Twin Temptations

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Twin Temptations Page 9

by Carol Lynne

  Ranger looked into his eyes. “We both know how that ended. We tried for two nights to sleep apart. Ryker would try to hold my hand from his bed. Dad came in almost every hour to make sure we were separated. Finally it was too much, so we moved out.” He looked around the apartment. “We were damn lucky Mr. Zook let us live up here and finish high school.”

  Running his hand over Ranger’s wet curls, Sonny sighed. “I won’t begin to understand the bond the two of you have. I don’t think anyone could understand unless they had the same thing.” Sonny stood and walked over to the front window. He saw Ryker and Lilly sitting on the bottom step.

  “Society thinks it’s morally wrong to want what you want, but it used to be acceptable. Just look at all the old Royal families. They married within their own family quite often. Over time, people decided it was wrong. I think a lot of it has to do with inbreeding, but hell, you and Ryker don’t have to worry about that.” Sonny started to laugh but it stuck in his throat.

  “My point is we think it’s wrong because someone told us it was. You’re two grown men, and as private as the two of you already are, I see absolutely nothing wrong with expressing your love the way the two of you want.”

  He looked back toward the couch. Ranger was looking at him in awe. “You mean you wouldn’t be grossed out?”

  “Ranger, everyone already thinks the two of you are making love. And I mean everyone. The people who still love you and talk to you are the ones who’ve looked beyond society’s code of morals to their own set. And what they see is two people very much in love.” Sonny walked over to the door. “There are a couple of people sitting out here that would like to talk to you. Just be honest with them.”

  Sonny opened the door. Ryker and Lilly were already standing, looking up expectantly. Turning back once more, he smiled at Ranger. “I love you, brother, I’ll always love you.” He turned and walked down the stairs to stand in front of Ryker and Lilly. Seeing Lilly’s face, he placed a gentle kiss on her nose. “He’s coming down from a pretty good drunk. He was lucky he emptied his stomach of a lot of the whiskey but be warned, it smells like the inside of a Jack Daniels bottle in there.”

  Ryker grabbed him up in a hug. “Thank you.” He looked at him for a few seconds. “Can you tell me what it was that set him off?”

  “Shame.” Sonny kissed Ryker’s cheek. “Talk to him.” Sonny looked at Lilly. “If you’d sit down here with me for a few minutes, I’d appreciate it.”

  Seeming to understand, Lilly turned to Ryker and kissed him. “Go get him, and talk him into coming home.”

  * * * *

  As he walked up the stairs, Ryker’s mind played through a dozen different scenarios of why Ranger would feel so ashamed he’d leave him. Didn’t he understand nothing would ever make him want Ranger gone?

  With a twist of the knob, he was standing inside the apartment that held so many memories. Damn, Sonny hadn’t been kidding about the smell of the place. He shook his head and walked toward the couch. Holding out a hand, he gestured toward the back of the apartment. “Let’s go talk.”

  After a few seconds hesitation, Ranger took his hand and managed to stand. Leading him to the bedroom, Ryker put his arm around Ranger’s waist. They’d always had their most serious discussions spooned back to front in bed. It only seemed right that they do that now.

  Not bothering to take off their shoes, both men stretched out on the small twin-sized bed. There were two of them, and when he and Ranger had lived in the apartment, they’d been pushed together. Now, there was a small table separating them, but it didn’t matter. The only thing that he cared about was holding his brother. He spooned his body to the back of Ranger’s and wrapped him in his arms. “Don’t ever do that to me again,” he whispered, kissing Ranger’s neck.

  “Hold judgment until I tell you why I left,” Ranger said. As he told him his reasons, Ryker began to hold him even tighter. He wasn’t sure what would explode first, his head or his cock. Over the years, he’d tried giving Ranger hints while they were in bed together, but Ranger had been so adamant about never crossing that line, Ryker had finally given up.

