Baby Yours

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Baby Yours Page 1

by Kennedy Fox

  Copyright © 2019 Kennedy Fox

  Baby Yours

  Hunter & Lennon, #2

  Cover Photo by Perrywinkle Photography

  Cover design by Simply Defined Arts

  Copy Editor: Jenny Sims | Editing 4 Indies

  All rights reserved. No parts of the book may be used or reproduced in any matter without written permission from the author, except for inclusion of brief quotations in a review. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, establishments, organizations, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously to give a sense of authenticity. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to another person except when loaned out per Amazon’s lending program. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then it was pirated illegally. Please purchase a copy of your own and respect the hard work of this author.


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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23


  Coming soon

  Baby Yours Playlist

  About the Author

  Connect with us

  Books by Kennedy Fox

  Bonus Scenes


  A Note from the Authors

  Truly Mine Prologue

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  FOREVER MINE is a second chance romance about two high school sweethearts who run into each other after 10 years!

  It’s been ten years.

  He hasn’t stopped loving her for one second.

  Seeing the woman who broke my heart a decade ago is something I’m not prepared for. Though I’ve forgiven Savannah, I’ve never forgotten what she did.

  Now it’s time to confront the secret she’s kept from me. Though it won’t be easy, I’m determined to make things right between us.

  One night together is all it takes for our feelings to come rushing back. As memories of us flood in, truths are finally revealed. When the present collides with our past, I’ll do anything to win her back, even when Savannah tries to run again.

  This time, I’ll stop at nothing for a second chance.

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  'Cause when I'm down and I'm done

  And I'm coming unplugged,

  When I'm ready to fall,

  You're the one always holding me up

  With love.

  “With Love”

  -Christina Grimmie


  Chapter One


  The walls in the airport feel as if they’re closing in as Lennon and I enter. Though we’re only visiting Utah for a few days, we have enough luggage between the two of us to check bags as well as bring a carry-on. Hoards of people crowd around, and the line to the service counter is long as hell, but that’s typical on a Sunday before a holiday. It’s why we had to leave immediately after Jenna unexpectedly showed up at our door. Seeing her was just as much of a surprise to me as it was to Lennon.

  After Jenna announced her pregnancy, which was obvious once I saw her stomach, she expected me to fall to my knees, excited and happy, but I refused to give her the attention she’s wanted from the very beginning.

  Once Jenna left, Lennon closed up so tight, I couldn’t get through to her. I’d basically just told her we were a family, that I’d be there for her and the baby no matter what, and then this clusterfuck happened. Last night, sleeping with Lennon in her bed was everything, and it felt so damn right. While I hate the circumstances that led us to this point, I’m happy I get to be the man to keep her safe and protect her.

  We didn’t have time to talk about it, though I wanted to spill all my truths and explain how I knew Jenna’s baby wasn’t mine. It’s not an easy conversation to have, so I can’t just spit it out and expect things to go back to normal. The thought reminds me of Brandon and the insecurities instilled by my father. I never felt good enough for him and definitely knew I wasn’t good enough for a woman like Lennon, which was why I never got between her and Brandon. I knew he was the better man for Lennon. He could give her everything she needed, give her a family, and now he’s not even here to be a part of it. I wish I could give her that family she craves, but I can’t give one to anyone, even if I wanted to.

  On the drive to the airport, Lennon’s responses were short and to the point, so I got the hint and stopped talking. After the first time Jenna and I hooked up, I knew better than to continue seeing her, and it came back to bite me straight in the ass.

  Stupid, stupid, stupid.

  Once we make it through security, we walk toward our gate. Lennon stops for a quick bathroom break, and when she returns, I let out a huff.

  “Are we going to talk about this?” I ask; her silence eats me alive.

  When Lennon glances over, her blue eyes burn straight through me. “Talk about what?”

  We’re standing in the middle of the airport as people pass us by. “About Jenna. About what happened at the apartment. You’re obviously upset.” Heat rushes through me when she clenches her jaw. I can almost see the wheels turning in her head as she contemplates what to say. She’s transparent, and I see every inch of her and hear the words she refuses to say. Part of me wants to pull her into my arms and tell her it’s not what she thinks, but now is not the time or place.

  Eventually, she speaks. “I’m not upset. I have no right to be, Hunter. You’re a single guy. I’m just shocked, that’s all. You keep saying you’ll be there for me, but I feel like my fucked-up situation will hold you back from your own life and from being there for your baby. Hearing that news was a wake-up call for me.” Lennon shrugs. “I should be used to things drastically changing when I get too comfortable.” The sadness in her tone isn’t lost on me, and my heart lurches forward as I think of her and Brandon. They were living their happily ever after, and it was ripped away in a snap. I swallow hard, pushing down the thoughts of it, wishing things were different.

