The Gangster's Girlfriend

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The Gangster's Girlfriend Page 5

by Fiona Murphy

  “Thank you, sweetheart. I’ve been dreaming about your body for three days now and hard every second for you. I need to see you now. So beautiful, so damn beautiful.” Declan trailed a finger over her breast, and he kissed her with hot, savage hunger.

  Her hands moved greedily over him, and she moaned with frustration at her inability to undo the buttons on his shirt. Pulling away, he ripped his shirt open and yanked his undershirt off. She grew hungry with the need to learn his body with her tongue. His body was beautiful, honey-brown skin tight over muscle and sinew. A light dusting of hair covered his chest and trailed down in an arrow to the top of his trousers. Her blouse received the same treatment as his shirt, and with a flick of his wrist her bra was opened again, and he seemed to know exactly what she was craving as he leaned down and caught her mouth again and rubbed over and into her body. She sighed with relief and satisfaction, but moaned when his mouth left hers again.

  Miranda ran her hands through his thick hair, needing to touch him and bring him back to her mouth. Then she felt his mouth at her breast, and her hands held him in place; she was desperate for more of his mouth on her. He teased her with gentle kisses and soft tongue strokes that made her stomach clench with need. He blew lightly and licked again, and she cried out, “Please, please don’t tease.”

  Chuckling at her pleading. “But, sweetheart, it makes it that much better, I promise.” Finally, he sucked her breast into his mouth. His tongue swirled over her nipple as he drew his mouth down and allowed her breast to leave his mouth. As he gave her other breast the same treatment, his fingers continued to toy with her other breast, shaping the weight of her and plucking at her tight nipple. Miranda couldn’t wait, she wanted him deep inside her, needed him there because she was so damn empty.

  “Are you ready for me, sweetheart?” Declan asked, as his hand moved under her skirt and stroked lightly down the furrow through the silk, and she moaned his name, begging. “Hmmm, I think maybe so.” Pulling her panties down, his hands grazed her skin, leaving a trail of fire where they touched her. His hand was back, stroking the seam of her again, and she choked out his name. His fingers seemed so large against her, and if she hadn’t been half out of her mind with need, she would have been ashamed at just how wet she was from him. He slipped one long, thick finger into her slick tunnel, and she shuddered with need. “Almost, sweetheart, you’re almost there,” he whispered against her breast before he took it into his mouth and then slipped another finger inside her.

  “Now, please!”

  “I don’t want to hurt you, and I’ve damned near come twice without being inside you. I need to know your body is ready for me. How long has it been since a man was inside you?”

  Thinking wasn’t something she seemed able to do until he moved back up and over her, drawing her mouth to his. It was a flutter of a kiss, and he whispered the question again as he looked deep into her eyes. “Four years. It’s been four years.”

  “When you make yourself come, how do you do it? Do you use a dildo or vibrator?” Whispering into her ear, before he nipped the soft tip of her ear.

  “Neither, I just touch myself.” Miranda would have died at the mere thought of telling anyone else what she told him. Yet in order to have him inside her, she would admit her deepest, darkest secret on a street corner naked if that was what it took.

  “Like this?” His thumb found her clitoris and rubbed lightly and then with gentle pressure.

  “Yes, ohhhh yessss!” She came immediately, bucking and rolling in waves of pleasure. Even as her body shook, her hands went around his neck and pulled him down to her. He went easily, so that his body rested on her. “I want you. I want all of you.” She moaned.

  With a soft kiss against her mouth, he pushed off the bed, and she watched in lazy desire. Her orgasm had barely taken the edge off her need. For the moment her need wasn’t devouring her from the inside out, but she still wanted him, needed him inside her, and only then would she be satisfied. He unzipped his trousers and his silk boxers were removed at the same time, and she gasped at the sight of him.

  “Oh, my,” she whispered in awe. He was large, at least eight inches, maybe more, and so very thick she was certain he was too big to take without pain. Miranda understood now why he had kept checking to make sure she was wet enough for him.

