An American Lady

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An American Lady Page 9

by Emma Brady

  “Sinclair,” he mumbled under his breath.

  Stepping up to them, he grabbed the woman’s arm and she turned her head over to look at him.

  “Miss, you should calm down.”

  “Sir, this is none of your concern.”

  “I beg to disagree. Everyone is staring at you.”

  He watched her glance around the room discreetly from the corner of her eye and she blushed. The soft pink crept up her neck, brightening her face. Still, she refused to move away from Marcus Applegate’s appalled figure. The god of wine clutched his cheek with one hand, letting his mouth hang open.

  Lucas could feel the tension between the two of them. An evil glare rested in the light blue eyes beneath the angel’s mask. A large red mark, vaguely resembling a handprint, appeared beneath Marcus’s mask.

  “You do not want this one,” the man said. “She has teeth.”

  “I think I can manage,” Lucas told him.

  Looking at the man’s sneering face, he was glad Sinclair had stuck him. Lucas had done some research on the gentleman and wasn’t pleased with what he had found. Marcus Applegate was a notorious rake and drunkard. The man had been paying court to his sister, but Lucas would discourage the match with as much force as possible. He knew the man had ulterior motives and didn’t trust him for a moment. Not even his threat of taking his jewelry business elsewhere could sway Lucas.

  “She slapped me,” said Marcus. “The woman is crazed.”

  “I was defending my friend’s honor. You deserved more than a simple slap.” Sinclair hissed with her hands still bunched at her sides.

  Lucas looked at the man with a single eyebrow raised. He knew Marcus could recognize him beneath the black leather covering three quarters of his somber face

  “I think Mr. Applegate has learned his lesson,” Lucas leaned over the puny man. “I do not think he will be speaking out of line again.”

  His threat wasn’t misunderstood as the young man shrunk back against the wall. Marcus had a tremble to his thin lips and his skin had turned paper white. That would be the end of both the fight and his courtship of Charlotte.

  “May I have this dance?” Lucas asked, wanting to redirect the crowd’s attention.

  Sinclair was still glaring at Marcus, but she accepted his arm and allowed him to lead her onto the dance floor. Voices could be heard circling around them as a waltz began to play. Lucas ignored the gossip and plastered a wide smile on his face. She fell easily into his arms as they began the dance.

  “I was handling that just fine on my own,” she hissed through her clenched teeth.

  “I could not resist stepping in to help an angel.”

  Her blue eyes sparkled behind the white satin. They rippled like water in a pond. Lucas could almost see himself reflected in them.

  “You are such a beautiful woman,” he whispered.

  “Do you know who I am, sir?” She attempted to cover her American accent.

  “I am afraid not,” he lied, pressing her curvaceous body against his. “Are you going to tell me?”

  “No, I enjoy anonymity.”

  As they swept across the floor, Lucas noticed everyone watched them. Wearing a simple costume of all black, Lucas hadn’t thought he would stand out in such an elaborate crowd. What a dashing picture they must have made together, though, the contrast of white and black. They complemented each other. Holding her in his arms, he felt pride surge through him.

  “I have never had the pleasure of dancing with an angel before,” he whispered in her ear.

  He felt a shiver run through her body as he held her in his arms. There was a heat between them and he wondered she felt it as well. It made the blood pump harder through his veins and all the parts of his body.

  “I’m surprised, you are certainly as handsome as the devil himself.”

  She giggled and for the first time he noticed how sweet her laughter was. He couldn’t remember how many times she’d smiled at him, though he should have noticed. Now he couldn’t stop staring at the way her lips parted to show the gleam of her teeth.

  “A compliment from such a lovely woman does much for my pride.”

  “I think you have enough pride as it is.”

  “Do you know me, then?”

  “No,” she lied easily, playing the same game he did. “But I know your kind and they are all arrogant to a fault.”

  “I am not arrogant, simply confident.” he pulled her closer. “You do not seem to lack in that area.”

  She smiled at him and he could feel the beat of her heart as it matched the music. The music was ending, but he didn’t want to release her. His needs refused to follow what was proper.

  “You look flushed,” he told her, “May I escort you out onto the terrace?”

  “I was told to never trust a man alone.”

  “I cannot guarantee I will behave.” He smiled, leading her towards the door, “But I can guarantee I will not do anything you will not enjoy.”

  Outside, a slight cool breeze floated across the terrace. She leaned across the railing and closed her eyes, enjoying the night air. A dark curl broke free from its pin and fell across her cheek. He longed to reach out and brush his fingers along the silky strand, but he worried it might frighten her.

  “I’ve always loved the night air,” she whispered, still facing out into the garden. “When I was younger I would sit at my window and stare out at the city.”

  “Where did you live?” he asked, hoping she would give herself away and end their game.

  “I lived in a warm house with loving parents,” she told him. “The location doesn’t matter.”

  “Still keeping your identity a secret, then?”

  “I feel more secure behind a mask.”

  He came to stand behind her, his chest pressed against her back. The smell of coffee drifted to his nose, surprising him. Closing his eyes, Lucas realized that the smell was perfect for her. It reminded him of all the ways she was different than the other women of society.

