Obeying Daddy

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Obeying Daddy Page 12

by Kelly Dawson

  He smiled. Of course his little girl would do the right thing; she was sweet and good-hearted. “Good.”

  Matthew took a deep breath. There was still more they had to discuss: her lying to him. If she had been completely honest with him right from the start she would not be in the predicament she was in now. Taking her hands, he guided her to stand in front of him, between his knees. “Look at me,” he commanded. She did. He didn’t even try to hide his disappointment as he fixed her with a stern stare. “You didn’t tell me the truth, did you, little girl?”

  A flash of guilt went across her face quickly, but she looked down once again. He reached out and took her chin, tilting her face up to look at him. “At work I knew something was up. I asked you multiple times and you insisted it was fine. Why didn’t you tell me?”

  She shrugged, but her lower lip quivered. She wasn’t as good at hiding her emotions as what she perhaps thought she was; he could see right through her.

  “You lied to me, little girl.” He injected as much hardness into his voice as he could, wanting to intimidate her a bit.

  She shook her head.

  “Yes, you did. I specifically asked, and you lied. What happens to liars, little girl?”

  Her face reddened. Damn, she was cute when she blushed!

  “They get spanked, Daddy.” Her voice was quiet, timid.

  “That’s right, little girl, they do,” he agreed amicably.

  She bit her lip and trembled slightly, making her look even younger and more childlike than she was.

  “Daddy is going to spank you now,” he said firmly. Her eyes widened slightly.

  “Yes, Daddy,” she murmured, looking down again. Once more, he tilted up her chin.

  “Do little girls get to keep their pyjama pants on for their spankings, or do they get spanked on their bare bottoms?” He deliberately chose the most embarrassing language that he could think of, wanting to make her blush again. And sure enough, it worked. His cock hardened in his pants as her face flamed.

  “They get spanked on their bare bottoms, Daddy,” she whispered.

  “That’s right, little girl, they do. Now pull your pants down for Daddy.”

  She blushed even more as she shimmied her pyjama pants slowly down her hips, keeping her eyes firmly fixed on the floor.

  “Look at me,” he commanded, knowing that making her maintain eye contact would embarrass her further. “Pull them down properly, all the way. Knickers too. Look at me. I want that bottom completely bare. Naughty little girls who lie to Daddy must be punished soundly.”

  She squirmed at his words, and tried to avoid his gaze, as she slid her clothing down past her knees. She cupped her hands in front of her mound, trying to protect her modesty. It amused him, that she thought she could hide herself from him. He pulled her hands away. “Never hide yourself from Daddy,” he scolded lightly. “Daddy wants to see all of you.” Still holding her hands, he lifted them out to the sides and up, making the pyjama shirt she was wearing ride up, exposing her jewels to his gaze. His swollen cock ached, trapped, wanting to be freed from its fabric prison.

  Transferring both her wrists to his left hand, he reached out and touched her, dragging one finger up her glistening slit. He licked his lips. “So wet, baby girl,” he murmured. “Do you like the thought of being punished?”

  She shook her head, but her slightly parted lips, her ragged breathing, and the mischievous glint in her eyes told the truth.

  “I think you do.” He guided her across his lap, trapping her legs beneath his, taking her free hand and pinning it behind her back. He admired her pale, fleshy bottom for a moment, squeezing the perfect globes gently. “You are stunning, little girl,” he murmured. Then he raised his hand and brought it down sharply, flattening first her left cheek, then her right. Again and again. It wasn’t a hard spanking; she squirmed delightfully beneath his palm, and her pelvis ground against his cock, driving him wild with desire.

  “Are you going to lie to Daddy anymore?” he asked, punctuating his words with another smack.

  “No, sir!” she yelped.

  “Are you going to be honest and tell Daddy everything?” Another smack, lower this time, catching the juncture where her bottom met her thighs, eliciting a cry from her.

  “Yes, Daddy!” she insisted, sounding breathless. “I promise!”

  “I hope you do.”

