Evil Unbound- Death's Mistress Returns

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Evil Unbound- Death's Mistress Returns Page 19

by Daniel Grayson

  I decided that instead of trying to guess where he might strike next, I would roll the dice and pick where I might choose to attack someone. Maybe I would get lucky. Then again, if Fate really had a hand in this, maybe I wouldn’t need luck.

  I took an Uber to another ramshackle bar that was within a few miles of where the last two bodies had been found, and I spent the afternoon walking around. It was an old part of town. Faded brick store fronts lined the street. Some had barred windows and others were boarded up with plywood. Graffitied signs advertised a pawn shop and a liquor store. There was a constant flow of people moving about the street. I kept walking and turned into an area that must once have been somewhat industrial. There was some kind of plant or factory, I didn’t know what had been produced there, but it seemed abandoned now. It was sectioned off with a chain link fence that I could easily see was peeling up in some places like old wall paper. Behind the fence, a large building sat back off of some kind of paved courtyard or work area, and there were a number of little outbuildings. I glanced around; there was no movement anywhere. Looking up, I confirmed that there weren’t a lot of street lights either. Sirens were going off in my mind. If I were going to pick somewhere around here to kill someone, it would be this place. I checked my phone. I was about three miles south of the last kill. This is where I would start my search.

  On a whim, I stopped at a thrift shop that I’d passed on my walk. If I was going to walk the streets and lure this man into attacking me, I was going to need more than just my hair to draw him in. I browsed through the clothes and thought back to what Harmony had been wearing. I needed something short, and tight, and I needed some heels.

  I found a metallic silver dress that was a size too small. It had a cheap, plastic sheen to it that I decided was perfect. I chose a pair of black stilettos, the ridiculously high heels were silver like that dress, and as an afterthought, I grabbed a black sequin purse.

  An older lady rung up my purchases for me. “Big night?” she asked, as she put everything into a bag.

  “Yes,” I smiled, “I have very exciting plans.”

  She patted my hand as she handed me the bag.

  She had no idea.

  Chapter 12

  By the time I made it back to Kate’s house, I knew I didn’t have long before they would be home. I hurried to my room, slid the bottom drawer out of my dresser, and stashed my new clothes next to the knife, taser, and other items I had acquired for my secret pastime. I wished I had time for a nap since I’d barely slept the night before, but as it was, I would hardly have time to rinse off in the shower. Sure enough, no sooner had I dried off than I heard the door to the garage slamming shut.

  “We’re ho-ome!” Norah called loudly.

  I could hear the trail she made through the house as she dropped her backpack on the floor and plodded to the living room where she turned on the TV. The volume was much too loud, but she didn’t seem to notice. As I came down the stairs, Kate was already grabbing the remote and turning it down, rubbing her temple with her other hand.

  I gave Norah a little tickle, then turned to Kate. “What’s wrong, do you have a headache?”

  “Yeah,” she said, “It’s been a long day. I talked to,” she stopped, glanced at Norah, then mouthed the word ‘David.’ She tilted her head toward the kitchen and I followed her in.

  “That must’ve been pleasant,” I said sarcastically. “How’d it go? I know I probably made a real mess of things for you, if there’s anything I can to do help...” I looked at her apprehensively. I hated to think that me standing up for Norah was going to cause her any extra grief with the man.

  “Actually, it wasn’t too bad… no worse than talking to him any other day, at least.”


  “I told him Norah was never going back there so long as Tracy was around, and that I’d sue him for full custody if I had to.”

  “Wow, what did he say?” I asked. I was impressed with Kate. She was usually so adverse to any conflict; that must’ve been a hard conversation for her to initiate. On the other hand, the man had endangered her child, and I knew there was nothing Kate wouldn’t do for Norah.

  “He told me Tracy left him!”

  “What? Are you serious?”

  “Yes!” Kate exclaimed. “Can you believe it? He didn’t tell me why, but I have a feeling it’s because someone put the fear of God in her.”

  “Was he upset?” I asked. “What about the baby?” The truth was that I had acted in a fit of rage. I’d felt compelled to stand up for Norah, and I hadn’t stopped to consider what would happen next.

