Baby Yours

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Baby Yours Page 5

by Kennedy Fox

  “I’m the one who’s never been happier in my entire life. She’s made all my dreams come true,” I tell the woman as I wrap my arm around Lennon’s waist, holding her tighter.

  “And now grandbabies?” the woman now turns toward Mrs. Corrigan. “You must be so excited.”

  “I am! In fact, Lennon…” Her mother turns toward her. “We should do a shopping trip tomorrow before you guys leave. Buy some baby stuff!”

  “You don’t have to do that, Mom—” Lennon starts to argue, but her mother cuts her off.

  “I want to!” It’s hard not to smile right along with Mrs. Corrigan’s excitement.

  “I think it’s a great idea, baby.” I squeeze Lennon’s hip. “You two should have some quality time together anyway.”

  Once that’s settled, the group walks to the field for the first Rugby game. Mr. Corrigan goes back to the car to grab the folding chairs and blankets so they can watch.

  I meet up with the guys on my team, and we decide on positions. Having no idea who these men are, I introduce myself as Lennon’s husband, and a few of them give me disapproving looks. They’re about my age, so if I had to guess, I’d say they’re sizing me up. Part of me wonders if it’s jealousy, making me smirk at the thought. I’m not against showing off how lucky I am.

  Right after the team has a game plan, I walk to Lennon and wrap my arm around her body. I know a dozen pairs of eyes are on us, so I don’t hesitate to cup her face and crash our mouths together.

  “Wish me luck.” I smirk, reluctantly moving away.

  “Uh, good luck.” She blinks up at me. “No showing off.”

  I reach around my neck to grab my shirt, then pull it off. Handing it to her, I flash her a wink. “I’d never.”

  Lennon smiles and rolls her eyes as I walk backward with a grin. As soon as I’m on the field, I spin around and join the team.

  An hour later, sweat drips down my chest, and I realize not working out religiously the past couple of months has caught up to me. Though I’m in shape, I haven’t played sports in over two years, and running back and forth is tiring me out quickly.

  “Looking good, hubby,” Lennon catcalls as I pass.

  I waggle my brows at her, and she giggles.

  “So Lennon Corrigan, huh? She’s always been a little dick tease. How’d you score that?” Matt, a guy from my team, asks. I don’t like his salty tone.

  “That’s my pregnant wife you’re talking about, so unless you want my fist in your nose, you’ll shut your damn mouth,” I tell him harshly. His condescending question has me seeing red.

  “Whatever,” he mutters, then walks away like he should.

  The game finally comes to an end, and my team won. We’ll have another one in an hour, though I’m not sure I’ll be up for it.

  I run toward Lennon and scoop her up in my arms, nuzzling my face in her neck. “Oh my God, you’re drenched!” She giggles, throwing her head back.

  She slides her body down, but I notice she keeps her hands on my chest a moment longer than needed. I see the side-glances from people who are most likely judging my tattoos. I don’t have a ton, but I have a sleeve of ink on one arm and some wrapped around my waist and back.

  Since we already have an audience, I grab Lennon and slant my mouth over hers. I should stop kissing her so damn much, but now that I’ve had a taste, I can’t seem to help myself. It’s for the role, I lie to myself, but I don’t even care anymore.

  My heart be damned.

  I slide my tongue between her lips and hear her breath hitch as I bring her closer. Lennon moves her tongue against mine, and she’s goddamn lucky we aren’t alone right now because it’s the only thing that has me pulling back.

  She presses her fingers to her lips, staring at me in question or perhaps longing, but I can’t allow myself to think that.

  Her mother appears, smiling wide and proud. “You did so good out there, Hunter!” she squeals.

  “Well, he did play football in high school and college,” Lennon adds like a proud wife, making me smile.

  I’m introduced to so many people, I lose track of who is who, but Lennon whispers it to me anytime they return for another conversation. This is nothing like I’ve ever seen or experienced, but I’m seriously loving every minute of it. It’s the alternate life if Lennon had picked me, if Brandon hadn’t died, and if she and I would’ve had our very own happily ever after. I force the thoughts out as soon as they come, wishing things were different but knowing they can’t be.

