Wicked Serenade: a Lost in Oblivion Collection

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Wicked Serenade: a Lost in Oblivion Collection Page 91

by Quinn, Cari

  His eyes narrowed. “Are you okay? You’re acting weird.”

  “Yes, I’m fine. Jeez. Just text me, okay?” She gave him a light shove down the stairs. Clearly she needed to adjust her plan of attack, because her casual flirtiness didn’t seem to be having much of an effect.

  “Okay. Fine.” He backed down the steps, smiling up at her in that way that caused her belly to twist like a knotted up Slinky. “Have fun getting girly.”

  “I’m already girly, you jerk.” She grinned and waved, waiting until he turned around to descend the stairs to cover her stampeding heart with her hand.

  This had to get easier. If it didn’t, she’d stroke out before she managed to get naked.

  A moment later, Deak yelled up the stairs. “Pix? Car’s here. You ready to go?”

  “Coming,” she called, returning to her room for her stuff.

  Here went everything.

  * * *

  His life had been circling the drain for a while. Today, Lila had flushed.

  “So this is it, huh?” Nick strode across the living room of the rustic cabin where they’d be holed up together for way too long. “These are our luxury accommodations while the three glam girls get their toenails waxed?”

  In spite of his dissatisfaction, Gray choked a laugh into his fist. “Two of those three glam girls would kick your ass for saying that. And I don’t think toenails can get waxed.”

  “Whatever. I can take Deak and Simon.”

  “I meant Deak and Jazz. I think Simon would probably correct you for mixing up your metaphors then show you his manly manicure.”

  Nick shook his head and ambled over to the giant fireplace that appeared to have been dug by hand out of the wall. He braced his hands on the mantel and dropped his head. “This really fucking blows.”

  “Yeah.” Gray dropped into the nearest leather wingback chair and propped his guitar between his knees. “Have to agree.”

  Nick turned away from the fireplace and prowled around the cabin while Gray popped open the case and pulled out his Epiphone. Though the drive from the Hollywood Hills hadn’t taken that long, he still felt too edgy to just calmly check out his new surroundings. He needed something to unkink the knots in his gut and distract him from the urge for a fix. He used to be able to go days between them. Now in less than twenty-four hours, he was jonesing again.

  He’d hoped to get a hold of Cricket before the car arrived to pick them up, but Jazz had been talkative and Cricket hadn’t answered his texts quickly enough. When she had, she’d made it clear she’d be providing no more freebies.

  If he didn’t pay up his past-due amounts—and/or fuck her brains out, which probably would buy him a week or two and another hit at best—he’d be cut off. And that couldn’t happen. He wasn’t about to put out feelers for another dealer when his name had already been thrown to the media wolves for the Jazz thing.

  Bottom line, he needed to get her some fucking cash, fast.

  “These bedrooms aren’t bad,” Nick said from down the hall. “I’m claiming the one next to the—holy shit, man, come check this out.”

  Sighing, Gray set aside his guitar and got to his feet. He truly didn’t give a crap what Nick had found nor did he care which bedroom he ended up with. Sleeping was pretty much optional for him nowadays, and he didn’t have a need for a bed otherwise. It wasn’t like he’d be getting laid during this misfit toys vacation.

  His weird conversation with Jazz popped back into his brain. She’d said something about visiting him tonight. For what? Maybe she figured they could work on some songs away from the rest of the group. They’d always had their own vibe and style of collaboration. It had been a while since they’d tried to write something new on their own, but the whole “Captured” discussion during the band meeting last night had probably reminded her of all the fun they used to have making music together.

  “Hang on,” Gray replied, dragging out his phone. “Gotta text someone.”

  He’d overheard the address when the driver had been calling in to some kind of dispatch and now Gray typed it out quickly to Jazz. He still didn’t get why she wanted to flaunt Lila’s decree on the very day she’d made it, but his best friend had been a little rulebreaker for as long as he’d known her. He’d always been attracted to the side of her that prompted her to sneak out of her bedroom window to go to a concert or to dye her hair blue with Kool-Aid when no one at school was doing it. She’d never walked the straight and narrow, and damn, she made the crooked seem so fucking sexy.