  Turning my body to face her, I take her hand in mine and rest it against my chest. I’m sure she can feel my heart beating rapidly. “Trust me when I say that baby isn’t mine, Lennon. It’s not.”

  “It doesn’t matter if it is. You aren’t mine, Hunter, and I’m not yours to worry about.” Her words pierce straight through my heart like a dagger. If she only knew how much I wish that was my reality, she wouldn’t have said that. It has me questioning everything, though. Does she want me to be hers? All she’d have to do is say the word.

  I’m yours, and you don’t even realize it, I want to say, but I keep it to myself.

  With the conversation clearly over, I refuse to push it any further. Lennon’s under enough stress, and the last thing she needs is more drama, so I drop it. As we continue toward our gate, with the carry-on suitcase in tow, I stop when I look over and see a jewelry store. Lennon notices and turns and looks at me

  “We forgot something,” I tell her, my heart pounding as the realization hits me.

  “What? Is it important? Is it something we can buy in Utah?” she asks, perplexed at my reaction.

  I nod at the jewelry store in front of us. “Wedding rings.”

  Her mouth falls open. “Shit. I thought of everything but that.” Lennon shakes her head and inhales a deep breath. “Well, I’m blaming pregnancy brain. What’s your excuse, hubby?”

  I give her a small smile and laugh at the change in her tone. Shrugging, I say, “Guess we need to go shopping then.”

  “Do you think they have cubic zirconia? I don’t need anything fancy, just something presentable.”

  “Hmm. Not sure. Let’s go look, though, because we can’t show up ringless if we want to pull this off.”

  Lennon nods, then follows me into a store with a sizable selection of jewelry—rings, earrings, bracelets, and necklaces. Glancing around the spacious room, especially for being in an airport, I know we don’t have a lot of time before our boarding begins, so I quickly scan the display cases. The diamonds sparkle against the light, and I overhear Lennon asking for the location of the clearance rings. As one jeweler walks her across to a small case in the corner, I spot the one she’s meant to have. Another woman comes to help me, removes it, and allows me to study it. A few minutes pass before Lennon notices and comes over.

  “That’s too much, Hunter,” she tells me in a hushed tone. I search her face and shake my head as the woman hands me the other band that goes with the set. Lennon’s mouth practically hits the floor when I hand it to her with a grin.

  “It’s meant for you, though. You like a princess cut, right?” I shoot her a wink, then immediately want to kick my own ass for my slipup.

  Lennon furrows her brows and tilts her head at me. Blood rushes from my face, but I somehow keep my composure.

  “How’d you know?” she asks with a curious smile.

  There’s no way I could tell her the truth. I think about the ring tucked inside my nightstand that she doesn’t know is hers; the one I have to keep secret. It’s official, I’m a fucking idiot.

  I quickly shrug, looking back at the sparkling diamond. “Lucky guess, I suppose. Don’t all girls like the princess cut?” I hurry and shoot her a smirk, trying to cover my stupid misstep.

  The woman behind the counter lets out a fake laugh because I’m sure she wants the sale. “You’re so right,” she says. “It’s a beautiful set, though. Two carats total.”

  Lennon glances at her, then back at me. “It’s too much, Hunter. I can’t ask you to do this. It’s way too expensive.”

  I grin. “If I’m going to impress my in-laws, I need to buy you the ring you deserve. Plus, you didn’t ask me. I’m insisting.”

  She stubbornly shakes her head, and I understand her resistance, considering we’re pretending, but I have the money for it. I’ve been saving since my first real check, and if I’m being honest with myself, I want to make her happy, even if only temporarily.

  I grab Lennon’s left hand and slide the set onto her finger. It fits like it’s meant to be, and her breath hitches as she looks down at it. When her eyes finally meet mine, I see the fire behind them as if her thoughts are going wild.

  The jeweler interrupts our moment, beaming with anticipation. “So is this the one?”

  Lennon glances back down at the diamonds gleaming under the lights. “Are you sure about this, Hunter?” She circles it around her finger with her other hand, and it feels right, so I don’t hesitate.

  “I’ve never been more sure about anything, Lennon. This has to be done. I want your parents to know I can take care of you,” I tell her confidently, though there’s nothing pretend about my words.

  The woman happily leads us to the register after taking the rings from Lennon to clean them. Lennon reaches for me and grabs my arm.

  “You need a ring too,” she reminds me.

