Record of Wortenia War: Volume 5

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Record of Wortenia War: Volume 5 Page 9

by Ryota Hori

  “I agree that he didn’t come across as extremely intelligent, but there’s simply no possibility that could be true,” Lady Yulia said.

  “Tch... Yes, I’ve heard the rumors...” Count Salzberg clicked his tongue audibly at his wife’s words. “Though who’s to say if they’re true. If you ask me, he just curried favor with Helena Steiner. After all, it’s been ten years since she was called the Ivory Goddess of War. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s started going senile.”

  Lady Yulia laughed off this idea, though.

  “Do you really believe Lady Helena would allow for that...? And true, she isn’t young anymore, but apparently her abilities haven’t fallen in the slightest. She even slew General Albrecht while he was trying to flee the border.”

  “Hmph... I guess it’s all just speculation... And? You sent that girl to him, but did she fetch any information?” Count Salzberg spat out hatefully.

  “She wouldn’t gain any information that quickly. Tonight she really is just making love to him... But tomorrow, I’ll ask him to take custody of her.”

  Ryoma didn’t turn down the maid she sent to his room. He was either weak to women or simply did so out of consideration of her position. Whichever it was, they should have currently been in the middle of the act.

  But well, he probably is just weak to a woman’s wiles... And most men leak information in the bedroom... I can’t see Ryoma Mikoshiba being cold to a woman he slept with, after all...

  Lady Yulia turned a cynical glance in her husband’s direction. She was more capable of hiding her lusts than he was. And unaware of his wife’s thoughts, Count Salzberg finally started complaining about Queen Lupis.

  “Good grief... To think I have to curry favor with a filthy commoner... It’s so irksome... It’s all because of that stupid princess... The damn symbol should have been put in her place and made into Albrecht’s second wife...”

  Needless to say, those were dangerous words indeed. Should they be caught by the wrong ears, Count Salzberg could find himself and his entire family executed for them... Lady Yulia didn’t so much as furrow a brow at his comment, though.

  “She’s not a stupid princess, beloved, but a stupid queen... She’s recently been coronated as Queen of Rhoadseria.”

  It seemed Lady Yulia wasn’t keen on arguing against Queen Lupis being called stupid. As insolent as it was, both of them were in agreement on that point.

  “And now she even gave the Wortenia Peninsula to someone else... She’s utterly blind to all our efforts, and had to go ahead and do this!”

  “Come now, beloved, that’s enough grumbling...” Lady Yulia chided him, trying to quell his anger. “The only thing we can do now is keep an eye on that man and make sure he doesn’t do anything unnecessary...”

  “You’re right... And should the worst case scenario come to pass...”

  “I think you know full well what will happen then,” Lady Yulia replied. “The peninsula’s monsters are always hungry for new prey. And look at how large he is... I’m sure he’ll fill their stomachs.”

  “Yes, yes. They’ll have plenty to chew on.” Count Salzberg regarded her words with a cold smile.


  “Aye, lad, I’ve heard you’ve had quite the night!” The middle-aged man sitting at the carriage’s driver seat raised his voice at Ryoma.

  The other mercenaries recently took after Boltz’s example and started calling Ryoma “lad.” They’d fought alongside Ryoma in the Rhoadserian Civil War, and so they were already on friendly terms with him.

  “You heard about that? Where from, Mike?”

  Mike spoke to Ryoma as soon as he left the count’s estate. It was a short trip that only required going down Epirus’s main road to the estate. Perhaps because it was in the middle of town, the horses appeared somewhat bored, as they could only move at a slow pace.

  “Aah, the servants were whispering about it... And I kept me ears peeled, is all!”

  Ryoma cocked his head quizzically.

  “Did Boltz tell you to do that?”

  “Aye...” Mike answered while combing through his beard with his fingers. “When he told me to drive you here, he said that if you end up spending the night I should mingle with the servants and try to draw some information out of them.”

