Atlantis Lost: The Vanishing Paradise

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Atlantis Lost: The Vanishing Paradise Page 10

by Lauren A. Johnson

anyone to keep their eyes open.

  “Where are we?” Linda asked. “Hey! I can talk!”

  The pirate turned around, “Really? I mean. Of course you can! Just like I planned. I accept any and all forms of gratitude and compensation. Especially you Lisa.”

  “Linda.” Linda was thrilled to be able to speak again.

  “Whatever,” the pirate shook his head.

  “No really, where are we?” she asked again while Donnie hugged her.

  “We made it, we’re in the original dimension,” Adair said in almost a whisper as she stood and looked out of the window on the bridge of the spaceship.

  She turned to face the two men who had a lot of explaining to do, “Well?” she asked.

  “Well what?” the pirate shrugged his shoulders before taking off his jacket.

  “Let’s start with, just who in the heck are you?” Adair said sitting back down.

  “Call me Luke, I like this little space opera we’ve got going on here,” he smirked.

  Everyone looked at one another annoyed, “Luke is not your name –“

  Rollett leaned against the wall and folded his arms, “He won’t tell us his name, he’s taking precautions with a name an alchemist can do a lot of damage, now we need to move on to phase three.”

  “Where were we during phase one and two?” Adair asked pointing to herself and Damascus.

  “Freeing you, was Phase One, you may not remember, but we helped you find each other, we sent out a signal of sound throughout space and time that you were compelled to follow, you burned through three bodies along the way until you found Damascus, we always knew where he was and we knew he was looking for you so…” Rollett looked to the ground and then back up.

  “Now explain Luke, the space pirate, which just sounds really wrong to say,” Adair gestured towards Luke who only waved at her.

  “I caught him stealing, I believe she tried to tell you about this when you visited her,” Rollett looked Adair in the eyes. Adair wore a blank expression on her face.

  “There were six skulls, Medusa had three and I had three, but I was able to configure them into one skull as did she, which Luke here stole, he sought me out for the other skull and that’s when I caught him in that last dimension, he told me about his sound technology so we decided to work together, he didn’t tell me that he saw you until two weeks after he let loose the time bomb.” Rollett looked at Damascus who was silent and still since they made it back to their home dimension.

  “Hold on a second, you didn’t catch me, no one catches me…I had a lapse and you got lucky that’s all,” Luke sat up for a moment.

  “Whatever helps you sleep at night, Luke,” Rollett shook his head.

  “Stop calling him that, it’s not his name,” Adair shook her head, “This doesn’t explain Linda? If you needed an Atlantean voice why not use yours or mine?”

  “I didn’t know that you were Atlantean and just because your tall doesn’t mean you know how to play basketball,” Luke said as a matter-of-factly.

  “What?” Donnie, Adair and Linda said in unison.

  “Just because you have a voice doesn’t mean that you have THE voice, I was looking for a specific note,” Luke said as he strummed his guitar lightly.

  “Well, what’s up the Paradise connection?” Adair wondered.

  “What do you mean?” Rollett asked.

  “Damascus finds me in Paradise, Texas…I find you in Paradise, California…” Adair clarified her question.

  “I don’t know dimensional anomaly?” Rollett tried to guess.

  A quite lull hovered for a moment before Adair asked another question, “And Phase Two?

  “To find you and to meet up with the Dimensional Agency – but there’s a snag…” Rollett could see that Adair figured out the hold up before he finished his sentence.

  Adair put her head in her hands, “Traitors?”

  “Not just traitors…there’s traitors too, but also spies, Tobias has no idea,” looking out into the calm universe Rollett said in a low tone. He looked over to Damascus who was still standing in a trance-like state.

  “You want to create your own team to fight against the Bilal,” Adair couldn’t finish her thought, a heart pumping roar sounded from Damascus who lunged at Linda. At inhumane speeds he was on the other side of the room, holding her tightly.

  He laughed as he growled, “My, this is a yummy experience isn’t it? Rollett good to see you honey cakes, let me tell you, I meet the most interesting men out here in the middle of space, listen, I’m here to tell you that I know you’re here, I’ve told the dimensional agency that you two are the cause for the dimensional drifts, they’re looking for you as we speak as hostile. Have fun with that! Oh and by the way, Kara says hi.”

