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Smokey Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  It had been a trying couple of weeks for the club, especially as the Italian mafia picked a new Boss, not to mention the waves that had been caused with the Twisted Bastards MC. The fact Ryan had allowed some of the fuckers into his bar a couple of weeks ago, and was known to have been doing business with them, pissed him off.

  He’d been too distracted by shit going on at home to look at the bigger picture. That shit wouldn’t happen again, which was why he’d arranged a meeting with the Twisted Bastards MC President, Creed. Tonight, he wanted to spend time with Ava. The curvy baker had gotten under his skin, and the only way for him to work it off was to fuck her.

  Ava opened the door. A fresh smile on her face, and she wore the cutest black dress he’d ever seen. It molded to her curves and flared out at her thighs, giving it a whoosh effect.

  “Damn,” he said.

  “I’m being frank here. I don’t know what kind of sexy we’re going for. This is the closest I’ve got.” She wrinkled her nose. “I know it’s not great.”

  He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close. “Who says it’s not great?”

  “I did.”

  Smokey ran his hand down to the curve of her ass. “I like it.”


  He stepped back to reveal his bike.

  “Hell, no,” she said.

  “Excuse me?”

  “I’ll take my car to your clubhouse. There’s no way I’m getting on the back of a bike.”

  “Babe, get your ass on the bike.”

  “Er, no. This babe doesn’t get told what to do and obey.” She walked to her car. “I’ll drive. It’ll be good this way. I can come home without having to stop you from having fun.”

  “You’re doing this to piss me off,” he said.

  “Why would I do that?” She gave him a little chuckle, but she’d already climbed into her car.

  Two could play at this game. Straddling his bike, exceedingly disappointed in the fact she wasn’t seated behind him, he reeved his engine and glared at the offending car. Most chicks wanted to be on the back of his bike.

  Ava was … totally different, and he was going to have to get used to that.

  Still, he liked that she didn’t back down. Ava wasn’t a doormat. However, if she thought she was going to get away from his party easily, she was very much mistaken.

  Smokey took the lead, driving with her following him. The guys were going to laugh their asses off when they saw him, but he didn’t care. He’d have the prettiest girl at the club.

  Riding to the clubhouse, he’d hoped to use the vibrations of the machine to turn her on and to get as close to her as humanly possible. That wasn’t going to happen.

  Arriving at the clubhouse, he cut the engine as Ava picked a spot. A couple of the guys were already drinking. The scent of barbeque was heavy in the air, and music covered any wave of laughter.

  Ava climbed out and he took her hand holding the keys.

  “Hey, what are you doing?” she asked.

  “I’m making sure you don’t run off from me tonight. You need these keys back, you’ve got to ask nicely.”

  He put the keys into his jeans pocket.

  “You’re not playing fair.”

  “Neither are you.” He pressed his lips to hers. “But you don’t see me complaining.”

  “I barely know you.”

  “And you think I know a lot more about you?”

  She glared at him. “Are you telling me you didn’t run some kind of background check on me?”

  He paused as he looked at her.

  “Yeah, you think I’m stupid? Suddenly knowing where I work. My ex. All topics I’m pretty sure I didn’t cover.” She smiled at him. “I also happened to notice Ryan’s Place is closed until further notice and your knuckles are bloody, like they hit someone. Am I getting hot so far?”

  He had no idea an intelligent, observant woman could turn him on so much. Most of the women he knew turned a blind eye to the happenings within the club. Ava took it all in.

  “Did you like what you found?” she asked, hand on hip.

  “Do you think you’d be here if I didn’t?”

  “Fair enough. I need a drink. Are we going to get this party started or are we going to stand outside and chat about how unfair you are?”

  He smiled and invaded her space, pressing her up against her car. “You know, I’ve hurt men for less. I don’t like being disrespected.”

  Ava put her hands on his shoulders. He liked her touch a little too much. “And I don’t like having my privacy invaded.”

