Baby Yours

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Baby Yours Page 12

by Kennedy Fox

  Liam makes a face, and I chuckle and shake my head as I look over the burger options. After the waitress comes over and takes my drink and food order, Liam almost immediately gives me a pointed look.

  “What?” I ask, grabbing my phone from my pocket. I sent Lennon a text before I arrived to see how her first day is going so far, but she hasn’t responded yet. I hope that’s a good sign.

  Before Liam can respond, the waitress arrives with my water, and just as I take a sip, he speaks up. “Where’s your wedding ring?”

  Choking on my drink, I clear my throat and blink. “What?”

  Mason shakes his head at me, then slides over his phone. On the screen is Lennon’s fake Instagram feed of The Mrs. Manning.

  I study it, looking over this morning’s pictures and the rest of the photos she’s posted this summer. “So I guess you know.” I slide the phone back to him. “So what?”

  “So what?” Liam’s voice goes louder as his tone deepens. He’s pissed.

  “It means nothing. It was a favor to her.” I shrug, taking another drink of my water.

  “Except it’s not nothing,” Mason chimes in. “We all know how you feel about her even if you don’t want to admit it, and—”

  Slamming down my glass, I narrow my eyes at him. “I have, okay? I know it’s fucked up, but when the situation arose, I did what I had to do for her. It wasn’t for me. Trust me, it’s killed me every single day.”

  “So why didn’t you say anything?” Liam asks.

  “Because I knew what you fuckers would say, and I didn’t need to hear it. Brandon was my best friend too, and I have to think of what he would’ve wanted me to do to protect her, and that’s all it was.”

  They study me as if they’re waiting for me to crack some secret. I debate whether or not I should tell them that I opened my heart to her, told her how I truly felt and that she ultimately walked away. Regardless of knowing why she did, it doesn’t hurt any less. We act like that moment never happened, and if that’s what we have to do in order to keep things platonic for the sake of the baby and her emotional health, then I’ll suffer through it. The last thing I need is for Liam and Mason to be on my ass about it even more, so I keep it buried away.

  “How’d you find out anyway?” I ask.

  Mason gives me a side-glance and smirk. “How do you think?”

  “Maddie slipped up,” Liam confirms. I notice the way his throat tightens when he says her name.

  “The four of you still going on double non-dates?” I chuckle in amusement. Their whole awkward situation cracks me up.

  “No, Little Romeo.” Liam snickers. “We were hanging out, and they happened to show up.”

  I snort, knowing that was no coincidence. “Right.”

  “Sophie confirmed it after Maddie’s word vomit,” Mason adds, the vein in his forehead about to pop as he talks about her.

  Those four give me a headache.

  Something about the way he acts when Sophie’s around or even when he talks about her makes me wonder if something’s already happened between them. There’s way too much tension in the air when they’re in the same room.

  What is it about these Corrigan sisters that keeps us all tied up in knots?

  Our food finally arrives, and I hope it’ll change the subject, but after two minutes, Liam continues. “So you bought her a pretty expensive ring.”

  “It had to be convincing to her parents,” I say. I haven’t told them about Brandon’s plan to propose or the engagement ring burning a hole in my nightstand. As I promised him, I’m taking that to the grave.

  “And you couldn’t do that with a smaller diamond? Damn.”

  I glare at Liam, knowing his mind is running with ideas. Setting my burger on my plate, I look him in the eyes. “Why don’t you just come out and say whatever you wanna say?”

  “Alright.” He takes a quick sip of his beer, then holds my gaze. “I think you two are treading a fine line that’s become too blurred to realize the ‘friendship’ you two have is inappropriate. If the roles were reversed and Lennon was your girl first, how would that feel knowing your best friend is swooping in?”

  My jaw clenches, frustration building inside me as I resist the urge to deck his pretty boy face.

  “For starters, if the roles were reversed, it wouldn’t matter because I’d be dead. However, I’d trust my best friend with my life, so whether he was being there for her during a really fucking rough time or if he was swooping in because he’d always had feelings for her, it wouldn’t matter. All that would matter is her happiness. If he made her happy, that’s all I’d ever want. Why the fuck do you think I stood on the sidelines this whole goddamn time? If I were the asshole you’re trying to paint me to be, I would’ve stepped in a long time ago when Brandon was still alive. So instead of running your mouth, maybe try to realize that we’ve leaned on each other during this shit time, and even if she only wants me as a friend, that’ll be enough for me. And I don’t need your blessing for that.”

  Mason’s tense as a board next to me while Liam’s stance doesn’t waver. I know he’s tough as nails and always has a point to prove, but I’ve had enough defending what Lennon and I have. Whether it’s a friendship or it becomes more, I shouldn’t have to constantly be armed.

  “You’re right.” Mason breaks the awkward silence with a pat on my shoulder. “She needs someone like you in her life through this, and only you understand what’s happening between you two.”

  “Then why all the secrets, man?” Liam finally speaks.

  “Because I knew how you’d react. You think I have an ulterior motive in all of this because you know how I’ve always felt about her, but that was never the case. Since the moment Brandon died, I’ve only ever wanted to just be a shoulder for her to cry on. I didn’t expect things to escalate the way they did.”

