Gemini- The Beginning Of The End

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Gemini- The Beginning Of The End Page 5

by Nathan Dickeson

  “What if I said no?” Stella asked playfully.

  “Well then, I would be very sad,” Rick said sticking his lower lip out.

  Stella giggled. Summoning her magic, she lifted the barrel into the air. This is going to be exhausting.

  Reaching the top of the stairs, Captain Batlas came into view.

  “Captain! I’m buying some of your wine,” Rick said. “Have every man that doesn’t have to be on duty to go to the mess hall, and tell those that have to stay on duty that they’ll get a full bottle of wine each.”

  “The mutineers be in the brig. Thanks for ye help.”

  “Happy to help,” Rick said.

  “I’ll let me men know.”

  Setting the barrel on the counter in the dining room, Stella gave a long sigh. She needed a nap. The lateness of the night and using so much magic took its toll. Maybe it was her turn to take a nap. The chief showed up and pulled out the cork and replaced it with a tap. Men trickled in as he started pouring the wine into wooden cups.

  “Grab a cup, we’re celebrating a successful night!” Rick announced.

  Most of the men started grabbing cups, while Rick went and sat in a corner. Grabbing a cup herself Stella joined him.

  “Are you not getting a drink?” she asked sitting.

  “I don’t drink.”

  “Then why’d you buy a barrel of wine?”

  “Sailors love their drink,” he said. “Rulers use drink to keep their subjects distracted. This should do the same.”

  Stella set her cup down. “You know how to ruin a good time.”

  Rick grinned. “Nah, I just know how to have a good time without having to rely on a poison.”

  “Oh? Please share some more of your all-knowing wisdom,” she said winking at him.

  “Tonight, I’m just some guy sitting in a corner.”

  You’re more than some guy, but is that a good or bad thing? Stella thought. “I’m pretty sure you’re the only one who thinks he’s just a guy in the corner,” she said smiling.

  “That may be true,” he said. “But no one here knows anything about me.”

  “I think I know a good amount. You’re an Elementalist, clever, and you get lost easily.” Her cheeks grew red thinking about the last time she mentioned him getting lost.

  “Then it’s only fair I get to know you better,” Rick said leaning forward.

  He either hadn’t noticed her red cheeks or was choosing to ignore them. But he certainly wasn’t helping with how close she was.

  “What would you like to know?” Stella asked composing herself.

  He kept eye contact with her slowly sucking her in, his eyes shining. Stella licked her lips and glanced at his. She could lose herself in his eyes for forever.

  “I have a very important question for you.”

  “Yeah?” she purred.

  That grin of his grew. “What is your favorite thing for breakfast?”

  Blinking several times Stella tried to organize her thoughts. “Chicken and fish.”

  Rick chuckled. “Yeah, I guess that’s a good choice.”

  Kiss me already! She thought. Why won’t he kiss me?

  “Do you have any siblings?” she asked.

  “I guess you could say I have eleven, but I haven’t seen them in a very long time.”

  “Eleven! How did your parents feed that many?”

  “Adopted siblings,” Rick said leaning back. “What about you, do you have any siblings?”

  “I had a sister, she’d be fifteen now,” Stella said staring down at the ground.

  “I’m sorry,” Rick said.

  Stella looked back up and smiled at him. “It was a while ago.”

  “I have a real question now. Do you know if Lightning Gem still around?” Rick asked.

  Stella’s almost started laughing. “That’s my guild. The most powerful guild in the country.

  “Glad to hear it,” he said, “I have a soft spot for that guild.”

  “You could join,” Stella said hopefully.

  “I wish,” he said. “But my journey is a solitary one.”

  “Sounds lonely,” she said slumping a bit.

  “Sometimes I’ll find someone interesting who travels with me for a while,” he said winking at her.

  “I bet a lot of them are girls,” Stella muttered.

  “My last companion was a sixty-year-old man.”

  She perked up a bit at that. “I bet I’m a nice improvement.”

  “Actually, he was pretty funny,” Rick said grinning.

  “How did you summon that sword?”


  Stella stared at him. “The one that appeared out of thin air.”

