Gemini- The Beginning Of The End

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Gemini- The Beginning Of The End Page 25

by Nathan Dickeson

  Adams eyes grew wider. “I hadn’t thought of that. No, no one was down there.”

  “Where are they?” Stella asked, looking around.

  Rick sailed through the air, Justin's words echoing in his mind.

  “Your friends are with Taranis now.”

  Flare, Assan, and worst of all, Stella, all gone. Adam had still been in his room, but Rick did not have time to wait. He had to find Stella. Opening a portal, he flew through, sailing back up into the air.

  Where would Taranis be? Rick thought. Start with what he wants. To kill me. So, he’d want to be found. The wall? No. Too open. Then where?

  It clicked, and Rick knew exactly where he’d find his old friend. Sailing through the air he made his way to the competitor's tower. Binding himself to the side of the wall he stopped to think.

  Two Celestials and a vampire. Easy. What is Taranis planning? He can’t kill them otherwise he loses his leverage. Contingency to keep me from killing him? No, he’d know better than that.

  “One way to find out,” Rick said dropping through a portal.

  Stepping out in front of the tower doors, he ran inside and rushed up the stairs to his room. Taranis stood in the hall in front of Rick’s door. The vampire's eyes grew wide. Rick shot forward smashing into him. Throwing him to the floor, Rick dug his knee into its chest.

  “Kill me and your friends die!”

  “I’ll ask—”

  “Won’t work,” Taranis wheezed.

  Ricks hands inched toward his face.

  Taranis smiled. “Call my bluff.”

  Rick stopped.

  “Do as I say, and I’ll release them.”

  “Where’s Stella?” Rick growled

  “Stella?” Taranis asked then quickly added, “only her? What about the rest of them?”

  “Not as big of a concern.”

  “Get off,” Taranis wheezed. “Then we can talk.”

  Rick didn’t move.

  “Then kill me and suffer,” Taranis wheezed.

  Rick got to his feet. Taranis sat up coughing.

  “Did you think I’d harrass the most powerful being on this world without a plan?” Taranis asked.

  “What do you want?” Rick said Shadow Reaper appearing in his hand.

  He pressed the tip against Taranis’s throat the flames licking at his skin.

  Taranis chuckled. “I know you’re tempted, but they’ll die.”

  “I’ll forget,” Rick said.

  “I know,” Taranis said pushing the sword to the side. “But you don’t want to.”

  “What do you want?” Rick repeated.

  “Shadow Reaper,” Taranis said tipping his head toward the sword.

  “What about it?”

  “Don’t play dumb, give it to me.”

  Rick shrugged and tossed it to the ground. Taranis picked it up.

  “Say the words to unbind it,” Taranis said.

  Rick ground his teeth. “I release Shadow Reaper from its bond.”

  Instantly, he no longer felt the sword's presence. Taranis created a portal and threw the black sword through.

  “Now what?” Rick asked.

  Taranis tossed a black ring at Rick’s feet.

  “A collar?” Rick asked.

  “The two men you fought today brought that for you.”

  Ricks mind strained trying to remember what it was. “What is it?”

  “Put it on,” Taranis said.

  Rick hesitated.


  Rick picked it up. He opened the clasp, slid it around his neck, and he shut it. A wall shot up in between him and his Celestial magic. Ricks heart nearly stopped.

  “It’s a souvenir from your world,” Taranis said. “I was told it would even work on one of the Twelve Generals.”

  “And you believed them?” Rick asked forcing a grin.

  “Nice try, I saw the panic.”

  Rick swallowed breaking out in a sweat. He shifted his stance. He was vulnerable. He hadn’t felt like this in an eternity. Is this fear?

  “Relax,” Taranis said. “I’m not going to fight you yet.”

  “Then what now?” Rick growled.

  Taranis raised his hand, holding a dart. “Your Elementia, and then I’ll let you tell Stella goodbye.”

  “Why would I trust you?” Rick asked.

  “You're late,” Taranis said. “You had choices before you put that collar on.”

  Sparks danced along Rick’s fingertips.

  “This is the last thing,” Taranis said. “Then I promise to leave Stella alone.”

