Adopting Katie

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Adopting Katie Page 11

by Allysa Hart

  Rose adored the fact that Katie was feeling comfortable and safe enough to disobey and play when she was supposed to be napping. However, disobedience couldn’t go unnoticed. Silently closing the door, the older woman went to retrieve ‘The Spoon.’

  Carved out of Teakwood, it had been a souvenir from her honeymoon in Asia. At one time, it was Keith’s go-to implement, but as their collection grew, ‘The Spoon’ was reserved for naughty little bottoms—specifically the one that belonged to Katie. Rose entered the room with ‘The Spoon’ in hand and stood inside the door frame with her arms crossed, waiting to be noticed.

  Katie spun around at the sound of the door opening, her eyes wide with guilt as she stared at Rose. Her stance allowed Katie to see the spoon and her displeasure in the same moment, causing an audible gulp and instantaneous look of regret to overshadow her features.

  “Would you care to explain what you are doing, young lady?” Rose projected a menacing tone.

  “I’m making you something.” She wiggled uncomfortably in her desk chair.

  “Oh, are you? Is that what you are supposed to be doing?”

  Knowing she was busted, Katie chose to answer with contrition and respect. Her eyes lowered to the ground, and she whispered, “No, ma’am.”

  “What are you supposed to be doing?”

  “Napping, I s’pose” She shrugged her shoulders all the way up to her ears.

  “You seem to be unsure about that.” Rose tilted her head and silently dared Katie to continue her adorable attempt to manipulate.

  “No Ma’am. I’m sorry. I know I was supposed to rest, but I wasn’t tired so I rested by building quietly and stayed in my room.” She shrugged again. “Isn’t the point to help me relax? Building felt like resting.”

  “Just how did building feel like resting?” Rose’s voice rose an octave as she shook her head in disbelief. “Never mind—don’t answer. I don’t care what it ‘felt like.’ I said to take a nap and you disobeyed. I have given you too many warnings and that’s my fault, but no more. You are going to get a spanking with my spoon on your naughty bare bottom and then you are going to spend some time with your nose in the corner to think about whether it’s a better idea to obey or do what you feel like.”

  Finishing her lecture Rose took a seat on Katie’s bed and patted her lap. “Shorts and panties off, you won’t need them for a while.”

  Katie froze. “Off? But…”


  Katie jumped up and began unbuttoning her shorts as she approached. With a deep sigh, she slipped them and her panties all the way down and walked out of them. She stared at her toes as she stood where Rose indicated.

  Hooking her finger under Katie’s chin, she lifted gently until Katie’s gaze met her own. “Tell me why you are about to get a spanking with my spoon.”

  “Because I was bad,” Katie mumbled.

  Rose shook her head. “There are no bad girls here. Try again.”

  “I made a bad choice.” She attempted to pull away, but Rose gripped her chin.

  “You did. And what was that choice?”

  “I didn’t listen.” She attempted to avoid Rose’s knowing look.

  Rose chose not to verbalize any praise just yet. She still needed to get a little more submission out of the naughty little brat. “No, you didn’t listen. Tell Auntie what you were supposed to do and why?”

  “I was s’posed to take a nap because it’s good for me and the baby.” Katie tried to pull away again, but Rose gripped tighter knowing it would cause enough discomfort to get her point across. Katie was not escaping without a full confession and a very sore bottom.

  “Yes, but you did what instead?” Rose was patient and thorough, especially when Katie was so deeply regressed in her little mode.

  “I played with my Legos.”

  “What happens when you decide to be a defiant little girl.”

  “I get a spanking,” Katie whined as she shifted back and forth, covering her bottom with both hands.

  “Yep, a hard spanking with my spoon on your bare backside.” Rose discovered early that these conversations were a necessary part of disciplining Katie. She knew her physical discipline did not rival Keith’s, but he had nothing on her ability to use words to make a little girl regret her actions. “Over my knee.”

  “I can’t.”

  “And why not?”

  “It will squish the baby.”

