Claiming an Alpha's Heart

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Claiming an Alpha's Heart Page 8

by A. R. Ford

  “Then, the bastard shouldn’t have died in your whore house,” I drawled.

  A universal gasp echoed through the audience. The observers had no idea what awaited them. Baron and Vito took a seat beside me at the council table. Our Omegas sat directly behind us.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, if you’ll give me just a moment. I can briefly address the relevant issues,” Baron stated.

  Commander Pelegro staggered into the room. His pallid face was dotted with perspiration. At that precise moment, each council member’s cell phone rang. Commander Pelegro glanced at his pocket when a tell-tale tone rang out.

  “You should take the calls.” Baron was the only person who spoke. “I believe your families have received a gift.”

  Each person answering their phone turned pale within seconds. Their hushed conversations muddled together. There was no need to hear the content of each discussion. Vito and I knew Baron’s promise to deliver six headless rats to each council member’s family was carried out. Commander Pelegro’s lover was housed in the quiet room after being retrieved by Big O, and Little Frankie. Those sitting in the gallery would wonder what led to the calls. The Michaels’ family reputation would speak for itself. The calls ended as quickly as they came.

  “What is it you want?” the balding Beta stammered.

  “Your cooperation, of course. No further threats, or allegations, that my guests pose a threat. And when war begins with One World, you will offer your support. And war will come, never doubt that.” Baron’s deep voice reverberated in the chamber. It held each person’s rapt attention.

  “Is that all?”

  “Call off your lap dog,” Baron gestured toward Commander Pelegro. “Although, he may be more amenable than before after the phone call. Commander?”

  “You’ll have no resistance from me,” the commander stammered. He retrieved a handkerchief from his pocket. A trembling hand pressed it against his face to remove the sheen of perspiration. “None.”

  “I believe we are finished here,” I observed.

  “Indeed, we are,” Vito agreed.

  I took Emmy’s hand before tucking it into the bend of my arm. I made a promise to take her shopping for new clothing. Hailey and Eliane were more than accommodating when it came to allowing her to borrow clothing, but she needed some that were her own.

  A few snifters of brandy for me, while Emmy drank tea by the fireplace in the sitting room, brought our evening to an end. Emmy rebuilt the nest while I watched in amusement. She insisted on scenting it, yet again.

  Her urge to nest is strong. The instinctive habit boded well for the pregnancy. My thoughts turned to One World, and their planned kidnapping of my mate. I would do anything to protect her. Even if it meant giving my life to do so. I hoped the moment never came when the two choices lay before me. Protect Emmy, or die trying.

  Chapter 9


  Evan took me into New Ivormoor the day after our visit to the Royal Council. Eliane entered estrus. She and Vito were locked in their room. Hailey was off in Baron’s office, writing an updated history of our people. The journal Evan provided gave her an enormous amount of information to utilize. I didn’t understand what a sanitized version of history was. Hailey’s explanation helped me with that. Big chunks of history were missing, or rewritten. I wished her the best of luck with writing before dashing out the door to meet Evan.

  As I expected, he stood at the ready, looking delicious in dark wash jeans, and a blue, button-down shirt. Baron allowed us to use the armored limousine. Evan’s security detail accompanied us. New Ivormoor during the day was even more spectacular than it was at night. Skyscrapers clad in reflective glass, and metal, gleamed as the limousine moved through the downtown district.

  “Center Street,” Evan remarked at my curious gaze out the window. “It’s where we can find anything we would need to wear, eat, or consume in some fashion. Think of it as a city market.”

  The limousine came to a halt in front of a tall building with the words Fils Classiques in gleaming letters, several feet high, affixed over the entrance. Evan took my arm as we entered the building. Two of the men accompanying us followed.

  “What is this place?”

  “It’s one of the finest department stores in New Ivormoor. We should be able to find anything you’ll need here.” Evan led me to an elevator. We exited the elevator on the second floor.

  My eyes grew wide in amazement as I saw clothing as far as the eye could see. Various types of material in every color I could imagine. “Everything is so beautiful,” I murmured.

