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Inferno Page 9

by N. A. Carson

  I took a deep breath and held my arms to my chest. The paper had sliced through my clothes, and the cuts were still so deep that blood was soaking into my coat and shirt sleeve. “You didn’t have to do that.”

  “What should I do, then?” He leaned back on his arms. “I give you a list. You forgot it, and instead of admitting your mistake, you lied.” He laughed. “You’re turning out just like my brothers’ putrid pets.”

  “I’m not your pet!” I snapped. “You barely acknowledge my existence, unless it’s to do some stupid chore that a damn dragon could finish faster than me. Send Uther back, and he can get the missing items.” I glared at the god. “I don’t need to be here. I don’t even understand why I am still here. I’ll never agree to sleep with you, so I have no reason to stay.”

  With an eyebrow raised, he looked unimpressed. “Sorry the small amount of kindness I offered confused you,” he said in a damning voice. “But if you want attention, I’ll give it to you.”

  Black strings of fire shot up from the ground and wrapped around my body. The flames died away, leaving behind coarse ropes. Zoran stood and walked to where I was kneeling. He placed his hand on the top of my head as he paced around me.

  “If you would have just admitted the mistake, I would’ve just made you walk back and get it. Far less of a punishment then what I’m about to give you.” Grabbing the collar of my coat, he lifted me to my feet. “Now I’m going to show you how I tame a dragon.” He brushed a sweaty piece of hair from my forehead. “So next time you won’t even hesitate to tell me the truth the moment I ask.”

  HOLDING FIRMLY ONTO my upper arm, he dragged me to the only door in the room. With a wave of his hand, it opened, and he led me into the black stone corridor.

  “Where are we going?” I asked.

  “Patience, sparrow. Patience.” He took me to a spiral staircase and pushed me in front of him. “Move.”

  I started the descent with Zoran close behind. The lower we went, the colder it became. We came to a point where I was shivering, and I refused to go any further. Every survival instinct I had said not to take another step.

  “No more. Please, Zoran. I don’t want to go down there.”

  “Come on, my little sparrow. We haven’t even reached the bottom.” He kicked me hard in the back of the knees.

  I stumbled forward, but without my hands to stop myself, I fell. I rolled down the steps and felt the fire release from my chest. I closed my eyes and didn’t open them until I stopped. I looked back to see the staircase ablaze. Zoran was nowhere to be seen.

  A smile fell on my lips. I guess it was possible to blow up a god. Served him right for pushing me.

  Our footsteps echoed. My spirits fell with each step. Zoran rounded the corner and walked calmly through the flames with his hands in his coat pockets.

  “Overly sensitive creature,” he stated. “That was nowhere near a life or death situation. You panic too easily.” He walked past me to a door covered in frost. A fire engulfed his palm, and he flipped through the key ring that had appeared. “Let’s see, which one is it...”

  The ropes had been burned away. I crawled toward the staircase. The cold was setting in, and I’d be damned before I let him lock me up here. I slowly rose off the ground and prepared to run.

  “Idiot,” muttered Zoran.

  The strings of tar shot out of the ground and wrapped around my ankle. I was flung onto the hard stone floor and dragged over to Zoran. The tar twisted around me like vines and lifted me to my feet.

  Zoran held up the key in front of my eyes. “Consequence for your choices.” He put it in the lock. “Remove the shirt and coat.”

  The tar melted away.

  I shook my head and clutched the remains of them close to my chin.

  “Now, or I’ll take the pants as well.”

  “No.” I backed away. “You can’t make do this. I’m not an animal. I’m a human being, and I—”

  Zoran grabbed my wrist. A new sensation entered my body. It burned. There was nothing pleasurable in his touch. I dropped to my knees.

  He ripped off the coat. “They belong to me. I merely lent them to you, so when I want them back, you better undress quickly.” Zoran stripped everything off.

  The cold attacked my skin. I curled into a ball, hugging my hurt wrist to my chest. It still was pulsing with pain and had been turned a ghostly white.

  “I may be a god of fire, but I’ve lived long enough to learn a couple tricks, Fin. Dragons aren’t the easiest creature to tame.” He turned the key and opened the door.