  Rose rolled her eyes. “Are you seriously going to try that on me? Do as you’re told.” She waited until the whimpering girl placed herself across Rose’s lap and rubbed her bottom gently to establish the connection as well as prepare her backside to meet its impending doom. “How long were you supposed to lay down?”

  “Forty-five minutes.” Again, the answer was mumbled but Rose ignored it and continued with her line of questioning.

  “How many of those minutes did you obey?”

  “Maybe twenty,” Katie whimpered.

  “Are you telling the truth? You managed to get quite a lot of building done in such a short amount of time.”

  “I wasn’t paying attention.”

  “At least I got some truth about that. I’m going to guess that you stayed in bed just long enough to listen to whether I was in the house or not. Is this true?”

  “I dunno. Please give me another chance. I’m tired now and can rest like you want me to. I promise.”

  “Do you think I was born yesterday? I know every scheme you conjure up, so I don’t even know why you bother. My guess is you gave me about forty minutes of disobedience. Would you say this was accurate?”

  “I s’pose, but it’s not fair. I wasn’t sleepy.”

  “You’re going to be taking naps until we see some attitude changes, young lady. You become very snappy and rude with us when you’re tired, and we aren’t going to let the excuse of hormones give you a reason to misbehave. Let’s see if breaking the rules was worth it.”

  Starting with her hand, she spanked slowly and methodically which rapidly brought Katie’s wiggling bottom to a bright shade of pink as the girl whined and begged for a second chance. Rubbing Katie’s bottom with her hand, she informed her girl of her fate. “You are getting forty with the spoon.”

  “Nooo, that’s too many!” Katie pleaded frantically. “What about the baby?”

  Rose raised her hand and delivered three solid swats to each sit spot. “Do not interrupt me, little lady. The spoon is not going to hurt the baby. When I’m finished, you will stand bare bottomed in the corner while I cook dinner. When Uncle gets home, you are going to immediately tell him what you did and then you are going to take his punishment as well. Deliberate disobedience will never be tolerated in this house, and you know it.”

  Katie drew in a shaky breath. “Yes, Ma’am.”

  Nodding Rose continued the onslaught with her spoon which quickly turned the girl’s bottom a bright cherry red. After the first strike, Katie began apologizing.

  “I’m glad to hear how sorry you are and all the promises to mind me, but we are not even close to finished.” Picking up speed and intensity, Rose counted silently to herself without giving any attention to Katie’s blubbering or that she pulled at the bedspread and grabbed everything within reach to cover her backside. Wordlessly, but amused, Rose took the pillow, sheets, cell phone, and the stuffed animals that Katie tried to use to protect herself and set it aside.

  “Forty,” Rose announced, administering the final swat and then gently rubbed the sore little bottom to soothe the sting. “Did you learn anything?”

  Katie sniffled. “When Auntie says it’s naptime, it’s not playtime.”

  “That’s right. Do you think we will have to have this discussion again?”

  “No Ma’am.”

  “Good. Give me cuddles and then we will go to the kitchen. I love you, baby.”

  Katie sat next to Rose and wrapped her arms around her. “Love you too, Auntie. I’m sorry I’ve been so rotten lately.”

  “It’s noth
ing that we can’t work out together as a family. I just feel sorry for you when Uncle Keith comes home.”

  “But Auntie…”


  Katie soaked in the love and forgiveness from the arms of Auntie Rose. Forty spanks of that evil spoon were excruciating, and she hated it with a passion. Wiggling on the bedspread, she attempted to gauge the longevity of the effect. She was surprised to discover that her bottom was warm but lacked any zing of pain.

  “Ok, baby, let’s go. You owe me corner time, and I need to get dinner started.” Rose said, reaching her hand to help Katie off the bed.

  “Can’t we skip it? I learned my lesson. Promise.” She offered her most innocent smile in the hope to trigger the softer part of the loving woman.

  “You know we can’t. I told you what was going to happen and that is what we will do.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.” Katie headed to the corner of her room.