  “Why don’t you select some things to try on, Emmy?” Evan encouraged me.

  I made my way through the racks of clothing. Uncertain what size to select, I held a few dresses against my body until I found one that seemed the same size as the dress I now wore. One of Evan’s security people followed at a distance. I suppose it was Evan’s way of giving me some freedom. I’m not certain how much time passed. The selection of clothing was more than I could easily carry. I made my way to a nearby dressing room.

  The Beta standing at a counter outside the dressing rooms glanced at me with an arched brow. “May I help you?” she snapped.

  “I would like to try these on.”

  The instant the words were out of my mouth, the Beta frowned, and perfectly manicured brows drew together. She clucked her tongue at me, arms crossed on her chest, a toe tapping impatiently. “I’m afraid all the dressing rooms are taken.”

  All the dressing room doors stood open. I knew she was being dishonest, that much was clear. “But I see an open door there. I won’t be long. I just need to find a few things …”

  “The rooms are taken. Be on your way. We’ve had enough trouble with hillbilly riffraff like you. You may leave the clothes with me. I wouldn’t want you running out of here without paying.” A smirk formed on her face; eyes narrowed to slits.

  Defeated, I draped the clothing over her arm before going in search of Evan. I found him standing in an aisle talking to an older gentleman wearing a suit. Not wanting to interrupt, I elected to go to the car, and wait for him. The security man trailing behind me seemed perturbed by my retreat.

  “Miss Rowe, Mr. Quinn wanted you to purchase clothing. Is something wrong?”

  “I’d like to sit in the car, now.” A hint of the disappointment crept into my voice, regardless of how hard I tried to keep it emotionless.

  Even on the mainland, people like me were judged unfairly because of our accent, and where we lived. My guardians refused to venture into one of the cities near us, for that very reason. It’s no different here.

  The welcoming comfort of the leather seats led me to curl up with my head pillowed on the sweater which I removed to try on clothes. I must have drifted off to sleep. My next moment of awareness came when Evan shook me.

  “Emmy? Wake up, pet. Talk to me.”

  I knuckled my eyes before peering at him. He didn’t look upset. “I’m awake.”

  “What happened inside? Gregory said you left without trying anything on.” Evan’s eyes narrowed; brows drawn together. The telltale tic in his jaw began. The one I knew meant he was upset.

  “I was sleepy.” There. A perfectly plausible story since he found me asleep in the limousine.

  “Don’t lie to me.” Evan’s voice was tinged with steel, and that sexy rasp that made my pulse race.

  Crap. He knew I was being dishonest. “I couldn’t find anything I liked.” There. Another plausible story.

  “Emmy Rowe. I know something is wrong. I can feel it through my end of the tendril. Did someone say something to you?” His cheeks flushed. In an attempt to temper his words with love, he drew me onto his lap. A faint purr rumbled in his chest. I snuggled close, content to lie there in the circle of his arms. But no, Evan wouldn’t be deterred. “Emmy? I demand an explanation. The truth would work best. If you do not tell me the truth, I will simply march inside this establishment, and make a scene. A very ugly scene. Alpha ugly. Now, w
hat will it be?”

  “I don’t want to get anyone in trouble! Can’t we just go home? You have a lot of t-shirts. I can wear those.”

  Evan’s growl came a second before his mouth crashed down on mine. By the time he pulled away, I was panting, and clinging to him. “Tell the truth, or I’ll spank your ass in this limousine.”

  “The woman said the dressing rooms were full.” I glared at him, unhappy at having to cause trouble. Evan’s hand came down on my behind. I howled, and squirmed free. With my back to the door, I glared at him, a finger shaking in his face. “Not fair! I told you what happened.”

  Evan caught my ankle, tugging me toward him until, once again, I was trapped in his embrace. “It was more than that. Tell me, sweet Omega, fire in my blood, mother of my unborn child, one true mate.”