  “I don’t know, but he didn’t sound upset. Maybe he realized what a piece of garbage she was. And really, that relationship was never going to last. I don’t feel bad. Tracy knew what kind of father he was from the start. I just hope she gets her act together before the baby’s born.”

  “Yeah, I guess so.” I didn’t like the idea that I may have caused a situation that cost a child its family, but Kate was probably right that it would’ve happened anyway. The important thing was that Norah was safe. She’d never have to spend another weekend walking on eggshells while Tracy berated and abused her. She wouldn’t have to watch her father side against her and ask herself what she’d done wrong to deserve it. My confidence returned as I reminded myself why I had done what I did.

  “He apologized for letting Tracy treat Norah like that, and for his part in it. And, he even said he would drop the charges against you,” she added.

  “Hmmm,” I said, refusing to be impressed, “I still wouldn’t trust him.”

  “Oh – don’t worry, I do not trust him. Not by a long shot. But it’s still good news. It was just so exhausting to talk to him!”

  “You know what? Why don’t you go lie down?” I offered. “Read, take a nap… do whatever you want for as long as you want. I’ll hang out with Norah, and I’ll even make dinner.”

  She chuckled at my last comment.

  “What?” I grinned, “I’m no chef but even I can handle macaroni!” I knew she was remembering the day she’d had to teach me how to use the dials on the stove, but I’d come a long way since then.

  “Are you sure?” Kate asked, “No date tonight?”

  “Not tonight!” I assured her with a bright smile. It was only now dawning on me with a pang of disappointment that Brandon had not called today.

  “Okay,” Kate said, “thank you!”

  “Don’t thank me, you deserve it.”

  Kate headed upstairs and I spent the rest of the evening with Norah. We watched a couple shows before dinner, then I braided her hair so it would be wavy the next morning, and followed her upstairs so I could tuck her into bed. On my way out, I paused in front of Kate’s door. The deep, rhythmic sound of her breathing told me that she was probably asleep. She needed it. I yawned and checked the time. It was just after eight, but I was tempted to call it a night myself. I had already grudgingly convinced myself that I would not choose tonight to start my hunting. I had to be in peak condition if I wanted to have any chance of tracking down that rapist; anything less could be dangerous. I needed to be able to focus, and I needed to be able to fight if necessary. This week had been a whirlwind and it was beginning to take a toll.

  I yawned again as I stood in the stairwell, still debating whether I should go to bed, when I heard Kate’s door open.

  “I thought you were asleep,” I said, “I was actually thinking of heading to bed myself.”

  “I was sleeping, but I woke up feeling pretty hungry. I feel so much better! Thanks for giving me that time.”

  Before I could answer, I heard my phone ring from downstairs. I locked eyes with Kate, and I knew we were both thinking the same thing: it must be Brandon.

  I hurried downstairs to get it before voicemail picked up and smiled when I saw that it was him. “Hello?”

  “Emily,” he said warmly, “I thought I’d missed you!”

  “Nope, I’m here! I was hoping you’d call today,
” I said somewhat shyly. Hearing his voice reminded me of our kiss, and I suddenly felt energized.

  “Yeah, another long day for me,” he said. “Actually, I’m just heading home, and I was wondering if maybe I could pick you up? I know it’s late, but maybe just a quick dessert, or a drink back at my place?”

  “Yes!” I said enthusiastically, before I could stop myself.

  “Great!” I could hear the smile in his voice. “I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

  I hung up the phone and saw Kate coming down the stairs. “Not so tired anymore, huh?” she teased as I squeezed past her on my way to my room to change clothes.

  A few minutes later, I was back down in an outfit similar to the one I’d worn the night before. I saw headlights flash as Brandon pulled into the driveway.

  “Don’t wait up!” I giggled to Kate as I left.

  Brandon had just gotten out of the car to come get me when I headed out the door. As he turned and saw me, a slow smile curved across his face, highlighting his one dimple. I was reminded just how handsome he was. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around him. “Hi,” I said, tilting my chin up and looking into his eyes.

