“Don’t do this. It’s—”
“I’m going, Jet. I just wanted you to know.”
Standing on his stoop, Jet glared down at me. “I’ll pick the guards then.”
“You can pick three. The other two will come from House Korpit. I plan to take Mareti as my adviser.”
He shook his head, incredulous. “I don’t see why you bothered to tell me this, then.”
“Because you’re my general. And I’m hoping one of your men can take a note describing my terms to the skiff that the Ulstats will send.”
“At least you haven’t decided to do that yourself, too.” He stared at the sky and muttered, “Fool girl.”
In my mind, Tyrak chuckled. This commander of yours has a talent for bluster. But he approves of your plan even if he doesn’t feel he can condone it.
I don’t know about that, Tyrak, I said.
Oh, trust me. Right now, Jet and I share a bond that would be hard for you to understand. More than anything, we want to protect you, but we can’t because to do so, we’d have to control you. Might as well try to contain a typhoon. Best we can do is hold on.
“So you’ll have someone take the letter?” I asked.
Rolling his eyes, Jet nodded. “As you say, Councilor.”
“Good. And Jet? One more thing . . .”
He glanced at me, a brow raised in question.
“I don’t want any arguments about this,” I said.
As I stuck my hand in my backpack and pulled out the nightforged boot knife the Ulstat messenger had left, Jet’s eyes widened.
“I assume you have a suitable holster?”
He stared at the weapon, speechless. Soldier for a father or not, I doubted he’d had a chance to see a nightforged blade up close.
“It’s a little small for a general’s weapon, but will you keep it? For luck?” I asked.
Clapping a hand on my shoulder—I tried not to stagger under his strength—Jet nodded. “Again, as you say, Councilor.”
Chapter Twenty-Seven
WHEREAS THE GUTTER slum petered out into the itinerant camp, which in turn faded at the edge of the closest inland farm, the trader district backed up to a steep slope. Nearly sheer in places, the rugged ridgeline wrapped the east side of the harbor and peaked at a flat-topped overlook informally called Trader’s Promontory. The official name, Deviki’s Demise, coined long ago to memorialize one of the early Islanders who had accidentally fallen from the precipice, seemed too morbid for most. In either case, I’d given both names when I sent my message back to House Ulstat. Jet had suggested the location. By picking the highest spot around, I was assured that House Ulstat would have a much more difficult time surprising me.
Nonetheless, I’d sent Jet’s three wardens ahead to watch the area for signs of treachery. I’d requested we meet in the late afternoon, not so close to sunset as to leave me and Mareti exposed after dark, but late enough that the growing shadows would give us some cover as we moved through the trader district and onto the narrow path that switchbacked up to the ridgetop.
“Aren’t you scared?” Mareti asked as we trekked. She’d chosen two of her most loyal House guard to accompany us. No doubt her father would hear of the outing, but if Mareti was worried about his reaction, she hadn’t shown it. The upcoming discussion with the Ulstats, however, had her gaze flitting nervously over the terrain.
“Of course I am,” I said. “But at this point, I feel like it’s been months since I could relax. The fear is more of a dull ache than a sharp pain now.”
She nodded. “Well, I’m glad you asked me to come.”
“Of course. I trust you.”
“I still don’t understand why. I’m a trader.”
I considered this for a moment. “At first, it was because Raav did. But then I got to know you and found that he was right. Plus, I know you care about him. If we don’t find a way to deal with the Ulstats, Trader Yiltak will execute him. I knew you would want to be here.”
“I do,” she said, breathing easily. Though she had the same slight build as Katrikki, the climb hadn’t winded her at all. I wondered what she did in her free time.
“Plus,” I said, “I’d wager coin the Ulstats will send Frask. I specifically asked that someone from House Ulstat meet with me, but I doubt they’ll abide. You know Frask. I thought that could be useful.”
“Makes sense,” she said, eyes on the trail ahead. “I hope I don’t disappoint you.”
We fell into a quiet rhythm, ascending the trail at a cautious but quick pace. With the unrest in the city, we couldn’t afford to spend time admiring the view.
