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His Dark Embrace

Page 14

by Verika Sloane

  “I can’t believe I just did that,” she uttered, a cross between shame and elation on her face.

  “You didn’t. I did.”

  She closed her eyes and let out a broken exhale, lips trembling.

  He studied her, a little perplexed. Had no one ever done that to her before?

  Well, probably not like that, or in a car. But, well, she was only thirty, and he was on his way to a third century, so him having more sexual experience wasn’t too much of a revelation. Still, she seemed shaken.

  A slow smile. And I’m the reason.

  Suddenly, she dressed with haste. “Stefan will be here any minute.”

  “And you trust him?”

  “I do.” She wriggled her foot in her slip-on sneaker. “He’s human. And he’s not UA. But he is aware I live with a bunch of other women, and he knows about you.”

  “What does he know?” he asked warily.

  “Only the basics. He’s the only one I can talk to about this.”

  Yet, Shain had no one he could talk to. Even his human friends couldn’t be trusted explicitly. “You’re never going to tell him why we can’t be seen together, are you?”

  She looked at him. “It’d take a year just to set up the backstory. I told him we’re from different worlds and that it could go nowhere. That I’m a poor country girl with a strict family and you’re a rich city suit with everything to lose if we were ever caught together. Lame, but it was all I could think of.”

  Shain opened his mouth to argue, but she had it right. Mostly. “Kind of an exaggeration.”

  “But overall true.”

  “That’s how you view me? A rich city suit?”

  Her guilty expression told him she regretted labeling him like that. “No, of course not.”

  “Listen. My wealth is a combination of investments with others. Some money is strictly mine, yes, but a lot of it is held in a shared account with my allies.” Why was he telling her that? As if to downplay what he’d worked so hard to achieve on his own?

  “Oh. I didn’t know.” She looked away. “I know little when it comes to covens and allies and how vampires get by.”

  Because not touching her was making him twitch, he reached over to caress her soft cheek. “Do you want to know more?”

  She turned to face him. “Yes. And I’d like to tell you more. About…me, and my pack.”

  As long as he knew they’d meet again, he didn’t care what she wanted to share. “I can’t wait to see you again.”

  They locked eyes for a moment before he leaned over and kissed her as tenderly as he was capable of doing. Heedless of the tenderness, the fiery lust rushed through his blood, demanding more, tickling his canines. With effort, Shain drew back.

  Headlights beamed through the interior while a car came around and parked next to them.

  Shain loathed to let her go. “Take my phone number.”

  His answer was a shake of her head. “I’m still uncomfortable using phones. A shifter’s hearing is sharp, especially Lucinda. The one in charge.” She reached for the door handle. “Tree notes. Just a little longer. Okay?”

  The plea in her eyes wouldn’t let him argue. But whatever made her feel more secure, he’d do it.

  “Okay,” he whispered, reaching for her again, but stopped when two friendly beeps of Stefan’s horn sounded. “Can we meet the day after tomorrow? It’s supposed to keep raining through the week,” he said when she opened the door.

  She thought about it, then smiled. “If I can, I’ll meet you there between three and four. But wait in the café. I don’t want you getting sick from being outside too long.”

  Something warm spread in his chest that she would think of his well-being. Shain swallowed the odd emotion he couldn’t name.

  “I’ll be fine, Kimber,” he assured her. “And I’ll be waiting for you.”

  Even the cool summer rain couldn’t vanquish the heat from Kimber’s skin.

  The moment she left the cozy sanctuary of Shain’s car to run to Stefan’s, she longed to go back, desperate for more. More of his kiss, his touch, his thoughts. Her entire body tingled, especially the places his mouth had been.

  She paused for a second with her hand on Stefan’s door, staring at Shain’s car while it sat running, as if he waited to see if she’d come back.

  She yanked the door open and climbed in.

  Stefan appropriately gaped at her for a few seconds before he laughed. “I don’t know what’s funnier. The fact you snuck out to meet him at the aquarium or the fact you were obviously making out in the parking lot of the aquarium.” He glanced at Shain’s car. “The windows are so fogged, I’m surprised steam didn’t come out when you opened the door! Here.” He reached in the backseat and handed her a blanket.

