Baby Yours

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Baby Yours Page 22

by Kennedy Fox

  “Are you sure you wouldn’t rather I show you?” I tease, kissing my way toward her ear. “Because I really, really, really want to show you,” I whisper in agony.

  Lennon slides her hand down my stomach and over my groin, rubbing her palm over my noticeable erection. “Then you better say it fast, Manning.”

  “Fuck.” I groan loudly, my head falling back as she continues to touch me. “I can’t concentrate when you do that.”

  “You’re running out of time…” She pops the button, then slowly unzips my pants.

  I grab her wrist, forcing her to stop from going any further. “I see how we’re playing this game.”

  “What?” She looks at me innocently. “Did you really think you were the only one who could get what they want from sexual favors?”

  Chuckling, I shake my head at my little devil. “I’ve underestimated you,” I tell her, though I’m only half-serious. Unfortunately, I’ve heard Brandon and her for years, being in the bedroom next to mine, and though I wish I could clear it from my brain, it’s not as easy to do with all the history between us or the way I felt about her.

  “Should never underestimate a Pisces,” she states with a smug smile. “We may be known to be caring and loyal, but we’re also very intuitive.”

  I want to make a smartass comment about how she wasn’t intuitive enough to know how I felt over the past few years, but I also don’t want her to stop touching my dick, so I keep my mouth shut.

  “You want to hear me say it again?”

  She nods with a smile.

  I cup her cheek and brush my lips softly against hers before pulling back. “I’m so in love with you, Lennon, that I was willing to live the rest of my life as only your friend as long as it meant I got to be with you every day. Even as just friends. Or roommates. I would’ve learned to accept it. Love you proudly but silently. There was never a chance in hell I’d fall for someone else when I already had what I needed—you. It would’ve been lonely after a while, sure, but I was ready to do it. I wasn’t walking away from you or Allie. I’ll never walk away, which is something I’ve been trying to prove to you since Brandon died. You needed someone to lean on and grieve with, but I did too. Every time you pushed me away, I was determined to pull you closer. You fought me, and it only made me love you harder. You denied me, but I loved you from afar.”


  “Hold on.” I take a second to catch my breath. “So I will tell you every single day, for the rest of our lives, night or day—I love you, Lennon. I love you so fucking much my heart goes into convulsions just thinking about it. I’ve never said those words to a woman before, and I don’t say them lightly. Because you’re it for me. You always have been.”

  “I don’t even know how to respond, Hunter…” She licks her lips and doesn’t take her glossy eyes from mine. An electric current streams between us. “The love I have for you feels incomparable, and I’m just sorry I made you wait.”

  “God, please. Don’t be. You needed to heal and get comfort more than anything. I was always here, waiting, hoping, but also healing with you. I know the guilt you feel, I feel it too, but we deserve a chance at happiness.”

  “You’re absolutely right. After I set my guilt aside, I realized that, and I want to be happy with you.”

  “I’m here.” I bring her lips to mine. “Yours.”


  Chapter Twenty


  Every nerve in my body is on fire when Hunter’s lips brush against mine. Everything inside me lights up like fireworks when he says the most beautiful and heartfelt things, cherishing me like I’m his whole world.

  He loves me.

  I don’t think I will ever get tired of hearing him say those words. He says them with every fiber of his being, so truthful and meaningful it makes my heart pound at the realization we’re in love.

  This whole time, I’ve been in denial, fighting it and refusing to allow myself to love again.

  But I can’t live in the past anymore.

  When our mouths fuse in a heated, passionate kiss, I’m done speaking and allow our bodies to do the talking. I want this so badly every part of me aches for him.

  Sinking into him, we’re as close as two bodies can be together, and I claw my nails down his back. Hunter rewards me with a desperate groan and reaches around to cup my ass. I feel just how hard he is. I want to taste him, lick him, devour him the way he did me.

  When he wraps his hand around my thigh, I use it as leverage to climb on top of him and straddle his waist. His lips consume mine, his large hands roaming over every surface of my exposed body, and for once, I don’t feel insecure.

