His Dark Embrace

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His Dark Embrace Page 20

by Verika Sloane

  “Regardless, you must be someone special to him.”

  Someone. Yes. Special? She wouldn’t allow herself to think so. “Why? Because he had you relay a message to me in person?”

  The young woman winked and clicked her cheek. “Uh, yes.” At Kimber’s unconvinced expression, she added, “Look, I’ve been underworld-aware since I was nineteen. I’ve met, oh, I don’t know how many vamps, but enough to know a thing or two. Sure, they’re fascinating and sexy and dashing, but they’re also largely self-ish and focused on self-interests.” Regret jerked her posture. “No offense. I’m mainly talking about the males. I have little to no interaction with vampiresses. But the men? No matter how old they are, they can be no better than adolescent teens constantly raiding the fridge, so to speak. They’re always hungry. Always in search of feeding their needs. Energy, sex, blood, repeat. Because of that, they rarely think beyond themselves. But.”

  She looked up as the server set down a bowl of edamame and thanked him, then met Kimber’s gaze again. “When they care about someone other than number one, they can also be the most thoughtful and fiercest supporters. Trevyn has been involved with a lot of women, and not once has he ever talked about any of them. Or asked my opinion. And he’s definitely never asked me to make sure she knows why he couldn’t make a date, so she doesn’t assume he stood her up. Your feelings are important to him. Hence, you’re special.”

  Some of Kimber’s insecurity drifted away. “What’s it like? Being a vampire’s source on the regular?”

  “You don’t have a whilling?” A look passed over Sasha’s soft green eyes, as if she thought Kimber’s question odd. Before Kimber could answer, she replied, “It’s a lot of things. Exciting. Surreal. Predictable. Profitable. Easy.”

  “Easy?” Kimber arched a brow.

  “Once I got used to it. The thought of it, at least. The act itself is nothing.”

  That was hard to grasp. “How can you be used to being bitten and drained of your own blood?”

  “I’m never drained. The only thing I feel is fatigue. I can say the same after a good workout. His teeth are so sharp, I barely feel it, the pain is over so quickly I…” she trailed, then gazed at Kimber with new curiosity. “Wait. Why would you ask? You’re a vampiress. You know how it works.”

  Kimber straightened, unsure what to say.

  “Aren’t you a vampiress?” Sasha whispered.

  The cat was out of the bag, but it hardly mattered now. If Shain trusted Sasha enough to send her in person, then he knew there was a chance she’d discover Kimber was a shifter. “No. I’m not.” But she didn’t have to confess what she was. There were a dozen different species in the underworld, and she could be any of them. Sasha’s UA status didn’t mean she was entitled to know. “I’d rather not say, if you don’t mind.”

  “Oh, I’d rather you not, either. The less I know, the better. And by the way, this conversation will remain between you and me. I’ll tell him we had a friendly chat, but what we talk about will be under lock and key.”

  What a relief. “Agreed. My lips are sealed, too.”

  “But you’re not human. That much I know. Trevyn wouldn’t mess around with a human female, UA or not.” Her raised brow asked for confirmation.

  “You have that right. I’m not human.” Mostly human. Nya yipped at her with that thought.

  “Well, that changes things a bit.” Sasha raised her hand to get the server’s attention.

  “How so?”

  “He’s never, you know, spent this much time with any woman who wasn’t his own kind. I rarely drink, but I have a serious need for vodka now that I know you’re not a vampire.”

  Kimber laughed. “Make that two?”

  Now the ice had broken, excitement injected her with new energy and gratitude that she had someone to talk to about all things vamp. Discussing that world was limited, even with Shain. Sasha would have an outsider’s view. Just like her.

  Sasha seemed to read her easily. “Why do I get the sense you’re busting at the seams to ask me more questions?”

  “Because I am. Where I come from, I’m isolated. I only know what I’ve been told. I’d like to learn more from someone who’s close to their domain, but not in it.” To give the woman more incentive, she said, “And if there’s anything you don’t want to answer, I’ll understand.”

  Sasha didn’t seem too concerned. “Fire away. I don’t have a lot of friends I can share this part of my life with, either.”