  Matthew held her firmly and increased the power behind the swats, wanting to show her that he meant business, and this was an actual punishment. Her moans of pleasure turned to whimpers of pain as he continued to rain down stinging spanks, methodically reddening every inch of her exposed bottom. Her delightful little squirms of arousal before now turned to a genuine struggle to escape the fiery blows.

  “I’m sorry, Daddy!” she cried. “I really am!”

  “There’s going to be complete honesty from now on, isn’t there?” he asked, pausing for a brief moment to let her answer. Her bottom was warm where he rested his hand.

  “Yes, sir,” she whimpered.

  Another flurry of hard swats had her wriggling and begging. He stopped to examine his handiwork, rubbing his palm over her hot skin. Her bottom was a magnificent shade of pink, with a few darker streaks outlining his fingers.

  “In everything? You’re not going to hide anything from Daddy or think you should be taking care of it all by yourself instead of letting Daddy help you?”

  “I will tell you everything, Daddy,” she promised, her voice breaking.

  “Good girl.” He patted her bottom, rubbing in gentle circles for a few moments, allowing her the time to catch her breath. If she wasn’t crying yet, it sounded like tears might be close. It was time to drive the lesson home. He sat her up, lifting her to stand in front of him, between his knees. She was a very sorry-looking little girl, with her quivering pout, eye lashes damp with tears, her hands trembling. He took her hands in his, stroking them gently, wanting to reassure her, comfort her.

  “Do you have a wooden spoon in your kitchen?”

  She nodded.

  “Go and get it for me, please.”

  Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open in shock, but she stepped out of her pants that had pooled at her feet and scurried to obey, her hands reaching behind her to rub her bottom as she walked. “No rubbing!” he scolded. “It’s meant to hurt. Be quick!”

  The bottom half of her was hidden from view by the kitchen counter, but he could see the top half of her as she did what he had asked. Her hair fell in her face as she was looking down and she brushed it back with the hand that held the spoon as she turned around to return to the couch. She looked both ashamed and frightened as she came to stand in front of him and held the wooden spoon out toward him.

  “Ask me to spank you with it,” he commanded.

  She looked at him in alarm, then she sucked in a deep breath, looked down at the floor.

  “Look at me.” He touched her chin, reminding her. She had a very bad habit of avoiding his gaze when she was in trouble. That would need to change.

  Slowly, she lifted her head and bravely met his gaze. She laid the wooden spoon on her side-by-side upturned palms and offered it to him. “Please spank me with this wooden spoon, Daddy,” she said in a voice barely above a whisper.

  He reached out and took the spoon. It was small and lightweight, but it would do. Used right, it would still impart enough of a sting to teach her the lesson he wanted her to learn. He tucked it beside him on the couch, underneath the leg of his jeans, while he guided her back across his lap and got her positioned how he wanted her, adjusting her so her bottom was just at the right height. He rubbed the cool wood over her pink flesh and watched her bottom quiver in response to the gentle touch.

  “I’m going to spank you ten times with this and you’re going to count them. After each smack you will say ‘I won’t hide things from Daddy.’ Okay?”

  “Yes, Daddy,” she whispered.

  Holding her firmly, he delivered the first swat, landing t
he spoon harshly on her lower left cheek, right where she would feel it when she sat.

  “Ow. One!” Jilly cried out. “I won’t hide things from Daddy.”

  He gave her a matching smack on the other side, and she yelped and squirmed before answering.

  “Two!” she called out, sounding a bit breathless. “I won’t hide things from Daddy.”

  By the time the sixth and seventh smacks had fallen, Jilly’s voice had gone from a breathless whimper to a sobbing, garbled promise that was almost impossible to understand. Small pink circles dotted both cheeks where the spoon had fallen, darker spots on top of the spanking she’d already received. Judging by the change in her tone, it sounded like his message was getting through.

  He snapped the spoon down again, a bit harder this time, and she bucked on his lap.

  “Eight,” she sobbed. “I won’t hide things from Daddy.”

  “You’re doing well, little girl,” he encouraged. “Two more to go.”

