Gemini- The Beginning Of The End

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Gemini- The Beginning Of The End Page 17

by Nathan Dickeson

  “It did, thank you,” she said. “But you said you knew where Assan is. I need to find him, Mera, and now Rick.”

  Pausing, the smile disappeared from his face. "Unfortunately, I'm the bearer of bad news."

  "What news?" Stella asked her hands tightening around the edge of the seat.

  "Rick is not who you think he is."

  Stella sighed in relief. "I thought you were going to say somebody died."

  Taranis tapped the table. “Do you know how old I am?”

  "You're not much older than I am," Stella said looking at him. “I’d say twenty-four, twenty-six.”

  "Do you believe everything your eyes tell you?" Taranis asked.

  "They've been pretty reliable so far," she said.

  "Not everything is always as it seems. What if I told you I'm the oldest person in this room?"

  "I wouldn't believe you."

  Frowning, Taranis leaned forward. "Would you believe me when I say Rick is dangerous?"

  "I've fought him, I know, " Stella said rubbing her leg.

  "I'm not talking about his skills,” Taranis said. “I've done my own share of wicked things. Including breaking Rick out of prison."


  "He executed seven men and was imprisoned for it."

  "You're right. I don't believe you," Stella said standing up. “Do you know where Assan is or not?”

  "Assan is in the forgotten castle,” Taranis said. “And I saw Rick headed that way as well. But let me ask you a question. How well do you really know him?"

  “I have a question for you too,” Stella said. “Are you the man going by the initial T?”

  He didn’t flinch. “T?” he asked.

  "What are you going to do?"

  “Do?” he said coolly.

  Stella spun and headed to the door.

  "Good luck," he said as she left.

  He didn't react but he hates Rick and his name starts with a T. It must be him. Stella thought as she walked. Why is Assan at the forgotten castle? Or can I even trust that information?

  Maneuvering through alleys and makeshift roads, she slowly made her way to the castle. The Undercity still seemed like a ghost town. Not a single human sound, so Stella walked in silence.

  "What are you doing here, Stella?" Assan asked, abruptly appearing from an alley.

  Stella squeaked nearly jumping to the surface.

  “Looking for you!” she yelled planting her fists on her hips, her heart beating a thousand times a second.

  He blinked. “Did Flare send you?”

  “She’s worried about you.”

  “I’ll come back soon, but first I must show you something.”

  “No, I need to find someone else, too,” Stella said.


  “A friend of mine, named Rick, he came down with me, but we got separated.”

  “What does he look like?” Assan asked.

  “He’s tall, has spikey hair, and is wearing similar pants as to what I’m wearing,” Stella said gesturing to her Syarin clothes.

  "He went that way," Assan said pointing down another alley.

  Stella started running. "Follow me,” she said. We can talk in a second."

  Running as fast as she could, Stella rounded the bend and nearly ran into a wall.

  "I thought you said he went this way!" She said turning to glare at Assan.

  "I lied."

  "Why? What are you doing down here anyway?"

  "The vision."

  "The vision?" she asked.

  "A rebellion to place Mera on the throne."

  "Mera? What are you talking about? Let me pass."

  "Think it through!” Assan said coldly. “A country where the Undercity isn't a prison for the poor and disabled."

  "Is this why you disappeared?" Stella asked trying to get past.

  Assan shifted to block her. "I didn't disappear, I've been recruiting."

  "Flare’s been worried sick.” Stella yelled. “And The Tournament is tomorrow!"

  "Who cares about her or a tournament?"

  “What’s wrong with you? You love Flare.” she yelled. "And then there are dozens of people in the guild who rely on the contracts we get to feed their families!"

  "There's hundreds of people down here starving," he said still eerily calm.

  Stella stopped. What’s going on? she thought staring at him. He looked fine but this was not Assan.

  "Where is this coming from?" she asked.

  "The Vision opened my eyes,” he said. “As yours will soon be too."

  "What about Flare? You know she'll fight for the King."