  “Gotta hand it to Boltz... He doesn’t leave a single stone unturned.”

  “Sure doesn’t. Sis is the stronger warrior, but she isn’t much for all the cloak and dagger... That’s where Boltz shines and covers for her!”

  Mike was a middle-class mercenary among the Crimson Lions. He was of course skilled with a weapon, but also proficient at scouting and construction work. And despite his grim appearance, he was also sociable and friendly. He had a strong sense of duty and was tight-lipped, which made him perfect for intelligence work.

  Apparently, he was given the task of driver and bodyguard for Ryoma during this visit, while also gathering information behind the scenes.

  “Still, I didn’t think he’d be right and you’d end up spending the night... Though I said yes all the same.”

  Ryoma met Mike’s words with a wry smile. He was indeed given a perfect welcome, but unfortunately, that didn’t mean it was necessarily a pleasant stay.

  “Yeah, well... The food and drink were all the highest class possible. They must have given quite detailed instructions, because they kept putting out one plate after another. Honestly they treated me so nicely it felt disgusting, and I only ended up feeling all the more uncomfortable...”

  “Same for me... Though they didn’t give me a woman. But the booze and food they gave me wasn’t something for a servant... The bedroom was luxurious, too.”

  “You too, huh...?”

  “Aye... It was eerie, honestly.”

  Ryoma nodded at Mike’s words and closed his eyes in contemplation. They both felt the same thing.

  “Why did they go so far?” Mike asked, looking at Ryoma’s silent face. “I mean, I’m not as smart as you or Boltz, but... I can only tell you what my gut is telling me. If you’re alright with that...”

  After pausing for a moment, Mike spoke of his impressions.

  “I think they either want to ask you for something, or drive you out of this land before you do something they don’t want you to do.”

  “They want me to leave, but they don’t want to fight me... It’s possible.”

  In that case, it was possible Queen Lupis was pulling the strings behind the scenes. Ryoma and his group would be a source of anxiety for her until they went into the Wortenia peninsula. She may well have ordered Count Salzberg to make sure they go in.

  Whichever it is, I don’t have too many choices... No good... I need more information. I can’t make any judgments until I hear what Boltz and Gennou find...

  “Can’t imagine them treating the damn carriage driver that nicely...”

  “So they have an angle...” Ryoma muttered.

  “Aye... Probably.” Mike nodded carefully.

  The two fell into silence for a few moments.

  “Uhh, by the way, Mike, could you keep what happened last night a secret from Laura and the others?”

  Concluding that brooding over the matter now wouldn’t produce an answer, Ryoma elected to change the topic. There was no way of knowing what Count Salzberg’s intentions were at the moment, so for now he’d have to do whatever he could.

  Which was, in this particular moment, making sure Mike kept his mouth shut.

  At Ryoma’s question, Mike’s stiff expression melted into a smile.

  “Aye, I figured you’d say that. If they hear about the fun you had last night... Just thinking about it makes me shiver! Those girls would go mental.”

  Civilization wasn’t as developed in this world, and so sexual intercourse was one of the few sources of entertainment available, as it were. Ryoma had gone with the other mercenaries to pleasure districts before, of course. Thankfully, this world had nostrums that prevented sexual diseases, as well as medicine that preve
nted pregnancy when taken.

  In that regard it was actually more developed than Ryoma’s world. This was one boon the monsters granted to this Earth. There probably wasn’t a world more suited for a group of men to go out on a night of pleasure.

  The only problem was what came in the morning that followed that night.

  “Hey, don’t even joke about that!” Ryoma found himself nervously raising his voice at the man. “I don’t even know why, but I can see them seriously getting mad at me!”

  “I’ll be honest, lad, but that’s just how it goes. You’re aware of how they feel about you, aye?”

  Mike spoke to his master, who was effectively young enough to be his son, giving him a piece of fatherly advice.

  “Well... I guess...”

  It truly went without Mike having to say it. The Malfist twins’ feelings were clear and evident.