  Excited, Kimber leaned in. “When he bites you, you said there’s hardly any pain, but what about…about…”


  “Yes,” she breathed.

  Sasha tucked her hair behind her ear, looking almost ashamed to admit, “Yes. Oh, yes, there is. It’s hard to explain, because everyone’s experience varies, but when I’ve talked about it with other whillings, they say the same thing. We theorize it’s something in their saliva that seeps into our blood. Things that make you go oooh.”

  “But how can it feel good? Nothing that has ever bitten me gave me anything close to pleasure.”

  “I can only tell you from my perspective.” Sasha paused, as though searching for the right words. “If they do it right, if they’re gentle like Trevyn is, I get this built-up rush, kind of like,” she lowered her voice, “the moment before you orgasm, but you don’t. Not physically anyway. It’s a serious high.”

  An orgasm? Really?

  “And,” Sasha shrugged, sipping some of her cocktail, “there’s a ‘mental’ O too. Knowing that he needs my blood, and I provide, makes me feel powerful. In that moment. Without this agreement between humans and vamps, they’d go back to taking us unwillingly. To be a whilling is a privilege.”

  Kimber blinked, her previous skepticism fading. “Oh.”

  “You look confused.”

  Kimber looked off. “It’s just that I didn’t think of a whilling that way. More like…”

  “A hooker?”

  She shot her gaze back to Sasha’s. “Honestly, yes. No offense.”

  “None taken, but I’m not. Nowhere near.”

  “So, you and he have never…?” She had to ask.

  Sasha picked up her fork as the server set her coconut crusted-tofu in front of her. “Nope. It’s a business transaction. Our agreement doesn’t include sex.”

  Kimber’s creamy brown rice with mushroom risotto smelled pretty good as the aromas wafted from her plate. “Is it included for others?”

  “That’d be a lot to ask. Taking blood and body. And since sex takes energy too, that would mean feeding all three needs. I seriously doubt it’s possible to pull off that feat as a human. We’d probably pass out.” She used her fork to gesture to Kimber. “Personally, I don’t know any whilling who sleeps with her taeker, though I’m sure a few would be more than open to try it. Blood is one thing, but sex can change everything. Vamps know that, so they keep it separate.”

  It could change everything. Would it with her and Shain? “Wow. I had no idea.”

  Sasha finished her cocktail and ordered another. “What else do you want to know? This is fun.”

  And enlightening. “Does every vampire have a whilling?”

  “Only the ones who can afford it. There are still plenty who like the old-fashioned way.”

  Kimber hesitated to ask her next question. “Do you think—or know—if Shain ever reverts to the old-fashioned way?”

  Sasha wouldn’t meet her eyes. “Sometimes I’m sick, or he’s out of town. If he can’t find a temporary whilling, he has no choice. There are blood bags he can buy. Nothing is better for them than fresh from the vein, though. But he’d never hurt anyone for blood, Kimber.”

  You mean kill. “You told me you’ve known him for seven years. That’s not that long with him being over two hundred. From what I understand, he wasn’t always wealthy enough for a whilling...”

  Sasha set her fork down. “I don’t want to be rude, but you need to check yourself. If you’re implying he could�
�ve been a monster before I knew him, that he killed for blood—Well, he didn’t, and he hasn’t. He won’t. The day he does, he’s not the Shain Trevyn we know.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Tomorrow night. Your turn to pick the time and place. - S

  The next day, Shain’s note was in the tree as promised. Kimber had been prepared to wait, expected that days might go by before he had time for her.

  If Shain was giving her reign over their evening, then he didn’t care what they did or where, so she was going to take advantage.

  Her response: Goodwill on First Ave. 8 PM.

  No doubt her idea wouldn’t be well received at first, but it was time to get him out of his comfort zone.

  By the way he greeted her, he already had his dissent ready to go.

  “What the hell are we doing at Goodwill?” he asked, helping her out of the Uber.

  “Hello to you too, Sir Grouchy.”

  He flinched. “I’m sorry. It was thoughtless of me to take my attitude out on you.”

  “Tanaka’s visit stressing you out?”

  “Not really. In fact, he’s made his visit very informal, yet very tasking at the same time.”