  Reaching over the large white wings, he placed his hands on her shoulders. Her skin had goosebumps that tickled his palm. She inhaled sharply as their skin met.

  “Do you feel safe with me?”

  He hadn’t meant to ask that, it had simply slipped between his lips. He found his breath catching in his chest as he waited for her answer. She turned to face him, her eyes wide as she stared up at him. Their bodies were pressed together and her lips were only inches away from his own.

  “I feel completely safe.”

  It was her utter trust in him the broke the thin strand of self-control. Without a thought he reached one hand to her neck and pulled her lips to his. His mouth crushed hers, swallowing the sound of her gasp.

  Slowly he moved his lips over hers, feeling her relax in his arms. Her eyes were closed, but he continued to stare at them as he slipped his tongue along the line of her mouth. She open to gasp and he took advantage of the opportunity, sliding his tongue across hers gently. She tasted sweeter than anything he could recall. For a moment he entirely forgot himself.

  Only the sound of someone coming through the doors forced him to break away and put space between them. Hunger showed in her glistening eyes as she struggled for breath against the railing. Lucas started to say something but she spoke first, taking him by surprise.

  “I think I should go.” Her voice was breathless. “I would be missed soon. I wouldn’t want anyone to worry.”

  He reached to stop her, but Sinclair was gone. Like a cloud, she drifted back into the crowded ballroom and left him breathing heavily on the terrace.

  Chapter 9

  Sinclair was impatient as she waited for Charlotte to arrive the next day. They had agreed to meet and discuss what had happened with Marcus Applegate. Since her mind spent most of the night thinking about Lucas, she looked forward to the distraction. It would be difficult to tell her friend that her suitor was a complete ass, but at least they had learned the truth.

  “I almost sent a n
ote telling you this meeting wasn’t needed.” Charlotte said as soon as she arrived. “I pretty much heard everything that happened last night.”

  “I didn’t mean to cause a spectacle, but that man made me furious.” Sinclair paced the floor instead of sitting.

  “Lucas must have heard most of it as well, because this morning he changed his opinion about the man as my suitor. He encourages me to refuse him.”

  Lucas had pretended not to know who she was, but there was no mistaking him at the ball last night. The mask couldn’t hide the size or shape of him and no one else in London fit that description. Remembering how he had felt when they danced gave her the shivers and that was nothing compared to their kiss. That memory lingered in her mind no matter how hard she tried to forget it.

  “Was he angry with Marcus?” She really wondered what he had thought about her own behavior, both before and after the argument with Applegate.

  “No, but he made it clear that the man was not acceptable. Doing business and becoming family are not the same.” Charlotte didn’t seem upset by that. “I don’t have to feel guilty about turning him away for the sake of Lucas.”

  That was a relief. Sinclair knew that was the main reason Charlotte was even considering the man. The young girl felt a deep sense of responsibility to help her brother in any way she could and he thought he was the guardian. Now that they had settled the matter of suitors, Sinclair had another reason for inviting Charlotte over.

  “I need your help with something.” Sinclair said. “I have begun to introduce a man I created as my business partner and it has proven successful. The problem is that I need a man to present to the world in person.”

  “You’re going to create a man?”

  “Not from scratch.” Sinclair heard a knock at the door and she gave permission for Frederick to enter. He and Charlotte exchanged uneasy looks for a moment. Most people didn’t understand the familiar relationship he had with his employer and he was all too aware of that.

  “Did you need something, Miss?” Frederick asked, standing with his hands behind his back.

  “Yes. I was wondering if you would help us with a project.” Sinclair gave him a big smile.

  “Project?” He looked confused.

  “Yes, something that I’m afraid Charlotte and I cannot do alone.”

  “Oh?” He raised one eyebrow and glanced in Charlotte’s direction, causing her friend to shift in her seat.

  “I have decided to take on a partner to help me transition the business in London.” Sinclair said, letting both of them watch her carefully. “Englishmen refuse to work with a lady, so I’m being forced to produce a gentleman for them to deal with instead. “

  “Selling the business like your grandfather wants, Miss?” Frederick asked.

  “Not exactly. My new partner is Mr. Gates.”

  “Me?” Frederick lost his composure for a moment, letting his expression show how incredulous he was at the thought.

  “Yes. You will become the figurehead of the company.”

  “That will never work. They won’t want to talk to a servant any more than a woman.”

  “Which is why we will make you a gentleman.” Sinclair gave her best smile. “We just need to find you the right costume.”

  “Is that why you asked me to bring some of my brother’s old suits?” Charlotte asked, indicating the bag she had sitting next to her.

  “Yes. I know that he is about the same height as Frederick, but much wider. I hoped he would have been thinner as a youth.”

  “You want me to help you dress your butler up like a gentleman?” Charlotte spoke slowly.

  “Yes, that’s what I just said.”

  “So I can pretend to be your business partner?” Frederick spoke the words slowly and watching her closely as he spoke.

  She nodded vigorously, excited that they were piecing it together so quickly. “That way I can keep running the business without interference. You just have to shake hands every now and then.”

  Frederick’s complexion was starting to turn red and she wondered if he was breathing as he should. “I don’t know anything about your father’s business.”