“You’re right when you say I care for Raav,” Mareti said at the next switchback. “I wish I could stop, though. He doesn’t want me.”
My cheeks warmed. “I didn’t mean it that way,” I said as I rounded the turn to fall in behind her again. To our right, the hill fell away, rock outcroppings peppered with the occasional, scrubby tree. A pebble shot from beneath my foot and sailed over the drop, bounced once, and then fell through empty air. I shuddered at the thought of slipping. “Only that you’re a kind person, and your history with Raav makes him important to you.”
“I know what you meant. But I needed to admit how I feel. If you’re going to trust me, you have a right to my honesty.”
As she spoke, I glimpsed her face in profile. With the ocean as a backdrop, she could have been the subject of a painting worth hanging in a trader’s finest receiving chamber.
“Thank you,” I said quietly.
Ahead, her lead guardsman clambered up the final step onto the ridgetop trail. Wary-eyed, he studied the final distance before the Promontory. The low afternoon sun hung behind the wide platform of the meeting spot, hiding details in its glare. With no way to survey the spot before we closed the distance, we’d have to trust that the men I’d sent ahead had secured the area.
Once we drew within shouting distance, I spotted the Ulstat group clustered at the far side of the platform, but I didn’t see my other three guardsmen. My heart thudded until the silhouettes I’d mistaken for rocky hoodoos on the ridgetop stood and turned. “Councilor Boket,” one called, both a greeting and an acknowledgment of the situation. Hand on his sword, the man stepped to face his partners with the trail between them.
Grateful for the reception, I nodded as I passed, Mareti on my heels. As soon as her House guards saw who we’d come to meet, I heard a startled cry—they hadn’t known. A sharp glance from the trader silenced the outburst. When I glanced back, her guards were standing at rigid attention.
“Lilik Boket, queen of the gutter horde.”
Still blinded by the sun, I couldn’t pick out features on the man who’d spoken, but neither did I recognize the voice. They hadn’t sent Frask after all, or if they had, he wasn’t doing the speaking.
Sidestepping, I adjusted so that the sun was to my side. The man drew closer, attempting to edge around and regain advantage. Mareti, to her credit, noticed the maneuvering and placed herself so that he had no path to get the sun at his back once again. She kept her back stiff, her head high as she glared at him.
“And you are?” I asked, taking care to keep my voice even. The man wore fine clothing, nothing particularly ornate, but the leather patches on the forearms of his jacket and the crisp folds in his trousers spoke of money. If I were to guess, he was a high-level clerk within House Ulstat.
His mouth turned up in an amused sneer. “Care to announce me?” he said to his companion, a small man who reminded me, strangely, of a spider.
With a furtive nod, the other man simpered then spoke. “It is my honor to introduce Olev Ulstat, Prime Trader to House Ulstat, father of Mieshk Ulstat, sole ruler of the island of Ioene.”
I couldn’t help it; I flinched at the mention of Ioene. Clearly expecting the reaction, Trader Ulstat smiled, an oily expression that conveyed no friendliness.
“We disagree on many things already,” I said.
Trader Ulstat cocked his head. “Yes,
well, that’s to be expected at first. But I’ve found that people generally come around to my point of view.”
“What do you want?” I asked, shifting my weight onto my other hip.
“Straight to the matter. I like that.”
The man spread his feet and crossed his arms over his chest, a pose I gathered was supposed to look intimidating. Taller than me by a head and shoulders, he lifted his chin in order to look down his nose at me. Unwilling to let him gain advantage by this, I glared and pushed back my sleeves. When my fingers brushed my scars, flickers of last night’s pain surged in my memory. But I would do it again if I had to, lift myself from the ground. I wondered if Trader Ulstat had heard what had happened in the square.
“I’m waiting,” I responded.
“All right.” Painted by the side light from the sinking sun, Trader Ulstat’s face was a sinister, shadow-lined red. I could see where Mieshk got her stark appearance. “I propose an alliance.”
I laughed out loud.