  I giggled at his ploy. Evan was charming, and charismatic. He held a peculiar skill for overly dramatic embellishments. A skill that somehow managed to force the ugly incident from me. “The woman said I was hillbilly riff raff, and I couldn’t try things on. She made me leave the clothes with her in the dressing room. You were busy talking to that man. And I didn’t want to make a scene, so I came to the limousine.”

  “I knew it!” he growled. “Come with me.”

  Evan took my hand when we left the limousine. I could feel anger pulsing through my end of the tendril. Blazing hot anger. When the elevator opened on the second floor, Evan made a beeline for the dressing room. The woman stood at the rack, arranging clothing by color. The clothes I wanted to try on. She looked up at our approach. I couldn’t bite back a giggle at her expression upon seeing Evan in all his glorious fury.

  “Hello, Mr. Quinn. Is there something I-I can help you with?” the woman stammered. Her face was now pale, hands trembling as she clasped them together.

  Evan took a step closer, eyes fastened on the woman’s name tag. “Cecelia, is it? I’d like to see the manager. Better yet, make it the damned owner.” Evan’s voice assumed the calm, iron-clad tone it did when he was furious, but ready to make a point. A very emphatic point, with lasting impact.

  “I’m afraid the owner isn’t on the premises, and the manager …” Cecelia stammered. She rubbed her hands together, glancing from me, to Evan. No doubt, she was trying to decipher the importance of my place at Evan’s side.

  “Never mind.” Evan took out his phone, looked through the contacts, and dialed a number. “Bruce, I hope you and the family are doing well. I have an issue I’d like to discuss with you.” A moment’s pause came while Evan listened to Bruce. “My fiancée and I came to your department store today. We had to leave the mainland unexpectedly, so none of her clothing made it here. There was an issue with one of your employees. Cecelia, I believe, is her name.” Another pregnant pause came. Cecelia’s face lost nearly every trace of color. “Oh, no, I don’t think termination is in order. I would like for her to personally attend my fiancée today while she tries on a few things. Good. Thank you.”

  Evan ended the call before sliding the phone into a back pocket. I waited expectantly for something, anything, to happen that would break the silence. My mind focused on something Evan said.

  My fiancée and I came to your department store today.

  But he had not asked me to marry him. The balloon burst before it was ever fully inflated. My shoulders sagged.

  I followed a more accommodating Cecelia into the dressing room area. Evan stood outside the door. He directed me to pirouette with each outfit, by circling his finger in the air. An hour, and many credits later, I had more clothing than I could ever hope to wear. But you don’t have the engagement ring, my inner troublemaker mused.

  Once we returned to the mansion, I trudged upstairs to take care of the clothing. Evan was steadfast in his determination to see my wardrobe completed. After everything was carefully hung in the closet, or tucked into the dresser, I went in search of Evan, only to find he was locked in the study with Baron. Melancholy led me from the mansion toward the barracks I had yet to visit.

  A hesitant knock on the door brought a few of the Omegas to greet me. “Come in!” they said in unison. The greeting was followed by a chorus of giggles.

  Two dozen Omegas encircled me, within minutes. Question after question came about the mainland, me, and Evan. I answered as many as I could until one of the Omegas made a statement.

  “Emmy is pregnant. Can’t you tell by her scent?”

  “Yes!” came the group response.

  All the answering in unison by the group gave me the heebie jeebies. But everyone was so nice, welcoming me with open arms. I brushed my misgivings aside. The Omegas invited me into the barracks. Most of them stayed with me, while others wandered off to complete mandatory chores. I found myself in the most accepting, warm group of women I had ever known. Within minutes, we were giggling like schoolgirls.

  “Have you ever jumped on beds?” an Omega with red hair, and brown eyes, asked.


  The Omega who asked the question beckoned for me to remove my shoes, which I did. She pulled me onto the bed. “It’s the most fun, ever. Hold onto my hands, and don’t let go. We’ll jump six times, then fall on our butts.”

  A chorus of laughter and giggles followed as every Omega in the room joined us. Four beds in all, eight Omegas jumping, and bouncing. The tension, and worry, melted away. “My name is Sadie,” she informed me. “Now, you have another friend.”

