Genesis Trade (Genesis Book 5)

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Genesis Trade (Genesis Book 5) Page 19

by Eliza Green

  ‘We’re going to Waverley. Do you have your gun on you?’

  ‘Of course.’ Carl patted his side. ‘What you gonna do?’

  ‘I’m going to remind them who runs this operation.’


  The car pulled up to the central square in Waverley. A line of people trailed out of the old school building in West Waverley. The car took them as far as it could to the school, then Marcus got out and walked the rest of the way. The people loitering outside stopped and stared as Marcus strode past them.

  He pulled his Buzz Gun from its holster. Carl was close behind. ‘We gonna shoot somebody?’ He sounded excited.

  ‘I don’t know.’

  Restrained commotion filled the old school hall. Marcus looked around but saw neither Albert nor Sal.

  ‘Where’s Sal?’ Marcus yelled.

  The room fell silent as several frightened faces looked up at him. He repeated his request.

  ‘She’s at the tavern with Albert’s boy,’ said a woman.

  Perfect. Marcus turned and walked back to the car. His finger twitched on the Buzz Gun trigger. He caught two locals staring inside the tinted car windows.

  ‘You can shoot them,’ Marcus said to Carl.

  ‘Sweet.’ He aimed and fired a deadly bolt of electricity into each of them. They dropped like two sacks of potatoes.

  Marcus passed the blockade and saw two more locals crouching behind the pillared entrance to the school grounds. He shot them.

  ‘Shit, that felt good,’ he said as they slumped to the ground.

  Marcus walked the short distance to the tavern. He burst into the main room, surprising everybody. Sal was washing glasses behind the counter and Kevin and Ben sat at a table. A group of people littered the floor to the rear of the tavern. A wide-eyed Kevin stared at Marcus.

  ‘Right, listen up,’ he said, pointing his gun at Kevin’s head. ‘I want a list of names of the people swapping intel with the big house. You know the one. You get me five names, and I won’t kill this boy.’ He struck Kevin on the side of the head, not enough to knock him out but enough to scare him.

  ‘What people are you talking about?’ said Sal. ‘We don’t know anything about any sharing of intel with the mansion.’

  Marcus pointed his gun at Sal. ‘Don’t test me, woman. You’re already on thin ice.’

  ‘What did I do?’

  Marcus smirked. She was a good actress. He’d give her that. ‘You have two days, otherwise I kill more of you.’

  ‘More?’ said Sal. ‘What have you done?’

  It would be so easy to kill them all. The residents, either too young or too old to fight him, had no weapons. But he had to get out of the tavern before Carl caught up and got wind of his plans.

  Only Gaetano would know what Marcus was up to, and Marcus would tell him personally.

  He found Carl waiting by the car, distracted by the two men he’d killed. Marcus nodded to him and they got in to the car.

  Carl buzzed with excitement as the car passed through Waverley’s gates. ‘That felt good. But Gaetano’s gonna be pissed you killed some residents.’

  ‘You mean we killed?’

  ‘Yeah, yeah. That’s what I meant.’

  ‘Collateral damage. Gaetano will understand. To get the best out of Waverley, we sometimes have to take drastic measures.’

  ‘You’re right, Marcus. I’m sure that’s how Gaetano will see it.’

  Bastard’s going to lie to him.

  He considered killing Carl, but if Carl had the trust of either Enzo or Gaetano, it would only make things worse for Marcus at the mansion. Gaetano was already worried enough about traitors.

  Marcus had to get in there first, be Gaetano’s go-to man. Carl had his own back and it was clear from his and Enzo’s private chats he was proving useful to the Agostinis. But without Gaetano’s support, Carl would be nothing.

  And if Marcus couldn’t find a purpose at the mansion, he would become nothing, too.


  Marcus woke the next morning to the sound of Enzo banging on his door.

  ‘Marcus, you shit. Get up!’

  He crawled out of bed, scrambled to the door and unlocked it.

  ‘I’ve been calling you for ten minutes,’ said Enzo. ‘Why is the door locked?’

  ‘Sorry. I don’t trust those Indigene freaks not to murder me in my sleep.’