  That even extended to her personal jewelry. He still couldn’t believe she’d pierced her clit. Earlier it had almost seemed like she’d been goading him into mentioning that particular piercing. Something must be up. Maybe he’d figure out her game plan after she showed up.

  If she even did. That’d be his luck to get his hopes up for no reason at all.

  He texted her the addy and she sent back an answer almost immediately.

  I’ll be there by 12:30. One level?

  His lips quirked. Was she planning a reverse Rapunzel? His hair had grown longer than he preferred but he wouldn’t be able to use it as a trellis for her to climb up from the ground anytime soon.

  Yes, one.

  At least he was pretty sure there was just one. That’s how it had looked from outside.

  Where’s your bedroom?

  I’ll let you know in a bit. How’s the spa?

  So far I’ve had a kelp smoothie and I’m baking in a green clay face mask. Simon is hitting on Diane, the esthetician, and Deak keeps texting Harper while they do something to his feet. Later I guess we’re gonna try to write.

  He smiled, hearing her enthusiastic voice as he read her words. Seeing Jazz happy made up for so much of the toxic shit in his world. He’d give anything to keep her that way.

  Glad to hear it. Me and Nick are just checking out the house.

  Is it nice?

  Yeah, it’s sweet.

  His thumbs hovered over the keys. He didn’t want to seem desperate, but man, the idea of spending some time with Jazz alone—relatively anyway—sounded better and better.

  So I’ll see you later?

  You will. Text me when you know which room is yours.

  KK. Enjoy getting even more beautiful, beautiful.

  The smiley face she sent back made him grin until he glanced up into Nick’s amused face.

  “A little busy there?” Nick asked, jerking his chin at Gray’s cell.

  “Nah, all good. So what does the rest of this place look like?” He tucked his phone in his back pocket and ventured down the hall, stopping in the doorway to a gleaming black bathroom. The tiles, spacious tub and floor were all onyx. And damn, the tub looked like it had a million jets. It was definitely made for two.

  He shut his eyes and tried to ignore the sudden pressure below the waist. Two wasn’t a possibility. Hell, he’d probably be hiding out in the shower as much as possible just to avoid Nick’s smirk.

  “This place is a fucking wet dream. And dude, I already claimed the bigger bedroom, so you’re out of luck.”

  Gray gripped the back of his neck and turned to face Nick. This wasn’t just about disliking the guy. He needed to make this work for the band. That was more important than his urge to plant his size twelve boot right on that sneering face.

  “That’s cool. I don’t sleep a whole hell of a lot, so go for it.”

  Nick tucked his hands under his arms. “Wow, I think that might be the most words you’ve spoken at one time in…well, ever.”

  Don’t rise to the bait. “If we’re going to be writing together, we’re going to be talking, right? Unless you want to try out the whole telepathy deal.”

  Before Nick could respond, he slipped past him into the hall and headed into the rustic bedroom on his left. Obviously, this was the one Nick hadn’t claimed, since it looked untouched. A thick plaid spread covered the double bed and a plush loveseat and pair of chairs made up a small seating area. The old-fashioned carved armoire o
pened to a pair of thick white robes. Clearly this place was made for couples.

  One more reason to put sex in his head. Fabulous.

  He walked to the window and flipped the lock, then dragged up the sill so he could haul in a breath of humid air. Beyond the cabin lay what appeared to be miles of woods. His gaze drifted back to the deck and he did a double take at the huge Jacuzzi. Best of all, a door beside the closet allowed direct access to said Jacuzzi without having to go through the rest of the house.

  Shaking his head, he stepped away from the window. Yeah, lovers would have a fucking awesome time here. Him? He needed a hit.

  He tugged out his cell and tapped out another quick text to Cricket. She couldn’t leave him high and dry with Nick. Maybe he hadn’t been clear enough about the desperate straits he was in.