  “You would’ve given up your personal details so easily?”

  “In time. I’d have shared anything, including my ex’s name. Seeing as you know all about me, I think it’s unfair. I need to know more about you, besides the fact you’re an arrogant asshole.”

  “Believe me, that’s one of my better qualities.”

  “I have no doubt. Drink or not?” she asked.

  He pressed his body against hers, seeing the flare in her gaze. “How about I take you up to my room?”

  “How about I get a drink first and you’re nice to me?” she asked. “You want a girl to fuck, I’m sure there are plenty of willing women around.”

  He put his hands on her hips, letting her feel how aroused he was. “Let’s get one thing straight, Ava. You can give me lip all you want. I like it, but you and me, it’s a sure thing.”

  “Not if you’re an asshole.” She took him by surprise, pressing her lips against his. It wasn’t a deep kiss or even a long one. Just a single peck on the lips. “Drink?” She brushed past him, and he grabbed her hand.

  He wouldn’t allow her to shake him off. The dress wasn’t the skimpiest thing that would be worn. He guaranteed there were women wearing absolutely nothing. What he didn’t want was any of the brothers to think she was an easy ride.

  She belonged to him. Every single part of her.

  He wanted her so badly. His time in her bed would come.

  Until then, he was going to have fun exploring this woman. He’d gotten used to the club whores throwing themselves at him. He couldn’t remember a time he actually had to do anything but snap his fingers.

  They entered the bar, and Ava came to a complete stop. There were three completely naked women dancing across the bar. Two were kissing as the other one danced. The bar was high enough that as she went down and spread her knees, they got a clear sight of her pussy.

  “Oh,” Ava said.

  “You can handle this, right?” he asked.

  She glanced over her shoulder. “Your party is one big orgy?”

  “No, my party is a bunch of guys having a whole lot of fun.” He pressed a kiss to her cheek. “Come on.”

  He moved through the crowd, going to the bar and ordering her a beer.

  “I’ll just have a soda.”

  Smokey pressed the beer into her hand and took a swig of his own.

  He spotted a couple of the guys checking her out, and he pulled her close to his side, putting a hand on her ass for good measure. They all backed off. There were a lot of benefits to being the president of the club. This was one of them.

  He took her hand, swigging the beer and moving her away from the crowd. They were stopped on the dance floor by a topless woman.

  “Hey, Smokey, I’m so wet for you.” She ran her finger down his chest.

  He shoved her away.

  “Hey, that wasn’t nice,” Ava said.

  Pressing her against the wall with his body, he stared down into her eyes. She was a lot smaller than him.

  “These women need to learn their place.”

  “You don’t have to be mean about it.”

  He smiled. “Yeah, I do. You don’t understand this world, but that’s okay. In time, you’ll come to see what it’s all about.”

  Smokey noticed she started to take small swigs of her beer as they watched the room. Guys were playing pool, men and women were making out.

  They’d come back in
to the main clubhouse. He took her outside where couples were eating and dancing. The loud music inside could still be heard from a short distance.

  A couple of fires had been built in trash cans. Night had already fallen.

  Ava finished her beer and he pulled her into his arms.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Dancing. It’s what you do at a party.”

  “I’m pretty sure naked girls flashing their personals is not all that happens at a party.”

  The sound of a moan filled the air. Smokey glanced over Ava’s shoulder to see Kinky was once again not caring where he was to get his dick wet.

  One of the girls who worked for them in the porn films, Swallow, he believed she’d named herself, was completely naked with Kinky behind her, pounding her.

  “Yes, yes, fuck yes,” she said.

  “Now that’s a different party,” Smokey said.

  He spun Ava in his arms to see where his gaze was. The moment she caught sight of the couple, she tensed in his arms. He put his hands to her stomach, drawing her back against his body.


  “Don’t panic. Nothing bad is going to happen. I promise you,” he whispered against her ear. She let out a gasp. “She works for us. Swallow is used to people watching. She gets off on it.”