  “Sophie and Maddie told us about their parents,” Liam says.

  “Are they as evil as they sound?” Mason asks.

  I shrug. “They were actually really nice, which was a surprise. However, their expectations and old-fashioned values were crystal clear. Lennon’s worries were merited once I heard the way they talked about doing things in order. Even though, deep down, I think Lennon always planned to get married and then have kids because she knew they’d never accept anything else. Especially not living with Brandon and getting pregnant before marriage. This little white lie keeps them in her life and the baby’s.”

  “For how long?” Liam asks.

  Shrugging, I look down at my food that’s getting cold. “That’s the million-dollar question.”

  Chapter Twelve


  The first week back to work is all conferences and getting my classroom set up. Students arrive next Monday, and I’m still not sure where my head is at being back here. I know it’s only been a few months, but it brings back so many memories of how things were before the summer break. Luckily, I’ll have these next five days to transition back to what was once my happy place.

  “Lennon?” I turn around at the sound of my name and see Brenna, the art teacher. “So glad to see you!” She walks in and immediately gives me a hug. When she pulls back, I smile.

  “Great to see you too. How was your summer?” I ask politely.

  “Wonderful. Too short as usual,” she says with a chuckle. “How about you?” Her expression softens. “I mean, I hope you were able to have some much-needed time to deal with everything.”

  And there it is.

  “I did, thanks. Doesn’t make it any easier, of course, but due to some great friends, I made it through.” I purposely rest a hand on my stomach, knowing the word will eventually get out anyway. The blouse is flowy, so unless I bring attention to it, you can’t really see it.

  Her eyes follow, and it takes her a second to realize I have a bump. “Are you...pregnant?” She whispers the last word as if it’s a curse word.

  “I am,” I say with a smile. “Found out only a few months ago.”

sp; “Oh my gosh, Lennon,” she whisper-squeals, then pulls me in for another hug. “Congratulations.”

  “Thank you,” I say appreciatively. “It was hard at first to come to terms with it all, but I’m happy to be carrying his baby.”

  “We have to throw you a shower when it gets closer!” Her eyes widen in excitement, her hands on my shoulders as she waits for my approval.

  “Oh, um…”

  “Lennon, please. You know we like any excuse to eat cake and sweets, so let us do this for you.”

  I can’t argue with that.

  Nodding, I give her a smile. “Okay. I’m due in December, though, so…”

  “We’ll figure out a day, so don’t even worry.”

  By noon, the entire staff knows, including the principal. She poked her head in just before I left for the day to congratulate me. She asked how I was doing and inquired about my maternity plans. I hadn’t thought too much about it, considering I’d been living mostly day to day, but now that I have a baby on the way, I have to think ahead and plan accordingly. I told her my due date, and that I’d hopefully be able to make it until Christmas break. That means I can take a full twelve weeks off for maternity leave and not return until sometime in March.

  Hunter texted me to see how I was holding up, and I was so happy to see his message, knowing how hard today was going to be for me. I texted him a Friends GIF of Ross in the episode where he says “I’m fine” in a high-pitched voice. He came back with another Friends one, which started the GIF battle of the past six hours.

  We’ve certainly come a long way.

  The next day of conferences is boring, but knowing I have an ultrasound appointment later keeps me motivated throughout the day. I get to see my baby again, some new pictures, and will finally find out the gender. I’m beyond excited.

  Sophie and Maddie are meeting me there. I mentioned it to Hunter and told him he wasn’t obligated to go with me since my sisters were coming.

  He insisted he’d be there anyway.

  I don’t argue it, of course. I appreciate that he wants to be here for me, but after the doctor assumed he was the father the first time, I wasn’t sure he’d want to join me again.

  Sophie: We’re five minutes away. SOMEONE made us late.

  I snicker when I see a group text with my sisters.

  Maddie: I couldn’t find my shoes, sorry! Want me to show up barefoot?

  Sophie: She had three other pairs to pick from. Don’t let her fool you.

  Lennon: I just got here and am about to check in. Meet me on the third floor.

  Maddie: Don’t find out what that baby is without us!

  I snort-laugh.

  “Did Soph tell you she’s online dating now?” Maddie says a second after they arrive. “Should see some of these creeps she’s meeting.”

  They both give me a hug and rub my belly before sitting on either side of me. I haven’t seen Maddie since her dance recital two weeks ago. Things have been crazy getting ready for the baby and going back to work.

  “Online dating, huh? Finally gave up on Mason?” I ask, chuckling.

  Sophie rolls her eyes. “If I wait for that man to make up his mind or make a move, my ovaries will be dried up, and I’ll be wearing bifocals.”

  “By your driving, I’d say you need them now,” Maddie teases.

  Sophie glares at her. “What was that? You wanna ride the bus home?”

  “Is this what sex deprivation does?” Maddie asks me. “Once you have it, then no longer have access to it, does it turn you into a hormonal psycho?”

  “Look who you’re asking,” I mock. “I’m both sex deprived and hormonal.”

  “Fair point.” She slouches back into her chair. “You should see some of these messages, though. Their pick-up lines are cringe-worthy.”