  Kissing my way down, I press my lips to his bare chest, silently admiring his tattoos and his muscles. Then I feather kisses to his stomach and all the way to his very admirable V over his hips. Hunter moans when I rub a hand over his cock, teasing and desperate.

  “Fuck, Lennon…” His head falls back, and I smile, knowing he’s already losing his damn mind, and I’ve barely touched him.

  I scramble to help him take off his pants and boxer shorts, and when he’s fully bared to me, my breath hitches at the sight of him. I always knew Hunter was a gorgeous man, solid and muscular, but seeing him like this, exposed and hard, makes me want to kiss every damn inch of him.

  Unable to wait for another second, I wrap my hand around his cock and slide my tongue up his shaft. He groans, and oh my God it turns me on even more. I look up at Hunter whose eyes are glued to me, and his mouth parted as he wraps a hand in my hair and pulls it to the side.

  I slide my tongue around his tip before pulling him into my mouth. His fingers tighten in my hair, so I do it again.

  “Fuck yes, sweetheart. Just like that.” Hunter moans as I rotate my hand over his length and suck on him, pulling him deeper into my throat. I do this over and over, before sliding my hand down to his balls to carefully massage him and then opening my mouth wider. With my ass in the air, I pull him all the way inside my mouth and suck. Hunter’s hips arch as he thrusts upward, and the taste of him has me growing more anxious to have all of him.

  As I come up for air, I bring both hands to his cock and stroke him hard and fast. His eyes roll to the back of his head, and I love the way he responds to everything I’m doing to him. It gives me the confidence to climb up his body and straddle his lap.

  Hunter sits up, cups my face, and slams his mouth to mine. He pours so much love and passion into everything he does, and right now, in the heat of the moment, it’s no different. It’s always been real. I pull him closer and rock my hips to let him know exactly what I want.

  “Hunter…” I beg against his lips. “I need you.”

  “Yeah?” he asks, kissing down my neck and to my ear. “How much?”

  His taunting tone makes me smile as my head falls back. Hunter’s mouth and hands explore, leaving goose bumps everywhere he touches.

  “Please,” I whimper, rocking my body. “Now.”

  “Fuck,” he growls. “Yes.”

  Hunter wraps a hand around my waist, then spins us around until I’m lying on the bed and he’s over me. “I love hearing you beg for it.” He flashes me his shit-eating grin. “Might’ve fantasized about it a time or two.” Then he winks.

  Smug bastard.

  I shake my head but can’t stop smiling, even when he slants his mouth over mine and kisses me.

  Hunter leans back, spreading my legs wider, then he aligns our bodies. I bite my lip in anticipation as he strokes his dick a few times, and when I finally feel him inside me, I lose all control. The way he groans, then pulls back momentarily before sliding back in is complete bliss. My hips move with his, and we easily form a rhythm. Hunter braces himself above me, and as I wrap a hand around his neck, our mouths fuse and weld together.

  “You feel fucking incredible, Lennon,” he whispers, his forehead pressed to mine. I wrap my legs around his waist, giving him all the access he needs. “Lennon, baby. Do you feel how
amazing we fit together?” His head drops to the side, and his lips press against my ear.

  “Yes…” I whisper on a moan. “Better than I could’ve ever imagined,” I shyly admit.

  Hunter’s eyes meet mine, our bodies completely in sync as he increases his pace, hitting the right spot over and over. My breathing picks up, my back arches, and I’m so damn close.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” I mutter, feeling every inch of him and unable to control the words spewing out of my mouth.

  He reaches around for my leg to bring it over his shoulder, and then he drives impossibly deeper. The angle has my fingers clawing at his arms, wanting more, harder, faster—which he delivers.

  Panting, rocking, begging for all of him.