  “Then you probably understand that those two want you to take them as well. They want that from the bottom of their hearts.”

  Ryoma saved them from the slave merchant soon after he was summoned to this world, and it had been nearly half a year since then. They’d always operated together, and so it was natural for romantic emotions to form. Ryoma was conscious of them as members of the opposite sex, too.

  “I know that...”

  Ryoma didn’t know if this was something to be thankful for, but this world didn’t forbid polygamy. Men were free to have as many wives as their personal fortune could finance. So with that in mind, he didn’t have to worry over having to pick one of the twins over the other. Except...

  “You can’t cut away your attachment to Rearth?”

  The Crimson Lion mercenaries were already aware of Ryoma’s circumstances. He told them when they met Gennou and the term “Hinomoto” came up.

  “I suppose... I understand this already, at least in my head. But... I just can’t come to terms with it, or, well...” Mike’s question left Ryoma uncharacteristically noncommittal.

  Ryoma’s reasonable mind had already realized he had no choice but to stay in this world, but his heart couldn’t accept it that easily. His friends and family were still back in Japan. Ryoma may have had a severe personality that showed no mercy to his foes, but he was still an ordinary man who lamented and agonized.

  Sleeping with them would take... resolve. It would mean choosing to stay in this world with them...

  He wasn’t as troubled when it came to bedding a prostitute. It was just a case of money solving a problem, as it often does. But the Malfist sisters displayed selfless affection for Ryoma. Would he be able to bring himself to go back to Japan after making love to them? No. He couldn’t bring himself to be that heartless.

  “Well... You made us into knights and decided to develop this land. I think you’ve already made that choice,” Mike said.

  “Yeah... I can’t go back after getting all of you mixed up in my mess...”

  The gears of fate were already in motion. What would Lione and the others do if Ryoma were to suddenly go back to his world?

  Even if I had a way back home, I...

  He’d already come to his conclusions. He’d already steeled his resolve...

  “Well, don’t worry, I’ll keep last night a secret from those two... But in exchange! Buy me a pint next time around, eh?” Mike said, his bearded face contorting into a smile.

  “Sure thing... I’ll get you as many drinks as you want!”

  Mike only changed the topic out of concern for Ryoma, and that wasn’t lost on him. The consideration warmed Ryoma’s heart.

  It all depends on me, huh...

  Jolted by the carriage as it rolled through Epirus’s streets, Ryoma sighed to himself.

  Chapter 4: The Christof Company

  “Right... So, next up is Gennou’s report.” Ryoma turned his gaze to Gennou.

  It was two days after Ryoma visited Count Salzberg’s estate. That morning, they held a meeting to report all the information they gathered over the last few days. Half of the people involved had already given their reports.

  All that’s left is the twins and Gennou... But it looks like something’s up.

  On the surface, Gennou was simply listening to the other reports with his eyes closed and his arms folded, as he always was. But it was clear that a ninja wouldn’t let his emotions rise to the surface. The only ones who hadn’t given their reports were the Malfist sisters and Gennou, but a feeling of dread spurred Ryoma to leave his report for last.

  The sisters’ report was regarding a company they could purchase food from. There shouldn’t have been any particular problems to mention in regards to that.

  At Ryoma’s words, Gennou shook his head.

  “No... I think I should speak last... Let Laura and Sara go first.”

  Apparently, he had something in mind.

  “Hmm... I suppose you have your own reasons.” Ryoma nodded suspiciously, and turned to the Malfist sisters. “Right. Laura, Sara, tell us about that company.”

  “Very well.” Laura and Sara nodded and began giving their report.

  What it said, however, would knock Ryoma’s optimism down to the bottom of the abyss.

  “Our conclusion is that most of the companies in Epirus have strong ties to Count Salzberg.”

  “Strong ties?” Ryoma tilted his head.

  Their words implied the aforesaid ties were stronger than a company’s normal connection to a governor.