“No?” he asked. “Well, consider this: I’ve been in talks with the soldiers, both those stationed in the barracks and many of the squads afield. They’ve agreed to support me against the Council, leaving no one for Istanik’s defense but the House guardsmen and the few city guards who are stupid enough to remain loyal.”
“Conflict between traders doesn’t concern me,” I said with a shrug.
“But it will. You see, when I take over the city, I plan to appoint a new governor to manage Stanik Island in my stead. Frask Ovintak has already exhausted his usefulness. Therefore, I’d like that person to be you.”
Beside me, Mareti stiffened. I sidled over to reassure her. I would not betray my friends by allying with the Ulstats, no matter the reward.
“All I care about right now is removing your daughter from Ioene before she obliterates the island. Can you help me with that?”
At the comment, a flicker of emotion registered on his face. I’d hit a sensitive topic. But Trader Ulstat quickly covered his reaction.
“I think you already know the answer to that.”
“Then we’re done here. We go our separate ways, I let you sort out your arguments with the Council, and after that’s over I collect what I need from the wreckage and sail for Ioene.”
Beside Trader Ulstat, his adviser simpered once again, a weasely giggle. He nudged his patron and stepped aside. At the far edge of the overlook, the Ulstat guardsmen parted to grant a view down the approach trail they’d taken to reach the Promontory. Much like the path leading from the trader district, the narrow trail behind the Ulstat party dropped steeply, disappearing over the edge where the slope plunged to the sea.
Trader Ulstat remained where he was, the grin on his face stopping just short of a leer.
“Come on, Mareti, we can leave,” I said.
“A moment, Lilik,” Trader Ulstat said. “If you’ll just glance down the trail, I believe you’ll spot something which might change your mind.”
Sighing, I marched to the gap opened by his guards. Looking over the water, I expected to see another half-dozen ships. An additional show of strength intended to convince me the only hope lay in alliance with the Ulstats. But aside from the ships already floating near the harbor mouth, I saw only the distant lines of waves moving through the strait between Stanik and the timber-producing island, Averntok. Hazed by mist now glowing with the red of approaching sunset, Averntok’s silhouette was just a hint on the horizon.
“I’m not sure what you’re trying to point out,” I said.
“Look at the trail. I’ve followed your instructions precisely—from that, you should gather that I’m an honorable man. Only five men plus an adviser. The remainder of my party was forced to remain behind on the pathway.”
Squinting, I peered down the ridgeline. Against the dark backdrop of the rocky hill, I hadn’t noticed the other figures, but now that they were pointed out, the cluster of guards were obvious. Standing at rigid attention, they ringed a pair of . . . captives?
“What is this?” I asked.
Turning, Trader Ulstat cupped his hands around his mouth and called down the hill. “Kindly part so that our friend can have a better look.”
In response, the Ulstat guardsmen withdrew, nudging the captives forward.
My breath caught as my heart plummeted into my gut. If not for the wide shoulders on one and the sling holding a broken arm on the smaller figure, I might not have recognized them from this distance. Despite myself a cry of dismay escaped my lips.
“No response?” Trader Ulstat asked. “You moved your family to a separate dwelling to protect them. That was smart. But it wasn’t quite enough, was it? Don’t worry, your da and brother will be safe with me. All you need to do is aide me against the Council. Ally with me, help me capture the city, and I’ll release them to you. If, in the process, you manage to convince me of your loyalty, I may still consider the governorship. Though I admit, you’d need to be tremendously convincing.”
“They have nothing to do with this!” I spat.
Trader Ulstat stepped beside me, grinning sideways as if we were co-conspirators in a grand plot. “You should know by now that innocence is no protection where trader politics are concerned. My son, as you know, is currently held by the Council. And what were his crimes before their raiding party wrenched him from his home? Learning his letters and training his puppy? So please don’t expect to sway me with any ridiculous argument about who should or should not be used to gain advantage.”
Fists clenched, I stared at my family. From this distance, I couldn’t see their faces, but I could imagine their expressions all the same. Because of me, they were prisoners of the Ulstats.