  "If I can't get her to see The Vision before we start, then she's dead to me."

  "You love Flare." Stella yelled shifting her stance.

  "The Vision is all that matters."

  "What vision?"

  "I'll show you," he said grabbing her arm. His grip was like a vice.

  "I don't think so," Stella said trying to pull free.

  "If you don't come with me to see The Vision, then I'll have to use force."

  "I'd like to see you try."

  Using her Elementia she wove the air tightly around Assan, forcing him to let her go.

  "So be it," he said straining against his invisible bonds.

  A large ice spear shot toward her. Pushing it to the side she spun out of the way of a second one. Pushing a third out of the way, she added another bond of air to his hands. They both grew still, the sound of shattering ice echoing off the alley walls.

  “That wasn’t so hard,” Stella said. "Maybe I should be second instead of fourth."

  "You think so?" he asked a cold smile greeting his lips.

  A loud crack sounded behind her and Stella gasped. Tiny slivers of ice stabbed into her. She staggered forward, her grip on Assan faltering for just a second. Ice shattered the air holding him. She felt blood slowly begin to soak her back. Leaping forward, he grabbed Stella's arm. She gasped again, and the world seemed to grow too cold. Looking down at her arm Stella vaguely recognized it was turning blue. Her head felt heavy and far away.

  "Not like this," she stammered.

  Drawing upon all her strength, she created a massive gust of wind. Assan flew back, crashing through a rotten wall.

  So cold! Stella thought hobbling back toward the street. The building to her left froze, followed by the building on her right. Willing her frozen legs to move faster, she hobbled to the entrance of the alley. An icy spear came flying and stabbed her arm. Crying out, Stella collapsed to her knees shuddering.

  "Will you come willingly?" Assan asked yanking the ice out.

  Stella staggered to her feet and sent a slice of air flying into his leg. Howling in pain, he froze her legs to the ground. She stood there sending several more slices of air at him, Assan blocking all but one. It slipped through, slicing his arm wide open.

  "Enough!" he yelled.

  Stella found herself encased in ice up to her neck. "Assan please, I know this isn't you."

  "Everything will be all right soon, but first you must pay."

  The ice began closing in around, compressing into her, making it hard to breathe. Stars floated around her vision

  "I can't breathe," she gasped.

  The city's silence shattered with a massive boom as an explosion lit up the cavern sky. Assan ran, and the cavern went pitch black. Struggling to remain conscious, she battered at the ice with blades of wind. The ice shattered cutting her in the process, but she got her first breath of air! Collapsing to the ground, she felt like coughing until the end of time. Feeling around in the dark, tears rolled down her face. Lost and blind in the Undercity. It didn't matter if she was an Elementalist or not. If she couldn’t see, she would never find her way back out.

  "Assan! Get back here!" she yelled crawling in the blackness.

  A few faint blue lights began to reappear, then more. Stella blinked. She could see again. More and more of the blue glowing moss reappeared, giving her enough light to sp
ot Assan. He ran toward the Forgotten Castle.

  Staggering to her feet Stella chased after him. What was that explosion? “Mera will be answering a few questions, whether she wants to give them to me or not," she said trying to keep sight of Assan.

  Chapter 15

  B linking, Rick looked around. He hung by his wrists and ankles, the shackles digging into his flesh. The chains were attached to the opening of what must have once been the opening of a tower. He found it nearly impossible to focus. It took all his effort to even blink. A hand grabbed his chin and made him look up.

  “Looks like I better get started,” Mera said her voice sounding far away. “Can’t let you get your senses. Before T. kills you, I need the thing you stole from me.”

  “What thing?” Rick asked his mind still fighting him.

  “When we first met. You took a statue.”

  After a moment the memory clicked. “It didn’t belong in this world.”

  “I want it back,” she hissed.

  “No,” he said his eyes finally focusing.

  “Uh oh,” she said standing up. “I can’t let you get free. Not until you’re my obedient slave.”

  “Slave?” he asked.