  “Wrong corner. You are coming out to the kitchen with me where I can keep an eye on you.”

  “What? No, Auntie. Can’t I just stay here? Please? I promise I won’t budge.” Standing in the corner of her own room was one thing, but standing bare bottomed in the kitchen or living room always made her feel intimidated and vulnerable.

  “I know you will be good because I will be watching and my spoon won’t be far from my reach.” Rose retorted, tucking the handle of the spoon into the back pocket of her jeans.

  The tantrum burning inside was effectively stomped out with the threat of another spanking. Katie sighed with resignation. “Yes, Ma’am.”

  “Good girl. Scoot.”

  Katie led the way out to the kitchen and found a corner without uttering a word. She was so embarrassed she knew that the redness of both sets of cheeks would match exactly if she could see them. Hands behind her back she stood still and quiet while wishing she could just disappear. Feeling as if she had been facing the corner for hours, Katie began shifting from foot to foot and knew Rose was deliberately ignoring her loud sighs.

  “Auntie? May I please sit down? My ankles are starting to swell.”


  “I’m pregnant, and my ankles are starting to swell.”

  Rose maintained a straight face. “Are you planning on using this pregnancy to get out of as much trouble as you can?”

  “Pretty much. You can’t blame me for trying, right?”

  Chuckling, the woman kissed her cheek and returned to making dinner. Embarrassment and anxiety forced her to press tightly into the corner in search of safety when she heard the sound of the front door opening. Stomping footsteps, followed by a whistle of surprise, greeted her as Keith entered the kitchen. After kissing his wife, he walked behind Katie.

  “Look at that red bottom! It seems that someone wasn’t a very good girl today.” Katie groaned, squirming inwardly as she imagined his eyes boring into her. “What did she do this time?”

  “Katie? Turn around and tell your uncle why I had to punish you.”

  Turning slowly, she kept her eyes facing the ground. “I didn’t take a nap.”

  “That doesn’t surprise me. Would you care to share the details?” Keith’s deep voice sent shivers down her spine. Her mouth went dry and she could only answer with a shrug. He cleared his throat. “If Auntie has to tell me, then it will go a lot worse for you.”

  The story came out as fast as her lips could move. “I was sassy because I was tired from hormones and Auntie said I needed a nap, but I didn’t want a nap, so I got outta bed and built Legos instead.”

  “What did she use to turn your bottom so red?”

  “That horrible demon-possessed spoon.” She pouted, pointing to the hated implement as Rose handed it to him.

  “This one?” Turning it over, he smacked the palm of his hand. “Ow, nice sting. How many spanks did you get?”

  Unable to control her fidgeting, Katie answered. “Forty.”

  “Wow, forty is quite a lot. Yet, you are standing bare-bottomed in front of me while I hold a demon-possessed wooden spoon in my hand and still can’t remember the proper way to address me.”

  “Forty, Sir.”

  “Thank you. You know what happens when you don’t listen to Auntie. Let’s go for another forty.” He pulled out a straight back chair from the dining room table and sat down.

  The idea of forty swats from Uncle sent a wave of apprehension through her entire body. “You said yourself that was a lot and I can’t take anymore.”

  “Give her a moment, and she will start pulling pregnancy excuses to get out of it,” Rose chimed in with a chortle.

  “Will a spanking hurt the baby?” Keith asked with concern.

  “Not as long as there is no heavy jarring. Once she starts to show, we will adjust accordingly. I’m hoping that her behavior improves before we get to that point.”

  “Don’t hold your breath, darling. We both know that this little imp will push as far as she can. Yes, I’m talking about you,” Keith said as Katie pointed to herself with her mouth open in an attempt to appear innocent. “I always hope that a session with me will make you think twice about disobeying again, but we seem to keep ending up in this same position. Get your little bratty bottom over here.” He motioned with his index finger. “I shouldn’t have to come home to spank you every day. I’d rather spend my time relaxing and playing with you.”