  “I’m glad I met you, Sadie.” Bounce. Bounce. Bounce. Flop! Merriment poured from my throat. “Again!”

  I’m not certain how long we bounced on the beds. It was the most fun I can remember having in a very long time. The slamming front door, and heavy footsteps, signaled someone’s entry. Sadie and I paid it no mind until Evan cleared his throat and called my name.

  “Emmy!” Evan’s voice was stern. His face void of emotion. That wasn’t the worst of it. Baron, Rafe, and Joseph stood inside the room with him.

  I released Sadie’s hands. We plopped onto the bed at the same moment. Here I am, again, I thought. In trouble, like always. I stood in front of Evan with my hands clenched into fists. “I’m sorry for bouncing on the beds, Mr. Michaels. It won’t happen again.”

  Evan knelt in front of me. He took my hand in his. “Emmy, I was concerned when I couldn’t find you. I have a question to ask you. A very important question that should have been asked of you weeks ago.”

  Words failed me. My tongue stuck to the roof of my suddenly parched mouth. What question could Evan possibly want to ask me? My unspoken question was answered.

  “Will you marry me, Emmy?”

  Evan’s question made my legs tremble. Marry him? “Yes.”

  The Omegas cheered when Evan pushed the engagement ring onto my finger. “It’s an old custom that is slowly being revived. I could not imagine life without you.”

  “Ohhhh.” My eyes fell to the ring. It contained a number of colorful stones. Each stone received a close inspection, and the caress of my fingertip. “It’s perfect.”

  “The gentleman at the department store delivered it personally. The man I spoke with when you were searching for clothes to try on.” Evan’s explanation made sense.

  A true celebration took place that evening at the mansion. Evan somehow managed a surprise dinner in the garden. Baked potatoes, tapioca pudding, and more delicacies awaited us. Just when I thought the evening could not be more perfect, another surprise arrived.

  Banana popsicles. Just for me.

  Chapter 10


  With Eliane’s estrus broken, Vito became available. He joined Baron and I in the study for a session to discuss the intelligence archive left behind by Baron’s father. Joseph and Rafe appeared not long afterward. I sat on the sofa enjoying one of Baron’s fine cigars and aged bourbon.

  “I wanted us to gather here to discuss the locations indicated on the map. I’ve spent several days in the bunker reviewing everything left behind by my father. The prisons indicated on the map are wher
e One World intended to hold Alphas, and Omegas, for the purpose of their breeding program. I would like to send a team to investigate the prisons.” Baron paced the floor like a caged panther while he spoke. This mission meant something to him. It meant something to all of us. Success could mean the difference between protecting our families, or losing them forever to One World.

  “What would that involve?” I asked.

  “We would select a team of our best men, develop a plan, and send them to investigate. Armed, of course. I don’t feel comfortable with any of us leaving given that One World has targeted the Omegas,” Baron explained.

  “It would be in our best interests to proceed with the investigation.” Vito joined me on the sofa. He was more relaxed than in the days leading to Eliane’s estrus. I prayed they were able to conceive a child. In the time I had known Eliane, I knew she wanted Vito’s child, more than anything. They would be good parents.

  My attention turned to Rafe and Joseph as they joined the conversation. “Not all the prisons were occupied when I came into the service of the Walker family,” Joseph shared. He stood by Baron’s desk, eyes moving from one person to the next as he spoke. “You may expect hostility when you encounter an occupied prison. If armed with items from your warehouses, Mr. Michaels, One World operatives there would be unable to defeat you. Rafe may serve as an excellent guide as he has lived on the mainland since coming into service.”

  “I would be honored to help,” Rafe agreed. “At least, let me make up for the wrongs committed when I was infected with One World’s virus. I’ll do whatever is asked of me.”

  “Is everyone in agreement, then?” Baron asked. Everyone agreed to the plan. “I suggest we select a team. I don’t want to leave the mansion unguarded. That would expose everyone to potential danger I don’t want to risk. I think everyone could be adequately briefed, and supplies gathered, within a reasonable time frame.”


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