Claiming an Alpha's Heart

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Claiming an Alpha's Heart Page 10

by A. R. Ford

  Baron motioned for us to sit at the conference room table. Dr. Morris appeared at that moment. “I apologize for being late. Traffic along the way was atrocious. What have I missed?”

  “Not a thing. Evan was ready to give us a review of the sample he found at the prison,” Baron replied. “Evan, go ahead.”

  “I found a sample of a bacteria that leads to the death of Betas. When they are infected, their blood is unable to clot. They bleed out within a matter of days. One World named the disease, Beta Hemorrhagic Syndrome, or BHS. This report,” Evan added before dropping a bound document on the table, “gives a detailed run-down of their research.” He handed a test-tube in a plastic bag across the table to Dr. Morris. “That is the only sample.”

  “Why give this to me?” Dr. Morris inquired while holding the sample to the light. He inspected it with interest.

  “Rafe told me before he died that One World is run by all Betas. What is the likelihood we could use that sample to create a biological weapon?” Evan pulled a map from his pocket, laid it on the table, and smoothed it carefully. “A biological weapon to be delivered to One World headquarters, which I suspect is here.” His index finger stabbed the green dot. “This is where I suspect their headquarters is. In what was once the District of Columbia.”

  Everyone at the table swiveled toward Evan. Faces devoid of emotion. Eyes questioning.

  “And how the hell are we supposed to do that?” Baron asked. “It’s a grand plan, Evan, but we lack the numbers to send a force there. I will not leave Hailey, our child, or any of my friends, vulnerable.”

  I knew how. I also knew my input would not be welcomed. Especially when the others became aware of how I gained the knowledge. It took counting, deep breathing, and squirming restlessly trying to force the knowledge down, prevent it from popping out randomly. Unable to stand the building tension, I slipped from the chair, and made for the stairs. Leaving was best. It was the only way to keep my mouth shut. When my foot hovered on the last step of the bunker, Baron called out.

  “Emmy? Is there something you would like to share?”

  There I stood, on the last step, fingers twirling restlessly, one over the other. The words hovered on the tip of my tongue. I thought better of it, though. Baron, Evan, and the others, could come up with their own plan. I did not need to interfere.

  “Um, no. No, thank you. I don’t have anything to share.” The words came out hushed. I thought to take the last step into freedom, only to be halted by my mate.

  Evan called out to me, his voice assuming the velvety tone that made me weak in the knees. The voice that could make me do all sorts of things. Naughty things. Rebellious things. Anything he wanted me to do.

  “Emmy, is there something you know that could help us? If you do, please, tell us, pet.”

  “Do I have to? I haven’t forgotten about breaking the statue, or turning on the COMM units in the UB. Or the tissues I took from the bathroom. I think those are in the closet. I should put them back in the bathroom. Or the thing that I broke on the first day that sprayed water on the floor. No. I shouldn’t contribute.” Wavering on that last step took every bit of control I had, which wasn’t a lot. “I only touched one thing. Okay, I touched more than one thing. But I didn’t break anything, I promise. I’ll be going, now.”

  A big whoosh of air escaped. It was more than a sigh. Glad that the confession was over, my foot lifted high off the ground. And Evan slammed the brakes on my escape.

  “Emmy. Come here, now,” he commanded. “I won’t ask again.”

  His voice had the gravelly, growly sound that made other things happen. I bit back a whimper when a bit of slick dampened my panties. A throbbing, fierce need zipped from now stiff nipples, to the bundle of nerves at the apex of my sex. Oh, no. Oh, my. This was not good.

  “Can I, please, stay here? I don’t think I should come down there.”

  “Tell us what you know,” Evan demanded as he whirled to face me in the spinning chair. Jade eyes narrowed. Jaw clenched. Possessive. Scorch-my-panties sexy. Truth-inspiring sexy.