  Setting a wooden box on the table, Mera opened it. She pulled out a short metal rod the color of amber. “He said this wouldn’t work on you,” she said holding it up. “But I think he’s wrong.” With that, she pressed the tip of the rod against his neck. A small part melted into his skin. Nothing happened. She placed the rod back into its box and stared at him. “Any moment,” she said.

  A million invisible knives stabbed into every inch of Rick’s body. Howling in pain, the feeling changed to the sensation of his blood boiling. Thrashing in the air, Rick screamed. Every bone shattered into splinters. Trying to focus, he attempted to remind himself it wasn’t real. His hands were on fire! No, his whole body. No, it wasn’t real. That thought fled to a distant corner of his brain. All he could think about was pain. Sinking down, he hung there limply for what felt like an eternity. He tried to block it out and focus. Eventually, he managed enough to use Celestial.

  “Angel soul,” he muttered. Instantly the pain fled. His head snapped up to look at Mera, his skin turning pure white.

  “Nope.” she yelled raising her other hand. A silver shaped disk with markings, sat in the center of her palm. Holding it up, she disappeared from his view which was replaced by flashes of memories. Memories of his past, which he’d forgotten long ago.

  “Gemini!” Leo yelled at him.

  Oh, how he wanted to smack her upside the head sometimes. “Whaaat?” he whined.

  “Quit stealing my snacks!”

  Rick glared at her. “What makes you think it was me?”

  She pointed to the ground near the sofa he was laying on. Rick glanced down. A half-eaten bowl of grapes sat there.

  “Proves nothing,” he said giving her a sheepish grin.

  Crossing her arms, she tapped her foot, not saying a word.

  “Just go bug Chef and get some more.”

  “It’s the principle,” she said.

  “I was hungry!”

  “And what’s your excuse for putting glue in Scorpio’s favorite hat?”

  Rick sat up noting the exits. If this was going to be another one of Leo’s lectures, he wanted no part of it. “He was harassing Cancer,” he said.

  “You’re a Zodiac General of the Holy Army!”

  Rick grinned. “So?” And with that, he sprinted toward the door. Leo erected a barrier of light in his way. Or so she thought. He knew she would do that. Without hesitation, he smashed through the window. He dropped the few feet to the grass lawn and sprinted away. Good thing it was the first floor, he thought laughing.

  Looking out to sea, Rick watched the Kraken hurtling toward them. Larger than the island he stood on, he couldn’t help but admire it. The locals, of course, were not as appreciative. Aquarius pecked him on the cheek and stepped into the ocean. Her job was to take care of the thing. His job was to just admire that magnificent backside of hers. Of course, if she knew that’s what he was doing she’d probably kill him. That or kiss him to death. It all depended on her mood. Either way, he’d end up dead.

  Worth it, he thought staring at her. Man, she’s beautiful.

  She brushed her red hair behind her neck and waded further into the water. He watched as the ocean folded in on itself over and over again, forming a massive wall of water. With a flick of her wrist, she sent it rushing forward. It smashed into the Kraken, creating a massive spray and obscuring it from view. Seconds passed as they waited to see the result.

  Not enough, Rick thought shaking his head.

  The wave forced the massive creature to shift its direction, but its new course would still hit the island. Again, Aquarius built up a massive a wave, but the Kraken was getting too close. If it got too close it wouldn’t matter if they changed its direction. Rick bit his lip. At the last second, she sent the wave smashing into it. Once the spray died down the villagers let out a whooping cheer!

  She did it! I knew she would.

  Rick couldn't help it. He just stared at her. Aquarius stood smiling in front of him.

  “What do you think?” she asked.

  He opened his mouth, but no words came out.

  “I think he’s speechless,” Taurus said slapping him on the back. “And he thinks you look like the prettiest thing he’s ever seen. Isn’t that right, Buddy?”

  Rick grinned stepping forward. “Taurus said it perfectly,” he said kissing her.

  “But where is my darling?” Taurus asked.

  Aquarius smiled and looked at him. “Libra will be down in a second.”

