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by Hew Strachan

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  Young, Francis Brett, Marching on Tanga: with General Smuts in East Africa (London, 1919; first published 1917).

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  Aachen 168, 184

  Abadan 675, 774, 779–80

  Abbas Hilmi, see Hilmi, Abbas

  Abbeville 273

  Abdul Hamid II 42, 652–4, 681, 703

  Abercorn 495, 597, 620–1, 641

  Abong-Bang 533

  Aboukir, H.M.S. 419

  Abyssinia 577, 628, 640, 746–7

  Académie des Sciences 1123

  Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques 1123

  Action française 24, 28, 107, 129, 146

  Ada 505–6

  Adana 738

  Addis Ababa 747

  Addison, Christopher 1070

  Adler, Viktor 112, 117

  Adrianople 657

  Adriatic sea 375, 377, 644, 646–7, 649

  advance guards 181–4, 187, 327

  advertising 107

  Adzhari guerrillas 722, 728

  AEG 1014–15, 1021, 1024, 1032

  Aegean sea 647–9, 662, 667, 672–3

  Aehrenthal, Alois Lexa von 43–5, 55–6, 70, 661

  Afghanistan 19, 640, 659, 696, 702, 704, 722, 743, 770, 786, 788–91, 799, 805, 807–10, 813

  Africa 495–6

  colonialism revived 642

  mobilization of manpower 497–502, 587–8, 600, 620–1, 640–2

  Muslims in 702–4

  nature of war 503–4

  resistance 600, 621, 636–7, 640–2

  see also under individual countries, and for campaigns Cameroons

  East Africa, German; South-West Africa

  African Peoples’ Organization 544

  Afridi 791, 807–8

  Agades 763

  Agadir 25, 408

  Agagiya 748, 753

  Agathon 139, 142

  Ahmad, Shah 773, 786–8

  Ahmad al-Sharif, see Sharif

  Aillette river 257

  Ain el Hadjadj 762

  Air 763

  airpower 211, 213, 218, 232–3, 244, 250–1, 253, 267, 322, 324, 327–8, 348, 431, 463, 550, 567, 589, 635, 692, 738, 748–9, 752–3, 764

  Aisne 172, 248, 257–8, 261, 266, 271–2, 1035

  Aitken, A. E. 580–4, 599

  Ajjer 761–2, 764

  Akaba 735

  Akhbar al Harb 758

  Akoafim 526, 529, 532, 538

  Alapetite, French resident in Tunisia 762

  Albania 51–2, 55, 57, 658, 683

  Albert 267

  Albert of the Belgians 159, 208–10, 216–17, 273, 275–6, 585

  Albert, Heinrich 944

  alcohol, consumption of 868–9, 884, 895, 899

  Alekseev, M. V. 308–13, 316, 351–2, 364–5, 1092

  Aleppo 664, 690

  Alexander, Crown Prince of Serbia 342

  Alexander, king of Serbia 67, 80

  Alexandretta 664, 738

  Alexandropol 716

  Algeciras conference 16, 24

  Algeria 14, 696, 705, 709–10, 744–5, 754, 756, 758–66, 769, 813, 848, 929

  Bank of 847, 929

  Al-Hilal 805–6

  Aligarh 805

  Ali, Mohammed 806

  Ali, Shaukat 806

  Allah, Ahmad Haybat 767

  Alle river 331

  Allenby, Edmund 260, 276–7

  Allenstein 323, 327–30, 1038

  alliances, as cause of war 100–1

  see also Entente; Triple Alliance

  Allied Wheat Executive 979, 985–6

  Almereyda, Miguel 128

  Al Mustaqbal 758

  Alps 1050

  Alsace 177, 212–13, 223, 227, 242, 257–8, 1053

  Alsace-Lorraine 8, 14, 28, 152, 166, 195, 212–16, 263, 1114, 1119

  Altham, E. A. 1012

  Amalgamated Society of Engineers 1072–3

  Amani 594

  Amanus mountains 690–1

  amatol 1083, 1085

  Ambam 538

  Ambas Bay 522

  Ameglio, Giovanni 753

  American Civil War 936, 1006

  American Foreign Securities Company 970–1

  Amiens 124, 205, 222, 243, 248, 251, 267–8

  ammonal 1027

  Anatolia 651, 658–9, 664, 687, 689, 715

  Andaman Islands 802

  André, Louis 184, 186 189, 226

  Angell, Norman 134

  Angerapp river 317–18, 320–1, 360

  Angerburg 317, 332

  Anglo-Persian Oil Company 774

  Angoche 637

  Angola 33, 557–60, 566, 585, 640

  Antwerp 169–70, 178, 201–2, 204, 208–9, 216–17, 231, 241, 257, 259, 264, 270–5, 382, 401, 805, 1030, 1032