  Lots of food, the Fourth of July parade, and a ton of children’s activities fill the rest of the afternoon. Lennon stays glued to my side, and when the sun begins to set, the live music becomes the main attraction as we wait for the fireworks.

  “Dance with me,” I whisper to Lennon so only she hears me. We’ve been sitting at a table snacking on food with her parents for the past hour, and I’m ready to get her alone.

  She glances at me with a grin. “Okay. Show me whatcha got.”

  Standing, I hold my hand out for her, and she takes it with a hesitant expression. I lead her to the dance floor and wrap my arms around her. The band sings a cover of Rascal Flatt’s “Bless the Broken Road,” and our bodies are so close, I can smell her shampoo. The lyrics nearly make me choke up as I hold Lennon tight.

  “Kinda impressed you’re such a good dancer.” She looks up at me with a devilish grin. “Then again, you’ve been surprising me for weeks.”

  I smirk, knowing she’s right. After the way I treated her, she would have no reason to trust me. “It’s our first dance as husband and wife,” I tease.

  Lennon chuckles, stepping closer. “Good thing it’s a good song.”

  “It’s perfect,” I tell her.

  “You know…” She pauses, biting her lower lip. “You’re better at this relationship stuff than you let on.”

  I raise my brows, shocked at her honesty. “Oh really?”

  “Yeah, you’re a natural.”

  Kill me. Kill me now.

  She tilts her head and furrows her brows. “How come you’ve never had a serious relationship?” she asks hesitantly. “I mean, it seems to come pretty naturally to you. Most guys who run away from commitment tend to have a fear of failing.”

  I let her question sink in, unsure of how to respond. There’s no way to answer it without confessing my feelings, so I say what I’ve always told everyone else who’s asked.

  “Didn’t have a lot of time in college for something serious. With football and work, it wouldn’t have been fair to balance a relationship between that.” I shrug as if that’s a plausible reason.

  Except Lennon sees right through it and narrows her eyes at me. “But you’ve been out of college for over two years. You didn’t want something serious with Jenna? She seemed like she wanted more.”

  As soon as the words come out of her mouth, her body tenses as if she hadn’t meant to say them. Part of me is convinced she’s jealous while the other part knows better.

  “Jenna should’ve never happened,” I tell her truthfully. “Her feelings were always stronger than mine, and it wasn’t fair to lead her on, so I cut it off after—” Deciding not to finish that sentence with our last time together, I pause. Lennon’s grip on me softens, and I tighten my hold on her back, bringing her even closer. “Anyway, I’ve just never had feelings for someone who made me want...more, I guess.” Lies. I keep my gaze on her, watching her reaction. Either she believes the bullshit I’m feeding her, or she’s really good at keeping up a front.

  “I hope you do someday,” she says softly. “You’re pretty great at it when you want to be,” she says in a teasing voice.

  Not sure how to respond to that, I nod, then rest my chin on top of her head as the song fades away. People start clapping around us as the guitarist does a solo, and when we slightly pull away, I see Lennon tense.

  “What is it?” I study her, but she doesn’t respond as she looks around me. “Lennon.”

  Her eyes snap back to mine, an
d she plasters on a fake smile. “It’s nothing.”

  I know she’s lying, and when I look over and see three women around our age watching us, I glance back at Lennon.

  “Gonna tell me what’s going on?” I arch a brow.

  She inhales a deep breath as the band starts a new song, my arm still wrapped around her. Lennon chews on her bottom lip, looking down at our feet.

  I look over at the girls again, whispering to each other and staring at Lennon. “Do you know them?”

  “Yes, unfortunately.” She releases a short breath.

  I don’t get a chance to ask her to elaborate before the three of them walk toward us. They look straight out of a Stepford Wives magazine. Stank expressions and all.

  “Lennon, hi,” one of them singsongs in the fakest tone I’ve ever heard. “It’s been so long since we’ve seen you. Surprised you’re even here.”