  The blast of frigid air sent me crawling to get away.

  “And neither are firebirds.” Zoran snatched my arm and dragged me across the ground. He forced me to stand and held me to his chest. His hand snaked under my arm to my jaw. The god held up my head. “Look at that. The perfect place to punish a wicked creature like you,” he whispered in my ear. “You left two items behind, so you’ll spend two days here. Be careful, Fin. In this room, the frost tends to seek out the heat.”

  He shoved me forward. I spun around to see the door slam shut and hear it be locked into place. Dropping to my knees, I pounded my fists on the metal. The frost stuck to my skin and started to grow into crystals. It burned. I gritted my teeth in pain and tried to scrape it off. It hurt worse than when Zoran had touched me. The ice felt like it was burrowing into my skin.

  The frost began to climb up my legs. I staggered back. My feet were going numb, making it hard to walk. The white veins on the floor grew toward me.

  “Curse the gods,” I whispered. “Zoran! Zoran, let me out! I’m sorry, please!”

  I ran into a metal pole and felt the ice attach to my back. The cold—it was settling into my bones.

  “Zoran! I’m sorry! Please, let me out!” I begged.

  It reached my chest, and a sharp pain shot straight toward my core.

  I dropped to my knees, and the fire erupted from me. It drove the cold back, but the frost retaliated. Whatever defense my body tried, the frost would overcome, and more of it would attack.

  I curled into a ball as the ice covered me. My hair froze solid to my face.

  “Zoran,” I gasped. “Please.” I collapsed, breathing heavily. It was spreading to my lungs. My chest was aching. “Zoran,” I called in a strained voice. “Come back.”

  Come back and save me from the endless dying cold that I wish would find a way to kill me.

  Chapter 21: Fill Me with Fire

  I stared at the icicles between my fingers. I couldn’t move. I was so cold. I’d probably break if I tried to move. It wouldn’t be long before I fall back asleep. My body was fighting, but it always lost to the cold.

  The frost was making my inner fire go dormant. It made my chest ache. That pain was the only thing keeping me awake. I wished it would just kill me. Hell would be a relief compared to this torture.

  The door swung open. I remained still. Any energy I had was frozen. A blast of warm air landed on my face, and I reveled in it. Finally, I had an escape from the cold. Zoran’s black boots stopped near my head. The god knelt down.

  “Have you learned your lesson, Fin?”

  I managed to roll onto my back. He looked so warm. Zoran could fill me with that fire. This man could kill the cold.

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  Zoran ran a finger down my cheek. The frost melted away. I leaned into his gentle touches. He placed more along my side. Each one chased away the ice. The fiery core in my chest starting to pulse, spreading the heat.

  He placed his hand over my heart. “I expected something in return, or I can let you thaw out by yourself.”

  The heat only Zoran could provide filled my veins. I nodded. I’d give him anything he wanted just as long as I could have his fire in return.

  Warmth shot through my limbs. I crawled into his arms and hugged him. He was so warm. God of fire, god of heaven—this man was my god. I’d worship the heat.

  Zoran brushed back my hair as water dripped from the ends.
“Such a good little bird.” He kissed the side of my head.

  I cried out when the frost attacked my feet.

  He picked me up and melted the ice from my toes. “We’d better leave. The frost has taken a liking to you.”

  Carrying me out into the hallway, he started up the stairs as the door slammed shut, trapping the frost in the horrid room. The heat from his body felt so good. I wanted it. I brushed my lips against his neck. It sent sparks to my lower regions.

  “Yes,” I breathed, kissing his neck. “Yes.” There was so much warmth coming from this man.

  Zoran laughed softly. “Patience, Fin.” He smiled. “I’ll give you what you want.”

  He took me to his room and set me on the bed. The cold spiked in my chest when he let go. It hurt. I needed him to kill the ice that had found its way into my core.

  I climbed onto him as he unbuttoned his shirt. Holding onto his neck, I kissed and nibbled on his skin. Just touching him filled me with the warmth I desired so badly.