  “You don’t think she’s faking it?” Ava asked.

  “I’m sure there are times she does. Women do it all the time, but right now, look at her. Look at her face and the way she’s fucking back against Kinky. She loves it. She loves having a cock in her pussy.” He slowly glided his hand up toward her breast. His thumb skimmed the side and she tensed up again.

  He held perfectly still.

  Kinky pulled out of Swallow, removed his condom, and came all over her face.

  It wasn’t exactly the ending Smokey was hoping for.

  “I need another beer,” Ava said. She pulled out of his arms, and he wanted to go and beat the living shit out of Kinky. Women didn’t want to have cum all over their faces.

  Damn it. That was the last time he was ever going to trust Kinky.

  He followed Ava back into the clubhouse, only she didn’t stay at the bar. She took one look around, shook her head, and stepped right on out. She walked to the car and clearly forgot he had the keys.

  When she spun around, he was already there, waiting.

  “Can I have my keys?”

  “What’s going on, Ava?” he asked.

  “Do you really need to ask that?” She shook her head. “I can’t compete with that. There’s no way that’s a normal party.”

  “At the clubhouse, it kind of is.”

  “Why did you invite me, Smokey? I don’t get it.” She looked past his shoulder. “You know my history. I bet you know every single little detail about me. Still, you bring me here. I don’t know if you’re trying to laugh at me, or…”

  “I’m not laughing,” he said.

  “What is this?” she asked.

  “I wanted you to have fun. You’re right. I know everything about you. Every single little detail you can get on a piece of paper. I even looked into your ex and I can already form a picture. The lonely housewife. Left alone, passed over by your ex. He’s fucking everything in sight and you’re at home, wondering what the hell you did wrong.”

  “You don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong. I know what I’m talking about,” he said. “You’re not angry or offended by what you see here.” He advanced toward her. “You’re fucking envious.”

  “You don’t know everything. You’ve got it all wrong!”

  “No?” He pressed his hand between her thighs and found exactly what he expected. “You’re soaking wet, baby. That can only mean one thing—you’re very much aroused.” He removed his hand. “Now, when you remove that stick from your ass, maybe we can talk. Until then, have a nice life.” He slammed the keys into her hand, turned on his heel, and left.

  Chapter Three

  Ava couldn’t remember a time she’d been so … pissed. Was that even a strong enough word? She let out a growl as she pounded her fists into the dough. Over and over, she beat it until she had no choice but to let the dough attempt to proof.

  She stepped back, removed the gloves she’d been using, and washed her hands.

  Ever since she’d left the party last night, she’d been angry. There were no other words or explanation for it. She was so incredibly angry. At herself, at Smokey, at Derek.

  She folded her arms across her chest and closed her eyes. Counting to ten didn’t work, nor twenty.

  Even the enjoyment she got from baking and serving customers didn’t cut it.

  She didn’t know what the hell Smokey had done to her, but it had pissed her off. The door opened, and she felt tears fill her eyes. She wafted her face in an attempt to get herself back under control and headed out to go serve.

  Two women stood side by side. One with long, intense, raven-black hair, the other long and brown.

  “Hello, welcome to Ava’s. What can I get for you?” she asked.

  She’d spent a long time staring at the mirror, trying to figure out the best way to offer a welcome at her bakery.

  “Wow, you are pretty,” the raven-haired one said.

  “Do I know you?” she asked.

  The woman spun around, showing off her leather cut that proclaimed her to be a Hell’s Bastards MC member.

  “Are you Smokey’s daughter?” Ava asked.

  The woman burst out laughing. “I’m so going to be telling the big man that one. Wow, hell, no. I’m not his daughter. It’s rare to happen, but I’m a member of the club. Earned my patch some time ago.”

  “Oh.” She frowned and then groaned. “Oh, crap. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you.”

