The Ride

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The Ride Page 3

by Jaci J.

  I'm stuck staring like I just survived some sort of natural disaster where I just got sucked up into a twister and spit the fuck out. Holy shit. Turning back towards the load of bikes, Stitch and Leo laugh at me.

  Gin slings an arm around my shoulder. “She got away 'bout her. Been like that since she could walk and does it to everybody, so congratulations, ya just survived Lil, brother.”

  For the next two hours, I listen to them talk about her and I see now that I will never fully recover from it.

  I’ve spent all day around her and I'm still in some sort of a daze. It's been hours and I can't get it together. It's one in the morning and I'm still stuck here when I should be home sleeping, but no, still here. Sleep. You know that shit you're supposed to do at night? Yeah, you know the thing where you lay down, close your eyes, and all that shit? No, not this motherfucker. There's no sleep for me tonight.

  Sitting at the clubs bar with a bottle of Jäger, and some bitch on the bar top dancing around half naked. I'm pretty sure this bitch is high on something. Her eyes are wild and unfocused as she stumbles around the on the bar top.

  Crazy ass whore.

  Gin's sitting in a chair getting head from some naked bitch, and another girl sitting next to him, letting him play with her tits. Apparently they're enjoying themselves from all the annoying ass giggles coming from their direction. Poor Peaches. Bitch drives me crazy, but she don't deserve this shit, but who am I to say.

  “Aye man. What the fuck’s wrong with ya?” Happy drawls, lumbering up and plopping his ass on a stool next to me. What's wrong with me? My fucking mind is turning to shit, that's what's wrong with me. Lil's ass in there fucking shit up, driving me crazy.

  “Nothin' man.” I try to brush him off, but no such luck. He looks like he wants to argue about it. Inquisitive asshole.

  “Not happy with the whore on the bar?” he asks eyeing Sarah or Jill, whatever the fuck her name is. He’s running his eyes up and down her body, liking what he sees. The girl sucks some mean dick, but she should since she spends half of her day on her knees. Other than that, my dick isn't going anywhere near that pussy. I’m pretty sure I stick my shit in there, it's coming back with all kinds of baggage and I'm not just talking about kids.

  Shuddering a little I smack her leg. “Get off the bar bitch.”

  Giggling, she leaps right into my lap with her tits right in my face. Fucking hell, that was not an invitation.

  “Get the fuck off me.” Pushing her off me and into Happy's lap, she looks thrilled. He'll show her a good time. Sick motherfucker.

  “Ya sure brother?” he asks me like I give a shit. Sharing women isn’t nothing new around here. We all know how to play well together ‘cause we can share our fuckin’ toys. Nodding, he grabs the girl and drags her off to his room.

  “Hey baby. How ya doin'?” Twinks sashays her way over to me with another bottle in her hand. She’s Low’s permanent bitch, but she isn’t his Old Lady either. She takes care of him, and he in turn takes care of her. She’s got a room in the club so Low has his easy pussy close by. She cooks and cleans for him, but that's about it.

  “Yeah, I'm good Twinks. How are you doin'?” She shrugs, looking unsure. Here it comes. Bitches and their emotions.

  “Eh, so so. Low's baby girl is back in town. Ain't no room for me when she's around. He can get pussy anywhere, he just doesn’t want me around in front of her. He wanted her back home,” Her voice is thick, eyes watery. I'm not good with this shit.

  “Ah, I'm sure shit will be cool.” But even I sound unsure about that. Lil’s rocked up in here and I know shit's about to change. We can all feel it. It's in the air.


  Pulling my bike into the club lot, I can see the party’s in full swing already. Party got pushed back a few days due to a few issues, but now it's time to get wild. It’s dusk when I get in, the sky painted in reds and blues. The rain finally let up.

  Bikes from a few local groups line the parking lot with brothers from other chapters visiting. A welcome home party for Lil, not that we need a fucking reason to party. Guys from other clubs came to see her, along with coming to drink our booze. There’s got to be at least a hundred and fifty bikes here, along with twenty or so trucks, overflowing and spilling onto the sides of the road. Loud music and voices echo from the back. Quick security run took a while longer than expected so Stitch and I are the last to the party.

  Walking into the back of the club, the place is crammed full of people milling around the clubhouse, in the shop, but most are in the yard where everyone’s happy and having a good time.

  Red Solo cups in hand, smoke in the air, and the place busting out at the seams with bikers. Walking into the back yard there are people everywhere.

  There are fire pits blazing, burgers and dogs on the grill, ice chest over flowing with drinks and the food table crowded with different colored Tupperware containers. Hugs and greetings are passed around as I make my way into the party. Haven't seen the girl of the hour, but she's around here somewhere.

  I'm bullshittin' with Gin, Leo, and Stitch when a tiny hand touches my arm. A Goddamn second of happiness passes through me, hoping it’s Lil, but turning around, I'm met with blood shot eyes and fake tits. The bitch, or as some would call her, Bubbles, has fucking arrived. How I ever found her good looking is beyond me. Stringy, over dyed blonde hair, fake tits, terrible fake tan and so much caked on makeup that you could cut through it with a butter knife. She's just so fucking gross.

  “Baby,” she purrs. Fuck me. I'm not gonna lie. I prayed the bitch forgot about tonight. So far, this is not feeling like my night.

