Gemini- The Beginning Of The End

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Gemini- The Beginning Of The End Page 2

by Nathan Dickeson

  “I figured you’d want these,” he said with a grin.

  How’d he? Stella snatched them from him and slipped them on. “Thank you.”

  “Shall we go, my lady?” he said giving her a mock bow.

  “We shall. But, if you ever call me a lady again, we’ll be having a different conversation,” she said with a hint of daggers in her smile.

  “Oh, don’t tempt me,” he said winking at her. “I might say it outta spite.”

  She stuck her tongue out at him.

  “That’s real mature,” he said and then stuck his own tongue out.

  Keep that up and I might have to kiss you, she thought staring at his lips. What am I saying? I’d never say that to someone I barely met! No matter how hot and charming and fun and… Stop it.

  But she had, at least to herself she had. Annnnnd he was walking away? “Wait for me!” she yelled chasing after him.

  “Then keep up.”

  “Where’s the sympathy?” she asked poking his side.

  “I left it in a dragon’s cave a hundred years ago,” he said without missing a beat.

  “Then go get it,” she muttered.

  Reaching the gangplank, Stella called out. “Permission to board?”

  “Granted,” the captain shouted from somewhere on deck.

  She walked up the ramp with Rick right behind her. Reaching the top, Captain Batlas came into view making his way over.

  “Hello Captain,” she said hopping onto the deck.

  Seeing who it was, Batlas twisted away and started to run, but he must have remembered he was already aboard his own ship and stopped.

  "We need a ride," Stella said smiling at him.

  "Faugh! Why in Telmerit's sake would the likes of you need passage on me vessel?" he spat in an indignant Telmery accent.

  "Captain, are you saying you already forgot the other night?"

  "No, no, no. I don't be forgetting that anytime soon. Thank you again Miss Stella. But me crew. There be no love for witches here."

  “That's new,” Rick said. “The Telmery used to hold Elementalists in high regard.”

  “You do be kidding? It's been this way since I was a lad.”

  “My mistake. I’ve got the coin to make it worth your while,” Rick said patting the pouch at his hip.”

  Batlas’s eyes shown. Licking his lips, he looked between Rick and Stella. “I do owe ya, so I’ll let you on board for two gold each.”

  “Two gold!” Stella shouted. “That’s ridiculous!”

  “Let’s make it five, but your crew will help us fight,” Rick said.

  “That’s a deal!” Batlas exclaimed clasping Rick’s hand.

  Stella stood there gaping at Rick. He reached into his pouch and pulled out five gold coins.

  “I’d be careful with that much gold. The best of men might turn nasty,” Batlas whispered.

  “Even if your entire crew attacked, Stella could sink the ship and make us disappear,” Rick responded in a hushed tone.

  Why me? He could sink the ship too.

  “I’ll make sure they understand that,” Batlas said.

  “You're crazy,” Stella muttered.

  “Oh, before I do forget, it be the pirates you be after?”

  “That it is, which is why we need to set sail. Now!” Rick commanded.

  “I can do that for another gold piece,” Batlas said.

  “I’ll give you another five if we catch up to the pirates today,” Rick said patting his pouch again.

  “Do ye know where they be headed?” Batlas asked, gold shining in his eyes.

  “Madiffel,” Stella said.

  Batlas spun around to face his crew. “Get movin’ ye slackers, we be settin’ sail right now!”

  “But capt-“ One of the crew started.

  “No buts! I want those sails lowered by the time I reach that helm. There be gold on the line!”

  The ship erupted into chaos as crewmen scrambled all over the deck. Some took hatchets to the ropes holding the ship to the dock, while others scurried to loose the sails. In moments the ship’s sails dropped, and she was ready to move.

  “Stella! Would ye be so kind as to get us out of this here harbor? The winds are blowing the wrong way!”

  “Yes, Captain!” she said.

  At least she hoped she could. It would be a little embarrassing to faint in front of the crew, and especially in front of Rick. Using her Elementia, she sent a small rush of wind into the sails. The ship lurched forward moving out toward the mouth of the bay. After a few minutes, Stella leaned against the railing letting the wind die.