  Damascus dropped the woman after the possession and trance was over.

  “What happened?” Adair demanded Damascus to tell her.

  “No one could get in unless you let them in, what did you do?” she asked again.

  “It happened during the flash of light. I tried to fight it,” Damascus was apologetic; he turned to Linda and apologized again.

  “Hey…I don’t like the guy, but that could have been any one of us, he was just chosen because he’s the biggest physical threat,” Luke explained.

  “Shut up, Luke. Even if we wanted to go to the agency we can’t now, but at least who know who has Kara.” Adair thought back to Nicklar who was trying to rescue his friend Kara.

  “I should have known they’d be in this,” Rollett smiled as he remembered his friends.

  “What about us?” Donnie asked.

  “We’ll take you to New Earth,” Adair could see the confusion on the faces of their human friends. Adair told them that in the original dimension Earth crashed into a planet called Telderan. All the humans were evacuated to New Earth in the Spiral Galaxy.

  “Phase Three is to save Kara now,” Adair announced while the others agreed.

  “I don’t know the whole story, I know she was a part of the mass awakening before the dimensional agency was created, but that’s it,” Rollett shrugged his shoulders.

  “Are you helping?” Rollett asked the space pirate who started playing music. Adair and Rollett looked at him seriously.

  “Sneaker Pimps? Becoming X?” he waited for a response, “It’s perfect space music.”

  “Are you going to help us rescue our friend?” Adair asked as she stomped her foot.

  “That depends, is she hot?” Luke asked.

  “I hate you,” she shook her head.

  Luke pulled Adair closer to him, “Come on now, that’s no way to treat you knight in…”

  “Stolen armor,” Adair pushed away, “Stop it, stop touching me.” Luke laughed as he tried to put his arm around Adair.

  “If you’re good Jenny and I will put on a concert for you.” Luke continued to play with Adair.

  Linda sighed, “My name is Linda.”

  Journey to Galaron

  The team decided to make their way to New Earth to drop off Donnie and Linda themselves to figure out their next step from there.

  When Adair had a moment to herself she listened and tried to feel out where Kara was on her own, she went to sleep wondering where her friend was and if she was okay.

  For a week Adair did this, hoping to shake something to find Kara. And for a week everyone had dinner with one another.

  “What’s he doing back there?” Donnie asked Adair about Damascus. Since the incident no one has seen him.

  “Being a whiny little girl…” Luke stabbed an item on his plate that was still barely alive and ate it to Linda’s horror.

  “That was still alive,” she winced. Deltorians didn’t usually eat creatures that were still alive, but Luke was a dimensional class traveler. Along his quests he’s picked up different customs and traits.

  “That chicken on your plate used to be alive…wait…chicken? Tobias eats chicken?” Luke inquired about the dimensional agent wh
o used to chase him across the universe.

  “I guess, I don’t know, and he’s not being whiny he feels bad, he doesn’t know how to be around the group,” Adair felt bad for the way she shouted at him she tried to make things right, even though she knew there was nothing right about a monstrous vampire living on a spaceship. “Besides, he knows how to keep his mental wall up, the flash distracted him and he…ya know.”

  Everyone ate in silence until Rollett spoke, “He still thinks I turned you in.”

  Luke frowned while Adair answered, “He says he saw you speaking to the council before they came and took me away.”

  “What’s wrong with you?” Donnie asked Luke.

  “I keep forgetting not everyone is as smart as I am,” Luke said while everyone groaned and rolled their eyes. “It might help you crazy kids out if you knew that Elva is a shifter.”

  The room fell silent until the device on the table beeped and the screen in the dining room revealed more information.

  Rollett smirked, “I found her, there’s an enormous amount of energy being used on Galaron, which is unusual for them. I think that’s where Kara is,”

  “Well that just ruins my surprise, because that’s where your body is being kept,” Luke announced.

  “Why didn’t you tell me this sooner!” Adair yelled.

  “I wanted to use it for leverage, but if you’re already going there, you’re going to find out anyway,” Luke pouted a little.

  “Why are you even helping us? What is your connection to the human race?” Adair asked jumping up from her seat. Her pink dress shifted colors slightly in the dining room lighting. Earlier Linda was fascinated by such a material than can change color

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