  “You have something on your forehead,” he said rubbing it.

  Stella smiled, but it turned into a yawn. “What time is it?” she asked sleepily.

  “Not a clue,” Rick said yawning as well.

  “Hold still, I need a pillow,” she said, scooting over and leaning on his shoulder.

  “My shoulder won't make a good pillow.”

  “But that’d mean I have to walk down to my cold bed.” I’ll let my eyes rest for a few seconds, she thought closing her eyes.

  Opening her eyes Stella stretched.

  My bed?

  How long was I asleep? she asked herself yawning. Sitting up, she rolled to her feet. After getting ready for the day, Stella opened the door and made her way to the main deck. The scent of vomit and wine was everywhere. Rick may have a point, she thought stepping quickly past. Climbing up the stairs the fresh ocean breeze filled her lungs. The squawk of a seagull sounded overhead and then Stella’s eyes grew wide. The sun was about to set! I slept all day!

  Jamal waved to catch her attention and pointed at the captain’s cabin. “The Captain would like to see you!” he yelled.

  Opening the shattered door, Stella walked into the room. Rick and Captain Batlas sat at a table talking.

  “Good evening, Sleepy Beauty,” Rick said glancing at her.

  “Thanks for making sure I got in bed,” she said. “How did I—”

  Rick waved his hand in dismissal. “No problem. You’re cute when asleep.”

  Stella smiled. “What about when I’m awake?”

  Rick tapped his lips pretending to think.

  “Don’t make me hit you with one of those practice weapons out there,” she said.

  Ricks eyes locked onto her. “Only if I let you.”


  “Even without us using magic,” he said with a cocky grin.

  Crossing her arms Stella scowled at him. Where are you going with this? “Of course, you could,” she said. “I use the wind to help me wield an ax.”

  “This sounds fun,” he said standing. “I’ll give you a gold piece if you can strike me with a practice ax while only using your magic to swing it.”

  “This do sound like a grand idea!” Batlas said also standing.

  Stella looked back and forth between the two of them. “I never said yes!”

  “It’ll be fun,” Rick said that grin of his turning mischievous. His blue eyes sparkled with excitement.

  Oh Hesh! Why’d he have to be so cute? “Fine,” she huffed.

  “Yay!” Rick shouted walking out with his hands in the air.

  Shaking her head, Stella followed him outside. Walking over to the barrel of practice weapons she spotted a wooden ax with steel strips reinforcing it. Letting a trickle of wind help, she picked it up.

  Rick swung a wooden sword experimentally. He leaned it against the barrel, grabbed a new one, and swung it.

  “Gather around men, and place ye bets!” Captain Batlas shouted.

  “Hold on, I never said you could bet on me!” Stella said turning on Batlas.

  “I don’t be betting on ye,” Batlas said. “I be putting me money on him.”

  “He can't use magic!” Stella said turning back around.

  “I’ll place a bet on Miss Stella!” one of the crewmen said.

>   “I thought they weren’t fond of us,” Rick said so quiet only she could hear.

  “They love throwing money away gambling, there’s a whole tournament where Elementalists fight...” The blood drained from Stella’s face. The tournament was next week! She’d forgotten all about it. Now she was on a boat chasing pirates. She had to find a way to get back on time.

  “The rules,” Rick said. “The only magic allowed is what you use to swing that ax and the winner is whoever strikes what would be a fatal blow. Agreed?”

  Sorry, Flare. “Agreed,” she said rushing him.

  Rick’s sword came up and deflected her swing. Sliding back, he grunted.

  “That was one powerful blow,” he said dodging her second swing.

  Stella brought her ax up in an undercut catching Rick’s sword in an awkward position. Losing his grip, it went flying into the air. “After all that boasting?” she said triumphantly.

  “I’m not done yet, you haven’t touched me,” he said grinning.

  Laughing, Stella brought her ax swinging in from the right expecting him to go for the sword. He went left. He closed the distance between them to just a few inches and grabbed the handle of her ax.

  “Now what?” he asked his eyes twinkling.

