Snow on the Roof

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Snow on the Roof Page 12

by Sean Ashcroft

  He knew that Sunny was sweet, and kind, and gentle with everyone he encountered, but especially with Grant. He knew that Sunny would stick up for him even when he wasn’t in the room, because people had told him so.

  He knew what Sunny looked like when he was aroused, and when he was satisfied, and when he was curled up next to Grant in bed, ready to sleep.

  Grant’s stomach clenched at the thought, and he reached out to the empty side of the bed, feeling the cold spot where Sunny should have been. Where he should have told Sunny he was welcome, always, because Grant was in love with him and never wanted him to leave his side.

  Grant’s thoughts were broken by a sudden light outside. Not a flash, exactly, more like…


  His brain took a moment to catch up with his legs, which had him climbing out of bed and racing for the window before he’d really finished the thought.

  Only one person would be coming up this driveway at this time of night.

  Grant’s heart pounded as he watched an unfamiliar car pull up. He couldn’t see past the headlights, but he knew. He knew who it was.

  He didn’t even grab a dressing robe before he bolted for the stairs, his footfalls echoing in the otherwise silent cabin as he ran down them, losing his footing for a heart-stopping moment, but regaining his balance before he tumbled down.

  Grant threw the front door open just as Sunny got out of the car, the same blanket he’d worn earlier wrapped around his shoulders.

  Grant swallowed. Sunny was back.

  He took a few paces toward him, wishing desperately that he had something on his feet other than thin socks. The snow wasn’t quite enough to stop him, though.

  Some things were too important.

  Sunny looked at him for a few moments, hesitating, and then taking a half-step forward. Grant braced himself for a slow, cautious dance, neither of them entirely sure what they wanted.

  He didn’t have time to realize that Sunny was running at him before he had an armful of him, hugging tight around his neck and already shivering with the cold. Grant recovered his balance for the second time, wrapping his arms around Sunny, unsure he had the willpower to ever let him go.

  Hot tears soaked into the collar of his shirt, Sunny sniffing quietly, his face pressed into the crook of Grant’s neck.

  Grant held him, letting him cry, letting himself tear up as well.

  It felt so good to hold him. He couldn’t give this up for anything. He had to tell Sunny how he felt, beg him for a chance if that was what it took. Promise him anything he wanted in exchange for staying a part of Grant’s life.

  “Sunny, I…”

  Sunny looked up at him, his eyes dark in the low light. “I came here to resign,” he said.

  Grant’s heart sank. That wasn’t what he’d been expecting at all. He’d thought…

  “So I can do this,” Sunny added.

  This turned out to grabbing Grant’s face in both hands and pressing their lips together, a forceful kiss that knocked the breath out of Grant’s lungs, left him gasping for air as Sunny held him in place, moved his hands to grab fistfuls of the t-shirt he’d gone to bed in, held him close.

  Grant’s head was spinning by the time Sunny backed off to rest their foreheads together, but he wouldn’t have had it any other way. Sunny could make his head spin every day for the rest of his life, and he’d be happy.

  Because that was what he wanted.

  He wanted Sunny for the rest of his life, and he’d never been so sure of anything before.

  “I love you,” he said, before he could lose the nerve again. “I love you,” he repeated, enchanted by the way that sounded.

  He loved Sunny.

  Sunny was the one. Sunny had been the one since he’d turned up at Grant’s door and barely even judged him for answering it with his shirt in his hand.

  How often did someone that perfect come along?

  Sunny leaned back, grinning up at him and then turning to wave at the driver of the car he’d come in. The headlights came back on, and then the car reversed out of the driveway and disappeared down the road.

  Sunny was staying.

  “I love you, too,” he said. “But I am so cold.”

  Grant shivered as Sunny mentioned it, his own feet turning to ice as he stood on the freezing ground.

  There was really only one way to solve that.

  He swooped in, grabbing Sunny by the knees and throwing him over his shoulder. Sunny cried out in surprise at first, then burst into laughter as Grant carried him inside.