  ‘Father wants to talk to you. You’re already late so put some fucking clothes on.’ Enzo raked his eyes over him. ‘Nobody needs to see that.’

  Enzo stalked off and Marcus closed the door and dressed fast.

  He approached Gaetano’s door, nervous. It surprised him to see Enzo there, pacing outside.

  An associate who Marcus didn’t recognise opened the door. His confidence took a nosedive. The associate spoke to Enzo and nodded towards Marcus. ‘Mr Agostini will see him now.’

  ‘Get in there, and don’t embarrass me.’ Enzo gave him a shove.

  Marcus stumbled into the room.

  Gaetano watched him from behind his desk. He gestured to the chair opposite. ‘Sit.’

  Marcus sat down keeping one eye on the hand Gaetano had hidden from view. He thought he saw Gaetano’s shoulder twitch like he was reaching for a Buzz Gun. Was this how Enzo had killed Freddy? Shot him when his back was turned?

  Gaetano seemed nervous. ‘Marcus, I’m getting impatient. You promised to turn Waverley around, make it useful. I heard you had discussed the life support issue with the residents after my son specifically told you not to. Carl believes the residents have gained control of the life support. I don’t know how. Do you know what that means?’

  That Carl’s a snivelling little dipshit?

  Marcus shook his head.

  ‘It means we have no control over our air supply. And we have no way of knowing when the problem will hit HQ. I need to know what information those residents have.’

  ‘What about the other neighbourhoods?’

  Gaetano stood up and paced. It relieved Marcus to see nothing in his hands. ‘My men are checking with them now.’

  ‘Don’t listen to Carl. I control Waverley, not him. I’d know if the people were hiding things from me. They’re too stupid to orchestrate such a move.’

  ‘And yet life support is a problem we didn’t foresee. I can’t afford to lose the neighbourhoods and I can’t wait for one of the other factions to get wind of the issue.’

  ‘What about the Indigenes here?’

  Gaetano waved his hand. ‘Useless freaks in the attic can’t get the damn DPads to work. The junk code disappeared yesterday, but they still don’t know what to do with the devices.’

  Marcus had to turn this situation around to his advantage. ‘I have a source inside Waverley. I’ve told them to report back about the life support. I’ll go over there and lean on them a little.’

  Gaetano laughed. ‘That little pissant, Kevin Lee? Forget about him. I want you to make the grandfather talk. He knows everything that goes on.’

  ‘Yes, Mr Agostini.’ Gaetano seemed distracted. ‘Is something else wrong?’

  Gaetano stared at Marcus the way Enzo did just before he shot someone. He braced himself, even though Gaetano had no gun.

  ‘The mansion is under threat. Someone’s leaking our secrets, our schedules to the outside. Other factions are on their way here to kill me.’

  ‘But the force field will keep them out.’

  ‘For a while.’ Gaetano’s expression hardened. ‘Nothing you need to worry about. If you want to progress in this business, if you want to sit where I am one day, you need to make sacrifices. And that means working hard for the things you want. There are no shortcuts in this life. Do you understand?’

  Marcus nodded. He’d always understood that. He modelled his actions after the man before him. He always asked, What would Gaetano do?

  ‘Go to Waverley and sort out this mess before it becomes an issue for you.’

  Marcus stood up. Gaetano removed an old watch from his pocket
and checked the time. ‘I’ve got to be somewhere. See yourself out.’

  Gaetano disappeared through a door behind his desk, while Marcus left through the main door to find both Enzo and the unknown associate gone.

  He retrieved the shock collar controller from Enzo’s room and sought out Johan in the attic. It surprised him to find no associates watching them, again. Was this the routine now? Had Enzo ordered them to do other work?

  This time he didn’t care if the other Indigenes heard. ‘Tell me what you know about the residents that live in Waverley, Johan. I want to know if someone’s messing with us.’

  Johan looked at him, surprised. ‘I don’t know anything about them.’

  Marcus sneered. ‘Don’t give me that crap. You spent a whole night in their square with that Indigene bitch. You must have picked up something.’

  Johan tapped the side of his head. ‘My ability doesn’t work right now.’

  Marcus looked around at the others. ‘Okay. The DPads. Why are they still not working?’