  Stella let go. Using the wind, she made the ax jerk out of his hand and twist towards his head. Leaping to the left, Rick managed to dodge the blow. Grabbing the ax again Stella brought it swinging upward; Rick jumped to the left again. Suddenly Stella realized he’d almost maneuvered himself all the way around to his sword.

  “No, you don’t!” Stella shouted swinging her ax in his way.

  But Rick didn’t move. Instead, he grabbed the sword next to the practice barrel. She didn’t hesitate twisting the ax around she brought it smashing down towards him. Bringing his sword overhead he placed his free hand on the back of the fake blade. Stella’s ax slammed into it forcing Rick to one knee. Stella brought her own knee up to kick him in the face. Rick dived to the left then grabbing the other sword, he rolled to a crouch. Leaping forward, he stabbed with both swords. Stella twisted the ax blocking the first with the head and the second sword with the handle.

  “Very impressive,” he said.

  Pressing forward, Rick swung his swords in rapid succession. It was all she could do to block the rain of blows, using her ax as more of a shield than a weapon. Twisting it left and right, she gave ground to the constant onslaught. Sweat beaded on her face. Rick threw a sword in between her feet. Stumbling off balance, he threw his body into her.

  How much of this did he plan? She thought landing on her back.

  Stella’s head smacked into the deck and she lost her grip on the ax. Her eyes clamped shut as she moaned in pain. Quickly opening them back up, her eyes they focused on the tip of Rick’s sword, inches from her chest.

  “That was fun,” he said grinning that stupid grin of his. “I actually worked up a sweat. Let’s do it again sometime.”

  Stella smiled. She hadn’t lost yet. Using the wind, she picked up the wooden ax and sent it flying towards him. He twisted, but the ax smashed into him, knocking him over the railing. Stella gasped and ran to the edge. He hung with one hand at the end of a chain of lightning,

  Breathing out a sigh of relief she smiled. “Better luck next time.” By the Serpent’s tail, my head hurts!

  Grinning Rick looked up at her. “Next time?”

  Stella leaned over grabbing the chain. But something on the horizon caught her eye. While staring, it came into focus. “The Angel’s Demon!” she shouted.

  Rick shot up, landing on deck.

  Stella scowled at him. “You didn’t need my help at all.”

  Rick winked at her. “Captain, it looks like those wagers will have to wait.”

  “That be true,” Batlas said. “Men! You know what to do, we got pirates to be killing!”

  Chapter 5

  S hivering, Rick stood at the bow of the ship, the cold icy spray of the ocean splashing him in the face. He ignored it. His eyes stayed locked on that black hull of the Angel’s Demon. Behind him, the crew ran around yelling and grabbing weapons. Suddenly, The Emerald Tiger lurched forward moving faster making Rick grab the rail to steady himself. Glancing behind him he saw Stella filling the sails.

  Here, the menacing cliff line fell back from the ocean forming a small beach for a couple dozen yards before it melted back into cliffs. Ahead, the Angel’s Demon shifted course turning to face them.

  “Looks like they do be wanting to battle us,” Captain Batlas said.

  Turning to face him, Rick eyed him ruefully. “Did you just make a pun out of your name?”

  Smiling at big toothy grin Captain Batlas turned to walk away. “There’s no situation where a wee bit of humor don’t help.”

  An arrow thudded into the railing inches from Rick’s hand quivering back and forth. Rick leapt back. “That has to be one powerful bow!” he said watching the rest of the arrows crash into the sea, nowhere close to them. Slowing, The Emerald Tiger turned to the left, passing along the side of the Angel’s Demon.

  A second volley of arrows flew towards them. But Stella simply blew them down into the ocean. The crew returned fire. A second gust of wind blew their arrows into the ocean.

  “That wasn’t Stella,” Rick said to himself.

  “No, that was someone else,” Stella said walking up beside him. “We’re going to have to board them.”

  “Throw me.”

  Stella’s head whipped around to stare at him “What did you say?”

  Turning to face her he pointed at the Angel’s Demon. “Use your magic and throw me!”

  “Do you have any idea how much energy that would take?”

  “Good point,” Rick said rubbing his chin. “I’ll just have to make a portal.”

  “Why was that plan B?” she asked shaking her head at him.