  Declan moved to the bedside table, removed a condom, and tore it open with a flick of his wrist. “I told you, sweetheart. You can take me inside you, have no doubt of that. We will go slow and easy, and I promise, no pain, just pleasure.”

  Miranda couldn’t help it, she turned away. Fear was running through her. The thought of the pain that would come was freezing the heat in her body. She felt him remove her skirt, and raised her bottom to help him. On autopilot, she talked herself through what she needed to do. He had given her such pleasure that she couldn’t tell him no. She could do this, had to do this. She could do this. Swallowing hard, she fought the urge to run, and forced herself to lie back and allow him to do what he wanted.

  He came down on the bed beside her, his cock burned her as it rubbed against her hip, and she flinched. He touched her face, and turned her to face him. “Talk to me, sweetheart.” It was a command, gently said but a command nonetheless.

  “My first time, I was sixteen and he was... he was so big. I kept saying to go slow, but he wouldn’t, he just kept going. The pain was really bad, and it hurt for days. But it’s okay. That was then. I want you and I can do this.” She reached up to stroke his cheek, and she realized she spoke the truth one hundred percent. She wanted him, and she would do anything to give him pleasure.

  “Ah, sweetheart, that explains so much. I do not believe you are frigid, but rather scared of the pain from your first experience. Since your body has not known the pleasure it could feel, you fear the pain of it happening again. I promise you, your pussy will feel no pain with me. Now, as for the rest of your body, I make no promises, but I promise that it’s the kind of pain you’ll beg me for.

  “I love it, every time I say that word you blush all over your beautiful body. We will have to do something about that, because I’m going to be saying it often. Almost as often as I’m going to be deep inside your wet pussy. That beautiful blush again. You make my cock so hard, sweetheart, at how untutored you are in practice, but how much you want me. So I will have to teach you, and it will be so fucking good for the both of us. Another blush. No, love, we can’t have that. Tell me, sweetheart, tell me you want my cock inside your pussy.”

  Miranda blushed. He was right; her body was blushing at his words, so naughty and obscene. A finger played over her lips, tracing around, and she moved to draw him into her mouth. She could taste herself on him.

  Pulling out of her mouth, he shook his head. “No, my sweet, say it and I’ll make it happen. I’ll make you come all over again in my arms, your pussy grasping my cock when you come. Tell me what you want, my sweet.”

  Her head went back at his words, her neck too weak to hold it up. “Please, Declan, I want your cock in my pussy. I want your cock to fill me up and I want to taste your cock so badly.”

  Her name was an exhalation of breath. “Miranda, you will get what you want and what I need. I can smell your pussy growing wetter for me. It turns you on, doesn’t it? The words you think are so bad, to hear them, when I say them. You get wet with want, and that’s why you blush, because you’re ashamed. You will never blush again, when I or you say them. There is no shame in me wanting your body or in you wanting me. That’s lesson one. Now I’m going to move on to lesson two. No, when you touch me it makes me my cock ache, so not just yet.”

  One hand captured her wrists and brought them together above her head, displaying her body for him. His lips feathered over her eyes again and again until they stayed closed, then roved over her cheeks, her lips, down her jaw, behind her ears and the base of her neck, nipping lightly at her throat. “I’ve always believed love marks are for teenage boys, but the idea of marking you as mine is damned har
d to fight.” He licked the skin to soothe his bite, and sucked lightly.

  Declan’s mouth caressed her down to her breasts. Smiling with satisfaction, at the sight of the peaks hard and begging for his attention. “I consider myself a businessman first, before anything else, but I remember thinking that I would have forgiven your brother’s entire debt just to see your breasts that first day. They are so perfect it’s like they were crafted by an artist. So perfectly round and heavy, yet they manage to tip up to greet me and beg for my mouth. Your nipples...” Taking her nipple deep into his mouth, he sucked until the point of pain. Miranda moaned her need for more. “Your nipples are so beautiful, the color of a ripe raspberry, and the perfect raspberry shape, begging for me to eat them.”