  What magic will I have left? Rick thought flicking through the list. Not much.

  Taranis lunged. Distracted, Rick moved too slow. The dart grazed him and his Elementia weakened, then disappeared. Rick slammed Taranis into the wall.

  Taranis grinned black orbs appearing around them. “Do you want to do this now?”

  Rick let him go his palms beginning to sweat.

  Taranis pointed to the door. “She’s in there.”

  Eyeing him, Rick walked over. Putting the key in, he turned the latch. A soft click from inside the room was all the warning he had. The door flew forward as an explosion blasted it off its hinges. Flying into the wall, his head made a loud smack against the stone. Collapsing to the ground, he felt heat and pain emanating from his arms. His vision blurring, he couldn’t see how bad the damage was. Trying to get up, he blacked out.

  Reaching the tower steps, Stella started walking up. The tower shook with a deafening explosion. She had to cover her head as glass rained down.

  “Come on!” Devlin yelled running up to the entrance.

  “What level was it on?” she yelled trying to spot a broken window.

  “I didn’t see,” Devlin and Adam said in unison.

  Sprinting up the stairs, they didn’t even bother pausing at each floor. Stella felt a rock in her chest as they raced up to their floor.

  Let him be anywhere but here, she thought running up those last steps.

  She flew through the arch. There were no signs of an explosion, no smoke, fire, or shattered walls. But Rick lay on the ground, covered in blood and Taranis stood over him. Acting on impulse, Stella grabbed Rick with wind and pulled him toward her. Lightning stuck where he was a moment before. Rushing Taranis, she unhooked her ax. Taranis shot a bolt at her. Flipping onto her back, she glided on the air. She swung her ax and stuck his leg. He made an inhuman howl. Twisting about, she launched at him again. Ignoring his leg, he shot his hand out grabbing the handle of her ax in mid-swing. He snarled. Stella swallowed. A vine wrapped around his neck yanking him back.

  “I hate when I can’t use rock,” Adam said holding the other end.

  A dozen black orbs formed behind him.

  “Watch out!” Stella yelled.

  Without hesitation he leapt forward, dodging the lightning. But it loosened the vine and Tarnis took advantage. Coiling it around his wrist, he yanked it free from Adam’s hand. Tossing it away, he sent another volley at them. Stella dove to the side. Devlin was dragging away Rick.

  Good, she thought flipping around.

  Launching at Taranis, she tried to land another blow. He kicked her, hard. Hitting the wall, she gasped as the air was knocked out of her. Adam grappled with him for a moment, a new vine in hand. But he too was sent flying into a wall. Black orbs appeared over both their heads.

  “Ears!” Devlin yelled.

  Just in time, Stella slammed her hands over her ears. Devlin shouted with his magically amplified voice the deafening sound growing even louder as it bounced off of the walls. Taranis roared battering at his ears. Devlin rushed forward and stabbed him in the chest with a knife. Taranis punched him in the face laying him out flat.

  What is this thing? Stella thought lifting herself to her feet.

  “Hands off of my brother!” Adam yelled launching at him.

  A portal opened and Adam disappeared.

  “Run!” Stella yelled throwing Devlin out of the way.
  Devlin pulled out a vial from his sleeve and tossed it on the ground at Taranis’s feet. Black smoke spewed out filling the corridor. Instantly, it solidified pushing Stella and Taranis down the hall one way, and she could only assume it was pushing Devlin the other way. As soon as they halted Stella flipped around and launched herself at Taranis. He grabbed her by the throat, knocking the ax away.

  “Deal with this one,” Taranis said dropping her through a portal.

  She landed in a cell and several darts instantly pricked her skin. She blacked out.

  It actually worked? Devlin thought scrambled to his feet. Where’s Stella? Serpent's eye! He’d left Rick in a corner next to the steps. Running over, he slid next to him. A weird black collar was around his neck. No time to wonder about that. “We need you to wake up,” he said shaking him.

  Rick groaned, his eyes fluttering.

  “You need to make a portal,” Devlin said. “Right now!”

  “Can’t,” Rick moaned.