  It wasn’t until Ranger mentioned the promise they’d made to their father that he understood. To Ranger, a promise was set in stone as soon as the words left his lips. To know a single sentence uttered thirteen years earlier had kept them apart angered him. Ryker wasn’t mad at Ranger, but at wasted time. He’d always known Ranger would be his life-time love, partner, whatever title a person wanted to attach, but the thought that they could have gone without expressing that love fully because of one stupid promise…

  “So, what do you think?” Ranger asked. “I can move back in here if it’ll make you uncomfortable to have me living at home.”

  Ryker smoothed his hand down Ranger’s chest to the semi-hard cock trapped in his jeans. He applied a good bit of pressure and kissed his neck. “I’ve wanted to make love to you since I was fifteen. I know that comes as a shock because we never really talked about it back then, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t dream about it almost every night.”

  Ranger stilled a few seconds before turning in his arms. “I love you,” Ranger said, taking his mouth in a heated mating of tongues and teeth.

  As much as Ryker wanted to strip off Ranger’s clothes and make love to him right there, he wanted Lilly with them when it happened. She’d earned the right to be part of this beautiful occasion. Breaking the kiss he cupped Ranger’s cheek. “Let’s go home. I’d like Lilly to be part of this.”

  “Do you think she’ll be grossed out by us?”

  “Lilly? Are you kidding? She loves it when we touch each other. Just think what it’ll do to her when she watches us make love.” Speaking of Lilly, he knew he needed to tell Ranger about Lilly’s earlier attack before he saw her. Ranger’s emotions were so close to the surface he wasn’t sure how he’d react to the news that Jeff had dared hit their woman. He was grateful that Jeff was right now sitting in a cell at the Sheriff’s station. Rawley told him he’d let Jeff sit there overnight until Lilly went in and formally identified him as her attacker.

  “Love, before we go, I need to tell you something. It’s going to piss you off and you’re gonna feel like killing someone, but its already being taken care of.”

  “What?” Ranger sat up and looked down at Ryker.

  “When Lilly left the bar…” Ryker went on to tell Ranger everything he knew, not wanting to keep anything from him ever again. He banded his arms around Ranger’s to help control his instant desire to rush out of the room.

  “She’s calm now. It took a while, and I don’t want you to go running out there and dredge it all back up again. Just love her, please.”

  “You know I think I can let myself do that now. Love her, I mean. Before there was just too much…”

  “Shhh,” he whispered against Ranger’s lips. “Come on, let’s go home.” Ryker got off the bed and pulled Ranger to his feet. Funny how a good cry and an emotional breakthrough could sober a person. As they walked through the living room arm in arm, he looked at Ranger. “No more Jack for you.”

  “Don’t worry. Jack and I are no longer friends.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Ranger cradled a still slightly shaken Lilly in his lap the entire ride home. Ryker put his foot down, however, when he attempted to carry her into the house. “You’re still too shaky to take chances like that with her,” Ryker said, taking Lilly from his arms.

  “I can walk,” Lilly reminded the pair.

  “Yes, you certainly can, but not tonight.” Ryker gave her a quick kiss and carried her into the house.

  Getting his suitcase out of the truck, Ranger carried it back into the house. He must have known deep down that he wouldn’t be able to leave Ryker because he’d never bothered taking the bag up to the apartment.

  Setting it down in front of the closet, he turned toward Ryker and Lilly. They were both sitting on the end of the bed looking at him. “What?”

  Ryker grinned, “W
e’re just waiting for the okay to attack you.”

  Ranger laughed and spread his arms out to the side. “Attack away.”

  Before he could take another breath, Lilly was pulling his T-shirt over his head as Ryker fumbled with his jeans. When he started to sway, Ryker stopped and pulled him toward the bed.

  “Let’s get you horizontal first.”

  Ranger sat on the side of the bed while Lilly unlaced his work boots and pulled them off. He looked at a still dressed Lilly, her smiling face marred by the puffy looking blue and purple bruises. His insides still seethed with the thought of Jeff touching her. He’d better hope they put him away for a while. Otherwise, Jeff would have to deal with the Good brothers. “Hey…” He looked up at Lilly. “Am I the only one getting naked around here?”

  Lilly grinned and pulled her T-shirt over her head. “I should shower. I probably smell like beer and pot roast.”