  Moving to her other breast, he gave it the same seductive attention. Sucking her breast deep into his mouth, allowed it to ease out of his mouth before sucking deep and hard on her nipple, until pain melded into pleasure. An orgasm shocked her, and she begged him for what she really wanted.

  “Watching you come is a sight unlike any other, and I love it. I also have to say, I fucking love that sucking your beautiful breasts can make you come, because I just adore them and plan to have them in my mouth often.”

  “Declan, please.” His words were making her wetter, wanting more.

  “Ah, sweetheart, I know what you want, and you will get it, have no doubt, but not just yet. You’ve given me a prize I can smell, and I want to taste it. Do you know the scent of your pussy has driven me crazy the last few days?” He laughed at her blush. “Miranda, I told you, no more blushing. The scent of you lets me know how much you want me, and had I not had the scent of your need telling me how much you wanted me, I might have let you go.” Shaking his head with a chuckle. “Letting you go was never going to happen.”

  Kissing his way slowly, so very slowly, down her body, he would occasionally stop to lick and taunt her. Inhaling deeply the scent of her, he ran a finger down the lips of her pussy. “Very soon we will be doing this in the full light of day so I can see every inch of your body.”

  His tongue was velvet against her as he lapped at her juices. It embarrassed her that she was so wet she could hear him slurp, but his moans of appreciation of how wet she was for him made her embarrassment vanish. He whispered words against her skin, naughty words of appreciation, and dirty, so dirty the things he loved about her body and what he wanted to do to her. His words flooded her with as much wanting as his tongue. She whispered them back, begging for more from him. Begging him to do the things he whispered to her.

  “That’s it, sweetheart, that’s what I want to hear from you. You catch on so quickly. This bodes well for the both of us. You want me inside you, then I will give it to you.” He slid a finger into her tight tunnel and then another, and she whimpered for more as her hips moved against him. She couldn’t be still. She didn’t want his fingers Miranda wanted him inside her. Begging for his cock did her no good, his tongue kept up its torment and his fingers moved faster within her. He licked around her clitoris, blew on the small nub of pleasure, and then, finally, finally, took it into his mouth and sucked hard with such force she came with a scream of pleasure.

  The scream had barely left her mouth when she felt his cock at her entrance, sliding into her. Her body was floating again and unable to stiffen or fear his entry. He moved easily into her, and as her orgasm fluttered away, another one began to build as he slid all the way in and stopped. Awe filled her at the feeling of him, so thick and powerful and yet so deep inside of her. Her body welcomed him, accepting and shaping to fit him. Miranda felt whole now. He fit inside her as if he were a piece missing from her. Her legs wrapped around him, opening her wider and taking him deeper into her. They both moaned, and Declan moved to his hands, to hold him up, and she moaned at the loss of his skin against her breasts. He began to move out of her, and she cried out at the loss of him.

  “Ah, sweetheart, I’m not going anywhere, I promise.” He growled from deep inside his chest.

  His stroke out was light, only a few inches, and he was back. His next stroke was further out, but he was back with a hard slapping against her body, and she moaned her appreciation. Her body reacted instinctively, squeezing around his cock to keep him inside her, and he groaned and leaned on his elbows.

  “Jesus, Miranda, don’t do that.” Declan growled harshly.

  Immediately, she released him, and he sighed as he kissed her hard and fiercely. “Lesson two: I control your body, always. Your body is mine. Do as I say, and every time I’ll make it worth it for you. I’m about to come, sweetheart. I’m so close it hurts, I swear it does, but you aren’t, and that just won’t do. So you’re just going to lie back and let me send you into the stars, understand?”

  She nodded, as words failed her. From that first day, as he kissed her and she trembled from it, she had known her body was his. Known it, and even though it had scared her, it had felt so right, she didn’t want it any other way. Following his instructions, she moved her hands back up over her head, and her body went soft with welcome for Declan to do as he pleased with her. She was rewarded with another stroke of his cock that was nearly her undoing. He began to pick up speed; no longer were his thrusts slow and long, but now faster and shorter as he slammed into her. Her climax was so close, his thick cock dragging against her clitoris with each stroke in and out of her body. She begged him to move faster, and he answered her cries, and then she was there. As she came, she burst apart into a million little stars, just like he’d said. Miranda felt him to continue to move on her, drawing out the trembling waves of her orgasm, and when at last he cried out her name, she smiled with satisfaction to know she had given him what he needed.