  “Sorry, Captain, that’s all I’ve got,” Stella said panting.

  “Oars!” Batlas bellowed.

  He’s almost as loud as Devlin, she thought smiling as the crew scrambled to get under oars.

  “So, Madiffel?” Rick asked leaning next to her.

  “It’s the only port in Syar,” she said.

  “I know. It’s a nice town.”

  “You’ve been there?”

  “Not in a very long time,” he said looking distant.

  Reaching the mouth of the bay, the ship turned north towards Madiffel. Stella wanted to holler with glee. A new adventure was underway. She watched the shrinking shore as they sailed away.

  Taranis stood at the edge of a cliff on the side of the mountain pass, watching The Emerald Tiger sail out of view. He ran his fingers through his short blond hair. His towering figure and the snow about him stained with blood made for an imposing image. Raven stepped up beside him. Her black hair shaped her beautiful tanned face, a single red bead dangling from it.

  “It went better than I planned,” he said with a smirk.

  “What’s that?” Raven asked.

  “Did Zaven get what he was after?”

  “Yes,” she said. “And as you instructed my master kept Rick from boarding.”

  “You’ll be free of your master soon enough. Continue as planned. Maybe Rick will get caught in the trap. But if not, you know what to do.”

  “Yes,” she said, a sly smile appearing on her face.

  “Good. Now go join Zaven,” he said creating a black jagged line in the air. Sparks danced as it ripped open creating a portal to the Angel’s Demon. “Oh, and don’t forget to get Stella out of the way. If you fail, your neck is mine,” he said as Raven stepped though the portal.

  Closing the portal, he turned to face a girl with brown hair.

  “I’m afraid your time to hide in the shadows is up, Mera.”

  Chapter 2

  R ick sighed. He… was lost. All he knew was that he was somewhere below deck. The only light, the lantern he held. Filled with barrels, the hall's floor curved in a downward direction. The low ceiling forced him to lean over to avoid hitting his head. With several days of nothing but rising and falling on the waves, he became bored and decided to wander around. Big mistake.

  They left behind the Everwoods and the borders of Halayn entering into the wild lands of Syar. Sheer cliffs lined its coast forming an impenetrable wall cutting it off from the rest of the world. But as awe-inspiring as those cliffs were, they were nothing compared to some of the sights he’d seen. According to Stella, Zaven’s destination was the port situated in the only gap between cliffs making it the only way into Syar— which worked perfectly for Rick as Syar had already been his destination.

  "You do realize you're in the hull," said a familiar voice.

  It was a voice Rick hoped never to hear again. It was deep and smooth, and he hadn’t heard it since the day he sealed his world off. Turning around, Rick noted no one was there.

  "So, time’s up,” Rick said twisting his ring.

  “You knew it was approaching.”

  Rick stared at the lantern in his hand. “It lasted a long time."

  “The barriers are weakening,” the voice said. “It won't be much longer before I'm free.”

  "Not if I can help it,” Rick muttered.

  “You will serve me again,” the voic
e said. “As ten of your old friends still do."

  Rick’s head snapped up. "Who got out from under your thumb?”

  "Who are you talking to?” Stella asked poking her head around the corner. “And why are you down in the hull?"


  Jumping, Rick smacked his head on the low ceiling and almost dropped the lantern. Startled he glowered at her. Rubbing his head, his heart skipped a beat seeing the lantern light reflect in her eyes. She was beautiful and it just wasn’t fair. He knew he’d never see her again, so why couldn't he get her out of his stupid head? It was almost like he met her before. Except that was impossible. He’d been cooped up in is workshop for forever.

  Purposely ignoring her first question, he gave Stella his best grin. "I was looking for a fair maiden who stowed away in hopes of finding a dashingly good-looking wanderer.” He started pretending to search around him.

  “Dork,” Stella said smiling. “Would you like me to help?”

  “Alas, I cannot trouble such a fair maiden as thyself in the hunt for a stowaway.”