  Or maybe he’d have to dig out the weed Jere had given him and settle for that. He wasn’t a big fan of pot, but shit, his nerves were jumping under his skin. If he touched his arm, he was certain he’d feel them wriggling beneath the surface. A few tokes would take the edge off.

  “So? What’s the verdict?”

  And that right there was a big reason why. Damn Nick. Damn Jazz. Damn everything right now.

  “Verdict?” Gray finished his text and tossed his phone on the bed. “On what?”

  “On the place. I think—holy shit, look at that Jacuzzi.” Nick strode over to the door and pulled it open before tossing a grin over his shoulder. “Man, Dragon Lady is nuts if she thinks I’m going to spend the entire time strictly dickly in a tricked-out place like this. This house is practically begging for an orgy.”

  “Dragon Lady?”

  Nick’s grin spread. “Yeah, fits Lila, don’t you think?”

  In lieu of replying, Gray dropped to the mattress. He cast a sly glance at his silent phone. What the hell was Cricket doing? She never went this long without answering. Yes, he owed her money. He had a little bit left in his savings account stashed away for the next few months of rent so if he had to, he’d use that. If Cricket ever bothered to return his text.

  “You heard Lila,” he said vaguely, still fixated on his cell. “She wants us to concentrate on coming up with material for the album. We need to bond or some shit.”

  Nick snorted. “Lila can kiss my ass. She’s not here, and I’m not wasting this kind of setup.”

  “So you’re already bailing on the plan. Why am I not surprised?”

  “Look, Boy Scout, not all of us do real well at taking orders. I know for a fact that you’re not nearly as lily white as you pretend, so go fuck yourself.” Nick crossed the room and slammed the door hard enough to shake the foundation.

  Shaking his head, Gray balled up his pillow. He shoved it under his head and stared at his phone, willing it to ring. He couldn’t do this week without blow. If he had to empty his savings and offer up his dick as a goddamn consolation prize, he’d do it. He had no choices left.

  A text came through and he leaped on his phone. Excitement surged and banked as he realized it was from Jazz. Not that he didn’t want to hear from her too, but at the moment he had another priority. Even his gorgeous, perfect best friend couldn’t compare with a sweet white pile of powder.

  Simon just got the esthetician’s number. He said it’s a new personal record. I think Deak’s too disgusted to laugh.

  Gray waited, unable to reply. But she wasn’t done.

  Back in high school, I saw girls give you their numbers way faster than that. Though you always tried to hide them from me. You always joked that I was hotter than they were.

  He swallowed and shut his eyes. Jesus, how had they gotten to this place? She’d been the cornerstone of his life for so long. The reason he wanted to be a better man. The answer to all the questions he’d never been brave enough to ask when he wasn’t high. They mattered too much, and he was a goddamned coward.

  Now she was asking him to remember a simpler time, one where his longing for her had been pure and untainted, while he had a hard-on for a mirror and a snow-white smile.

  His thumbs moved over the keys.

  You are hot. The hottest girl I’ve ever seen.

  Without giving her a chance to answer, he shut off his phone.



  Holy crap, what had she gotten herself into?

  Standing in the foyer of Beth’s parents’ house, Jazz glanced around with wide eyes. She wasn’t a stranger to parties, but this one was a freaking rager. The place had already been completely trashed and it wasn’t even ten o’clock yet. The front door stood wide open and a steady stream of people poured in and out, most of them laughing and shouting and guzzling their drink of choice.

  And those drinks were all alcoholic.

  She didn’t balk when one of the senior guys pressed a bottle into her hand. Why should she? She could tolerate her liquor. She’d been sneaking sips from her mother’s stash since she was ten. Yet another reason her mom had said she was such a bad influence on her little sister.

  What kind of example are you setting for Molly? Drinking and slutting around.

  At the pang in her chest, she lifted the beer and took a sip. Bad influence. Right. That was her label, so she’d wear it proudly.

  “This is incredible,” Stacey said, bumping into her side. “There are so many sexy guys here, oh my gawd, I can’t stand it.”