  It was an effort to hold his weight like this, but Sunny was worth any amount of effort. Sunny was worth everything.

  “Shh,” Grant murmured as he shut the door, putting Sunny down as gently as he could. “You’ll wake the whole house.”

  Sunny leaned in, pressing his cold nose against Grant’s equally chilly one. “I’ll be quiet if you’ll race me to your bedroom,” he murmured.

  Grant’s eyes widened, a spark of arousal bouncing around his stomach at Sunny’s tone.

  “On three?” he asked.

  Sunny snorted, and then bolted for the stairs without waiting another second. Grant followed him as soon as his brain caught up with what was going on, the fog of sleeplessness finally starting to lift.

  He was getting everything he wanted for Christmas.

  He grinned to himself as he chased Sunny into the bedroom, closing the door behind him and then grabbing Sunny to pin him against it, holding him close as they both warmed up in the suddenly too-hot room.

  It wasn’t the room, exactly. It was Sunny.

  Sunny, who was looking up at him as though he was amazing.

  Grant had no doubt that he had the same look in his eyes. His heart was doing all kinds of acrobatics in his chest.

  “I love you,” he said again, in awe at how big the feeling was. How uncontainable it felt.

  Sunny smiled the warmest, brightest smile Grant had ever seen on him. There was a lot of competition for that, since Sunny’s smiles were always bright, but this one…

  This one was different.

  He could see in Sunny’s eyes that he was just as in awe as Grant was.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he said, reaching out to cup Grant’s cheek. “I don’t think I’ve said.”

  Grant blushed, his face getting hot under Sunny’s touch. He really didn’t mind Sunny calling him beautiful.

  It’d been a long time since anyone had. Sunny had a way of making it sound like the truth, too.

  “Means a lot coming from someone as pretty as you,” Grant said, a smile spreading across his face. “You make me so happy.”

  Sunny grinned at him, warmth radiating off him as he settled his hands on Grant’s waist, squeezing gently. “Feeling’s mutual,” Sunny murmured. “I couldn’t sleep without you.”

  “Me neither,” Grant said. “I was so scared you were never coming back.”

  “So was I.” Sunny nodded, his grip on Grant’s waist tightening a little. “And I know you’re about to be ridiculously busy, but… I’ll wait. I’ll be there when the dust settles. I’ll even help you through it, if there’s room for me.”

  “There’s always room for you,” Grant said. “I’ll make room,” he added. “You’re important to me. As important to me as anyone else, okay? I know it hasn’t been long, but…”

  “You’re everything I want and I couldn’t bear to lose you,” Sunny finished for him.

  Grant got the impression that he was talking about how he felt, too.

  “My life is about to change,” Grant said. “Which is happening a lot lately. And you’ve been one of the big changes, and I couldn’t imagine living without you now. I would love for you to hold my hand while it all goes down.”

  Before Grant had even finished saying it, Sunny reached out to grab his hand, wrapping his fingers around it tightly. “It was a mistake to give me permission to do this,” he said. “I’ll never want to stop.”

  Grant smiled. “Y
ou don’t have to,” he said, tugging on Sunny’s hand to pull him back toward the bed.


  Sunny arched his hips toward Grant as he shoved a second finger inside him, all his nerve endings lighting up at once with the pressure.

  Grant's confidence had taken off since last time, and Sunny could hardly wait to see him really find his feet.

  He’d be worth guiding.

  Even if Sunny hadn't been hopelessly in love with him, Grant had all the right qualities to become truly amazing in bed. All Sunny had to do was help bring them out.

  “Good?” Grant asked, his eyes wide and dark as he hovered over Sunny's body, one hand braced against the headboard, the other opening Sunny up with a lot less caution than last time.

  Sunny didn't need Grant to be careful. He needed Grant to be inside him, filling him up, reassuring him that he was there, and they hadn't lost each other, and he still had a really nice cock.