“I won’t let you do this,” I said.
“It seems I already have, young Boket.”
Behind me, Mareti laid a calming hand on my shoulder. “There’s nothing else we can do here,” she said softly.
“I’ll fix this!” I yelled to my family. At the sound of my voice, Jaret started forward, only to be roughly restrained by the Ulstat guards.
“We should go,” Mareti said, more firmly this time.
Teeth gritted, I nodded. “Some things are unforgivable, Trader Ulstat. You’ll regret this.”
The man shrugged, hooking his thumbs through his belt loops. “We attack at dawn. I advise you to consider your options carefully in the coming hours.”
Chapter Twenty-Eight
IN THE SMALL garden behind Nan’s cottage, a gravel area provided space to move without crushing her vegetables. The moon was high overhead, silvering the surroundings. With Tyrak clutched in my right hand, I moved through the motions he’d taught me. Strike and leap free before the enemy counters. Feint left, slash right. Duck and roll, spring up with the dagger to the gut.
Good, Tyrak said. You’re a fast learner.
I’m imagining Trader Ulstat on the sharp end of the blade.
As I moved through the exercises, sweat coating my skin, breath rushing in and out of my lungs, I fought to control my rage. If I could, I’d swim to the Ulstat flagship, climb the ladder hand over hand, and shove my weapon through the man’s heart. He had my family. He couldn’t be allowed to live.
You do them no good if you lose control, Tyrak offered.
“I know,” I hissed through gritted teeth.
“What?” Mother asked. Seated on a stone bench, she watched me practice with keen eyes.
Staggering to a stop, I turned, chest heaving, and stared at her. “Aren’t you at least a little worried about them?”
She’d said little since I’d told her about Da and Jaret’s abduction. After descending from the ridge, I’d hurried back to the room above the cobbler’s—we hadn’t had time to find other accommodations yet—where I’d related everything that happened. Soon after, I’d sent a message to the gutter leadership explaining the situation and calling for a meeting an hour after moonrise.
Mother seemed lost in thought. With anger simmering so high in my system, I could scar
cely stand to look at her calm face, the simple interest she showed in my training.
“Well?” I said.
Abruptly, her gaze dropped. “Of course I am, Lilik. I’m terrified. Think what you want about me, but Jaret is still my baby. Your father is the man I loved enough to marry. That I love still, if I’m honest with myself. But I was weak once. I ran away when you needed me. So now, I must be strong for you. You don’t need someone else to worry about. I am here to support you, and I can indulge my own emotions later.”
At her words, I realized I’d been holding Tyrak poised as if to strike at the air. I dropped my hand to my side and exhaled. “I’m sorry, Mum. It’s just . . . I feel responsible.”
Hands planted to either side of her hips, she nodded, her face set. “I know. It’s not your fault, but I won’t try to convince you of that. But you will free them, Lilik. I believe that.”
“Yeah, except to free them, I’d have to betray everyone else by allying with the Ulstats.”
“There has to be another way,” she said.
“Well, I could join with the Council. Revoke our demands for undoing the defense bargain. But what kind of leader would I be if I abandoned a cause as soon as our enemies made it personal?”
At once, the strength left my legs, and I joined her on the bench. “I don’t know what to do. There’s no good answer. It makes me want to choose nothing, but that’s the most cowardly decision of all.”
A wisp of hair had escaped the complicated knot Mother used to secure her locks. Blowing it clear of her face, she shrugged. “I don’t know Lilik. I don’t know what’s best. But you’ll figure it out.”
Glancing at the moon, I sighed. “They’ll be here soon. We’d better go inside.”
When we entered Nan’s small cottage, a couple of the leaders of the resistance had already entered. Soon after, the remainder filed in, along with Captain Altak, Mareti and Katrikki Korpit, and two more traders around our age, a boy and a girl. I didn’t recognize them specifically and could only guess their Houses, but that didn’t matter. The important thing was they’d come to show their support. Not all traders were morally bankrupt.
Shattering of the Nocturnai Box Set Page 45