  “Calm down, Fin.” He pushed me onto the bed. “You’ll get what you want.” He dropped his pants.

  My senses came back for a moment. “No.” I rolled away. The cold hit the moment I lost contact with him. I needed him. I needed this.

  I threw myself at him and wrapped my arms around his neck. Zoran kissed me as his hand ran over my thigh. Fire spread from his fingertips.

  I leaned back my head in ecstasy. “Yes,” I hissed. “Yes.”

  Zoran forced me down and sucked on my neck. His body was pulsing with heat, and I wanted to absorb all of it. I wanted to melt in his aura.

  “Centuries of waiting.” Zoran bit my shoulder and pinned my arms above my head. “Finally, one of my own.” His hands ran down my side as he settled between my legs. “Beautiful creature. I’ll cut off your wings before letting you escape from me.”

  I reacted to every touch. “Please,” I gasped. “Please. I want it.”

  He braced his arms on either side of my head and placed his face close to mine. “What do you want, Fin?” He pushed back my hair from my forehead and pressed his lips to it. “I’ll give you whatever you want.”

  “Heat,” I gasped. “I want your fire. Kill the cold.” I arched up against his chest. “Please, kill it.”

  He smiled and kissed me, prying open my mouth. I wrapped my arms around him and dug my fingers into his back.

  Continue to twist his tongue around mine, he moved into position. “You’ll enjoy this, I promise.” He sat up and lifted my legs more. “Especially the ending.” He pressed forward.

  The moment he slipped into my walls an inferno was ignited inside of me. My body seized as the pleasure seared through every limb. I couldn’t breathe. The sensation petrified my mind.

  Zoran started to move, allowing the air to return to my lungs. He leaned over me and peered into my eyes. Fire was boiling around our joined bodies. It was amazing. I was surrounded by such immense heat.

  “Zoran,” I breathed, tears of absolute joy falling from my eyes.

  My body was burning because of our connection. The fire danced across both of our bodies. I loved it. Finally, engulfed in such incredible heat. This surpassed anything I had felt before. It was what I had always wanted, had dreamed about since I was a child.

  He kissed my cheek and picked up the pace. “Good boy. Just enjoy what I do to you.”

  Every thrust sent another wave through me and caused the flames to grow higher. My body was helpless in his hands. Zoran had complete control. The god of fire, the only man who could supply the flames to ignite my inferno.

  Chapter 22: Firebird Tears

  It was so peaceful. I was warm and comfortable and lying on a soft bed wrapped in blankets. This was so much nicer than sleeping on the floor. My eyes shot open. A tenderness came from the lower region, and the memory sat at the forefront of my mind. What had I done?!

  “You.” I scooted away from him. “You cursed me. You had to have cursed me. I’d never do that. I will never agree to do that.”

  Zoran didn’t look up from the letter he was reading.

  “I told you no,” I stated. “You can’t do that. I don’t care if you’re a god. You can’t—”

  A black vine wrapped around my wrist and yanked me over to him.

  Zoran seized my neck and lifted me to his level. “Shut up.” His eyes blared red before cooling.

  My breath caught in my throat, and with a nod, I sunk into the bed. I laid by his side, trying to figure out how’d I let this happen. It wasn’t my fault. That was all I knew. I’d never sleep with such a horrid man on purpose. Zoran put his hand on my head. I pulled back.

  He grabbed a handful of hair. “Don’t move.”

  “You can’t force people to do those kinds of things,” I whispered. “It’s not right.”

  Zoran twirled a lock around his finger. “My memory has never deceived me, and it recalls you being quite willing.”

  I curled into the fetal position. “I was cold.”

  “Punishment that you earned,” he replied. “And I did give you a choice. Thaw out yourself or let me help. I simply did as you asked.” His finger ran down the side of my face to my jaw. He tilted up my chin. “For your first time, you were quite exquisite.”

  I jerked back and crawled to the other side. “Don’t taunt me.” Swinging my feet onto the floor, I ran my hands down my face as the god laughed.

  “You’re acting so distraught about serving your purpose. Anyone can be an errand boy, but not many can bed a god.”