  That last part, Sunny was pretty sure of, but a reminder wouldn't hurt.

  “Good,” Sunny agreed, rocking his hips down against Grant’s fingers, arousal building steadily in his gut. He’d only be able to take this for so long before he’d need more.

  If Grant wanted him to beg, he’d beg. He wasn’t too proud to do that.

  “I could get used to this,” Grant murmured, his eyes trailing up and down Sunny’s body. “You look amazing naked.”

  Sunny laughed at that, his heart swelling at the sweetness of it. Grant wasn’t like other men, but that wasn’t a bad thing at all.

  “You too,” Sunny said, his voice breaking with arousal. He needed Grant’s cock, and he needed it now.

  Unwilling to wait, Sunny reached up to grab Grant’s shoulder and hooked his leg around Grant’s knee, using every ounce of strength and coordination he had right now to flip the two of them over, forcing Grant to pull his fingers out.

  Sunny sat down on his hips, pinning him in place as Grant stared up at him in surprise.

  “I’m not on the clock,” Sunny said. “So you’re not in charge.”

  Grant’s wet his lips, nodding slowly and holding Sunny’s gaze. He obviously didn’t mind at all.

  Sunny took advantage of Grant’s surprise, reaching back to hold his cock still, adjusting his position until he could press the head up against himself, feel the heat of it against his delicate skin.

  He braced himself on Grant’s chest, shifting his legs a little further apart on the mattress, planting his knees firmly. Sunny wanted this to be as good for Grant as he knew it was going to be for him.

  “Ready?” he asked, his thighs burning with the effort of holding himself up like this. One more reason to be eager to sink down on Grant’s cock, feel it filling him all over again.

  Grant nodded, and Sunny didn’t waste another second before he pushed back, biting his lip as the thick head slipped inside him and then moaning as gravity did the rest, Grant’s cock hot and hard, stretching him to his limits, but sliding in as though they’d been tailor-made for each other.

  Sunny had done this enough to know that Grant was pretty much perfect. He felt so good inside him, his cock hitting every spot Sunny wanted it to, big enough to be deeply satisfying without being so big that Sunny was going to spend all his mornings sitting uncomfortably.

  Sunny’s head spun as he realized that this morning had been their first morning after. He felt as though he’d been with Grant for a lifetime.

  He definitely felt as though he wanted to be. Great cock aside, Grant was everything he wanted. Thinking he’d seen the last of him for just a handful of hours had been enough to drive Sunny to tears, the need to be with him so strong that he couldn’t stay away.

  The fact that Grant felt the same way was amazing, and something Sunny intended to grab with both hands and never let go of.

  He rocked his hips, slow, shallow thrusts at first, just letting Grant barely shift inside him, stretch him a little further, warm his muscles up. Underneath him, Grant’s eyes were glazed over, his pupils wide, his lips just slightly parted, his cheeks flushed a pretty shade of deep pink.

  He was beautiful. Sunny might not have said it before, but based on the way Grant had reacted the first time, he intended to say it often.

  “You really are beautiful,” he murmured. “Hot, too. But… I wish you could see yourself like this.”

  Grant swallowed, already too far gone to hold a conversation. That felt good, too. Sunny liked that he could render Grant speechless like this, switch his overworked brain off for a handful of minutes and give him a little peace.

  Especially when it felt as good as it did, hot little sparks of arousal bouncing around Sunny’s gut with every thrust, his cock leaking already without having to be touched.

  Sunny moved his hands down further, bracing himself against Grant’s belly, scratching gently at his treasure trail and grinning as his stomach muscles twitched under Sunny’s touch.

  If nothing else, he was the best toy Sunny had ever had. Everything about him was so exciting, every new discovery making Sunny’s chest tight with joy.

  He loved Grant. He loved every square inch of him, and he couldn’t wait to explore them all.

  “Sunny,” Grant murmured, his voice rough. “I love you.”

  Sunny gasped, the soft declaration knocking him off balance for a moment.