  She hugged it around her shoulders, her eyes locked on the Tesla. “Thank you so much for picking me up.”

  “No problem.” He followed her gaze. “Supreme set of wheels he has. Who the hell is Mr. Eleven?”

  A tickle in her hand made her clench a fist. Why was her wolf demanding to shift? “We should go.”

  Stefan put the car in drive with a shake of his head. “You two are acting like teenagers. I can’t remember the last time my boyfriend and I fooled around in the car.” He glanced at her surreptitiously. “You did just make out, right?”

  She put on her seatbelt with a sigh. “Please drive.”

  He chuckled, flicking the turn signal at the light. “Yes, ma’am.” After he turned to the interstate, he asked, “Did you tell him?”

  Kimber stared out the window. “No.”

  “What’s stopping you? It’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

  “It’s not that. I know the second I drop that bomb, it’ll change things. The moment he knows the chase is a dead end, he’ll…”

  “Lose interest? Then that’s his loss, Kimber.”

  “I’m a mess,” she muttered. “Leading him on. That’s all I’m doing. Just so I can drag this out and make him want to see me again. And for what? It can’t go anywhere. I don’t know what I really want from him.”

  “It’s pretty simple. What you want is what every person does. To. Be. Wanted. It feels good. Especially coming from a handsome romantic who leaves you notes in a tree. And,” he emphasized with a raise of his finger, “whether or not you’ll admit it, I think the fact he’s forbidden makes him even more irresistible. Makes your secret trysts even hotter.”

  And she still couldn’t decide if it was his naturally sensual vampire lure or if it was something true. Even though Shain said he couldn’t “seduce” her like he could humans, didn’t mean she had straight immunity.

  “I guess when it comes down to it, he—captivates me, and I’m hooked. I’ve never been this attracted to someone who’s so opposite.” She interrupted Stefan before he could add what she already knew. “And before you say opposites attract, let me reiterate: it’s not just opposite personalities, but backgrounds, beliefs, lifestyles, religion. It’s everything. But when we argue, both of us learn something about the other, and that’s the end of it. It’s so odd.” She was talking more to herself than to Stefan, trying to sort out the mess out loud, as if it would make sense more if she got the thoughts out of her head.

  “Well,” her friend said, “it’s pretty clear you’re hot for each other, and that only leads one way, girlfriend. Straight to bed or straight to love.”

  Her stomach flipped at the same time her heart skipped.

  Love? With a vampire? Stefan had no way of knowing how madly ridiculous that was. Lust? Easily possible, but anything more? Never. Kimber was a shiya, meant for a shief. Despite what her body wanted, her heart was meant for one of her own kind. Period.

  To even imagine she would fall in love with Shain made her shudder in fear.

  It would be a love she’d have to be willing to die for.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Blinding sunshine speared Shain’s eyes, burning them with invisible fire.

  He hissed, squinting, and
lifted his arm to block the horrible light.

  A shadow loomed behind him.

  Before he could turn around, a large jaw opened wide and clamped on his neck. Electric pain tore through his body as he shouted in shock and agony.

  He was crippled, denied retaliation, paralyzed to defend himself.

  A strong, furred forearm reached around from behind him. Claws materialized from the fingertips and slammed into his flesh over his heart. He choked on a disbelieving breath. The nails dug in deeper. A crunching sound.

  He set his hand over the steel wrist, trying to pry it away from his heart, but the claws burrowed in deeper. His eyes widened in disbelieving terror. He couldn’t speak, the pain was so great.

  The shifter was literally ripping out his heart.

  Gods, help me. I have done no wrong…

  The hand pulled away, taking a chunk of flesh with it, tearing ligaments and blood—

  Shain flung up in bed, clutching his chest. Heaving, he wildly looked around his bedroom. He was covered in sweat, his mind reeling, canines sharp and sensitive.

  The adrenaline slowly subsided, and his teeth receded.