  “No offense. You should see the way it throws men off. They think they stand a chance with a daddy’s princess, but when they get to know me…”

  “Right,” Ava said, chuckling. “What can I get you two ladies?”

  “Ladies. I’ve been called many things.”

  The brunette chuckled. “Don’t mind her. I’m Abriana, this is Raven.”

  “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Ava.” She held her hand out and they all shook hands. “What can I get you?”

  “I’ll take whatever is your best thing,” Raven said. “I came to check out the woman who has our president in an awful mood.”

  “Raven, don’t.”

  “Smokey’s upset?” Ava asked.

  “Smokey’s pissed off. Barking orders. I mean, he’s usually like that anyway, but he sometimes has a bit more tact, you know?”

  The truth was she didn’t have a clue, and so she merely smiled, nodded, and just left it at that.

  “So, when are you stopping by?” Raven asked. “I caught sight of you and the boss himself last night. You can’t tell me you don’t want to tap that.”

  “My best friend has yet to develop a filter,” Abriana said.

  “He’s rough around the edges and an asshole, but come on, you’re not intrigued by how this is going to go?” Raven asked.

  The two women began to have a conversation between themselves. Ava picked out a couple of baked items, rang them up, and then told them the amount.

  “So, what do you say?” Raven asked.

  “What do I say to what?”

  “You get that stick out of your ass and you give Smokey a chance?” Raven held out some money. Ava took it and counted out the change, wondering if Smokey had asked Raven to approach her.

  “You were married, right? Bad husband and all that deal.”

  “Forgive my friend. She is usually much better at being tactful,” Abriana said.

  “Oh, please, I’m not. This is who I am.”

  “Well, it was nice to meet you both,” Ava said.

  “Come on. Her husband was a grade-A asshole. You heard it,” Raven said. “I bet the asshole never considered her, even in the bedroom.”

  “Raven, we’re not talking about this.”

  The two women left the shop, and Ava stood at her counter, confused. There wasn’t even a lunch rush yet and already, she felt exhausted.


  They were … confusing.

  Smokey was strange. What exactly did he want from her? It wasn’t like he was giving her a whole list of things he wanted.

  She rubbed at her temple.

  The lunch rush took it right out of her. Fortunately, she had another sold-out day. She cleaned, put everything away, and left her shop. She made sure to lock it up tight. Now she got to enjoy a couple of days of experimenting, maybe put her feet up, enjoy some hot cocoa or a good book. She hadn’t decided yet which one she wanted to do. Either option was fun for her.

  She climbed into her car, but rather than start the engine, she sat back and thought.

  Raven was right. Her ex had never been great in bed. Their sex life had consisted of missionary position until he found his release, and she was always left wanting. For five years, that was her married sex life. Then one day out of the blue, she picked up a book, and from start to end, it was pure sex. Hot, undeniable, no-holds-barred sex. The kind of sex she thought about but figured didn’t exist.

  Then some searches helped her to discover there was a whole load of people out there enjoying lots of good sex. She just wasn’t one of them. Would never be one of them.

  After her research, she tried to get Derek to do more. She’d bought sexy lingerie. Toys. Spent lots of time practicing how to approach. One night, when she did, it was like Derek realized she wasn’t an idiot anymore.

  He’d gotten mean. Cruel even. Telling her the reason he only did missionary. How he couldn’t stand to see her naked. The sight of her sickened him.

  “Stop it, Ava. You’re a beautiful, kind, woman. No man has this power over you.” Still, the tears welled up. She pressed her lips together to calm herself.

  The traitors fell. She refused to cry because of Derek. He shouldn’t have any more power over her. She wouldn’t let him. Yet, here she sat in her car. Emotional.

  Smokey had offered her a chance, and he’d shut her down.

  Frowning, she put the key into the ignition, fired her machine up, and took off. She remembered the route from the previous night, and it didn’t take her too long to get there. She’d pushed her foot to the gas, and now, as she arrived, her heart pounded. Rather than stop, she kept on going.


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