  “Oh my God, Hunter,” I cry out, my body arching to meet his, and then everything spins, and I see stars. The orgasm hits me so quick and unexpectedly, I clamp my hands around his biceps and dig my nails into his skin. He releases a loud grunt, and as soon as my vision clears, I watch him lose his fucking mind as he chases his own release.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck…” His rugged voice comes out hoarse as his jaw tightens. Damn, he looks sexy as hell when he comes, and knowing I’m the reason is so damn satisfying.

  Hunter nearly collapses on top of me but holds himself up before dipping his head down to kiss me. Though we’re both trying to catch our breaths, I smile against his lips as our hearts pound in a mutual rhythm.

  He rests his forehead against mine. “I love you,” he whispers. “I hope you don’t get tired of hearing me say that. I’ve been waiting a while…”

  His breathy confession has me chuckling. Hunter falls to the side, taking me with him so we’re face to face.

  “I know.” I brush my fingers through his hair. “I love you too.” My heart nearly bursts, so relieved to be able to say those words to him after denying them for so long.

  “You’re mine,” he says with a seductive smile.

  “And I’m yours,” I finish.

  With a smile, Hunter kisses the top of my nose. “Don’t move. Be right back.”

  He returns moments later with a towel, and once we’re clean, we climb under the covers, and our bodies naturally mold together. My eyes flutter closed as I fall asleep next to the man I, without a doubt, have fallen recklessly in love with.

  As soon as my eyes pop open, I check my phone and panic at how late it is. “Oh my God,” I mutter, sit up and scan my room, then realize Alison isn’t in her crib.

  Hunter’s hand lands on my thigh and squeezes. “She’s with Mrs. Locke,” he reminds me in a sleepy voice. When I look over at him, his eyes are closed, but he somehow knew I was freaking out.

  “Oh, right,” I mutter. “I should go pick her up soon.”

  Hunter opens his eyes and smiles. “I sent her a text a couple of hours ago and let her know you’d be sleeping in, but we can go get her anytime you want.”

  I lie back down, and he wraps me in his arms. “You were up and checked on her?”

  Hunter presses his lips to mine for a sweet kiss, and my face lights up at the memory of our night together. “Yep. Guess it’s become a habit now.” He winks, brushing his fingers over my cheek. I love his little touches and the way he’s always found a reason to let me know he’s close, even if it was strictly platonic at the time. But now I want his hands all over me all of the time. “She sent some pictures if you wanna see. Looks like she’s having a blast.”

  “Alison or Mrs. Locke?” I chuckle.

  Hunter laughs, reaching for his phone, and then clicks on the message. “Both. I doubt she’s put her down since you dropped her off.”

  “Well, Alison is still too young to do anything except demand to be held, fed, or changed. Although she loves to kick her little legs and arms, and pull my hair.”

  He shows me the few photos, and we both aww at how cute they are. Mrs. Locke absolutely loves being a grandma, and I know it doesn’t erase the pain of what happened to Brandon, but it’s definitely brought us closer to healing.

  “Can’t say I blame her for that one,” Hunter taunts, grabbing a loose strand and yanking. “I might’ve dreamed about it a time or two.”

  “Oh, is that so?” I hitch a leg over his waist and pull myself on top of him. “What else have you fantasized about?”

  Hunter’s eyes widen as he tosses his phone, then plants his hands on my waist. His hips arch, and his dick pushes between my legs. “Fuck,” he drawls the word out. “Are you about to make one of them come true?”

  I smirk, leaning down to kiss him. “I think I just might.”

  “Don’t mess with me, woman,” he growls. “I wanted to wake you up hours ago and have my way with you, but I figured you’d kick me in the dick again and tell me to fuck off.”

  “That was one time!” I laugh against his mouth.

  “Technically, it was two,” he corrects. “But I’m willing to let it go on one condition.”

  “Hmm…” I grind against him, knowing it’s driving him crazy.

  “You better stop that,” he warns, holding my hips in place.

  I chuckle, loving this playful side of him so damn much. “And what would that be?”

  “You come on my cock right fucking now,” he blurts out the words in a husky voice.