  Taking her hand, Rick led her out to the dance floor.

  “What do you think they will announce?” she asked swaying back and forth.

  “No clue,” he said as the music picked up. “But whatever it is, I’m sure it’ll be good.”

  Spinning on the dance floor Aquarius giggled wrapping her arms around him.

  “I love you Gemini,” she said.

  “I love you too,” he said.

  Walking along the Emerald Bridge, Rick headed toward the lesser kingdoms. He had a message to deliver, a command from the True Father himself. A commandment to cease stirring up dissension among his children.

  Rick closed his eyes listening to the cries and screams of his men. The scents of blood, sweat, and death, disgusted him. Opening his eyes, he sent a beam of light into the chest of a Gad. It collapsed to the ground. Glancing around, he looked for any sign of his brothers and sisters. His army fought alone against an army of monsters.

  “Where’s our reinforcements?” one of his generals yelled.

  We’re fighting them, he thought, sorrow filling his heart. “They’ll be here soon!” he lied. “We must hold the gate at all costs.” A ball of fire crashed down into a section of his men making them scream in agony. Looking up, Rick saw two more flying through the air. “No, you don’t,” he growled. With one hand he created a white dome to stop the first, and with the other, he used Celestial shadows to throw his men out of the way of the second.

  “What’s the status of my barrier?” he yelled.

  Rick pushed himself out of the mud. Spitting blood, he twirled to go back to the month-long battle. He froze. The barrier was up, sealing off the kingdoms from the rest of the Multiverse. But... he was on the wrong side. His three Emperors stood on the other side tears rolling down their cheeks.

  “What’d you do?” he yelled pounding on the barrier.

  “Did you think we wouldn't figure it out?” Darus asked.

  “We knew we were fighting a lost battle to begin with,” Hela said.

  “And once we knew what you were trying to do,” Peter said trying to hold back the tears. “We knew we couldn’t let you die with us.”

  The Gads broke through the line of what few men were left.

  “No!” Rick cried pounding against the barrier.

  The Emperors
and the last of his men were quickly slaughtered. Millions upon millions dead. Rick wept for the loss of his comrades, he wept for the loss of his men, and he wept most of all for the loss of his brothers and sisters. The rest of the Zodiacs were scattered, driven mad by The Destroyer. At least he hadn’t seen the fate of Leo. Rick turned away from the home he’d never see again, tears sliding down his cheeks.

  Cresting a hill, Rick stared at dozens of Gads the last of them who’d reached the gate before his men.

  “Angel cloak,” he said.

  Looking at his hands, they turned as white as snow. The feeling of incredible strength flooded through his limbs. This world was too far away. After every second another memory disappeared. He didn’t care, let them vanish. He had killing to do.

  “Your throne is very hard and uncomfortable,” he said to the queen.

  She, of course, didn’t say a word. She lay at his feet smiling back at him, an arrow sticking from her chest.

  “Sorry I had to kill you, my dear,” he said. “But you really did have a terrible laugh.”

  “You’re Majesty. May we please take her body?” a maid asked.

  “No!” he snapped. “She’s keeping me company. Now get out and close the door.”

  “But sir,” she said. “You blasted the door to dust.”

  “I need wine,” he said standing up. “All of it. And burn that chair.

  “Yes Sir,” she said tears rolling down her cheeks.

  The minotaur pulled Rick to his feet. All he knew was that it was time for the next fight. He had to win this fight to get his next drink. He had journals of course, but if those were true, he wanted to know part of his memories. Fight, drink, repeat. Simple. He liked simple.

  The minotaur pushed him into the pit and the bell rung. Two minotaurs charged wielding their massive axes. Swaying back and forth, he waited until they got close. Picking up his sword, he leapt.

  Rick Gemini, ruler of Nostestro, sat upon his horse the battle for his kingdom raging. Leading his men forward, he entered the river. He couldn’t ask for a more loyal army. Two more days to the witch’s tower. Exiting the other side of the river, his horse shook off the water.


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