jeff put his arm around her bare midriff and walked her toward the door. “Where did you say we were going?” she asked.

  Reaching his truck, Jeff opened the door and pulled Lilly into his arms. “That depends on if I need to buy you a burger before taking you home.”

  Panic froze her on the spot. No, no, not this fast. She wasn’t ready yet. Looking up into Jeff’s handsome face, she smiled. “A burger would be nice,” Lilly said, hoping to stall. God she hoped he was joking.

  Jeff lifted her into the passenger seat and shut the door. Lilly fastened her seat belt and tugged her shirt down as far as she could. Why didn’t I think to bring another shirt?

  Starting the truck, Jeff looked over and winked. “Scoot over here, su
gar.” Jeff ran his hand up her bare thigh and started to dip under her skirt.

  Without thought, she reached out and shoved his hand away. “I’m sorry, I just can’t.” She felt the tears welling in her eyes and shook her head. “Please forgive me.” She unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of the truck. Digging for her keys, she quickly unlocked her car door as Jeff continued to stare at her.

  God, she was embarrassed. This was all Ranger’s fault. If he hadn’t pressured her she would have never…

  Her thoughts were interrupted when Jeff yanked the door handle out of her hand. “What the hell’s going on with you? You tease me all night long with that damn outfit and then the minute I touch you, you act like a scared virgin.”

  “Please, Jeff, let’s forget about it,” she pleaded.

  He looked at her for several seconds before shaking his head. “You’re not worth it,” he said, slamming her car door. Jeff stalked back to his truck and roared off, spraying dust and gravel in his wake.

  Lilly closed her eyes. She didn’t know whether to be pissed or grateful. One thing was for sure though, as much as she desired the touch of a man, she’d found it was only Ranger and Ryker’s touch she craved. Why couldn’t they be the ones to take her virginity? Deciding she deserved the answer to her question, she started her car and drove toward the twin’s place.

  When she pulled up to the house, it was dark. She looked over and spotted both trucks so she knew they were home. Feeling guilty for coming uninvited, Lilly pulled her cell phone out of her purse and called Ranger.


  The deep steady voice was all it took to break her down. She started talking without censoring herself. “I’m so sorry. I just can’t do it. I tried, I was going to go out with Jeff but I just couldn’t go through with it. I’ve never really dated because I’ve been saving myself for the two of you, and I’m sorry that you want me to have more experience but I don’t. I only want the two of you. Not some other man. Why can’t you accept me the way I am?”

  “Lilly,” Ranger yelled into the phone, “calm down. Where are you at, sweetheart? Do you need help?”

  Lilly grabbed a tissue from the box between the seats and blew her nose. “I’m out front. I came over here to talk to you and then the house was dark, and I chickened out. I embarrassed myself with Jeff tonight, and now I’m doing the same with you. You must think I’m acting like such a child.”

  “Hang up the phone and walk toward me. We’ll figure this out.”

  Looking up, Lilly saw Ranger standing on the deep front porch of the log and stone house. He was dressed in a pair of jersey shorts and nothing else, causing Lilly’s breath to hitch. Damn, he was a beautiful man. As if in a trance, she turned off her phone and dropped it back into her purse before walking toward the porch.

  Ranger stepped back and opened the front door. “Come in,” he said, holding out his hand.

  Without hesitation, Lilly took the offered hand and followed Ranger inside. “Ryker’s still sore. He took a pill earlier, and he’s out like a light.” Ranger turned toward her and started to say something but stopped himself, his gaze raked across her body like a branding iron. He gestured to the couch, “Have a seat, and I’ll get us a glass of iced tea.”

  Lilly nodded and sat on the couch. She tried to pull her skirt down as far as she could, aware that she was showing a lot of leg. Maybe that’s why Jeff put the moves on her so fast? She suddenly felt like a cheap imitation of her true self. Looking around, she spotted a thin blanket on the back of the old-fashioned rocking chair in the corner. Rising, Lilly quickly walked across the room to retrieve the blanket.

  “Cold?” Ranger asked, setting two glasses of tea on the coffee table.

  Biting her lip, she shook her head. “More like embarrassed.” She looked down at her bare midriff and short skirt before unfolding the blanket and draping it across her shoulders.

  Ranger smiled and sat on the couch. “You’ve got a beautiful body. I like looking at it, but unfortunately for me and Ryker, so does every other straight man with a pulse.”

  “Straight man? Do you consider yourself straight?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “Well because I’ve seen the way the two of you kiss, and I walked in yesterday to you wrapped around him with no pants on. I wouldn’t exactly say those are the actions of a straight man.” The look on Ranger’s face confused her. Lilly couldn’t tell if she’d pissed him off or if he was amused.