  ‘They’re not transmitting anything.’

  ‘What about the junk code?’

  ‘It disappeared yesterday without warning. There’s nothing new to report on the devices.’

  Marcus struck Johan across the face with the controller. ‘Why does Gaetano think the life support will fail here?’

  Johan touched his cheek. ‘I told you everything I know. You promised to free me if I helped.’

  ‘If you helped. I’d hardly call this help. Things are going to shit.’ Marcus grabbed clumps of his hair. ‘I need to know who’s trading secrets from here, and how the residents have gained control of their life support.’

  Johan straightened up in his seat. ‘I may not know what’s going on in Waverley, but I can tell you what Enzo’s been saying.’

  Marcus locked his eyes on Johan. ‘Tell me.’

  ‘He mentioned Ben Watson. How he came from Exilon 5, originally.’


  ‘Enzo talked about leaving Earth and using the boy to do it. He believes the boy has contacts on Exilon 5. But first he wanted to take Waverley from you and discover the traitors before you did. He planned to pass on the information to Gaetano, render you useless.’


  ‘Today, tomorrow. I’m not sure. But Enzo likes to move fast.’

  ‘Fuck!’ Marcus turned to the door.

  ‘You said you’d let me go.’

  ‘Now, why would I do that when you’re so valuable?’

  Marcus shocked him and left the room.


  Feeling bitter and angry, Marcus returned to Waverley alone. Along the way, he thought about Enzo’s plan to leave Earth. If he couldn’t turn things around, he might have to consider doing the same thing. He’d have to get to Ben Watson first.

  The car pulled up outside the tavern, but he found nobody inside. Marcus was about to check the school next when he spotted Kevin with Albert. They were walking towards the tavern.

  Marcus hopped out of the car, Buzz Gun at the ready.

  ‘Where’s that illegitimate bastard of yours?’

  Kevin froze while Albert held up both hands. ‘Ben’s not here, Marcus. He’s out.’

  It amused him that Albert knew who he meant.

  ‘Doing jobs for you, is he?’ Marcus pointed the gun at the car. ‘Get in, both of you. Or I pump you full of juice.’

  ‘Take it easy, Marcus,’ said Albert. ‘You don’t have to do this.’

  ‘Shut your mouth, old man. Don’t tell me what I can’t do. Get in or I kill more innocents.’

  Albert ushered a panicked Kevin inside the car. His mask had fogged up.

  Marcus handed Albert two pairs of handcuffs. ‘Put them on him, then yourself.’

  Albert fumbled with the cuffs, dropping a pair on the floor. He clicked one pair on Kevin, then retrieved the second set from the floor and put them on himself.

  The quiet ride back to HQ gave Marcus too much time to think. He didn’t want to interrogate the pair en route. He wanted them to wet their pants in anticipation of what awaited them.

  The car stopped outside the mansion and Marcus ordered Kevin and Albert out of the car. ‘Don’t try running or I’ll blast you. Got it?’

  Albert nodded. ‘We won’t try anything.’

  Inside, the mansion buzzed with panicked associates. Marcus removed his mask and felt an immediate strain on his lungs before the air righted itself. The life support issue was affecting the mansion now, like Gaetano had said it would. Two associates stood nearby; Marcus pushed Albert and Kevin towards them.

  ‘Bring these two up to the first floor. There’s an empty room down from Gaetano’s office. Watch them until I get there, okay?’

  The pair nodded without complaint.

  That was too easy.

  Marcus checked the emptying ground floor before heading up to the first. There was no sign of Carl. He found Enzo in his room packing a bag.

  ‘What’s going on? Where are you going?’

  Enzo didn’t look up. ‘I’m leaving.’

  ‘Why? Where’s Mr Agostini?’

  ‘Left after you did. I’m going after him.’

  ‘Where’s he gone?’ Enzo didn’t answer. ‘What about this place? Someone needs to be in charge.’

  Enzo laughed. ‘The men made it clear they don’t want to follow me. Most high-tailed it out of here when Gaetano left. Even Carl, the fuckwit. There’s nothing left for me here. And you’re on your own.’

