Gemini- The Beginning Of The End

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Gemini- The Beginning Of The End Page 14

by Nathan Dickeson

  “That's not much of a plan,” Raven said.

  “I had a plan,” Rick said. “But Zaven killed it.”

  Raven stared at the ground.

  “Then you don’t know what we should do?” Poana asked.

  “Nope, until everything is subjugated they’ll just keep coming.”

  “Subjugated by what?” Valla asked.

  “The serpent himself.”

  Raven coughed. “How do you know this?”

  “Is there any hope?” Poana asked.

  Rick sighed and chose to answer Poana. “Not that I can think of. I had a bag with hope, but I lost it on my way here. I would've sealed the Gads off for thousands of years.”

  They stared at him. Confusion etched into their faces.

  “How do we fight them?” Ponana asked eventually.

  “They're near impossible to kill,” he said. “But their eyes are soft, and apparently a pistol works too. Their skin is harder than a tree, but if you hack hard enough, it'll cut through.”

  “How'd the Syarins win last time?” Raven asked.

  “Last time the God Hesh sealed them off and killed the ones who came through.”

  Valla shot him a look.

  “Great,” Raven huffed. “Our only hope is a God who doesn’t exist.”

  “Oh, I wouldn’t say he doesn’t exist,” Rick said. “But his name isn’t Hesh.”

  “So you believe in one of the other Gods, and everyone else is wrong?” she asked waving her hand dismissively.

  Rick chuckled. “Have you ever played the whisper game?”

  “Of course, I have. Someone whispers in an ear and it passes along to the end of the line.”

  “The same thing happens with history and lore,” he said. “You start off with reality, but after tellings and retellings it changes in ridiculous ways.”

  “Time does interesting things,” Valla said standing. “I need to speak with my husband. Poana, Raven please join me.”

  “Wait,” Rick said standing. “Before you go, I should mention, I’m going to the gate.”

  Valla looked at him. “I knew you would.”

  Ducking out, they left him alone. How many Gads will I kill? A million, ten million? Doesn't matter. The destroyer won't let himself get captured again. The only hope was to redo the seal. End of every world… brought about by a random pirate. With my boat! Stupid, Rick thought shaking his head.


  Spinning around he looked at Raven. His eyes locked onto the thing she was holding. A barrier rod!

  “Where’d you get that?” he said jumping to his feet.

  “We found it stabbed into the ground, with this,” she said handing him a note.

  Meet me in the forgotten city. -T.

  “Where’s the forgotten city?”

  “Halven,” Rick said ducking out. “I’ve got to go.”

  “Now?” she asked following him.

  Rick grinned at her. “I need to hurry, every second is thousands more dead.”

  “Then why are you grinning like that?!”

  “Because,” he said. “Now, we can win.”

  “Poana!” he yelled.

  “What!” she yelled next to him.

  Rick glanced at her. “Oh. I’m leaving now,” he said taking his hat off and handed it to Raven. “I’ll come back for that. I should be back before dark.”

  “The gate is several days from here,” Poana said matter-of-factly.

  Rick grinned. “I’ll be back before dark.”

  Spinning toward the west he shot off in a bolt of lightning. Speeding across the plains he flew past hills, animals, and trees.


  Modifying his magic, he sped at an incredible speed. Reaching the top of an extra steep hill, he opened a portal. Flying through the air he laughed. Oh, how he loved this magic. Landing, he shot forward again. After a few hours of this, all signs of life disappeared. Halting he looked around.

  “The Badlands,” he said. “Almost there.”

  Shooting forward for another hour he reached the gate. Walking the last bit, he hid behind a boulder. There were thousands of Gads standing completely still, waiting for orders.

  “Behold my army!” The Voice said.

  “Oh shush,” Rick said. “I’m not dealing with you right now.”

  “Perhaps a demonstration,” The Voice growled.

  “Nah, I’ll just run. I’ve got a date in another land.”

  “Coward. You’re not going to stay and fight?”

  “Nope. Zaven did his job.”

  “Yes, Zaven. No loyalty pirates,” The Voice grumbled.

  Interesting, Rick thought.