  “Two of my favorite things,” Ryker said, taking a nip of her exposed breast. After releasing Lilly, he knelt between Ranger’s thighs and eased Ranger’s jeans and underwear down and off, before wrapping his arms around Ranger’s mid-section.

  Threading his fingers through Ryker’s curls, Ranger sighed. “Your turn, Bub.”

  Ryker nodded but didn’t remove his head from Ranger’s chest. “I just want to hold you for a second.”

  Now naked, Lilly climbed onto the bed to kneel behind Ranger. With her knees planted on either side of Ranger’s hips, she pressed herself against Ranger’s back. Ranger looked over his shoulder at the plump breast resting there. With one hand buried in Ryker’s hair, Ranger used the other to trace the dark areola with his fingertips. “You’re so beautiful.”

  Lilly tilted his head up and ran her tongue over his lips before delving inside for a long, slow kiss. She glanced down at Ryker before meeting Ranger’s eyes. “This is a very special night for the two of you.”

  Ranger glanced down at the top of Ryker’s head. “Yes.”

  “Would you like some time alone?” she asked.

  Ranger thought about it for a second. The fact that Lilly even asked warmed his heart. She was a good addition to their family, and for the first time, he honestly felt they all had a future together. “No.” When Lilly continued to question him with her eyes, he continued. “After Ryker makes love to me, I’d like to make love to you.”

  Lilly’s brows shot up. “You feel like making love to me?” Lilly asked, her voice colored by a hint of disbelief.

  “It was never that I didn’t want to before. It was just that I felt a certain amount of jealousy.” He paused and bent to kiss Ryker’s head. “It was like being consumed by guilt. I knew I’d never be complete without making love to both of you. I didn’t think it would ever be an option, so I figured it was better to not have it than to have half of what I really wanted.”

  Ryker lifted his head. “Well then, let us give you the whole enchilada.” Ryker placed a kiss on his bare chest before standing. He quickly stripped out of his clothes as Lilly folded down the covers as far as she could.

  “Snugglefest with you in the middle this time.” Lilly pulled him into the center of the big bed. The sheets were cool against his heated skin as he was surrounded by two beautiful naked people.

  Ryker started by running his hand across Ranger’s chest, stopping to pinch and tease at his nipples, before moving to his corrugated abdomen. He traced each ridge and indentation like he was a blind man trying desperately to memorize every detail. Ranger felt his cock drip pre-cum onto his stomach at the loving caresses.

  Not wanting to miss out, Lilly quickly moved between Ranger’s spread thighs. As she swirled her tongue around his balls, stopping to suck them one at a time, Ranger let himself go. No longer would he think about anything but these two people loving him. He spread further when Ryker joined Lilly at his groin. His cock began to twitch and bob, desperately asking for attention, but both his loves ignored its silent pleas.

  “Hold your legs up for me,” Ryker moaned, trying to lick a path under his balls to the crease of his ass.

  Lilly backed off enough for Ranger to hook his forearms under his knees and pull them to his chest, leaving himself open for Ryker’s questing tongue. Lilly, bless her heart, moved around on the bed to straddle his face. Lifting his head, he took his first real taste of Lilly directly from the source. Her cream was sweet and thick and Ranger began eagerly lapping all the essence he could reach.

  The first contact Lilly gave his cock was with her tongue, drilling the tip into the dripping slit at the top. “Uhh,” he moaned, face buried in her sweet tasting pussy. The combination of Lilly’s lips wrapped around the wide girth of his cock, Ryker’s tongue lapping against his puckered hole and the taste of Lilly’s cream had him on edge. Damn, he didn’t want to come. This moment was too perfect to shoot like a teenager.

  Blowing a puff of air across Lilly’s swollen clit, he gritted his teeth as she moaned, sending a vibration down the length of his cock. The introduction of Ryker’s finger into his virgin ass had him crying out as he thrust his length deeper into Lilly’s mouth. “More,” he groaned. Taking Lilly’s clit between his lips, Ranger sucked greedily.