  “When Hailey had the baby, everyone was busy. You were gone. I explored a little.” A groan of misery escaped, tears welling in my eyes. Why did confessions hurt so much? I always felt like the little girl who disobeyed her parents, within moments of being spanked. “In the hallway where no one goes, I saw a crack in the wall. I didn’t mean to touch it.” Eyes screwed shut. I continued with my confession. “The tunnel has a secret tunnel, with a secret room. I didn’t take anything. The crates were so big. What goes in big crates? I couldn’t help but wonder.”

  Knees trembling, a wave of nausea rising in my gut, I opened my mouth to continue.

  “Emmy, take a deep breath, precious. No one is upset with you.” Evan’s voice came directly in front of me!

  With one eye cracked open enough to see, I saw him kneeling in front of me. He reached for my hand, stroking it in his much larger, warmer hands. I swallowed hard. The rest of it rushed out, words garbled together. “I saw those things that hover over everyone without making a lot of noise. They hovered over our home a lot when I lived on the mainland, before my guardians died. Every week, they hovered there, like they were watching me. I saw a red eye, so I know they looked. You have two, maybe three of those, in the crates. I promise I put the lids back on! And I came out of the tunnel without touching anything else. I swear it.”

  Evan collected me off the step. I dangled limp in his arms. “You did so well. Why would you think I was angry with you?”

  “I didn’t,” the words came in a moan. “Confession is good for the soul. My guardians said that sometimes before they whipped me for being bad. I got a lot of whippings because I was always in trouble. Promise you won’t whip me?”

  “I would never,” Evan grumbled.

  “I think we have a plan, then,” Baron said from the table. “Dr. Morris, see if you can replicate the bacteria. Enough for a biological weapon. I think Emmy reminded me that I do, indeed, have some military-grade drones in the tunnel. Thank you, Emmy, for helping us with a plan.”

  “You’re welcome.” In a voice so tiny I feared he would not hear, I responded as I should.

  “You should attend to Emmy, Evan. She is distressed after being separated from you. We will continue this tomorrow,” Baron encouraged. “Alright, everyone, meeting is dismissed. We will gather here tomorrow, at ten in the morning, to continue our planning session.”

  Wow. Baron certainly knows a lot about Omegas.

  Evan grumbled the entire way back to our room. Under his breath. Expletives peppered the air before he calmed enough to talk to me. “Here you are wandering around exploring. Finding things. Secret things Baron wanted to keep secret. Yet, you saved us. I can’t believe you think I’d spank you. Aren’t we beyond that? Dammit, Emmy. You’re frustrating. So, very frustrating. But then, I realize I love you more than life itself. And you’re carrying my child. Gods. Why are we having to re-learn all things Alpha, and Omega, now? Of course! One World. Asshats had to screw with everything. Now, our history, and important information, has faded into oblivion.”

  Biting back a giggle, I nuzzled his neck. The most amazing sound came from my chest. A purr! Not as exquisite as Evan’s purr, but it was a purr.

  Evan halted, feet from our room. Jade eyes closed, he crooned, “Your purr is the nectar my heart needed, Emmy.”

  “You growled in the bunker.” Statements of fact have surprising results. This statement of fact snapped Evan’s eyes open. “I couldn’t help it. You know what your growls do to me. Even tiny growls, or growls not related to mating.”

  The last few steps were taken at a run. The door opened, slammed behind us, the lock turned. Evan placed me in the center of the nest. His large hand cupped my crotch, testing for the moisture he knew was already there. A grin appeared when he found what he sought. And then, a real, Alpha growl.

  We spent the remainder of the day scenting our nest. Gloriously, blissfully scented with evidence of our

  I learned something new. When the pair bond is in its perfect state, so are orgasms.


  Baron, Evan, and Vito met daily afterward to determine a plan of action. Baron’s head of security removed the drones from the tunnel. A team was assembled to conduct test flights to determine the abilities of the drones. After a week of testing, the final report came as we all sat around the conference room table.

  “The crafts are sound, sir. I have no doubt they can accomplish the mission. We need Dr. Morris to deliver,” Baron’s head of security reported. “It’s an excellent plan. One final note; the drones are equipped with video surveillance. We can link to the feed, and verify mission success, immediately.”