  “What happened?”

  He kissed her hand. “I’ll tell you later. For now, kill my curiosity with an explanation, please.”

  She smiled up at him, hoping to lift his spirits. “We’re going on a secondhand date. You need to find me a complete outfit, using only the amount I give you. I’ll do the same for you. Then we’re struttin’ our stuff at a dive bar.”

  There was no humor in his eyes as he muttered, “You must be joking.”

  “I must be psychic. I knew you’d react like this.” She sighed. “Do you remember the night we met?”

  “Ask me a serious question.”

  “You told me the reason you walked away from that party was because of the monotony. Same faces, same scene. The repetition. Right?” She caressed the nape of his neck, trying to cajole him with touch, like he was always doing with her. “And I gave you the oh-so-clever advice to mix it up. Flip the script. Make your own fun and see what happens.”

  He arched an eyebrow. “Correct, but…”

  “We could do the usual date stuff. An overpriced meal, a movie, a bottle of fine wine, you in your suit, which you’ve done a million times. Why not try something different? I’d bet my life you’ve never worn hand-me-down clothes.”

  “And you’d win that bet.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “But I won’t start now.”

  He tried to kiss her lips, but she evaded him, leaning back. “You were all talk, then?” At his silence, she groaned. “Well, I’m not. I actually walk the walk. Maybe it’s you that’s boring.” She slipped out his arms and walked away.

  She got four steps before he caught her and spun her around. Again, he leaned in for a kiss with a dark smile, but she turned her head.

  “No. Rejected.”

  “Please?” he begged.

  Kimber managed to turn her back to him, but his hold was too tight to run away. Not that she really intended to do that. He made her step forward and pressed her against his car, moving her hair off her shoulder, kissing her neck.

  Closing her eyes, she reached back to run her fingers through his hair, moaning while his fingers grazed the side of her breast, her hip, getting closer to…

  She snapped out of it and whipped around. “Trevyn,” she laughed. “You can’t seduce your way out of this.”

  Shain kissed the underside of her jaw. “Can I try?”

  Good thing it was nearly closing time for Goodwill and the parking lot was empty. “Ugh, you’re incorrigible. Save the seduction for a place better than a parking lot.”

  “Not too long ago, you wanted me in a family restroom.”

  “I thought you had standards.”

  He grieved in frustration, pressing kisses on her cheek. “You’re just…so damn irresistible. I need you tonight.”

  God, he made this next to impossible. But she had to stand her ground. “You’re really going to deny me, Shain? Your note said it was my choice.”

  At that, he stilled, and drew back. “You’re right. I’m being juvenile. The discomfort of the unknown.” He glanced at the store, quirked an eyebrow, twisted his lips, and met her hopeful gaze again. “Challenge accepted, my lady. Give me the terms.”

  She smiled, kissed him hard for his cooperation—however unenthusiastic—and explained. “Twenty bucks spending limit. A complete outfit. And you only have fifteen minutes. No showing me the clothes until after your purchase, and vice versa. Then you have to change before we leave the store.”

  “One outfit. Twenty dollars. Fifteen minutes.”

  “I doubt I’ll have enough money, but if I do, what’s your shoe size?”

  “By the gods, used shoes?” He inhaled as if to summon patience. “Eleven.”

  Kimber giggled. Mr. Eleven…

  “Why’s that funny?”

  “No reason.”

  He stepped back, utterly serious. “Should we race?”

  She affixed the same look on her face and gasped. “We should.”

  They took off, her pulling his sleeve when he got just ahead of her at the door. Once they entered, they slowed and behaved like mature, serious shoppers.

  She perused on one side of the rack and he went to another. The metal hangers screeched with every slide as she debated between a Señor Frog’s polo or a cutoff shirt that said ‘guns out.’ Coyly, she looked up, and so did Shain, his eyes smiling as he scoured through the women’s.

  Shain beat her to the register.

  “Did you find everything okay?” the cashier asked, scanning then folding the articles of clothing.

  “I certainly did. Thank you, Paul,” was his reply.

  Shain took his bag and moved aside, looking smug.