  What the fuck? When was the last time he had a veritable nightmare?

  A long time. And one with his heart getting ripped from his body by a shifter?

  A first. And hopefully, a fucking last.

  He swallowed, exhaling, rubbing his chest. Why else would he dream up such a thing if not because of Kimber? It seemed that, while he wasn’t consciously afraid, his subconscious deemed otherwise. Nevertheless, it was just a dream, a reminder of the ultimate consequence for being intimate with a shiya. As if he needed reminding.

  It was almost noon. From the sound of it, the weather report had been accurate: another cloud-smothering day with incessant rain. Soft thunder rumbled in the distance.

  He flung back the sheets and went to the bathroom to shower.

  Bad dreams were only frightening as they occurred; it wouldn’t stop him from meeting Kimber. Not even close.

  After getting dressed, Shain checked his messages, having at least half a dozen from his coven.

  From Logan, the ally he didn’t call back: Trev. You missed Grigory’s 4th of July orgy. I picked up the slack for you, so no complaints from me, but 1 or 2 were visibly crushed you weren’t there. Are you making your way to Québec?

  From Sylvi, a member of his coven: Greetings from the north. My bloodfest was almost as good as yours. Also, I have an investment opp that sounds enticing. Call me to discuss. XOXO

  From Arlo, a business acquaintance: Selling some commercial buildings in Phoenix. Let me know if you’re interested. I won’t contact another until I hear from you.

  And—one that made him raise a brow—from Rowena. A vampiress he’d tried to seduce once upon a time. They ran into each other occasionally when their covens had mutual interests. That was only the reason she ever contacted him directly, and that was the only reason now:

  Our estate is undergoing renovations. I heard you have a connection to a Nine. We’re hoping to rent one of their properties in the meantime. We would owe you. I would personally see to it...*wink*

  At one point, he would’ve been thrilled to see such a message. But now?

  Same old, same old.

  He started to reply to her when he was interrupted with a call, one that he didn’t mind taking.

  “Aleck!” He smiled, always glad to hear from his only brother.

  “You always answer the phone like you’ve just been crowned ruler of the underworld.” True to form, Aleck’s tone was as light as lead. “How are you, brother?”

  “The same, but richer since the last time we spoke,” he boasted. His brother would know that by checking the family bank account, which Shain deposited into monthly, though Aleck rarely touched it. He had his own small fortune going doing…whatever it was Aleck did. “Everything all right?”

  “I’ve been expecting your to-do list while you’re gone for the summer. Since that has yet to materialize, and Mother is complaining you haven’t visited on your way out yet, leads me to believe you haven’t left Atlanta.”

  His sibling, the detective. “Oh, right. Apologies, I didn’t relay my change of plan. I’ll actually be staying in the city for a while. I’m waiting for Tanaka.”

  “Gods, I can’t believe he’s finally granted you a meeting.”

  “Yes, well, that means nothing for now.”

  “As usual, you’re taking a serious favor lightly.”

  “Favor?” Shain suppressed an annoyed exhale. “The things I’ve done to get his attention? He owes me more than a favor, Aleck.”

  “Mother and Father know about it, but for their sakes, I tempered their hopes. The chances of you getting an alliance this soon—”

  “Your positivity simply shines over the airwaves, brother.”

  Aleck cleared his throat. “Will you be staying in Atlanta through the summer?”

  “Once he and I conclude any business, I’m heading to Québec, as usual.”

  Aleck paused. “I’m making my way back to Atlanta soon. We should get drinks.”

  Not until the shiya was long gone. “I’d like that. We’ll talk then.”

  He hung up with a sigh. Nothing about his summer was “the usual” so far.

  No excuse.

  Kimber couldn’t think of one excuse to go out in the rain while the rest of the shiyas read books, washed laundry, and video-called their mates.

  If she mentioned going to the library or getting tacos, chances were one of them would want to join her. Same thing with seeing a movie or shopping.

  All dressed up and somewhere to go, with no excuse to use.