  “Splendid. Dr. Morris advised the process of replicating the bacteria could take up to a month. Thankfully, with advances in technology, he expects the time will be greatly reduced. I’ve given him permission to order the necessary equipment. He can use lower-level security staff as assistants.” Baron steepled his hands while speaking.

  “But where is his lab? It’s at risk if it’s in the city where his offices are,” Vito interjected.

  “The tunnel Emmy found is only one of the tunnels constructed beneath the property. Dr. Morris has an underground medical facility where members of my team are housed when they are injured.” Baron chuckled, a hand rubbing the side of his face. “For obvious reasons, of course. Law enforcement officials are usually looking for those members.”

  Was it possible? Could our team defeat One World?

  “It looks like we have an impressive plan,” Evan murmured. “I can’t believe it.”

  “I think having a team visit the target city should tell us if the package was successful in its mission. Evan and Vito, don’t even think about volunteering. You have expectant mates to think of.” Baron’s caution brought my giggle.

  “Vito and Eliane are having a baby?” My curious gaze, focused on Vito, brought a nod.

  “We are, Emmy. Before long, Baron’s house will resemble a nursery school.” Vito’s confirmation made my heart soar.

  It was good to see everyone so happy.

  Two weeks after our initial meeting, Dr. Morris delivered three vials of BHS. Final preparations were undertaken, immediately. I refused to leave the UB until the drones were moved to the launch pad. Three silent birds of prey took flight, well after midnight. No one wanted to leave the UB. Seeing the images broadcast by the drones was an exciting moment.

  “How long will it take for the drones to hit their target?” Baron queried. With both arms crossed on his chest, he looked every bit the leader of our group.

  “Given our distance from the target, and average speed of the drones, the estimate is approximately four and a half hours,” the technician at the controls replied. “If the drones catch a tailwind, it could decrease that drastically. I can send someone to wake you.”

  Baron laughed, his eyes scanning each member of the group. “There’s no way in hell I’m missing a second of this. The others may go if they wish. Maria will be delivering food, and coffee, soon.”

  Evan took my hand. “I’m staying. Emmy?”

  “I want to see the end of One World,” I replied.

  “I’m not leaving,” Vito added. “I have a pregnant Omega to consider, as well as more good friends than I thought I would be fortunate enough to find in a lifetime.”

  We remained together. Tense. Waiting. Watching. The images filtering through the feeds were displayed on the night-vision feed. Nothing of interest was displayed for over an hour. I found myself yawning, unable to hold my eyes open. Evan pulled me onto his lap.

  “Sleep if you wish, little one. I’ll wake you when the drones are closer,” he whispered.

  My body demanded that I sleep. Evan shook me awake, as he promised. Pre-dawn gray filled the screens. The landscape displayed looked nothing like old photographs of the District of Columbia. Eventually, images of the once great capital of the United States of America, appeared on the screens. The technician switched from night vision, to a normal feed. Crumbling buildings, and bridges overgrown by nature’s encroaching tenacity, came into view.

  “The former White House is directly ahead. Thirty seconds to impact,” the technician intoned.

  The decaying white building, surrounded by a mostly destroyed wrought-iron fence, did not inspire awe. What once housed the most powerful rulers on American soil looked worse than any building in Arkala, or Walden.

  “Twenty. Ten. Five. Four. Three. Two. One.”

  A collective gasp came at the moment of impact. The COMM screens filled with static shock.

  “The payload has been delivered.”

  Evan and I left the UB not long after confirmation of mission success was announced. We held hands. Silent. Thoughtful. Hopeful. To know you have been involved in the deaths of untold people is a sobering event. The somber darkness of that moment did not last long. I thought about One World’s treachery coming after Omegas like me. I thought about their role in Rafe’s death.

  Untold numbers of people across the world were spared a life of horror at One World’s hands. I would never have to worry about my child’s future in this world.

  I could live with my role in their destruction.

  Chapter 12


  Confirmation of the bacteria’s effectiveness was desperately needed. I could not rest thinking One World could come after Emmy if every last One World bastard wasn’t destroyed.