  Just as I was hoping he would, he bent his head to mine and kissed me. This kiss was longer and deeper than yesterday. He turned me and leaned me against the car; I arched my back, pressing myself into him, feeling my chest rise against his.

  When he pulled away, he was breathing heavily and his voice was deep. “Where do you want to go?” he asked.

  “I wouldn’t mind that drink,” I said.

  There was a glint in his eye as he smiled.

  We got in the car and headed to his place.

  He lived in an apartment in a nice part of town. The ride over felt like an eternity. We were kissing again before he had even unlocked the door. Once it was open, he backed me inside, not even turning on the light. We moved together toward his couch and I lay down, pulling him on top of me. He felt so good, so strong. I ran my hands under his shirt, feeling the muscles of his back. He had one hand supporting my head and the other on the back of my thigh; he moved it up my leg, and I felt little tremors of pleasure everywhere he touched.

  Excitement was building in us both, but Brandon was controlled and didn’t push me for anything. He just enjoyed the moment. I scooted up the couch a little so my head rested on the armrest. He looked down at me. “You’re so beautiful,” he said. He ran a hand down the side of my face. I shivered as he brushed my neck and then traced the outline of my collar, running his finger down to the first button. He paused, and looked at me questioningly.

  My breath seemed to catch in my throat and I swallowed hard. Was I going to let him do this? Slowly, I nodded my head yes. He smiled and undid the first button, his lips finding my neck. I felt his hand move to the next button, and then there was a strange vibration.

  His phone.

  Brandon jerked upright. “I’m so sorry, I have to check this.”

  “It’s okay,” I panted. I thought I could use a moment to clear my head anyway.

  “Shit,” he said, “it’s work.”

  He stood up and flipped on a light before heading to another room to take the call.

  When he returned, his demeanor had changed. “I hate to do this to you – more than you know – but I have to go.” His voice was heavy with apology.

  “What happened? Was there a break in your case?” I asked quickly. My mind had snapped from Brandon to thoughts of the killer. My senses were already heightened, and I was eager to hear if there was new information.

  “Not a break, no, another body. They said time of death was probably three to five days ago, so there’s not likely to be any evidence,” he said, then he grimaced. “I am so sorry, Emily, you didn’t want to know that. I don’t know why I said it.”

  “No, it’s okay,” I said, “I’m interested in what you do.”

  He smiled. “Thanks. But unfortunately, I do have to take you home.”

  The car ride back was very different from the trip there. We were quiet, both probably thinking about the case. I assumed that Brandon was hoping that this would be the time the killer had slipped up, but I was hoping the exact opposite. Brandon was my partner and my opponent. He might be able to give me vital information that would help me on my quest, but if he found the killer first, I would never get my hands on him.

  “Where’d they find the body?” I asked.

  He gave me an intersection. I wasn’t familiar with it so that wasn’t particularly helpful.

  “Did he hide the body? Or why did it take so long to find?”

  “I won’t really know much until I get there,” he said, giving me a strange look.

  He didn’t seem to want to talk right now, and I didn’t want to upset him or make him suspicious, so I fell back into silence. He pulled into Kate’s driveway and gave me a quick kiss.

  “I’m really sorry about this, I’ll make it up to you – I promise,” he said.

  “You really don’t have to worry, I totally understand,” I said, squeezing his hand and getting out of the car.

  He smiled and then drove off, not waiting for me to make it inside as he usually did. I checked the time on my phone as I headed up the steps. It was half past ten and the house was dark. I headed to my room as quietly as I could. Everything was still. I plunked down on my bed without turning on a light and stared into the blackness, my mind racing. I wondered what Brandon would find at the scene. I’d seen many shows on TV where a killer had grown bold and over-confident and made a mistake, what if this killer did that? The longer he went on the more likely it was to happen. After all, he’d already left one witness. Brandon had said they weren’t close, but what if there was something he hadn’t told me?

  My heart pounded as it crossed my mind that my window to catch this guy could be closing. I’d thought his last kill had been around a week ago, but this body put it at just a few days ago. I ran a finger over my lip the way I sometimes did when I was nervous or on edge. I’d been right that he would kill again soon – it was just sooner than even I had expected. He could be looking for yet another victim this very moment.