  Over these last few days he enjoyed her company. It had been a while since he had someone to talk with. Throughout the voyage, they’d spoke through the night. With the sailors being more superstitious than most, the captain asked them to keep their distance, but oddly enough, the sailors mistook Rick to be a rich merchant’s kid who hired Stella. Sensing an opportunity, the next day the captain asked Rick not to correct them.

  If only they knew, he thought to himself.

  Stella kept her distance during the day. But at night, Rick snuck into her cabin and talked about everything from overheard conversations, to random jokes, to stories of her adventures. He avoided talking too much about himself... So far.

  Just then, he couldn’t help but look her over. She wore light gray leggings and a short red skirt that shaped her gorgeous, toned legs and lovely curved hips. She wore a completely chaste shirt, but Rick actively avoided looking at that area. That chest of hers was downright dangerous. But then again, her face didn't play fair either. Blue eyes that just sucked you in, and perfect full lips. Light! Even her nose was cute. But none of that compared to her smile.

  A smile that could melt a god's heart.

  Rick chuckled at his private joke.

  Stella stared at him, an amused look on her face. Then he realized she said something, but he hadn't heard a word.

  “Like what you see?” she asked with a sly grin.

  Rick felt his cheeks grow a little red. Feeling grateful for the dark hull, he pursed his lips into a smirk. “Don’t let your imagination run wild.”

  “Why shouldn’t I? It’s quite fun. You should try it sometime.”

  “That’s how I get myself in trouble,” he said with a mock scowl.

  “And what’s so wrong with that?” she asked, her hands playing with a button on his sleeve. “I think you can handle yourself.”

  When had she gotten so close?

  “I have found myself in a tight situation a time or two,” he heard himself saying. He thought of his most recent fights, well, relatively recent.

  Abruptly she took a step back and crossed her arms. “Oh? And just how many times are we talking here?”

  “I lost track a long time ago but it's a big number,” he said not sure why she looked annoyed.

  She stood there, tapping her foot and glared at him.

  Puzzled, Rick scratched his chin and continued. “Um, magic’s very useful in a fight.”

  Stella sighed, shaking her head. “Sometimes I think you are the smartest man alive, but in some matters, you’re as clueless as can be!” Turning on her heels she started walking away.

  “Wait, what did I say?” he asked striding to catch up to her.

  “Never mind,” she said smiling up at him.

  Women never make sense, Rick thought scratching his chin. “What do you think the mess hall has to eat?” he asked changing the subject.

  Stella gave another sigh. “I guess we can look.”

  Rick wanted to kick himself. He should’ve asked her what was wrong, not about her guess on sailor cuisine. But at least he was going to get out of the hull without admitting he’d been lost.

  Reaching a ladder Stella began to climb, her bare feet wrapping around the rungs. Everyone except him went around barefoot on deck saying it gave them a better grip. He didn’t care. He liked his boots, even if they were a bit slick. Following behind Stella, he looked up without thinking.

  It’s a good thing she doesn't wear dresses, he thought, his life flashing before his eyes, at least the parts he could remember.

  They passed the crew deck and climbed up to the cabin deck. Reaching it, Stella clambered out of view. Hurrying to catch up, Rick flew up the last several rungs.

  “You go on ahead. We shouldn’t arrive at the same time,” she said.

  “Um—” Rick said peering down the hall.

  “Three doors to your left.”

  “I knew that,” Rick lied. “But thanks.”

  Entering the mess hall, he looked around.

  “Rick!” someone called.

  Rick turned and spotted Nep. Soon after the voyage started, he befriended Rick. The man kept asking probing questions about Stella. Unfortunately, Rick’s dodging them only made Nep more persistent. Nodding in acknowledgment, Rick grabbed his food. It was a dry biscuit with meat so salty it was unrecognizable. An unfortunate side effect of leaving port so quickly was that fresh fruit and vegetables hadn't been loaded. Perishable items were always the last things brought aboard.