  “Good talk,” he said. “Now go away.”

  Opening a portal on the ground he stared through into the sky.

  Only a few thousand? So, the barrier is still up, just weakening. How long till the Zodiacs can escape? No. Better question. How long will it take me to get the rods back?

  “Die!” The Voice shouted.

  Rick didn’t even bother looking up. He simply jumped through the portal. Falling through the sky, he opened another one and shot across the sky. Landing, he launched forward, making his way back to the village. Arriving with the setting sun, he laughed.

  Raven stood at the edge of the village, spinning his hat. “Cutting it close aren’t you?” She said.

  Feeling drained, Rick barely managed a grin. “I need to talk with Valla,” he said. “And I’ll take that,” he added snatching the hat back. With a wink, he placed it on his head.

  “I’m here,” Valla said standing up. “My old bones can't stand and wait for you.”

  “There’s only a few thousand Gads so far. That means there's still time.”

  “Time for what?” she asked.

  Rick turned to look at Raven. “For Raven here to gather the tribes.”

  “Me?” she asked.

  “Well, you and all the scouts,” he said. “I have to head to Halven.”

  “First you’ll rest,” Valla said. “You look like you’re about to collapse.”

  “Agreed,” Rick said laughing.

  Chapter 12

  S tella sighed. A gloomy overcast hung over Halven, hiding the cold miserable peeks of the mountains behind. Crewmen yelled as they brought the ship into dock.

  “Home sweet home,” Devlin said.

  Stella forced a smile onto her face. “Do you think we made it back in time?”

  “If we didn’t Flare is going to kill us,” he said.

  With a thud, the plank hit the dock. “Let’s go,” Stella said, her bare feet gliding along the deck.

  “Thank you, Captain,” Devlin said as they reached the man.

  “Thanks for y’all’s coin,” he said tipping his hat.

  Stella nodded and smiled. Exiting the ship, she shuffled along the crowded dock. Get out of my way, she thought pushing past Syarins milling about. Breaking free of the crowd she spotted the end of the dock. A Syarin sat there with his hat tipped over his face.

  “Come on, cheer up,” Devlin said catching up. “We’re home!”

  “Yeah,” she said. “Home.” We left them alone to fight an army of monsters, and I'm dwelling on Rick kissing Raven. Stupid. Walking along the dock she gazed north, up the cold cost. Somewhere up there was an army of demons. The Syarn at the end of the dock jumped to his feet. Stopping in her tracks Stella stared at the man.

  “Rick!” Devlin yelled stopping behind her.

  How? Stella thought. A rose appeared in Rick's hand. “How are you here?” she asked.

  “I missed you,” he said with a wink.

  Stella huffed and using her Elementia she tossed him into the ocean. He hit the water with an icy splash.

  “Did you—” Devlin started.

  “Yup,” she said striding down the steps of the dock. Walking along the beach, she stopped in front of a soaked Rick crawling out of the water.

  “Not cool,” he said.

  Stella rested her hands on her hip
s. “What are you doing here?”

  Spitting sand out of his mouth, he stood up. “I need to get into the forgotten city.”

  “The tournament grounds?” Devlin asked. “What do you need to get in there for?”

  “It's the only way to seal the Gads off.”

  Stella used her wind to throw Rick back into the water. But this time he was ready for her. Opening a portal, he disappeared.

  “What was that for!” he said behind her.

  Twirling to look at him she pointed her finger in his face. “You know exactly why!”

  Another rose appeared in Rick's hand. “Will you go on a date with me?”

  Stella glared at him, folding her arms.

  After a moment Rick looked to the side of her.

  “Devlin,” he said. “Would you like to be treated to a nice lunch?”

  “Gladly,” Devlin said.

  Stella snatched the rose out of Rick's hand. “Ha…ha...” She said coldly trying not to let him see her smile. Finally! she yelled inside. “You better be extra charming.”

  “How’d you beat us?” Devlin asked.

  Rick grinned. “I ran.”

  “You ran?” Stella asked.

  “Well, I guess I did more falling than running,” he said. “It gave the beasts in the Everwoods a good scare.”