  Another solid swat to her sit-spot.

  “Nine!” she cried. “I won’t hide things from Daddy.” Her words were completely unintelligible and her shoulders shook with sobs.

  Matthew brought the spoon down again quickly for the final time.

  “Ten,” she whispered, repeating her promise again. But again, he couldn’t understand what she was saying.

  He let her lie there for a few minutes while he rubbed her back soothingly, not touching her hot bottom and keeping his fingers well away from her glistening pussy that peeked out from between her thighs. Yes, he thought. She had definitely learned her lesson.

  When her sobs had subsided, he helped her stand up.

  “Go and stand in that corner over there,” he pointed. “Put your nose to the wall and think about why you are there; why you got punished.”

  She reached for her clothing, but he shook his head. “No. Stay as you are. I want to see that red bottom on display for me. No rubbing.”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  He watched as she waddled to the corner, her red bottom in stark contrast to her pale thighs. Like the good girl she was trying to be, she stood close enough to the wall that her nose was touching it and bounced up and down on her toes, transferring her weight from one leg to the other by lifting her heels off the floor one at a time.

  “Hold your shirt up out of the way,” he commanded. “I want to see that bottom.”

  “Yes, Daddy.” Even from a few metres away, he could still hear her sniffling as she spoke.

  “Good girl,” he praised her as she lifted her shirt up and held it against her hips, giving him a clear view of her punished bottom. Even from where he was sitting, the darker red circles from the spoon were evident on the pink background, framed by the white of her thighs.

  After a few minutes, Matthew called her back to him. He kissed her temple as he settled her on his lap. “What have you concluded?” he asked her gently.

  “I’m sorry, Daddy,” she said, her voice quiet. “I should have told you.”

  “Yes, you should have,” he agreed. “But why?”

  “Because I wouldn’t be in this situation if I had,” she admitted, choking on another sob. He rubbed her back soothingly as she took a deep breath and carried on. “Even if you can’t help me, knowing that I’m not alone in this would have made it easier. Maybe I still would have checked my personal emails in work hours, I don’t know. But I probably wouldn’t have blown up at Janice. I owe her an apology. And maybe some flowers. Do you know what she likes?”

  Matthew smiled. His baby girl was impressing him more and more. “No. But I can find out.” He bent and kissed her, catching her lower lip in his teeth, nibbling possessively as her hands wrapped around his neck, tangling in his hair, pulling his head down lower. He kissed her just to the point of urgency, then broke off.

  “More,” she whispered against him, trying to tug him back down, but he pressed a finger to her lips.

  “No.” He shook his head. “You’ve just been punished. Naughty girls don’t get rewarded after a spanking.”

  “Not fair,” she pouted, folding her hands in her lap, and he was certain she would have stomped her foot on the floor in a tantrum, if her legs had been long enough to reach it from the tipped-back position she was in.

  He tapped her mouth with his finger. “Put that lip away,” he commanded softly. “No pouting. Unless you want to go back over my knee?”

  “You’re mean,” she grumbled, but she did stop pouting.

  “Good girl. Now we need to find a solution to your problem.”

  That got her listening. She settled back against him and looked up at him. “Have you got one? Because I’m getting pretty desperate. Right now, my only option is asking my parents for help, and I really don’t want to do that.”

  “Yes, I have a solution, little girl. Two of them, actually. The first option, if you want to stay around here and keep Lily at her school, is to find a house you like—any house—and I’ll subsidise your rent.” He hesitated for a moment, waiting for her to object and when there was none, he ploughed on. “The second option is for you to move in with me. I live on the shore so it means Lily will have to change schools, but there’s a good little rural school nearby, and I have five acres and a big house. I think you and Lily would be happy there.” He waited again, for her to give an opinion, but again, there was none. She sat there in silence, looking shocked.

  He poked her in the ribs gently, startling her back to reality. “So, little girl. What do you think?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t want to be indebted to you.”