  Apia 471–3, 476

  Apis, see Dimitrijovic, Dragutin

  Arabic, S.S. 967

  Arabistan 779–80

  Arabs 674–5, 681, 689, 705, 708–10, 729, 732, 734, 736, 742, 757, 806–8, 951

  Aras river 712, 716, 722–3

  Archangel 1092

  Ardahan 723, 725, 728

  Ardèche 1050

  Ardennes 168, 170, 177, 191, 194, 207, 212, 216–19, 223, 227, 230

  Arethusa, H.M.S. 416–17

  Argentina 442, 756, 986–7

  Argonne 253, 257, 264

  Ariadne, H.M.S. 417

  Arlon 218

  Armenians 651–2, 655, 658, 675, 712, 714, 718–19, 728, 775–6, 779

  Armentières 273

  armour plate 387, 390, 408, 434–5, 478–9

  armoured cars 748, 753

  Armstrong Whitworth 662, 1065–7, 1071, 1075–6, 1081–2

  Army League, German 145, 1016, 1120, 1122

  Arnold, Matthew 1127

  Arras 267–9, 274

  art 135–6, 140–1

  Artamanov, Colonel 66

  artillery, field 207, 278–9, 463, 503, 666, 683, 993–5, 997, 999–1000, 1002–3, 1047, 1058–9, 1076–7, 1081–6

  heavy 181, 207, 212, 463, 994, 1001, 1035, 1046–7, 1058–9, 1064, 1067, 1077, 1081–2, 1086, 1088, 1103–4, 1110–11, 1113

  Artois 269

  Artvin 723

  Arusha 606

  Ashanti 506

  Askari, Jafar al- 748

  Asker, Khalifa ben 752, 762–3

  Askeri Bey, Suleyman 779

  Askwith, George 1072–3

  Aslan Khan Choiski 779

  Asquith, H. H. 31, 94–7, 203, 205, 250, 393, 650, 811, 869, 966, 970, 974, 1069, 1077, 1123, 1126

  Association of Trade and Industry 1096–7

  Atlantic Ocean 386, 407, 439, 442, 448, 470, 473

  Atlas Mountains 766–7

  atrocities 122, 1117–18, 1122–3

  attrition 171, 1009, 1113

  Aubers ridge 1068, 1077

  Aubon 1021

  Auckland 384

  Audacious, S.M.S. 420, 454

  Auffenberg, Moritz von 350, 353–6

  Augustowo 332, 360

  Auracher, Dr 582–3

  Aurora, H.M.S. 432

  Aus 559–60, 563

  Australia 32, 204, 442–7, 475

  fear of invasion 443–5

  finance 987–8

  gold 819, 825–6

  immigration 795

  munitions production 1088

  navy 444–5, 453, 470–1, 475

  trade 481–3, 489

  troops 552, 742, 850

  war aims 481–3

  wheat 986

  Australia, H.M.S. 445–7, 466–7, 471

  Austria-Hungary 138

  Afghanistan and 791

  agriculture 900, 946

  armies: 1st 291, 295, 350–3, 355–6, 361, 366, 372 2nd 291–3, 295–6, 336–7, 340–1, 344–5, 347–9, 351, 353–5, 372 3rd 291, 295, 350–1, 353–7, 361, 372 4th 291, 295, 350–6, 361, 372–3 5th 291, 336, 338–41, 344–6 6th 291, 336, 338–41, 344–6

  army 38, 51, 69, 2

  artillery 285, 346, 1004, 1046–8

  cavalry 348, 355

  command 281, 337–8, 346, 356, 372

  general staff 285

  Gruppe Banat 340

  manpower 282–4, 336, 340, 346, 356

  Bank 840, 842, 914–15, 917–19, 947–8

  Bank act 841–2, 915

  banks 906, 914–18, 1043

  borrowing 842, 914–19, 921, 990

  overseas 947–8, 952; see also war loans

  Bosnia, annexation of 43–6

  budget 853, 859, 862, 901

  Bulgaria, relations with 48, 56, 70, 294, 336, 650, 667–9, 677

  Catholicism and 1119

  Centrals 1042–3, 1047

  chemical industry 1045–6

  civil-military relations 1041

  coal 1044–5

  constitution 37–41, 157

  corps: IV 344, 354

  VIII 344

  XIII 344

  XV 345

  XVI 345

  currency and circulation 839–43, 901, 916–17, 949

  Darlehenskassen 843

  Denmark, borrowing in 947

  economic administration 1041–2

  Egypt and 734

  exchange 840–1, 947–9

  finance and July crisis 821, 839, 841

  foreign ministry 70

  Germany, relations with 35–7, 41, 44–5, 47, 56, 70–2, 75, 77, 81, 88, 287–91, 293–4, 347–8, 350, 355–6, 358–60, 366, 372, 700, 782, 947–8, 952, 1029, 1040–1, 1044–6, 1048–9

  gold 840–2, 844, 916, 946–7

  Holland, borrowing in 947

  industrialization 36

  industry 1042–3

  interest rates 840–2, 915–16, 918–19, 1043–4

  investments in 943

  Italy, relations with 43–4, 68, 75, 286, 294, 336, 700, 745, 1040

  liberalism 40–1

  manpower for industry 1044

  metal industries 1043–5

  mining 1044

  moratorium 842–3, 915, 917

  Morocco and 756

  multi-nationalism 35–41, 46, 69, 156–7, 282, 1041, 1043

  munitions supply 1004–5, 1046

  munitions production 1045–8, 1065

  navy 32, 375, 377, 644, 646–7, 649–50, 677, 698–9

  oil 1044

  parliament 862, 899–901, 916

  prices 917, 949

  railways 1044–5

  raw materials organization 1042–3, 1048

  Romania, relations with 70, 77, 287, 290, 292, 294, 296, 650, 669, 677

  Russia, relations with 20, 43–6, 49, 56, 286, 292, 1041

  savings banks 843

  Serbia, relations with 36, 42–6, 68–9, 75–7, 79–80, 286, 292–4, 841

  small arms 1004, 1046


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