  “If you can travel through the forest why'd we take a ship to chase Zaven to begin with?” she growled.

  Rick sunk to the ground. “Cause it's exhausting!” he whined. “I had to sleep for two whole days after I arrived.”

  “It only took you five days to get here?” She asked.

  Rick scratched his chin. “Well, actually it took three. I didn’t leave until two days after you left.”

  “And you still beat us!” Devlin said. “Where’d you sleep?”

  “Over in that inn,” Rick said turning to point.

  Stella took the chance to sneak a sniff of the rose. It smelled amazing! A smile appeared on her face. No, I’m still mad at him, she thought. He kissed Raven instead of me. Stella wiggled her toes in the warm sand. But he did ask me on a date. Maybe I’m not that mad? But I didn’t say yes! What if he changed his mind? Ah! How do I get him to take me now?

  Devlin started laughing, yanking her out of her thoughts.

  Stella gave a sheepish grin. “What are you two laughing about?”

  “You didn’t hear that?” Devlin asked.

  Rick’s face began to turn a little red. “I think I’d rather not repeat it.”

  “I bet not,” Devlin said placing his hand on Ricks' shoulder. “My lips are sealed, my friend.”

  “But I've been your friend longer!” Stella whined.

  Devlin put a very serious face on. “You would ask me to betray my oath of secrecy?”

  Rick nodded looking very serious himself. “Yes, that would be very bad.”

  “Oh shush,” Stella said grabbing his hand. “You’re taking me on that a date.”

  “Now?” Devlin asked.

  Rick waved goodbye as she dragged him off. “I guess we’ll meet you later!”

  Dragging him through the streets, Stella didn’t say a word, not daring to look at him. What are you doing? she thought her face turning red.

  “So where are we going?” he asked.

  Stella stopped. “I uh. I don’t know,” she said staring at the ground.

  “Hmm,” Rick said swinging their hands back and forth.

  Stella tried to stay calm. Yes! He’s still holding my hand!

  “This way!” Rick said spinning around. Trotting off he released her.

  No, don’t let go! Stella stared at her palm for a moment, and then followed after. What am I doing? She thought.

  Rounding a corner Rick slipped out of view. Chasing after him, Stella flew around and ran into his chest. His arms wrapped around her as she looked up. His blue eyes were shining

  “I think I forgot something,” he said staring into her eyes.

  Stella felt the muscles under his shirt. She held her breath, her hands resting on him. His lips were inches from hers and Stella closed her eyes. But then, the image of Rick kissing Raven popped into her head. Gently pushing against his chest, she opened her eyes. A faint look of sadness crossed his face. But then it was gone.

  “Sorry,” he said backing off. “I don’t know if it's still here. But there used to be a restaurant I really enjoyed,” he said walking off.

  No, come back! Stella thought wanting him to kiss her.

  Taking her hand, he guided her as they walked.

  I screwed it up! He was this close to kissing me! Now he’s never going to kiss me. Loser.

  “Tada,” Rick said. Presenting the building in front of them, the words died in his voice. The building looked close to collapse.

  Oh, I love this place, Stella thought. But then she got an evil idea. “This is your date spot?” She asked making sure her voice was cold.

  “I uh, It was nicer last time.”

  “Hmm weird. It’s been like this as long as I can remember,” she said walking forward.

  “You’ve been here before?” Rick asked. “I mean, um, we can go somewhere else.”

  Stella glanced over her shoulder. “No, this is fine.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yes,” she said looking at him. “But you better make up for it.”

  “We can—” he started.

  But Stella turned and pushed the door open. Walking in she smiled. Going to her usual table she sat and made sure to frown. Rick sat across from her, biting his lip. So cute! She thought staring at him.

  “Good to see you again Miss Stella,” the owner said walking over with a couple of bowls. His wrinkly old face twisted up into a smile. “It’s been a few weeks.”

  “Jig’s up,” she said trying to hide the smile on her face. Rick sent her a glare. “Let me introduce you to—” she started.

  The owner was already staring at Rick. Shaking his head, the man blinked.