  “No idea.”

  With a flick of his wrist, Rick summoned Shadow Reaper. Opening a portal, he positioned his sword in front of him and shot through. He wasn’t disappointed. An invisible wall of air blocked the other side. The black flames of destruction sliced through the wall with ease. Nothing could resist Shadow Reaper’s enchanted blade, not even magic. Landing on the deck he shot forward, cutting the leg of the nearest pirate. He moved onto the next, and the next, and the next after that.

  No sign of Zaven, he thought shooting toward yet another pirate.

  But then… he slammed into a wall of air.


  Slicing through it he turned to see a large muscular man with a bald head. Sensing more than seeing, Rick cut the blade of air rushing towards him.

  “Not bad for a Halian mage. The name’s Mulek. Let me show you the power of an Elementalist from Zarma!”

  “Why should I care what your name is?”

  Mulek shot his hand forward, sending a column of air into Rick’s gut and causing Rick to fly back and smash into the railing. Gasping, pain shot through him. Mulek’s elbow came hurtling towards his face. Creating a small electrical net, Rick stopped the attack inches from his face. A gust of wind pushed Mulek to the side, and Stella landed on deck.

  “Behind you!” he yelled.

  A short Syarin girl, with a blade made of white light, tackled Stella rolling on top of her.

  Shooting forward to help, Rick smashed into another wall of air.

  “Your fight is with me,” Mulek said.

  Spinning on Mulek, Rick shot forward and closed the gap between them. Swinging his sword, his arm smashed into a wall of air coming to a halt. Mulek’s lips parted in a smile that never reached his eyes. His fist came crashing into Rick’s face. Staggering back, Rick gritted his teeth feeling a shudder of pain in his jaw. He glanced at Stella. She was giving ground to the girl. Rick sent a bolt of lightning at the girl and turned back to his fight. Mulek clapped his hands together sending out a shockwave of air knocking Rick and everyone else off their feet to the ground. Landing on his back, he breathed in a sharp shall
ow breath. His eyes grew wide as he watched the two girls fly over the railing dropping out of view. Staggering to his feet, Rick barely managed to dodge Mulek’s fist. Rick swung his blade and again his arm smashed into an invisible wall.

  No time.

  Growling, Rick flicked his right wrist and Light Weaver appeared stabbing into Mulek’s chest. The man gasped, a trickle of blood appearing in the corner of his mouth. Falling to his knees, Mulek looked up into Rick’s eyes. Mulek’s eyes were wide, and his mouth went slack. “I didn’t expect to die today,” he said. Collapsing, his eyes fogged over.

  “They never do,” Rick said. “I’m sorry I broke my promise today.”

  Blood dripped from the notched sun onto the bloody white blade. Its blue sapphire shown in direct contrast to the crimson blood. Dispelling his swords, he looked around checking for immediate threats. Several of the Emerald Tiger’s crewmen were onboard fighting the remaining pirates. Rushing to the railing, Rick looked down searching for Stella. Waves crashed against the side of the ship kicking up a spray, but that was it.

  Now what?

  No heads were bobbing in the water, so he had no way of finding her.

  “I hope you’re okay Stella,” he said slamming his fist into the railing.

  Storming off, he strode towards Zavin’s cabin. Glancing around to make sure no eyes were on him, Rick melted into a shadow. Sliding through the crack in the door, he rematerialized on the other side into a small room. A bed lay in one corner and a desk in the other. Zaven sat at the desk with his feet propped up.

  “I knew my time was up when I saw you,” Zaven said.

  “Get your boots off my desk,” Rick growled dancing sparks across his fingers.

  Zaven dropped his legs trying to look like it was his idea. “You haven’t aged a day,” Zaven said.

  “I can't say the same for you.” Rick said crossing the room to sit in a chair. “You’re acting pretty casual for a dead man.”

  “We both know you can’t kill me, you need the information in my head.”

  “I may decide to kill you anyway,” Rick said. “A friend of mine disappeared overboard while fighting.”

  “You break my heart,” Zaven said smirking. “Was it the little girl from last time?”

  “Haven’t seen her in years, our paths separated a while ago.”


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