  “You disgust me.”

  “Your pride clouds your mind. Yesterday, you worshipped every inch of me.” He smirked, not bothering to turn his attention away from the letter as he spoke. “You reveled in my flame. Begged me for more. I think that was the true Fin: a helpless little bird who needs someone to tend to him.”

  “Shut up!” I stood and grabbed Zoran’s coat. “None of that is true. You’re a liar. You know my weakness, and you exploited it.” I quickly did up the buttons.

  Zoran tossed the paper to the side. “Of course I did, and I’ll do it again.”

  The anger and frustration were building. “I hate you.” I hurried toward the exit.

  “There’s nowhere you can escape to, Fin. Run, and I will find you. You’re mine, and you will always be mine.”

  I’d never let that happen. I ran and didn’t stop until I hit the balcony. My hands were shaky. I was so mad. How could he trick me like that, take advantage of me when I had no control? The man was a demon, a horrible monster. I wasn’t going to stay here. I’d never let him touch me again.

  Taking off the coat, I balled it up and tossed it over the railing. I climbed over the barrier to the other side. Hopefully, this worked. I let go and closed my eyes. Just like before, I combusted when I hit the ground. The fire sucked back into my center and my body reformed. I gasped for air as I slowly stood on trembling legs. Not my best idea, but it worked. I staggered over to the coat and put it on.

  The sirens were peeking out from the bushes and trees watching me. The plants around where I had landed had flourished, and the flowers blossomed. The sirens’ high-pitched voices giggled as they fluttered about. This really wasn’t my best idea.

  I scanned the area, trying to figure out what to do next. It needed to be a place where Zoran would never find me. I’d make sure of that. I disappeared into the trees and headed for the gate. Once I escaped the garden, I’d go to the forest and hide there. I could easily survive on my own. I didn’t need Zoran or anyone else from back home. I could do it all by myself.

  The garden was a lot bigger than I estimated, because by the time, I reached the mountain pass, I was gasping for air. I was already dreading having to walk up the trail to Gail. Resting my head against the warm metal, I waited for my heart rate to settle. My eyes landed on Zoran’s castle embedded in the mountainside. I’d never go back there. That cursed man could spend the rest of eternity alone or burning up mortals for all I cared.

  I stepped bac
k to examine the doors. The giant beasts that had opened them before must have been on the other side. I walked back and forth, trying to find a lever or a magical something-or-other that would open it. There was nothing, though. Just a solid wall that I could never move by myself.

  “Only Zoran can open it,” piped a little voice.

  “And the dragon.” A siren zoomed past my face. “But neither will open it for you.”

  One fluttered down and grabbed my hand. “Why would you want to leave?”

  “Come play with us.” Another pulled on my hair.

  “Go away.” I shooed them off. “I’m busy.”

  “You can’t get out.” Giggling followed the statement. “Zoran, you need Zoran. He’ll never let you leave.”

  “I want nothing more from that man!” I snapped. “I’ll find my own way out. Even if I have to climb the mountain. I’m not staying here.”

  “But we want you to stay.” A siren zipped by me, and I felt a sharp pain under my jaw.

  I clasped the area, and when I looked at my hand it came back a little bloody. That little demon with wings had cut me. “I’ll blow you all to hell if you come near me again. I’m not staying.” I marched off along the mountainside. There had to be a trail or a place I could climb up to get out of here.

  The sirens’ laughter followed me as they flickered in the branches of the trees and bushes. The number was growing. I walked up a small incline. The sirens didn’t stray, and their whispering was never far behind.

  “Come play in the forest.”

  “No,” I snapped.

  “Little bird, come play.”

  I swung around and knock one away from me. “Go away, you horrid creatures. Leave me alone!”

  The giggles grew louder. This wasn’t going to end well.

  IN A SWARM, THEY FLEW at me. I held up my hands as they attacked me with small thorns. I swung blindly at them. Sliding down the incline, I ran to find cover. The little devils followed, slicing and sticking things into me. The horrible pixie demons wouldn’t stop. More kept coming.


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