  “It’s hard to explain my relationship with Ryker. No one’s ever been able to understand us and what we mean to each other. I can tell you that he is the only man on earth that I find physically attractive. I’m sure being my identical twin that sounds rather vain but it goes beyond that. To love him is to love myself. One of us cannot function without the other, we’ve tried.”

  “But you both like women?” Lilly realized she’d been in love with these two men for years and had never talked to them about their relationship. She just figured they were gay or as she hoped bi-sexual. Lilly was honest with herself enough to admit that she still didn’t understand their relationship, but at least Ranger seemed willing to talk to her about it.

  “Yeah,” he chuckled, “we both like women. Well, we did like women, now we’re only interested in one woman, you. Ryker and I haven’t taken a woman to our bed for almost four years.”

  “Since that day…”

  “Yes, since that day. I think Bub fell in love with you on the spot. Since then, he’s refused to have any other woman.”

  “And you?” She pulled the blanket closer, needing the security.

  Ranger looked her in the eye before leaning over to take her hand in his. “Honestly? I don’t know. I find you incredibly beautiful, and I enjoy your company. I believe I have feelings for you, but I’m not sure how deep they go yet. I know they’re nothing like Ryker’s. If you can handle dating us, knowing how I feel, then everything should be fine.”

  Lilly wasn’t sure what to think of the rather monotone statement. She saw wariness in Ranger’s eyes and wondered just what he was so afraid of. This was her chance though, despite Ranger’s speech she knew the three of them could make a relationship work. She might be young and inexperienced but she wasn’t stupid. “I’d like that. Uh, to date, I mean.”

  “I’ll ask Ryker to call and ask you out. If he finds out you were here tonight, dressed as you are, he’d never forgive me for not waking him. I’d rather you didn’t tell him about our talk.”

  Hmm. She’d never known Ranger and Ryker to keep secrets from the other. Ranger was definitely hiding something. Lilly hoped she’d be able to break through the wall he’d already constructed around his heart where she was concerned. Though his words were definite, his eyes showed her promise. “I’ll be waiting for his call.” Lilly stood and walked back to the rocker. Taking the blanket from her shoulders, she refolded it and placed it over the back.

  When she turned around, Ranger’s eyes were glued to the sparkling gem in her belly button. She self-consciously crossed her arms over her bare skin. “I promise to dress more appropriately for our date.”

  Ranger rose and walked toward her. “I told you before that you looked beautiful. As long as you’re with Ryker and me, wear what you’d like, no one will bother you. It’s you being in a room full of drunken men with neither of us there that’s upsetting to think about.”

  Ranger then surprised her by leaning forward and placing a soft kiss on her lips. “I look forward to our date.”

  “Me, too,” Lilly whispered.

  Walking to the door, Ranger walked with his hand on her lower back. “Drive safely.”

  “I will,” she said before retreating down the porch steps.

  Watching Lilly drive away, Ranger couldn’t decide whether to jump for joy or break down and cry. It was the beginning of something. He just hoped it wasn’t the beginning of the end for Ryker and him.

  Chapter Four

  Ryker and Ranger worked in tandem making breakfast the next
morning. They knew each other so well they worked quickly and efficiently. Ryker cracked the eggs into the frying pan, and Ranger handed him the salt and pepper. “So, I was thinking maybe you should call Lilly and ask her out.”

  “Me? I thought you were going to do it later this week.” Ryker flipped the hot bacon grease over the top of the eggs, trying to figure out what was going on. It wasn’t like Ranger to change his mind so quickly.

  “Maybe you should ask if she’d like to go into Lincoln. We could go out to dinner and a little dancing or something. I know the bar is closed on Sunday and Monday, so it would be a perfect day to call her,” Ranger suggested.

  Transferring the eggs to their plates, Ryker eyed his brother. “You sure?” At Ranger’s smile and nod, Ryker felt something in his chest lighten. “I’ll call right after we feed the horses.”

  They carried their plates to the table. He still had a slight limp but his leg felt much better. Easing down into the chair, he leaned over and gave Ranger a kiss. “Thanks.”

  Ranger grinned. “Don’t thank me until she says yes.”

  “Just, thanks for agreeing to it in the first place. I know you still have reservations.”

  Ranger set down his fork and cupped Ryker’s cheek. “You know I’d do anything to make you happy.”

  “I know. You always have. You’re the only person I know who’s never let me down.” He covered Ranger’s hand with his and leaned in to the caress. “Love you.”

  “I know. You’re my soul. You know that right?”

  “Yeah I do, and you’re mine.”

  * * * *

  Wiping his sweaty hands on his jeans, Ryker picked up the phone and called Lilly’s cell.


  “Hi, Lilly, um, it’s Ryker.” He rolled his eyes at his own stammering, knowing he sounded like a sixteen-year-old boy asking a girl out for his first date.

  “Hi, Ryker.” Well that’s good, he thought. At least she seems happy to hear from him.


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