  Devlin looked around. There was no way he could drag Rick to safety.

  “What can you do?”

  “Invisible,” Rick groaned.

  “Invisible?” Devlin asked glancing back again.

  “No sound!” Rick hissed.

  The air seemed to shimmer, but that was it. Devlin moved to grab his arm. Maybe he could drag him into a room.

  The hallway crackled and Taranis stepped through a portal. Freezing, Devlin stared at him. Taranis glanced left and right and directly through Devlin, but not at Devlin himself. Limping over to the stairs, Taranis listened. Devlin barely dared to breathe. After a moment, Taranis growled. Limping over to the door of one of the rooms, he threw it open. Lightning crackled. Moving from door to door, Taranis repeated whatever he was doing. After the last door, he roared and stepped through a portal. Devlin waited. Nothing. After several minutes he grabbed Rick and dragged him into a room. Lightning had struck everything, destroying the place. The charred wardrobe had one of its doors hanging on by one hinge, and the bed sagged with several holes in the mattress. Dragging Rick to the bed, he shoved him under.

  “Safe?” Rick asked.

  “Yes,” Devlin said.

  “Don’t touch,” Rick mumbled.

  Don’t touch what? Devlin wondered.

  Heat started emanating from Rick’s body. Drawing his hand close, Devlin yanked it back. Rick was scalding hot! Walking over to the wardrobe, he opened the intact door and slipped inside.

  Taranis threw Shadow Reaper down. It cut through the stone up to its hilt. Staggering over to the boy, he grasped the bars of the cage. The boy whimpered. Unlocking the cell, he grabbed the kid. The boy screamed.

  “Shut up!” Taranis yelled. “No one can hear you!” Dragging the kid to the center of the room, he chained him up. “I’ll hoist you after,” he growled. Thrusting his hand into the boy's chest, he fed. The kid aged and Taranis healed. Soon the kid was middle-aged, and Taranis felt great! He strode over to the crank.

  “What’d—” the boy stammered.

  Taranis ignored him cranking the handle until the man was lifted in the air. Striding over to the sword, he pulled it from the stone.

  Impressive, he thought. I wonder what you can't cut through?

  The man sobbed. Ignoring him, Taranis cut a cubby hole in the wall. Pulling the stone out, he cut the front and placed the sword inside. Sliding the front part back in, he dusted his hands. Then he simply stepped through a portal and into the meeting room. Justin and Jayden sat waiting for him.

  “Where’s the rest of your guild?” Justin asked.

  “Dead,” Taranis said. “Their injuries were fatal.”

  They shot each other looks.

  “I couldn’t kill you even if I wanted to,” Taranis said.

  Jayden grinned. “Then you do admit Celestials are better than—”

  “Of course, I do!” Taranis growled. “That’s why I needed a collar.”

  “Did we stall long enough?” Justin asked.

  Taranis sat. “Long enough, but longer would’ve helped.

  “Now what?” Jayden asked.

  “The collar is on,” Taranis said smirking. “So now we hunt.”

  Rick is still going to kick your butt.

  We’ll see.

  Chapter 23

  R ick blinked. A burnt piece of straw hung down, tickling his nose. His clothes clung to him, drenched in sweat. He felt ice in his chest, his mind raced. He let himself get close. Stupid! Now Taranis was going to rip it all away. Groaning internally, he slipped from under the bed. No one was in the room. Peeking out into the hall, he checked to see if the coast was clear. Nothing. He was fully healed now, and the poison blocking his Elementia had already worn off.

  “Devlin,” he whispered.

  The wardrobe creaked, and Devlin slipped out.

  “You’re okay,” he whispered.

  “Yes,” Rick whispered. “Are we safe?”

  “Follow me.”

  They moved in silence, Rick trailing behind Devlin. They snuck down to the first floor and down the hall. Devlin led him to a random closet. Devlin pushed on a stone and stepped back. The wall shifted and a crack appeared. They pushed the wall open and slipped into the tunnel.

  I forgot about these, Rick thought as they walked down.

  “I think we’re safe now,” Devlin said patting the wall. “Each tower has one of these.”