  “Yes. They have extremely close, intimate connections with him,” Sara said, and spread a map over the table.

  “Is that... a map of Epirus?”

  “Yes. The red dots are the companies working in this city.” Sara’s finger pointed to one red point on the map.

  There were ten points overall on the map. Those were all the large, influential trade companies existing in Epirus.

  “The Mystel Company... The Rafael Company...” Sara moved from point to point, reading the respective names of the companies. “These ten companies form a union that has the economy of the citadel city of Epirus in the palm of its hand... The problem is that the count’s wife, Lady Yulia Salzberg, is the lone daughter of the union’s representative and the Mystel Company’s owner.”

  “Is that true...?” All the color drained from Ryoma’s face.

  His shock was understandable, as they had no means of providing food in the Wortenia Peninsula. They had no farmers, of course, and even if they did have people to settle into the peninsula, they would only produce any kind of crops within six months to a year. At least so long as there were no kind of unusual plants that grew within days of being planted, they had no choice but to rely on supplies from Epirus until they became self-sufficient.

  They couldn’t hunt monsters down for food, after all. Some monsters may have been edible, but the large majority of them weren’t. Maybe it would have been possible to feed several dozen people through monster hunting, but it wasn’t realistically possible to feed hundreds that way.

  Food and water weren’t things he could ask people to abstain from. They were absolutely necessary for survival. Maybe being able to use water thaumaturgy could solve that problem, but they had nothing to do when it came to food.

  “Yes... If we want to purchase supplies, we’d have to work with one of those ten companies... But the countess being the daughter of the union’s leader means...”

  Laura cut off her words there. Everyone else present understood what she was trying to say. Trading with a company was very much their lifeline. They didn’t want to imagine a future where that lifeline was subject to the countess’s whims.

  Right now things were still fine, since Ryoma was still outwardly cordial with Count Salzberg. But things could very well change. It could be any conflict of interests, or even something as simple as the count having a bad mood.

  The moment Count Salzberg might feel inclined to tighten the noose around the necks of Ryoma and his group, it would all be over. All he’d have to do would be apply pressure on the companies under his wing.
They would never be able to ignore Count Salzberg’s intentions.

  “Apparently, the Mystel Company’s representative is quite the ambitious man... The original representative of the union was the Christof Company, but his daughter marrying Count Salzberg allowed him to snatch away the position...”

  As she said that, Ryoma clicked his tongue sharply.

  “I get it... They married their daughter off to a noble, and used his authority to increase their influence... It’s not unheard of...”

  It was certainly common enough, and it even happened in Japan.

  “Still... I’m surprised a noble married a merchant’s daughter.”

  Within the class system, a merchant was considered a commoner, and that wouldn’t change no matter how much money they accumulated. But she was the Count’s wife — not a concubine, but his legal wife. Ryoma couldn’t help but be surprised.

  “I looked into that as well, but... Apparently, House Salzberg has been in a bad financial state ever since the previous head’s time...”

  “Hmm... So they lured him in with money? What hurt their finances in the first place? Military expenditures?”

  Count Salzberg was pressed enough for money that he had to marry a merchant’s daughter... The fact a noble chose practicality over dignity was proof the count was probably quite cornered. The question was what made him so pressed for money to begin with.

  “Yes... Between protecting the border and defending from monster attacks coming from within Wortenia, House Salzberg has had to divert a great deal of their budget to military funds...”

  Everyone nodded at Laura’s words. Armies had a way of sucking up money. A military was like a starved monster that consumed supplies but produced nothing in exchange. That was how the army worked.

  And to top it all off, this monster needed to be fed with large amounts of the finest goods possible. Soldiers needed to have their wages paid, as well as be provided with armor and weapons. Horses needed to be bred, food and provisions delivered... The army consumed many resources, even in peacetime. And when the time came for war, the rate at which it devoured funds would skyrocket. It was like a bottomless pit. No matter how much money one poured into it, it would never be enough.


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