  “It’s not every day,” Katie muttered. Her demeanor sagged as she shuffled her feet to stand in front of him and was forced over his lap with a simple tug of her wrist. She was tipped so far forward that she had to plant her hands on the floor to keep from falling.

  Of course, he felt obligated to add to her embarrassment. “You have a tiny little red mark right here.” He poked it, making her wince. “Nice job, honey.”

  Groaning, Katie covered her eyes with one hand, using the other one on the floor to keep balanced. “Please let me go. I know I was wrong. Auntie punished me; I learned my lesson, and I promised I wouldn’t do it again. Honest Injun.”

  “Enough talking. You know why you’re here, young lady. I expect you to count these out.”

  There was no warning and no warm up. Katie yelled out each number as the searing swats were placed all over her bottom. The tears made their appearance at twenty-five and the sobs at thirty-five. She sagged after she barely screamed out the final number. She never even noticed that he had only used his hand!

  “Was this worth not taking a nap?” he asked, scooping her into his arms. She shook her head and closed her eyes, wishing for the second time that day that she would have just stayed in bed.

  Chapter Nine

  Obligations at work made the days go by faster but added to Katie’s stress and physical exhaustion. She tried to limit her ‘little time’ to avoid being a burden to Keith and Rose. Although they had never remotely suggested that her little side brought them anything but joy, her insecurities, and fear of having to raise a child as a single mother grew daily.

  “Katelyn? I’m sorry to bother you, but the account’s manager is on line one,” her secretary announced through the speaker. Rolling her eyes, she picked up the phone.

  Her typical day consisted of putting out fires and making sure that everything was running smoothly. She had hired competent employees who were motivated by the competitive wages and benefits that her company offered. Keith and Rose helped her in making the decision to limit her work and stay home for the first six months after the baby was born, so she was equipping some of her employees to pick up the slack for her.

  After the call, she rose and stretched, her hand immediately stroking the slight protrusion of her belly. A smile touched her lips as she thought about her growing child and wondered who he would resemble the most in both looks and personality. Either way, he would be the most loved baby on the planet.

  The desk phone rang as she started for her daily walk. A furrow crossed her brow—Rose and Keith usually didn’t call her at work. “Hello? Is everything okay?”

  “Hey, sweetie,
it’s Keith. Everything is fine. I tried to text you, but you left your cell phone at home again. I’m pretty sure we’ve talked about that before, youngster.” His voice lowered.

  Katie dropped her head and closed her eyes tightly. “Ooops, I’m sorry. I swear I can’t remember anything right now. I’m lucky I leave the house with pants on.”

  He laughed, no doubt replaying her recent lack of brain power. “I know, but we need to find a way to keep your forgetfulness from getting your bottom into trouble.”

  “I’m sorry. I’ll try to do better. I promise.”

  “This is the last warning before I help solve your forgetfulness by way of a red bottom. Got it?”

  “Yes, Sir. I’ll start leaving myself notes and see if that helps.”

  “Good idea. I wanted to see what time you would be home tonight. Rose isn’t feeling well and needs some uninterrupted time to rest, so I figured that you and I could to go out to dinner.”

  “If that’s what you want to do. Is there some way that I can help take care of her?”

  “It’s just the flu, and we want to try to limit your exposure right now. She’ll be better in no time, trust me. I’m going to run to the store and get her some soup and will see you when you get home. Don’t work too hard and remember to drink your juice. I love you.”

  “Yes, Uncle Keith. Love you, too.” Before she could walk out the door, one of the new assistants approached her to get her approval on a document. “Can’t it wait? I need to get some fresh air.”

  The man looked around worriedly. “My manager needs your signature before he can finalize his report and send it off. He said this is urgent and put it on me to make sure it got done right away.”

  Katie’s shoulders dropped, she did not like being the reason for any of the employees to stress. “All right, let me look at it.”

  After hours of rewriting the needed document, she sent the young man on his way. When she was finally done, she glanced up at the clock and groaned. She had missed lunch, her walk, and had to face her final meeting of the day with a headache. It was one of those days that she would be happy to go home and leave adulthood behind.


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