  Rick nodded. “For now,” he said. “But Taranis knows about these. too.”

  Devlin's chest sunk. “I thought I discovered them.”

  “It’ll work,” Rick said placing a hand on his shoulder. “Thank you for everything.”

  “You would’ve done the same,” Devlin said shrugging.

  Rick nodded. “Did anything happen after you hid me under the bed?”

  “Taranis came by checking all the rooms again. I thought we were dead. But he only glanced in.”

  “I know the two men I fought today are working with him as well,” Rick said.

  “That could be difficult.”

  “As it is, all three would be impossible,” Rick said tugging at his collar.

  “What’s with the new jewelry?” Devlin asked pointing at it.

  “Taranis,” Rick said. “It blocks my Celestial powers”

  “Your what?”

  “Light and dark elements. It's a different magic, just looks similar.”

  “That's how you’re able to use more than one element!”

  “Correct,” Rick said sitting down. “But for now, I can’t use them. I need my sword.”

  “Sword?” Devlin asked joining him on the floor.

  “That black sword I make appear out of thin air.”

  “Can you not do that now?”

  “No,” Rick said making Light Weaver appear. “Only this one.”

  “What’s wrong with that one?”

  “Nothing, It just serves a different purpose. The black one can cut through anything.”

  “It could get the collar off?”


  “Where is it?”

  “Taranis has it.”

  Devlin whistled. “You can’t win without it and the only way to get it back is to fight.”

  “No,” Rick said. “He won’t have it on him. It’ll be hidden.”

  “How do you know?” Devlin asked.

  “Because,” Rick said. “If I managed to get my hands on it, he’d die instantly.”

  “It’s unfair,” Devlin muttered. “I’m so weak.”

  Rick sat there, staring at him, letting the tension build.

  Devlin looked at him. “What?”

  “No, it's not,” he said not letting eye contact go. “So now what?”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “It’s not fair, so what are you going to do? Sit there and mope or go become better? What’s the alternative? Quit?

  “I—” Devlin started.

  “You saved my life with it being unfair. In fact, by saving me you
saved everyone.”

  They stared at each other for a time. Eventually, Devlin cracked and grinned.

  “That’s a pretty big ego you have there.”

  Rick chuckled. “I wish.”

  “Sorry,” Devlin said.

  “Doesn’t affect me,” he said waving his hand. “I need to take inventory.”

  “Inventory?” Delvin asked.

  Rick pulled the needle from his boot and set it on the floor in front of him. “Of what magic I have at my disposal.”

  Patting his pockets, he pulled out the health potion.

  Binding, mental, illusion, a single potion, and one Health, and one Ether crystal. Can’t use necromancy and there are no animals. I’ve got no attributes left and only a trickle of essence. All the rest are useless right now. So that leaves Elementia, blood, binding, mental, and illusion.

  “Against a demon, an angel, and a vampire,” Rick grumbled.

  “What was that?” Devlin asked.

  “Nothing,” Rick said. “Just thinking.”

  “You could turn invisible and stab him,” Devlin said.

  “That was illusion magic. For something like that, it works best when you’re not moving.”

  Devlin stared at the ground. “What about the thing you did under the bed? You could make yourself too hot to touch.”

  Rick shook his head. “One-time thing. That was a Dragon attribute. They have fast healing abilities. I’ve been saving it for an emergency.”

  “So, the heat was a by-product?”


  “Do you have any more potions?”

  Rick shook his head again. “Only that one,” he said pointing at the potion on the ground.

  Devlin looked at the two things on the floor. “What’s with the needle?”

  “Blood magic,” Rick said. “That, and Elementia are all I really have access to right now.”

  “That’s not much.”

  “Yep,” Rick grumbled.

  Picking up the needle, he pressed it into the tip of his finger. “This is one I might actually be able to teach you a bit of.”

  “Really?” Devlin asked leaning forward.

  Rick took the needle and traced a symbol on his arm. “The magic works off of symbols, you draw the correct symbol and it works.”

  “What does that symbol do?” Devlin asked pointing.

  “It makes my body a bit tougher,” he said drawing the same symbol on his other arm.


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