  At some moment she couldn’t pinpoint, he had fallen on her, and she loved it. Reveling in the feel of him, her hands ran over his back. “I’m too heavy for you. I’m sorry,” he said into her neck. Miranda’s only response was to pull him tighter to her, her legs tightened from their loose hold. She didn’t want him to move an inch, and that included his limp cock inside her. Even limp he was heavy and full inside her, and she marveled that he had spoken the truth. There hadn’t been a moment of pain, and all she could think about was doing it again. Her body betrayed her thoughts as her pussy squeezed his cock in anticipation of a repeat performance.

  Rising up to his elbows in surprise. “Are you trying to kill me? You’ve come no less than four times and you want more? What a greedy little girl you are,” he said, with a devilish grin, as he ran his hand through her hair to bring her eyes up to his.

  “I’m just practicing what you’ve taught me. I learn fast.” She loved his grin, and she moaned in satisfaction as her pussy squeezed his cock again and it twitched in answer.

  Declan groaned and rolled off her onto his back. Her answering groan of unhappiness was cut off by a hard kiss on her lips. “Remember the second lesson, then, and behave, before I stick you in a cold shower. Give me just a little time and I’ll make it worth it.” Pulling her up against him, he stroked her back in gentle, reassuring strokes.

  She gave in and rested against him, surprising them both by how quickly she fell asleep.

  Chapter Six

  She awoke to velvet strokes of his tongue over her hard nipples. Smiling with pleasure, her hands went into his hair.

  “Oh, you’re awake.” The words were said with pure devilment, and she laughed. “I told you to give me a few minutes, sweetheart, not to fall asleep on me. Now that you’re awake, there is something that I can’t stop thinking about. Did you say that you wanted my cock in your mouth?”

  Miranda nodded, no blushing. No longer ashamed anymore of wanting him. His words sent fresh liquid heat to her pussy. Her hands moved down his chest, and she pushed him away. He went easily, and she kept pushing until he was flat on his back. “That very first day I wanted to sink down on my knees and take you into my mouth. The one and only time I have ever done this, I didn’t enjoy it, and was apparently very bad at it.” Warni
ng him as her hand ran down his body until she was inches away from his stiff cock standing proudly and begging for her mouth. “But I want to so badly. I want to know what you taste like.”

  “Miranda, my cock is yours for the taking. Do as you please, and we’ll find out together what works.” A moan escaped him as she wrapped her hand around him.

  His cock was so thick there were still several inches of skin between her thumb and fingers. He was hot, thick, and hard, yet his skin here was silky and soft. His cock fascinated her. Watching as the tip of him began to pool with liquid; it looked like a tear, crying out for her mouth. Gently, she licked the tip of him, and the taste of him was light and salty and oddly sweet. She realized then that her mouth was wet in anticipation of him. Licking the tip again, she was rewarded with more taking its place. Opening wide, she sucked him inside her mouth. He was so large she could only take a few inches in her mouth. Her tongue swept around his cock wanting to learn every inch of him. Remembering his actions with her nipples, she kept up suction as she allowed his cock to slip from her mouth. He mumbled something about god, and she took that as a good sign. Kneeling beside him, she stroked down to the base of his cock. The nest of hair and small sac of his balls intrigued her, and she wanted to know what he tasted like there. Allowing him to fall from her mouth, she licked the soft pouch and then took it into her mouth as she continued to stroke him.

  “Jesus Christ!” His hips bucked up for more.

  Knowing she could bring him so much pleasure filled her with happiness and confidence she never even could comprehend before tonight. It wasn’t just her at the mercy of this need that was between them. Wanting to draw out his pleasure, she allowed his balls to leave her mouth and then took them back in again. He hissed her name, and her pussy was so wet she could feel moisture seeping from her.


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