  After quickly sizing my finger, a salesperson gives me a few choices, and Lennon picks out a white gold band. By the time we have what we need, and thousands of dollars later, I see the apprehension written on Lennon’s face. After I pay, we slip our rings on and walk out of the store wearing them.

  “Hunter...” Her voice is soft. “What are you going to do with these rings after this is over? I feel so damn guilty right now.”

  “We’ll need them for a while, Lennon. And after this is over, I’ll sell them online or something. People buy secondhand jewelry all the time,” I explain as we arrive at our gate and find a seat. I wrap my arm around her shoulders and pull her in close, hoping to calm her. “I’m not worried about how much it cost, so you shouldn’t either. We’ll cross that bridge when we get there, okay?”

  She slightly relaxes and smiles. “Alright. I’m just nervous about this and stressed to the max. I’ll be better once we get back, and we return to normal.”

  We sit in silence for a while, people watching as they walk by us. Lennon eventually pulls out her phone and sends her sisters a picture of the rings. I can only imagine what they’re saying right now, considering I’m so fucking transparent to them. They’ve made way too many side comments over the past month not to see right through me. Shit, they’ll probably show Mason and Liam too. I’m so fucked.

  As she laughs and texts, I get lost in my head, thinking about Brandon. I shouldn’t be the one going to Utah with Lennon. I think back to when he mentioned proposing over the summer. We were sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast, and I remember how fucking excited and nervous he was about it. It seems like yesterday when the jealousy took over, and I regret ever feeling that way, especially now. Guilt consumes me as I stare out at the sea of strangers waiting to board their planes.

  Lennon notices me withdrawing. “Are you okay?”

  I nod and lie. “I’m fine.”

  She doesn’t ask me what’s on my mind, and the awkward tension between us returns. I’m sure she assumes I’m thinking about Jenna and the baby.

  A man comes over the intercom and lets us know we’ll begin boarding in ten minutes. Lennon and I move to stand in line, and as I look over her shoulder, I catch a glimpse of one of the text messages from Sophie about Jenna—about me becoming a father. Lennon lets out a long breath and tucks her phone into her purse as we walk down the passenger boarding bridge.

  After I put the carry-on suitcase in the overhead storage, we sit and wait for everyone to board. The awkward silence returns, and she’s lost in her thoughts again. Lennon glances down at the sparkling diamonds as the plane takes off, and I look over at her.

  “I know this whole Jenna thing is on your mind, but I don’t want you to worry about it. This doesn’t change anything, especially what I said before she showed up.” I lower my voice and move closer so I’m practically whispering in her ear. “It’s not mine. I can promise you that.”

  Her eyes meet mine, and our mouths are so damn close. Too close. “How can you be so sure? Even if you double wrapped it and she was on birth control, a pregnancy can happen.” She points her chin down to her swollen stomach as if to imply she and Brandon were careful too.

  I swallow hard, pinching the back of my neck. “I just know. I’m one hundred percent positive, okay? Please...just trust me.”

  Lennon inhales a deep breath. I need her trust more than ever right now.

  “Okay,” she tells me with a tight nod. “I trust you.”

  Chapter Two


  My words come out ragged. I want to trust him more than anything, but I know his past. I saw the countless nameless women he brought home before and after I moved in. He was a classic fuckboy. Honestly, this shouldn’t surprise me as much as it has. I’m actually shocked he hasn’t knocked up some random chick before this, but hell, why did it have to be her? When I think about it, what bothers me the most is the jealousy that courses through me. I have no right to feel that way, no claim on him, and that only irritates me more. Between this and the stress of seeing
my parents, those are the only constants I have.

  With everything that’s happened this year, I feel like the universe is constantly shitting on me. Nothing has been easy or worked in my favor. Each time I think I might be okay, a curve ball comes my way, and something else happens. First, Brandon’s unexpected death, then finding out I’m pregnant with his baby, and now Hunter’s situation. At this point, I’m just wondering what else could possibly occur.

  As soon as Hunter told me we’d be a makeshift family, Jenna came barreling in like a freight train. Knocking me off my axis, she immediately forced me back to my sad reality. I’d been so caught up in preparing for Utah that it was almost easy to believe Hunter’s promises, believe every word he said to me. For a moment, in my heart, I knew I’d be all right. The worry and stress had temporarily vanished as I got caught up in the fantasy of Hunter always being there for me and the baby.

  Jenna was the wake-up call I needed. It snapped me out of my fairy tale so fast, I might have a concussion from the whiplash.

  Hunter and I have nothing more than a solid friendship. Eventually, he’ll find someone who makes him happy, fall in love, and want to start a family. How could he not? Hunter deserves it all.


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