  Ha. Kimber grabbed a last-second accessory and set the clothes down on the counter. One of her items was a red-tag sale today, so she got fifty percent off, well under her budget. She couldn’t wait to see the look on his face.

  Once she paid, she picked up the stack and joined him at the fitting rooms. “Ready for this?”

  “As I’ll ever be,” he said, and looked over her shoulder. “Paul, would you kindly give us five more minutes to change, please?”

  The twenty-something beamed. “No prob.”

  They exchanged bags and headed to the fitting rooms.

  With the music playing, Kimber couldn’t exactly hear what he uttered, but by his tone, Shain was fighting back a hard complaint.

  The outfit he’d picked for her? Her laughter couldn’t be contained as she held up the pink, shaggy, faux fur crop top, black skintight pleather pants, and oversized pineapple earrings.

  She looked nuts, but that was the whole point.

  Stuffing her original outfit in the bag, she waited until she heard Shain’s door open. She bit the corner of her lip as he came out.

  The look on his face alone was priceless: low lids, straight mouth, dead eyes… in his velour baby-blue-colored tracksuit, a little too tight and showing an inch of stomach, with a costume gold chain.

  She doubled over with laughter.

  Shain nodded. “Yes, continue to laugh at my expense. I knew I’d suck at this challenge. You, however, are just as gorgeous.”

  “Can’t help it I know how to rock pink yeti hair.” She struck a pose.

  “I’ll donate a million dollars to your favorite charity if we can change back into our real clothes before leaving.”

  “Not a chance, Trevyn. You look…” She couldn’t stop laughing, pressing a hand to her stomach and apologizing at her lack of decorum with a shake of her head. “You look…ah-mazing.”

  Shain flicked a glance. “Amazingly ridiculous.” He took her hand, gave Paul and his co-worker a one hundred dollar bill each for their patience, and left the Goodwill. The employees gushed after them as they locked up.

  “Aren’t we a pair?” He swung her hand and made her turn.
  “A pair begging to be seen. Ready to make our public debut?”

  “Ready to burn with infernal humiliation. Dear merciful gods, take me, let the Ecca swallow me whole so I may die with dignity.”

  They hadn’t even left the parking lot, and already she was having a blast.

  “Where to, my fluffy goddess?” he asked as he started the car.

  Kimber pinched her itchy top. “I look like a wild animal and I’m going to be as hot as one pretty soon. I hope this bar has the A/C cranked.”

  He chuckled. “Oh, the things we endure for fashion.”

  She pulled up directions to the bar on the Tesla’s LED screen.

  “The Ugly Swan,” Shain murmured, reading the bar’s name while he pulled out of the parking lot. “How appropriate. Are you absolutely sure this isn’t a shifter or vampire bar?”

  “Positive. Human-owned.”

  Twenty minutes later, they paid the cover and walked inside. The place choked on cigarette smoke and the furnishings appeared about as old as Shain was, but was overall clean and packed full of people. They got a table near the side of the stage.

  “How do you feel in your new style?” Kimber asked. “It’s a tracksuit, so technically you’re still wearing your favorite kind of ensemble.”

  “Actually, I feel…” He considered, his mouth curving. “Like I don’t have to act a certain way. The way I’m supposed to in my usual clothes. I don’t have to be eloquent, refined…” His eyes briefly glowed. “Or even a gentleman.”

  She bit her bottom lip. “I can’t tell if this is a bad or a good thing.”

  “I can’t, either.” He slowly smiled, taking her hand in both of his, skimming his mouth on her knuckles. “And I like that. Sometimes we don’t always need to know how to behave.”

  Lord. When he touched her like that, spoke with that lazy tone, Nya purred drowsily, and Kimber had to clamp her legs closed to control the throbbing between them.

  “What happened with Tanaka?” she asked.

  “Oh, right. I haven’t thought of him since I laid eyes on you. That’s how powerful you are.” He kissed her knuckles. “One moment, I was about to walk out the door, the next he was there in my home, waiting for me.” He lowered their hands with a regretful sigh. “In the history of first impressions, it ranks as one of the worst. I was on my way to meet you. I told him my plan for the night, and instead of wanting to go to a vampire club or five-star restaurant, he had me take him to the lake for a boat ride.”


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