  “Do you want another spanking?” he growled. “The spoon’s right here,” he told her, fishing it out of the couch cushions and smacking it lightly against her thigh. “You are not indebted to me, and you never will be. You’re my little girl—I want to take care of you.”

  “But both of those options are expensive, and I can’t pay you back.”

  “I don’t want you to pay me back.”


  “Money is no object, little girl,” he told her, cutting her off. He waved the wooden spoon under her nose menacingly. “I’m an only child, and my uncle has no children. He’s always been very generous to me. He put me through law school and gave me the partnership in his law firm. I have plenty of money, sweetheart. Let me share it with you. Please.”

  He watched her expression change as the reality of what he was offering dawned on her. Her eyes widened, she smiled, and excitement danced in her eyes. “You’d let us move in with you? Really? Like a proper relationship?”

  He kissed her nose. “I would love you to move in with me.”

  Instantly, her face fell. Her smile vanished, the sparkle in her eyes disappeared. Her whole demeanour changed and her voice broke. He felt her tremble. She looked down at the floor. “But what if it doesn’t work out?” she asked softly. “I gave my heart to a man once before and he broke it. He left me. I couldn’t stand it if you did that to me, too.”

  “Oh, baby girl. Look at me.” He dropped the spoon and cupped her face in his hands, looking directly into her eyes, wanting her to understand his sincerity. “I will never do that to you, I promise. I don’t make commitments lightly. We can take it as slow as you like. You’ve still got a few weeks before you have to move out of here, haven’t you?” He raised an eyebrow at her questioningly and she nodded. “So you can stay on the weekends at first, see what you think. We can work it out, baby girl. The most important thing you need to know is that you have options, and I’m here for you.”

  * * *

  Wearing no pants in the kitchen while she made Matthew a coffee seemed like the most natural thing in the world. She could breathe freer now; it felt like the weight of the world had been taken off her shoulders. Matthew had made everything all better. Thanks to him her bottom throbbed, her pussy ached, and her breasts were tight and hot. She wanted him so bad. It was totally unfair that he punished her and left her horny.

  “Is this w
hat it’s going to be like when I’m living with you?” she asked him as she tipped milk into his mug. “Wandering around the place with no pants on?”

  Matthew chuckled. “I like being able to admire my handiwork.” He got up from the couch and stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her from behind and kissing her neck. His thighs pressed against her hot bottom, his jeans rough, scratchy against her stinging skin. She tipped her head back, allowing him easier access to her throat, and moaned.

  “And yes, whenever we are alone in the house I will very much enjoy seeing you wandering around the place with no pants on. Especially when you have a bright red bottom as you do now.” He squeezed it and she yelped. “A well punished bottom looks good on you, little girl.”

  She smiled shyly and handed him the mug of steaming coffee. “Let me go and put some clothes on and brush my hair. It’s nearly time to pick up my daughter from school.”

  “And cover up this beautiful bottom?” Matthew mock frowned. “I don’t think so!”

  Tiptoeing, Jilly kissed him. “I’m afraid so. But when it’s just me and you, I will bare my bottom for you whenever you like. I promise.”

  “I’m going to hold you to that.”

  Jilly leaned back on her elbows and sighed happily. This afternoon had gone better than she could ever have imagined. Lily had been inquisitive but polite when Jilly had introduced her to Matthew, and Matthew had been kind and patient, answering all the questions she had asked of him. And when he had suggested they go to Mission Bay beach for ice cream, Lily’s eyes had nearly popped out of her head in excitement when she saw Matthew’s car.

  Now she watched as Matthew pushed Lily on the swing. She’d never seen him in casual clothes before, only well-fitted suits. But jeans and a t-shirt suited him. His old Levi’s clung to him like a second skin and his untucked black t-shirt stretched tight across his chest, making his shoulders and biceps look huge. His too-long hair flopped over his forehead instead of being slicked back with gel like it often was at work. He looked relaxed and happy. Her daughter’s giggles were infectious and Matthew was grinning. He was born to be a father, she thought. Matthew was as attentive and gentle with her daughter as he was with her, and it made her heart sing.


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