  Marcus stumbled away from Enzo. Maybe Gaetano had found Ben first and killed him, destroying Marcus’ only way off Earth. So why was Marcus wasting time interrogating the pair? Who was he trying to impress?

  He climbed the stairs to the second floor, ignoring those leaving. He stopped at the door leading to the attic. He found the Indigenes where he’d left them earlier that morning. He strode over to Johan.

  ‘Tell me what you know about Ben Watson.’

  ‘Gaetano’s gone and Enzo’s on his way out. I can sense his mood.’

  ‘Forget about them. Tell me about the boy. And hurry. I don’t have much time. You said the boy came from Exilon 5. There must be records in there.’ He pointed to the DPad in front of Johan.

  ‘I told you, there’s no information on here.’

  ‘Find some old records about the boy. If he travelled from Exilon 5 they might be in the old World Government files.’

  Johan sifted through a bunch of memos that the factions had determined long ago to be useless to a new Earth. A nervous Marcus paced back and forth.

  ‘Here’s something. Says Ben Watson was kicked off Exilon 5 for being a traitor.’

  ‘Traitor? How?’

  ‘Helped an Indigene escape. Doesn’t say who. Some investigator, Bill Taggart, was working on the case.’

  ‘That piece of trash?’

  Johan looked up at him. ‘You know him?’

  Marcus knew the name. Back when the World Government ruled, Taggart had brought down some men he worked for.

  ‘Keep looking. Maybe the kid has connections.’

  Johan searched through the files he could access. ‘Nothing I can see, but not everything is reported here. Some information has been redacted.’

  Bill Taggart. A good place to start. He needed to get as far away from the factions as possible. If a power struggle was imminent and other factions were on their way to the mansion, their first targets would be Gaetano’s men. If Marcus was to survive this, he needed Ben.

  He thought of an idea to keep the factions away from the mansion. ‘On the off-chance the other factions are using the DPads, send a false message that says Gaetano and Enzo are no longer at HQ and are on the run.’

  Johan looked up at him. ‘You know what that will mean, don’t you?’

  Marcus nodded and turned to leave. ‘If we’re lucky they’ll be shot in the street.’

  ‘You said you’d let me go.’

  Marcus ignored the Indigene’s demands; he wasn’t his concern. W
ith the life support failing in the mansion, Marcus wouldn’t survive long. His priority was to get out. Johan and the others would make it.

  He stopped off in Gaetano’s office. The place had been turned upside down. Marcus opened the safe where he knew Gaetano kept the money to find it empty. He searched the room and found cash stashed on the underside of one of the drawers. He also found the compass he’d given Gaetano from the sale of the two Indigenes in Waverley. Gaetano must have been in a hurry if he’d left that behind.

  He left it there and picked up something much more valuable: details for a man who had been a close associate of Charles Deighton, a double agent who had worked for the government and made a name for himself in the underworld trading failed technological prototypes. He was also an expert in genetic manipulation. It was a name he hadn’t heard mentioned much since the factions rose to power.

  He pocketed the contact information for Harvey Buchanan.

  Marcus returned to the first floor and entered the room where he’d ordered Albert and Kevin to be taken. Two associates guarded them with Buzz Guns. ‘What will you do with them?’ said one.

  Marcus produced his own gun and rammed the butt into the side of Kevin’s head. He slumped forward in his chair.

  Albert let out a cry and strained against his handcuffs. ‘Marcus, you coward! Kill me if you have to. Leave him out of it.’

  Marcus smiled. ‘Oh, I’m not going to kill him. Not yet, anyway. It’s you I need right now.’ He pulled Albert to his feet. ‘Guard the boy while I’m gone,’ he said to the pair.

  ‘Where are you going?’ said one associate.

  ‘Back to Waverley. There’s something I need there.’

  He dragged Albert out of the mansion and bundled him into the car.

  ‘What is it you need?’ said Albert.

  Marcus climbed in after him and closed the door.

  ‘Your other boy’s help.’


  On his way out of Astoria Park, Marcus spotted a car approaching the other entrance. He ordered his car to pull off onto a side road out of sight. Albert was getting restless so he pressed his thumb against the carotid artery in his neck until he passed out.


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