  I jolted off the bed; my mind was made up. My fatigue had melted away, but tired or not, I could not afford to waste any time. I carefully pulled the drawer out of the dresser and grabbed all my supplies. I put on the silver dress and looked in the mirror. It hugged my body like a second skin; it barely covered my ass and my chest spilled out the top. My instinct was to clutch my hands to my chest to conceal myself, but I couldn’t let myself do that. I had to act like I was comfortable in this degrading dress. I brushed my hair and let the long locks fall at my sides, at least that gave me the feeling of more cover. I applied thick eyeliner and mascara, glittery eye shadow like Harmony had worn, and the brightest shade of lipstick I had. I hardly recognized myself when I was done; I was ready to be bait.

  I put the taser, knife, rope, and some zip ties in the sequin bag I had bought. I didn’t really think I would need them tonight, but it’s always better to be safe. I put on a longer coat to cover the dress and quietly opened my door.

  It swung toward me with a soft creak. I froze and listened. I could hear the rustle of wind outside, but nothing stirred inside. I tiptoed down the hall in bare feet, carrying the ridiculous shoes with me. I took quick, shallow breaths, afraid that even that sound would rouse Kate. If she saw me like this, even with the dress hidden under the coat, I don’t have any idea how I would explain it.

  When I stepped outside and clicked the door shut behind me, I breathed a huge sigh of relief. A gust of wind caught my hair and pulled at the hem of my coat. I felt like it was leading my into the night; perhaps it would carry me all the way to my target. I smiled as I put on the shoes and stepped into the darkness.

  The Uber, driven by someone different, dropped me at the same location I had chosen earlier that day. It was now nearly midnight, but the street was, if anything, more alive than it had been that morning. Unlike the last ba
r I had visited, the bar I stood in front of now was busy. The door was thrown open again and again as loud people moved in and out, mostly in groups, spilling the pulsing current of the music into the night. The quick glimpses I had of the inside revealed people dancing, pushing against each other in the blue tones of the dim light. The music throbbed in my ears like a headache, and I imagined that the low light was designed to obscure rather than illuminate. The bar didn’t seem like the kind of place you would want to see too clearly.

  I passed by the bar, since all of the victims seemed to have been grabbed off the street, and walked a few blocks before removing my coat and shoving it in my bag. A guy passing by on the other side of the street whistled. I flipped him off and kept walking. I passed a few smaller bars that had a similar feel to the first one. There were girls hanging around under street lights, mostly in groups of two or three, all scantily clad. When the street was empty they clustered together, talking and some looking at phones. When cars passed by they jumped to attention; striking poses under the grainy light, advertising their wares. If someone slowed or pulled over, they called out, unabashedly offering an array of sexual services. Occasionally, a girl would get into a car and disappear.

  I shook my head slightly, it seemed like a sad and dangerous life. Surely, none of them had dreamed of walking these streets when they’d been young. Younger. I shuddered to think how old some of them might be. I hated to think of them, so brightly decorated, false smiles on their faces as they hopped into cars with strangers to be used. I wondered if they had quotas to fill, and how many of them would have their money taken from them at the end of the night.

  A car pulled over to the two girls who were nearest me. A middle aged man rolled down his window and gestured for the girls to come closer. One of them walked over and leaned in, dangling herself in front of him. He stroked her hair, touched her, like he was testing fruit in the market. He said something and she got in with him.

  Anger burned in my chest. That man was easily twice her age. I’d seen a wedding band glinting on his finger. He was a husband and probably a father. How could he use a girl like this? I saw the car pull over not far from where he’d picked her up, in a dark pocket down a side street. I had half a mind to go jump in the backseat. I could have my knife at that lecher’s throat before he knew what was going on, and then he would be mine. My pulse was quickening as I imagined what I could do to him and my body started to move. I’d taken a few steps in their direction before I stopped myself. He definitely deserved it, but he wasn’t why I was here. There were a thousand guys like him who could pick from later, but I had to focus.


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