  “Hi, Gretchen,” Lennon clips. “Yes, it’s been since graduation.” I can tell she’s less than thrilled, and the dirty looks these chicks are giving her makes my blood boil. Lennon’s the nicest person I know, and this chick is throwing attitude around like fucking glitter.

  “And who is this?” Gretchen asks, and the three of them gaze up at me. “Surely, he didn’t come with you.”

  Oh fuck no.

  They’re looking at me like meat on a stick, which pisses me off, considering Lennon and I were just dancing together. It’s more than fucking obvious we’re together.

  “I’m Hunter,” I harshly introduce, then grin wide before I continue, “her husband.”

  “What?” one gasps, then turns her attention to Lennon for clarification. “You’re married?”

  “Yes,” Lennon replies, finally finding her voice, proudly showing off the big ass ring on her finger. She looks up at me with pure lust, and I have to mentally remind myself she’s just pretending.

  “Really?” another questions, narrowing her eyes as if she doesn’t buy it. “Your mother never announced it.”

  “She must not approve,” Gretchen adds, snickering.

  “Actually, she very much approves,” I growl, stepping closer to Lennon, feeling the need to shield her from these mean girl wannabes. The vein in my forehead is about to pop. “We’re newlyweds.”

  And without waiting for their reactions, I place my hand around Lennon’s neck and pull her in for an earth-shattering kiss, sliding my tongue between her lips and catching her gasps with my mouth. Since these girls want to be catty bitches, I’m gonna give them the show of their lives.

  Hesitantly, I pull back and give Lennon a reassuring wink.

  “We’re also expecting,” I announce like a proud dad to be and turn toward them as all three of their jaws hit the ground. I rest a hand on Lennon’s belly and rub it. “It was very nice meeting you.”

  I flash them a fuck-you smile, then grab Lennon’s hand and lead her to another part of the dance floor, swinging her around until she’s plastered against my chest again.

  “You sure gave them something to gossip about for the next month.” Lennon cackles, glancing past me before tightening her arm around me. “Ugh. I hate them.”

  “Didn’t realize girls acted like that after high school. Geez.” I groan; my jaw clenches at the way they treated Lennon. “Wanna tell me the story?”

  Lennon sighs, blinking up at me. “They made my life hell without really doing anything.”

  “Huh?” We move side to side, my hand firm on her lower back, feeling so right.

  “Their little snide comments about being a pastor’s daughter, little Miss Goody-Two-shoes, forever virgin, Little Miss Perfect...just anything condescending and rude. I couldn’t ever do anything about it, so I just ignored them.” She shrugs as if she’s embarrassed about it, which I fucking hate.

  “Lennon.” I tilt her chin up so she’ll look at me. “Fuck them. Seriously. They’re clearly envious of you, and they fucking should be. You’re amazing.”

  She releases a small laugh. “I don’t even know why I still care.”

  “You’re human, but don’t waste another thought on them. In fact…” I look over my shoulder and see they’re standing by the picnic tables still eyeing us. “Wanna give them something to really talk about?”

  Lennon furrows her brows, tilting her head. “How?”

  I smirk, knowing what I’m about to do is half-selfish, half for her benefit. “You trust me?”

  “You know I do,” she states matter-of-factly.

  Without warning, I spin her body out and then move her back into my chest. Switching hands, I dip her in my arm, and when she chuckles, I lean in and bring my lips centimeters from hers. “You’re so beautiful when you laugh, Lennon.”

  She stares at me as if she’s staring into my soul, and before she can speak, I bring us back up and cup her face. Our mouths collide, and this time, it’s one hundred percent selfish.

  Fuck it.

  My thumb arches over her cheek as I deepen our kiss, sliding my tongue against hers. Her hands are on me, in my hair, fisting my shirt. There’s no way she can’t feel this, can’t see what’s brewing between us for weeks.

  I’m a bastard for even wanting her to feel it.

  When her breath hitches, I slow our kiss and reluctantly pull apart. This is a family function, after all. Luckily, no one seems to notice in the jam-packed park.

  Except for the three Barbie dolls.