  The leader of the team wore a camera with audio. The first bodies wearing One World jumpsuits were found less than a mile from their headquarters. Bodies grew more numerous the closer the team came to the building. The overgrown lawn was littered with dozens of bodies. A systematic exploration of the interior of the building revealed more than we ever assumed existed. At the end of the mission, hundreds of corpses were discovered.

  To ensure One World would never again terrorize us, a series of explosive devices were rigged throughout the building and grounds. Our team retreated to a safe distance. The mushroom cloud of flames interspersed with debris represented the final nail in One World’s coffin. Their infrastructure lay in ruins in the giant crater formed by the explosion.

  A hand on Emmy’s shoulder shook her awake a day after our team returned home. She yawned, stretching in much the same way as a cat. My hand found the roundness of her belly. A kiss on her belly button assured our son of my love.

  “Evan,” she yawned while knuckling the sleep from her eyes. “I’m so sleepy.”

  “Come with me, pet. I promise the surprise I have will be well worth a bit of missed sleep.”

  She turned onto her stomach. A smack on her derriere brought a squeal, but effectively roused her. The pretty pout she turned on me nearly destroyed the plans I had for revealing the surprise. An Alpha can only take so much when his mate turns on the charm.

  “Minx, come with me before we end up indoors for the remainder of the day,” I growled.

  “And that’s a problem ... how?” she quipped. A giggle decorated the air when she pranced to the bathroom. Moments later, she appeared with her hair in a ponytail, a new sundress baring a good measure of her shoulders, and legs.

  “Come along. No more delays, Emmy.”

  Emmy accompanied me to the mansion’s front lawn. I led her to the southwestern corner of the perimeter fence. A grader began clearing the property adjoining Baron’s grounds, at dawn. More than enough land was leveled, stakes bearing bright orange ribbons marking specific points on the property. Emmy followed the grader’s path as it cleared a swath of land leading to the main road.

  “Heavy equipment? Not much of a surprise, Evan,” she grumbled. “I could be sleeping, now!”

  “Come with me. You haven’t seen everything.”

  Emmy’s protest faded when we approached the property.

  A man wearing a hardhat, carrying a clipboard in one hand, approached us. “Mr. Quinn, Ms. Rowe. It’s good to meet you. I’m the foreman for t
he project. If you’ll follow me, I can show you the finalized blueprints.”

  We followed the foreman to a table roughly constructed from a piece of plywood lying on two sawhorses. He spread the blueprint out, securing each corner with various items lying on the table. “We will have to complete staking the mansion’s footers first. We can then proceed with laying the footers. The forecast calls for sunny weather over the next few weeks. That should let us, at least, get the framing up, and possibly get it under roof. That’s the plan, anyway. Do you have any questions?”

  Emmy gazed at the blueprint. It took every bit of strength I had to hold back a laugh when her finger focused on the first-floor schematics before moving on to the second floor. Her finger came to rest on the words Master Suite. A tap signified her focus.

  “Who has a master suite?” she asked. Her finger strayed to another word on the blueprint. “And a nursery?”

  “Emmy, this is where our home will be. I purchased the property from Baron a few weeks ago. I hope you don’t mind, but I sold the condo I owned in the city. I would much prefer living here. It’s a better place to raise our children.”

  “Purchased property?” she squealed; eyes narrowed on me. “When did you think to tell me about this?”

  “Now?” I chuckled nervously. Angry Emmy made me nervous. On more than one occasion, her claws marked my shoulders before I could settle her by purring. “Did you see the backyard? A swimming pool, area for the children to play. Oh, and a special room on the first floor for any sparkly, interesting things you might collect over time.”

  Her attention focused on the promised room on the first-floor schematics. A finger tapped the location before moving to other rooms. “How did you know I wanted a room for sparkly things?”

  “You’ve always had an attraction to them. I thought you might like a place to store all those sparkly baubles.”

  Without another word, Emmy pressed her body against mine. Her face came to rest against my body, arms wrapped tightly around my body. The foreman stepped away with a mouthed, “Take your time.”


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