  Rick turned and saw Nep beckoning him over. He sat with several other members of the crew and they were playing some sort of card game. Rick wandered over, his curiosity getting the better of him.

  "What's that?" he asked sitting.

  "It’s a fun little game called Celestials,” Nep said. “We play it when not on shift."

  "How do you play?" Rick asked for the sake of conversation.

  Nep grinned a sly grin glancing at his fellow crewmen. "You have to buy the necessary cards. But I’ll let you use my deck," he said handing Rick a deck of cards in a leather waterproof pouch.

  It’s been a while since I played this game, Rick thought undoing the lashings which held the pouch closed. He pulled the deck out. Seeing the picture on the first card, a stab of guilt pierced his chest, and yet Rick couldn't help but grin at the picture he saw.

  Nep looked at the top card. "That’s a legendary Elementalist from Halayn itself, back a few generations. his name—"

  "Taranis," Rick interrupted.

  "So, you've heard the story?" asked a man sitting next to Nep.

  "You could say that," Rick said to him.

  "There are four main types of cards. Legends, Items, Spells, and Units," Nep said pulling out a card of each type.

  Rick nodded staring at the cards. So far, it’s about the same as last time.

  "You only get one Legend, and he starts on the field. When he dies you lose.”

  "Sounds simple enough," Rick said staring at the mini portrait of Taranis.

  No response came. The room went completely silent. Looking up he saw the reason why. Stella walked in, and all eyes were on her. Some of the crewmembers looked afraid, some looked curious, but mostly they looked like they only needed a single reason to attack.

  She walked across the hall and grabbed a plate from the cook. As she turned to leave, Rick felt tempted to wink at her. No one was looking but deciding it wasn't the best idea, he refrained. Once she was gone, the noise of the dining hall returned.

  “The captain makes our job too easy,” one of the men at the table muttered under his breath.

  Nep glowered at him “Shut up you idiot. Someone could hear you.”

  Rick got very curious in the cards he pretended to read.

  “So what if they do? Most of the men wouldn’t understand and even if they did, they probably would lend us a hand.”

  Nep casually set his knife on the table sending an unmistakab
le message. “We will talk about it tonight, but for now I suggest you shut it,” he hissed.

  Silence followed for several minutes. Rick set down the cards and inhaled his food.

  “It seems like a very interesting card game. Someday you’ll have to teach me how to play.”

  “Why not now?” Nep asked.

  “I’m still getting my sea legs. I’m going to go hang out at the rails,” Rick said standing and handed the cards back.

  “Eating your food like that doesn’t help,” one of the men said imitating Ricks inhaling.

  “It’s how me mom taught me to eat,” Rick said with his voice full of jest.

  Walking out he could feel Neps eyes on him. Striding down the hall, he stepped into a closet and waited. The soft sound of a man's bare feet sneaked passed by the door. That man needs to improve, Rick thought grimacing at the poor excuse for a tail. Waiting, he thought of the cozy cabin he left behind when he’d finished the barrier rods. It had been nice, simple, and nowhere near any troubles. Now he was hiding in a closet! The things he did to keep people safe. After waiting a few minutes longer, he stepped out.

  Rick headed to the stern of the ship, where the cabins were. Reaching his room, he walked in. On that first day aboard, a sailor showed him to this cabin, which was his for the voyage. Receiving the key to the room’s lockbox, he stored his cloak and bag, and as an extra precaution, he’d created a seal on the box using Blood Magic. Rick ran his hand along the box checking the seal. An invisible wall kept him from actually touching the box itself. Satisfied, he strode out of the room.

  Stella’s cabin was next to his. Reaching her door, he glanced around making sure no one was in sight, and not seeing anyone he knocked and walked in. “Hey Stella, guess what I just overhea—”

  Tears streaming down her cheeks. “Go away!” She said angrily, throwing a pillow at him.

  Ignoring her, he caught the pillow and tossed it to the side. He walked over and sat putting his arm around her. Resisting for a second, she quickly gave up and leaned her head on him. They sat in silence for several minutes while she quietly cried.


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