  “You will only need to know enough to convince them in person to sign the contracts. I can teach you what you need to know for that. You are the only person I can trust not to second guess my decisions, just because of my gender.”

  This would be the perfect solution to her problem of being a woman.

  “I don’t think that is going to work, Miss.” Frederick said. “I’ve been here for weeks. They would have already seen me acting as your servant.”

  “No one looks at a person’s servants. No one will remember you.” Sinclair explained.

  “I could never pass as a gentleman.”

  Sinclair reached for the bag that Charlotte brought with her and pulled out one of the fine suit coats inside. As she fitted it on to Frederick, she was pleasantly surprised to find that the sleeves were the right length and the waist was closer than she hoped. It would take only a few minor alterations to make it perfect. Reaching up to brush the hair from his face, Sinclair turned to get Charlotte’s opinion. Her friend stared at them with a strange expression.

  “What do you think?” Sinclair asked when nothing was said.

  “He could be a gentleman.” Charlotte mumbled. “It’s remarkable.”

  “It’s only clothing.” Frederick blushed. “Doesn’t change the fact I’m still a servant. They are going to know the difference.”

  “Trust me, men only see what they want to see. If we tell them you are a rich American looking to make connections, all they will see is the money.” Sinclair said with confidence. “Once we rent you an expensive suite in the hotel, they won’t even question your identity.”

  Sinclair handed him the rest of the clothes in the bag and ordered him into another room to change.

  She didn’t want to raise suspicion by ordering the suits from a tailor, so they would have to do the alterations themselves. Although she had never been successful at embroidery, she could remember the basics with a needle. Frederick returned dressed in a full suit that hung loose on him.

  “My brother had much wider shoulders,” said Charlotte as they circled the young man for assessment. “Do you think we should add some kind of padding?”

  “No, we can take the jackets in a little here and it will fit nicely.” Sinclair was already pinning it.

  “The only thing I couldn’t get was a pair of shoes.” Charlotte placed a bowler hat on Frederick’s head as a final touch. “This is new, but Lucas hates to wear hats. I don’t think he would notice it missing.”

  “A man doesn’t look at another man’s shoes. I doubt they will notice what mine look like.” Frederick grumbled.

  For hours, the two women worked while Frederick was pushed, pulled and occasionally poked by them. It was past noon when they finished. Taking a step back, the two women looked at their finished work. Frederick looked completely different in the fine clothing. The dark brown color suited him well and they had adjusted it to fit him nicely. He looked quite dashing when he stood up straight. Sinclair felt her cheeks getting sore from smiling so much.

  “We built a man.” she whispered and Charlotte giggled.

  Frederick wore a sour expression and his dark eyes were narrowed. She was reminded that his sense of humor was slim at best. He didn’t appear to be enjoying his new role in the scheme at all.

  “I could get in a lot of trouble impersonating someone I’m not, Miss.” Said Frederick. “I believe they have laws against committing fraud.”

  “It won’t be fraud because you will be acting as yourself. You will be Mr. Gates.”

  “Using my own name to pretend to be someone else, doesn’t make it true.”

  “No, but it helps.”

  “I don’t like that one bit.”

  Sinclair sighed. It wasn’t going to work if he didn’t put in more of an effort.

  “It will only be for a short while.” S
inclair said. “I just need you to be seen walking around the hotel and maybe take a few meetings with prospective clients. Once they have a face to put with the name, Mr. Gates can go back to America and run everything through correspondence. You will never have to pretend to be him again.”

  “What if your grandparents find out, Miss?” Frederick still didn’t look convinced.

  “Then I will take full responsibility for the idea.”

  Sinclair didn’t want to think about how upset they would be if they ever discovered the depth of her deceit in this. If things went according to plan they would never know. This was the only way she could see to keep her family’s business in her family.

  “I have already made appointments for you to meet with some of the possible clients this afternoon, but first we will need to make sure everyone knows you have arrived in the city.” Sinclair went to retrieve her coat and hat, making sure that no one was around to see them leave.

  “How do you plan on doing that?”

  “You need to be seen checking into your hotel. I imagine word of your arrival will spread quickly.”

  “A handsome American will be a juicy bit of gossip,” Said Charlotte.

  “Handsome?” Frederick asked.

  “You’re not ugly.” Charlotte blushed.

  “Thank you for the compliment.” Frederick made a bitter expression.

  “Handsome or not, we need the gentlemen to believe you are a capable man to do business with.” Sinclair said.

  Charlotte’s part of the plan was over, so she returned home. She was reluctant to go, but there was no need to risk her reputation as well. Sinclair hailed them a hack to take them to the best hotel in the city. If she wanted to convince people her new partner was prosperous, he would need to be seen spending a good deal of money.

  LUCAS ATTEMPTED TO work on his accounts, but the numbers kept moving along the page. With the new American due to arrive soon, he needed to focus as much as possible. He had done some research about the Brown Shipping Company and it did not make him feel better. Sinclair’s father had built a good business that could easily transition to England and continue to grow. Lucas tried to figure out how he would stop that growth from crushing his own.


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