  Another finger soon followed and a zing of pleasure ran up his body as Ryker found his prostate. Unable to help himself, Ranger’s cock shot burst after burst of pearly white seed down Lilly’s throat. He should have felt guilty for not warning her, but right then he didn’t even remember his own name. Apologies were the furthest thing from his mind. Lilly evidently had the same problem because within seconds, she began bucking against his face, signaling her own release.

  “Holy cow,” she panted as she climbed off Ranger.

  As Ranger tried to catch his breath, Ryker licked a path up his crack, across his sac and spent cock and up the ridges of his torso to land on his mouth. Every inch Ryker licked tingled. Ranger didn’t think he’d ever been this sensitive or stimulated in his life. He ate at Ryker’s mouth like a starving man, tasting his own earthy essence on Ryker’s tongue. “Fuck me,” he whispered, when they broke their kiss.

  Ryker grinned and nodded. Reaching over to the bedside table, he pulled out the lube and a couple of condoms. As Ryker rolled the latex down his shaft, he seemed to be studying Ranger. “I don’t want to hurt you. Like you, I’ve never done this before.”

  Reaching up, he grabbed the back of Ryker’s neck and pulled him down for another kiss. “It’ll hurt more if you don’t do this.”

  Stretching out, Lilly smoothed her hand over his flaccid cock as she rested her head on the pillow beside him. He looked into her jade green eyes, seeing his own love reflected back at him.

  Ranger felt a slick finger against his anus and snapped his attention to Ryker. Kneeling between his spread legs, Ryker’s face was one of concentration as he continued to ready Ranger’s body for his possession. “You know,” Ryker said, “it’ll be easier on both of us if you got on all fours.”

  Ranger thought about it for a split second before shaking his head. “I want to look at you, please,” he pleaded.

  With a hand to his cheek, Ryker nodded. “Any way you want, love.”

  Lining up his sheathed cock, Ryker took an extra second to apply more lube around Ranger’s hole. “Just breathe and let me in,” Ryker whispered.

  The initial stretch of his outer muscles took Ranger’s breath, the burning pinch of pain causing sweat to break out on his forehead. Trying to ease the process, Lilly began kissing his neck as she wrapped her fingers around his burgeoning erection. “It’s okay, breathe, baby,” she continually crooned in his ear.

  Ranger looked down to where Ryker’s body was joining with his. It was finally happening. Meeting Ryker’s eyes, he saw the worry and the love his brother felt. With a deep breath, Ranger’s body automatically bore down allowing Ryker’s cock to slowly slide in to the hilt. Once totally inside him, they both felt it, the connection that they’d both longed for. It was evident in Ryker’s face that he wasn’t alone in his feeling of

  Ranger felt tears drip down the sides of his face only to be quickly licked away by Lilly. “Love you,” he silently mouthed to Ryker. The moment was too perfect to break the silence with words. He felt his body lighten and relax as Ryker began a slow slide out, only to push back in again.

  “More,” he moaned a few minutes later as both Ryker and Lilly picked up their pace. The feel of Ryker’s heavy sac slapping against his sensitized skin on every thrust, had him out of his head with pleasure in no time.

  Lilly’s hand around his cock slid back and forth as she continued to whisper in his ear. She spoke of how much he was loved and how right this was. Ranger knew he only caught about half of what she was saying, his climax building to a level that had a roar sounding in his ears. “Close,” he grunted, as Ryker changed angles just enough to peg his gland on every thrust.

  “Bub…” he howled as he came, jets of fluid coating his own chest as well as Lilly’s hand. His mind took flight, lost in a sea of colors as his body continued to tremble with the last of his orgasm.

  When he opened his eyes again it was to see Ryker looking down at him, while continuing to piston his hips, driving his cock again and again into Ranger’s body. He could tell Ryker had waited for him to come down from his climax before slipping over the edge himself. After two more hard thrusts, Ryker yelled his name and buried himself as deep as possible. Ranger would swear he felt the force of Ryker’s cum even though securely encased within the condom.

  He pulled Ryker’s sweaty body down on top of him and tilted his chin up for a kiss. Even the feel of Ryker’s tongue tangled with his seemed different now, deeper, closer. Breaking the kiss, Ranger pulled Lilly in for a kiss, which soon evolved into a three way mating of mouths.


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