  I pretend to contemplate it, and when I don’t respond right away, Hunter brings his hand to my ass and smacks it.

  “Fine!” I burst out laughing.

  Shifting, I take his dick in my hand, stroke him a few times, then slowly slide down on him. I watch as his face contorts, his lips part, and then his head falls back when he’s completely inside.

  “Christ, Lennon,” he moans. “Why do you feel so damn good?”

  I love how much I affect him. I want to prove to him how much I want and love him, especially after everything we’ve been through.

  With my hands braced on his chest, our bodies rock together into oblivion. Every slap to my ass encourages me to go faster, harder, and take him deeper. I love watching his face, how every move affects him, but he has no idea what he’s doing to me. When I lean down to kiss his lips, he rests a hand on each side of my face gently and kisses me so damn deep and passionately, it brings me over the edge.

  I moan his name as I ride out my release, and then I lean all the way back until my hands rest on his thighs and grind my hips against him as fast as possible. As soon as Hunter rubs my clit, my head falls back as we race toward another wave of pleasure. I scream out his name, begging for more, unable to control the sounds that come out of my mouth with every thrust.

  Hunter grunts and growls, pushing his hips into me as he comes hard. His entire body flexes, the cords of his neck tighten while his fingers dig into my legs. God, the man is raw perfection.

  I collapse on top of him, and he wraps his strong arms around me as we both pant to catch our breaths. He shifts us to our sides with our legs still tangled together.

  “Not even gonna lie,” he starts. “Fucking love hearing you scream my name.”

  I’m still trying to steady my breathing but chuckle at his admission. “Don’t get used to it. Pretty sure that performance would wake up the baby. Hell, probably the entire apartment complex.”

  “So what you’re saying is we’re gonna need to put a gag in your mouth to muffle the noise?”

  His naughty thoughts make me blush. “You’re just straight-up dirty, aren’t you?” I tease, digging my heel into his ass to bring him closer.

  “You have no idea the inappropriate thoughts I’ve had about you.” He leans in and bites my bottom lip.

  “If I have to be muffled, then so do you.” I wrap my hand around his neck and kiss him. “It’s only fair.”

  “I’d be on board with that.” He winks.

  I look at him, wondering how I should bring it up. “What if you moved into my room with me? And we made your room into a nursery for Alison?”

  Hunter’s brows shoot up, causing me to panic.

  “Am I moving too fast?” I ask shyly
, though it just feels right.

  His eyes light up, and he grins so fucking wide it causes butterflies to flutter through me.

  “Hell no,” he tells me with a smack on the lips, then holds me tight. “Now that I’m in here, I’m not ever leaving.”

  When we finally make our way out of bed, I start making food while he takes a shower. I decide to text Sophie and Maddie, knowing they’re going to lose their damn minds.

  Lennon: I guess I have you to thank, Soph…texting Hunter to ignore my text messages and all…he came barging home at 3am demanding I explain myself!

  Sophie: OMG… FINALLY! Tell me everything!

  Maddie: Did you two finally go to pound town?!

  I snort at her bluntness.

  Lennon: OMG, Maddie.

  Sophie: WELL?

  Lennon: YES OKAY! Several times. It was…

  I lose myself in thoughts of him and chuckle when I read their messages.

  Maddie: What? TELL US!

  Sophie: …hello?

  Lennon: It was amazing! HE is amazing. It felt so right and being able to finally say that I love him just makes my heart burst out of my chest. Is that cheesy?

  Maddie: AWWWW

  Sophie: About damn time! Lord! I was starting to get sympathy blue balls for him!

  Lennon: OMG…you two are insane. But thanks for helping me through last night. I never knew I could feel this happy again. I know it’s super new and fresh, but it’s Hunter. He makes me feel so loved and comfortable in my own skin.

  I almost tear up thinking about how tender and loving this man is and how I can’t possibly deserve a guy like him.

  Sophie: Stop, I’m gonna cry!


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