  She couldn’t flake on Shain. Even though it was raining, it was still risky for him to be out in the daytime. His choice, not hers, but she didn’t feel she’d earned such an inconvenience for him. For him to put his health on the line to spend time with her, at yet another public place with no chance of sex, made her conclude she had more control than she thought she did.

  Not exchanging phone numbers was making this even harder, but while inconvenient, there was a comfort in knowing her pack sisters would never stumble on her making a call or accidentally see a text message from him. This was essential for her peace of mind.

  Her cell phone buzzed.

  Heather, the shiya she’d met on the Fourth of July.

  Hey, are you busy? We’re down a few people at the soup kitchen and need a volunteer. I thought maybe you could give us a hand? 12PM to 2PM. I’d owe you!

  Kimber couldn’t believe the timing. It was as if fate was giving her a helping hand; she could easily go from the shelter to the café by three to meet Shain. Her pack sisters only needed to know about the first half of her afternoon.

  She quickly replied to Heather: I’d love to help.

  Thanks! Address to follow.

  Well, it was an innocent means to a scandalous end.

  Lucinda, however, seemed to sense her overenthusiasm, and showed it with a cynical look as she flipped through the TV channels. “You can’t take the van.”

  “I know. I’m getting an Uber.”

  “You want to pay to volunteer? I don’t like it. I don’t like you going out by yourself.”

  “It’s the middle of the day and I’m going to meet other shifters. I’ll be fine.”

  Abigail looked her up and down. “You put on makeup to volunteer at a soup kitchen?”

  “I wasn’t asking for permission, ladies.” Her cell chimed that her driver was pulling up. It’d be the first time she’d be leaving the house with everyone knowing.

  “Well, excuse us,” Lucinda called after. “Try to recruit while you’re there!”

  Recruit, recruit, recruit. Pretty soon, they’d need to think of other ways to yield more interest in their pack than the cold approach.

  Unfortunately for Kimber’s bank account, the shelter was far from the townhouse, and she paid heavily for the ride.

  It was worth it once she
saw how necessary she was. The line of those in need was stretching around the block, waiting for the doors to open, folks hovering under umbrellas, pieces of tarp, and plastic grocery bags.

  Heather stood under an awning outside, having a smoke with another woman, when she saw Kimber.

  She put out the cigarette. “Thanks for coming, let’s get you an apron. Have you ever worked a soup kitchen before?”

  “A few times.”

  “Good! We come out when the UA humans feel too many shifters are coming in. We try to help guide the shifters to a more pack-friendly environment. One or two is fine. More than three? Humans can’t deal.”

  Kimber followed her inside. “Really? What are they afraid of?”

  “Men, hungry like the wolf, who could change into one if not fed properly.”

  She swallowed a laugh at Heather’s joke. “I see.”

  The person in charge, a guy everyone called Slick, eyed Kimber, as if Heather had brought in a Sasquatch to volunteer. “Who’s she?”

  “This is Kimber. I told you about her.” Heather plucked a clean apron out of a box and handed it to her.

  Slick, easily over six-foot-five with a bright red nose and two gauge earrings, made a rude noise. “Look at her. She’ll cause a riot.”

  Kimber couldn’t stand being talked about as if she couldn’t hear. “A riot? How would she do that?”

  Heather rolled her eyes. “Yeah, Slick, how?”

  “Since I know the shiefs can’t help themselves when we bring in a new face, Heather. Cute or not, it always changes the energy ’round here. The testosterone goes sky-high, which spikes their appetites and makes ’em ornery as fuck.”

  “Deal. We’re short as it is.”

  “Fine. Put her in the back, though. I’m not dealin’ with extra shit out front today—Tim! What the hell! Don’t use those chairs!”

  After Slick marched off, Kimber tied her apron on. “Does a new face really cause that much havoc?”

  Heather sighed. She gave her a hairnet and put on her own. “He’s right. We get a lot of regulars and when someone new volunteers, especially a shiya, the younger, unmated shiefs can get weird. Try to sniff you out regardless if the humans are present. Wasn’t really thinking about that when I asked you to help. I forgot you’re not claimed.”


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