  “Yes, please tell,” I turn and say to Sophie with a shit-eating grin. “Amuse me.”

  “Ugh, thanks, Mads.” Sophie groans, then grabs her phone, clicking open the app.

  “I bet those braids are useful in the bedroom. Wanna bend over and find out?” she reads aloud, then gives me the side-eye.

  I burst out laughing. “What the hell?”

  “Oh, it gets way worse. I learned the hard way not to post a picture with braids now.”

  “Who knew?” I snicker. “Okay, more.”

  “Violinist, huh? Guess that means you’re good with your fingers. How about you come over and play my instrument?”

  I crack up all over again. “That’s kinda creative.”

  She reads another one. “Are you a vegan because I wanna nut all over you.”

  “Ew!” I laugh. “Are they all sexual innuendos?”

  “Ninety-nine percent, yes.”

  “Tell her about Cale,” Maddie says with a smirk. “He’s my favorite.”

  “Cale got blocked,” she says matter-of-factly.

  “Oh c’mon! I was having fun with him.” Maddie cackles.

  I look back and forth between them. “Oh God. You let Maddie talk to him?”

  “She couldn’t handle Cale, so I handled him for her. Turns out Cale didn’t have as big of balls as he said.”

  “What did you do, Maddie?” I ask pointedly.

  “He asked to see a picture of my tits and ass.”

  I cringe. “And?”

  “I sent him a picture of a chicken’s breast and a donkey. He wasn’t amused.”

  Shaking my head, I laugh. “Then what?”

  “I told him if he could name the US state capitals in alphabetical order, he would earn the right to see one nipple,” Maddie explains.

  Furrowing my brows, I can’t even imagine where this is leading. “And?”

  “He asked how many capitals there are,” she deadpans.

  “Ha!” I snort-laugh, about to pee myself.

  “I told him sixty-nine, and then he started listing off random ones, and when I told him he failed, he started calling me all kinds of names. Then I said I liked being called those things in the bedroom, but too bad he’d never get to do that since he probably couldn’t find my clit even with a map.”

  “What are they teaching you at dance school? Geez.”

  “I was born in the social media era, Lennon. I’m not a dummy.”

  Sophie snickers, and I pray for the guy who ends up with Maddie. She’ll make them fight hard and test them at every corner. Part of me is proud that she won’t give herself up to just anyone, but I’m also protective of her. I want her to stay as innocent as possible.

  A minute later, Hunter walks in wearing his professional work clothes, and I swear everything inside me comes alive. Ever since he told me how he feels—how he’s always felt—a month ago, it’s been hard not to react around him. I’ve actively had to stop myself from imagining him next to me in bed, touching me, cuddling like we did in Utah. I won’t even admit how many times I’ve had to resort to my vibrator when fantasies of him take over.

  The day after Hunter confessed his feelings, things were awkward between us. I didn’t know how to act around him without creating tension. Knowing how he felt—how he’s always felt—made me feel guilty as hell because I can’t return those feelings right now. My and the baby’s well-being have to come first right now. Above anything, I don’t want to hurt him. I wasn’t sure we could move on from this even though I wanted to more than anything. We need each other, but I wasn’t sure how to go forward after that confession—our confessions.

  Hunter, being the resilient and amazing man he is, sat me down and told me there was no reason for things to be weird. We promised each other our friendship could go back to how it was before Utah happened. In an effort to do just that, I’ve tucked them away for when I’m brave enough to relive them.

  But as soon as those thoughts hit me, guilt floods in, and I feel sad all over again.

  “Hunter,” I say almost breathlessly. “You came.”

  “Of course.” He stands in front of us and shoves his hands into his pockets as Sophie and Maddie openly eye him. �
��Sorry, I’m a few minutes late. I had to go by the apartment quick.”

  “No worries. They should be calling me back anytime now,” I tell him. “But since you’re here…” I stop myself, knowing it’s a bad idea to bring it up.

  Hunter doesn’t let it go, though.

  “What?” He pulls on his black slacks before kneeling in front of me. “What do you need, Lennon?”

  The way he focuses all of his attention on me has me sucking in a deep breath. Hunter’s gaze is so intense, I have to remember to breathe and act normal. He reaches a hand out and rests it on my knee.

  “Um, well...I was just thinking since you’re here we might wanna take a picture,” I finally tell him. “To update the Instagram,” I add. “My parents will be expecting to see a new baby bump picture.”

  “Oh.” His expression deepens. “Sure, we can do that. You wanna do it right now?”

  “Yes!” Maddie answers for me, clapping in excitement. “I’ll take it.” She holds out her hand, and I drop my phone in her palm.

  “Probably just a couple and then maybe another one once we’re in the ultrasound room,” I tell her. Ever since I told them about Hunter confessing his feelings for me, they’ve found any opportunity to bring us closer together. Not that it matters. After walking away from him, I notice the way he looks at me.

  Half heartbroken. Half understanding.

  I hate thinking about how this tortures him, but he’ll never admit it aloud to me. I try to keep space between us, but since we need to keep up the act for my parents’ sake and update the Instagram account, I don’t argue the idea.


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