  Jazz giggled, and not from her friend’s statement. Stacey’s glazed eyes and slack mouth gave her a shell-shocked appearance. Of course that also might’ve been from the pills she’d been popping on her way over, claiming they were some kind of muscle relaxant for bad cramps.

  “Who’re you planning on nailing tonight?” Jazz asked, leaning her head on Stacey’s shoulder as she took another gulp. This beer didn’t taste like any she’d had before. It had a metallic flavor to it rather than a yeasty one. But if it worked to ease her nerves about putting the moves on Gray—any kind of moves at all—she was down with it.

  “Who am I not planning on nailing is a better question.” Stacey patted Jazz’s head like a child’s before she snagged a beer from the same senior who had hooked up Jazz with one a few moments ago. He’d reloaded both hands with a pair of bottles that were already uncapped.

  Jazz took another bolstering sip, fearing repercussions, but instead of seeming pissed, he stopped and turned back to give them both a leisurely look. “You two come as a set?” he asked, licking his lips.

  Shaking her head, Jazz stumbled back. “N-no, of course not.”

  She wasn’t positive what he was asking, though she had a pretty good idea. A girl didn’t land in a handful of foster homes in two years without picking up a thing or two about the dirty, depraved things that people did for fun. And heck, she wasn’t slamming it. If more than one person was your scene, aces. But she only had one guy in mind. Even Toby didn’t garner more of her interest than a passing thought.

  Stacey shot her a sharp glance. “Depends what you have in mind, Mike.” Her tone turned flirtatious. “You bring some party favors with you tonight?”

  Jazz backed up again, straight into a hard chest. “Hey there. You heading somewhere?”

  She looked up at Toby’s smiling face and her stomach tumbled. It wasn’t desire that caused that shaken-marble sensation in her belly, but nausea. “No. I don’t think so.” Was she? How was she supposed to remember?

  He chuckled. “Let me know when you figure it out.”


  The noise was getting to her. The music wasn’t something she was familiar with, all screaming guitars backed by a vocalist who shrieked more than sang. Normally she enjoyed any kind of rock or metal. Not tonight. Her temples were pounding like hammers into wood. She swallowed to wet her dry throat before remembering she still held a bottle in her boneless fingers. She took another swig, letting the off-tasting liquid flow down her throat. Why was her face so hot all of a sudden?

  “Jasmine, isn’t it?” He leaned down and ruffled the hair she’d teased into blue sp
ikes at her crown. “You want to go somewhere a bit quieter? Maybe we could talk a little, get to know each other.”

  “Okay.” She nodded again and regretted it when her head spun. Jesus, she was becoming a lightweight. Couldn’t even handle one beer. She let out a tipsy giggle, pleased at how Toby steadied her with his iron fingers. God, his strength was hot.

  But when he started to head toward the stairs, she planted her boots on the carpeted floor. “Uh uh. Don’t know you. Can’t go upstairs with you ’til you buy me dinner.”

  His amused smile made her offer a goofy smile back. At least it felt goofy to try to make her lips work. “Is that so?”

  She firmed her wobbly chin. “Yes. My mom taught me that.”

  “Your mom sounds like a smart woman.” He flashed her a lethal smile, one she’d heard the girls talking about as a panty-dampener. She couldn’t tell if she was still wearing panties, never mind if they were wet. “How about the basement? Other people are down there, but it’ll be easier to get better acquainted.”

  It was getting harder to argue. Maybe she shouldn’t. She wanted so badly to make friends, and here was a chance.

  She glanced over her shoulder to tell Stacey she’d be downstairs. Except Stacey wasn’t anywhere in sight. And neither was Mike.

  Swallowing hard, she faced Toby again and gave him a smile. She could do this. Perhaps she’d even have fun. “Sure. Lead the way.”



  On the back deck of the cabin where Gray and Nick were staying, Jazz tugged down her slip dress and peered at her phone. It was late. She debated texting Harper, then decided she needed an urgent pep talk that involved actual speech.


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