  “Sorry,” he said. “Here’s your food.” And then scurried off.

  “What was that?” Stella asked looking at her stew.

  Rick shrugged massaging his temple. “I don’t know. Let’s eat.”

  Stella blew on the stew and took a bite. Looking up she saw Rick staring at her, a soft smirk on his face.

  “What?” she asked.

  Rick glanced away, but went right back to staring at her. “Nothing,” he said smiling.

  Brushing her hair behind her ear, Stella smiled back. She wasn’t sure how long they sat and stared into each other's eyes but after a while, they were laughing and enjoying their food.

  “Stop!” Stella said clutching her side.

  Rick leaned in close. “Make me,” he said with a wicked grin.

  Stella leaned in. “Maybe I will,” she said licking her lips.

  Taking her hand, he slowly traced his finger along her arm leaving it tingling.

  “Let’s go for a walk,” he said,

  Stella nodded in agreement.

  “Thank you for the food,” Rick said to the old man and payed him.

  “Good to see you again,” the owner said.

  “Good to see you too,” Rick said slapping the man's shoulder.

  Walking out, Stella looked up at Rick. “How do you know the owner?”

  Rick glanced down at her and grinned. “You’re not the only one who comes here regularly.”

  Stella blushed. “Yeah, I kinda love this place.”

  Sweeping up her hand, Rick started walking.

  “Hey, the guild is this way,” she said.

  Rick chuckled. “Oh, is it now?” he asked. “Then let’s go there.” Leading the way, he maneuvered them through the streets.

  How does he know where to go? Stella wondered. “When were you here last?” she asked.

  “It’s been a couple of years,” he said. “But I used to live here.”

  “You didn’t tell me that!”

  Rick pulled her close. “There’s a lot of thi
ngs I haven’t told you… Yet.” His strong arms held her close. Stella stared into his eyes. They were like two pools of water.

  “Like what?” she asked fluttering her eyelashes.

  Rick grinned and poked her nose. “Things.”

  “Fine,” Stella said pursing her lips. “I won't tell you things.”

  “Aww, but things are very important!”

  “Then you’ll tell me?” she asked.

  Looking at the sky he tapped his chin. “I could be bribed.”

  “Oh yeah?” she asked, pressing close.

  His eyebrows furrowed and he let her go.

  “What?” she asked. Was I wrong?

  “This,” Rick said bending down he picked up a piece of paper. Standing on her toes Stella craned her neck to see.

  Join the tournament. -T.

  Letting go of her hand, Rick shredded the paper and tossed it over his shoulder. “Who is this T?” Rick said under his breath.

  “Assan might know,” Stella said.

  “Who’s that?”

  “The second in Lightning Gem,” she said. “He’s in charge of intelligence.”

  “We’re almost to the guild.”

  Walking a little faster, they reached Guild Street. As far as Stella was aware, it was the only named minor street in Halven, and it held just one building, her home. “My turn,” she said gesturing as Rick had earlier. “Tada!” The Guild’s polished wood glinted in the sunlight. The worn stone in contrast, gave the guild a rugged look.

  “Majestic,” he said grinning. “Let's go.”

  Sprinting toward the door, he leapt up the steps two steps at a time. Chasing, Stella raced after him. Grabbing the brass handle Rick flung it open and stared inside.

  Stella walked up next to him. “What do you think?”

  Rick smirked. “Whoever built this had great taste.”

  “Can I show you around?” she asked.

  “Of course!” Rick said laughing.

  “Yay!” Stella said bouncing in.

  The grand hall looked just as she’d left it. Polished tables and chairs for eating, comfy nooks for reading, and the job board to pay for it all.

  “This way,” she said walking toward the bar.

  Glancing behind her Stella stopped. Rick hadn’t moved. Instead, he stood staring up at the guild's crest which hung over the door. She turned to look at it with him. The golden crest consisted of a bolt going through a cut jewel. She gave a sad smile. Two names had originally been etched into the gem. The founders. But one name was carved out and the records destroyed. Now only one founder's name was known. Taranis. Walking to Rick Stella put a hand on his back. A tear glinted on his cheek.


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