  Gretchen’s arms are crossed over her chest as she shoots daggers, and just as Lennon peeks at them, she huffs, and the three of them stomp away.

  “Told you,” I say, breaking the silence.

  “What?” Lennon asks, her chest rising and falling rapidly as if she still hasn’t caught her breath.

  “They’re jealous.” I smirk.

  She chuckles, a wide smile splitting her cheeks. “Well, they can shove that up their Botoxed asses and go pout all they want.”

  “Botoxed asses?” I question with a smirk. “Is that really a thing?”

  Lennon chuckles, then wraps her arms around me in a hug. “Thank you, Hunter. Even if it was on false pretenses, it feels good to finally get under their skin for once.”

  “Are you thanking me for kissing you?” I arch a brow. “It wasn’t exactly a hardship.”

  That makes her laugh, hard. And if I’m not mistaken, blush too.

  “C’mon, let’s get ready to watch the fireworks.” She grabs my hand this time and leads me off the dance floor, purposely walking right past our audience.

  Chapter Six


  I don’t know why kissing Hunter sends butterflies to my stomach every damn time, but I’ve decided it’s the hormones, and it doesn’t mean anything.

  It can’t.

  Abort. Abort. Abort.

  Sometime over the past three months, he’s become my best friend. More than my best friend, he’s someone I trust wholeheartedly; someone I can’t wait to spend time with and ask how his day was.

  And every day as we grow closer, I fear the memory of Brandon will fade more and more. We only got two amazing years together, but I know his legacy will live on in our child, and I’ll never forget that.

  “Where are you taking me?” Hunter asks after we grab blankets from my parents’ stash.

  “To the best spot to see the fireworks,” I tell him, looking over my shoulder at him with a mischievous grin.

  It’s still an hour till dusk, but the crowded park will only continue to fill with more people as it gets closer to showtime. There’s a spot on top of the hill that’s blocked off, and as teens, my sisters and I would sneak up there every year for the best view.

  “Pretty sure that sign back there said—”

  “Yes, I can read,” I tease. “You trust me or not, Manning?”

  “Sassy,” he taunts. “I like it.”

  Chuckling, I continue leading him to the perfect location. “The fireworks will literally be above us.”

  Hunter looks around, realizing how close we are, then scratches his hand ov
er his scruffy chin like he’s actually worried. “This seems like a hazard.”

  “Are you pussying out on me?” I raise my brows, fanning out one of the blankets.

  He cocks his head. “I’m still here, aren’t I?”

  “Good.” I smile, feeling like a rebellious teenager. “Take a seat.”

  I use the other blanket and roll it up into a makeshift pillow. We both lean back and look up at the sky.

  “This is actually really gorgeous,” he comments, and when I look over, I see his arms resting behind his head. I don’t know why, but it’s really sexy when he does that.

  Ugh, hormones. Go. Away.

  I mentally slap myself. Then the guilt of Brandon missing this seeps in.

  Sharing the news of our pregnancy and celebrating would’ve been so romantic with him. He’d hold me under the stars, and we’d kiss till our lips bruised.

  Before Hunter notices my internal freak-out, I lie down next to him.

  “I always love that you can see mountains from almost anywhere in town, but they just look a little better this time of year,” I explain, looking up at the sky. “I have so many memories here.”

  “Do you miss it?” Hunter turns and faces me. “Living here?”

  I shrug, feeling indifferent. “Sometimes, I guess. The town mostly, not always the people.”

  “Yeah, I can understand that. No offense, but they’re judgy as fuck.”

  His words make me laugh because it’s the truth. “Told ya.” I snicker.

  We chat and laugh for the next hour until the first boom echoes in the air, and the fireworks begin. When Hunter notices me shivering from the chill in the air, he tells me to move closer. Without a beat of hesitation, I do, and soon, we’re snuggling on the blanket just like we did last night. With my head on his shoulder, we watch the show.

  After the grand finale, neither of us moves. I’m so comfortable and content, I don’t want to.

  “Lennon,” Hunter whispers, tilting his head toward me. “Did you fall asleep?”

  “No.” I laugh. “You’re just so warm and cozy.”


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