by H.H. Fowler
When Brenda noticed the number on the caller ID, she picked up the phone immediately, and then turned away from her computer.
“A pleasant good afternoon. This is Mount Moriah Bap–”
“This is me, Brenda. Why do you go on with all that knowing where the call is from?”
“Michelle?” Brenda whispered.
“You sound surprised.”
“Err – just a bit off my rockers,” Brenda laughed. “Your husband should be happy to know your flight made it in earlier than he had expected.”
Michelle held the phone away from her and wondered if her hearing had deceived her. “My flight?”
“Yes, he mentioned that it had been delayed. Where were you coming from, dear?”
“Brenda, transfer me to Leroy please.”
“I could, but he’s in a meeting…” Brenda looked around furtively, lowering her voice. “…with, you know who.”
“I couldn’t stop her from going into Pastor’s office. She practically shoved me back into my chair. You know how I feel about her.”
All of a sudden, Michelle felt hot from head to toe, but was far from experiencing a fever. She kept her voice calm, cool, and collected. “Brenda, let’s make this one a surprise. I’ll be at home waiting for him.”
Chapter Eleven