  No one had ever told him that mid-sex. The best he’d ever gotten was people saying things they didn’t really mean in the moments after, pretending it hadn’t happened later.

  Normally, hearing he was loved broke Sunny’s heart, because he knew it wasn’t true.

  Coming from Grant, it meant the world to him. He knew Grant was serious. He could feel everything between them, and he was so sure. Sure of everything, for the first time in his life.

  It was so good to have that. The certainty that for once, he was exactly where he was supposed to be.

  “I love you, too,” Sunny said, his voice breaking, his insides clenching as he said it. It felt so good to have this without being worried that it’d all be over in the morning.

  Grant would still be there. Whatever else happened, Sunny knew that Grant wanted this as much as he did. More, even.

  Grant reached up to touch Sunny’s cheek, his other hand moving to Sunny’s waist, gripping him tight there.

  Before Sunny had realized what was about to happen, Grant was flipping them back over again, Sunny’s stomach swooping at the sudden. He cried out, first in surprise, and then again as lifted his knee to push back inside him, filling Sunny completely in one motion.

  Sunny gasped for breath, his head spinning at everything that had just happened, his whole body on fire with arousal.

  This was unexpected, but Sunny barely remembered being this turned on in his life. He was used to having to be pushy to get what he wanted.

  Grant had read him, though. Grant paid attention.

  He was definitely worth a little guidance, though it was starting to look like he wouldn’t need that much.

  Sunny gasped and moaned as Grant wrapped his free hand around the length of his cock, stroking him in time with his thrusts. He could hear Grant panting over the rush of blood in his own ears, feel the effort he was putting into this in every roll of his hips.

  Apparently, I love you were the magic words. Sunny intended to remember that.

  “Grant,” he gasped between powerful, bed-shaking thrusts, barely able to catch his breath long enough to do it. He wanted to encourage this, but it was starting to look like he didn’t need to.

  Grant hummed in response, keeping up the pace he’d set, then speeding up just a little, a low moan breaking free of his throat.

  Sunny could feel arousal coiled inside him, tighter and tighter. Every thrust of Grant’s hips making it build, pulling him closer.

  He’d gone from having all the control to none at all, and he loved it. It felt so damned good to be wanted like this, to be understood.

  What Grant lacked in practical experience, he made up for
in a maturity that no man Sunny’s own age would have had. Now that he’d seen it up close, he couldn’t believe he’d waited this long to fall for an older one.

  Not that he’d had any choice about falling for Grant. Everything about him had been impossible to resist.

  “I got you,” Grant murmured, not missing a beat as he lifted Sunny clear off the bed and shoved a pillow under his hips.

  Sexy, considerate, and coordinated was one hell of a combination. All Sunny could think about right now was how good this felt, but he’d remember that later. He could do all kinds of fun things with a man who had Grant’s strength and coordination.

  The change in angle did nothing to stop the building need in Sunny’s gut, Grant’s cock hitting all of his sensitive spots with every thrust now, leaving him gasping and squirming under him.

  He was so close he could have screamed, need coursing through him with every movement, his nerve endings on fire.

  Sunny’s orgasm hit like a lightning bolt, starting at the back of his head and flowing down, making him arch his hips off the bed, push down on Grant’s cock as he started to come, breathy, needy moans punctuating every breath he took as each wave of pleasure crashed over him, his cock pulsing in Grant’s hand, coating them both like last time.

  He was never going to get tired of coming all over Grant. Grant was so neat, it was nice to mess him up a little.

  Sunny’s eyes rolled back in his head as he felt Grant coming too, his cock twitching inside Sunny, pulse after pulse sending aftershocks rippling through his already spent body, right on the verge of being painful, but not quite.

  He listened to Grant pant and gasp his way through his own orgasm, the last few tendrils of arousal curling up in his gut again. This felt so damned good.

  He loved that he could make Grant come.

  Sunny wanted to make Grant come twice a day for the rest of his life. Especially knowing how soft and cuddly he got after.


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