  Liquor flows heavily and smoke in abundance as we all hang around. Good family, good friends, and good food fill the place. Hanging out and smoking with the guys, the bitch finally got lost. She was hanging on me like a leech. Fuck, I thought I'd have to pry her off me with a fuckin’crowbar.

  Low, Stitch, Happy, Tiny, Gin, a few other guys, and myself stand around the fire watching the party and passing around blunts. It's a damn family reunion tonight. Every motherfucker from the Hell's Disciples are here wearing their cuts. It's good to be around family.

  Lost in a conversation about bikes, I don't see her coming. Another small hand lands on my forearm. Skin to skin. I feel that shit all the way to my heart and it hits me like a ton of bricks. Looking down, I'm met with those innocent brown eyes. Lil's little hand stays rested on my arm and it hits me again just how fucking beautiful she really is. Her dark hair is hanging down her shoulders and she smells good as hell. Leaning into the group of guys, she smiles at everyone.

  “Dad,” she beams up at him. “Tank,” she whispers sweetly at me. I swear to fuckin’ God, every man in that group would have fallen to their knees for her. Anything she wanted she could have. All eyes go soft and gooey for this girl, me included. I've watched most of these men kill with their bare hands, really bad men, but she owned them. Owned us all.

  “Yeah doll face?” Low asks smiling down at her.

  “Refills?” she asks looking around the group. Each man grunts their a thank you, then before I can stop myself I offer up my help. And now I'm a fucking waiter.

  “Sure, thank you,” she says smiling while walking off with me in tow. Following behind her I watch her body move. Her walk, the way her hips sway. I'd like to grab those hips, pull her ass in the air, and well, you can imagine the rest.

  Tonight she's swearing cut off jean shorts and her shit kickers. But fuck me, she's wearing a cut off Lynyrd Skynyrd tee. That tiny ass shirt, falling just below her big ass tits, are leaving little to the imagination. Watching her bend over to grab some beers from the ice chest, I catch a small glimpse of that tattoo and my dick springs to life. Hell.

  “Lil ...” is as far as I get. A fucking blast from past gets to her first.

  Cage. This motherfucking asshole places his soon-to-be-removed-from-his-body hand on her lower back. He's a brother from another chapter of the club and not my favorite guy. He's bee
n gone for a while, and if he doesn’t remove his hand he'll be gone permanently.

  “Fuck me runnin', Lil, baby? That you?” She doesn't look up right away and I see her perfect body goes stiff with the tension evident in her movements. I've heard there was an issue between them. Issue as in, he had a hard on for her and she wasn't interested. Fucking club drama.

  He's got to be pushing thirty-five, and he better not be trying to have shit to do with her because I will bury this fucker.

  “Cage,” she murmurs her greeting, not sounding thrilled in the least.

  “Tank,” he mutters his shitty greeting to me, eyes shifting over me quickly. He damn well knows the pecking order around here so he better show me some more respect than that, but before I can say something, Lil stands up slowly turning to him. My attention is right back on her until I catch his eyes all over her body, licking his lips like a fucking animal while he stares right at her tits. I can see all the disgusting things he's thinking about her all over his soon to be fucked up and bleeding face.

  Fuck, I want to smash my fists into his face right about now. My hands start twitching all over again, but I start backing away slowly before I say or do something that might cause issues. Tonight's her night and I'm not trying to fuck it up, but if this were any other night, he'd be bleeding already.

  Her eyes follow me walking away with a look of regret on her face.

  “Where ya headed with them beers, darlin'?” I hear him ask her, pulling her attention back to him. Nodding towards her dad, he slings his arm over her shoulder possessively, trying to claim her. He's a dead man.

  “I'll go with ya and say hi to Low.” Her eyes a little wide and weary, she looks back up at me from over her shoulder. I'm not sure what the fuck she wants me to say so I just shrug. I'm a fucking idiot letting her go like that. Giving me a half smile, she turns with Cage.

  That's how the next few hours go. Me watching Lil like some sort of bitch. I deal with Bubbles and the guys all while I watch Lil. Everyone greets her while she walks around. She spends time talking to every person here, all the while having those lips turned up into a smile. Every motherfucker here seeks her out. Lil dances, eats, bullshits, drinks, and dances again. I’m practicing great restraint so I let her go … for now.

  Everyone's either somewhere fucking, passed out, drinking, or dancing. Bubbles ended up running off with some guy ‘cause I made it clear I wasn’t looking for any tonight. I’m sure she was going for getting me jealous, but I let that bitch go. Maybe she'll find a new dick to cling onto. Girl is itching to be an Old Lady. She very well may be, but she sure as hell won’t be mine. I wouldn't wife that skank if my life depended on it.

  Drinks are still flowing. A few guys broke out the heavy artillery. This is where shit gets real. I'm feeling pretty good, but not good enough to hang around. I’m just over this shit so I decide to head for the door, wading through bodies as I go.

  Reaching the door, I'm stopped by a soft, smooth hand grabbing my arm and my body instantly relaxes. That steady easiness comes over me and it stops me dead in my tracks. It only took one time. I’m going to always remember the feeling of that hand. Her hand. I can fucking feel her and it’s some crazy shit. I'm either drunk or someone slipped something into my drink.

  Turning around, Lil stands there looking fucking perfect with her hand on her hip and a smile on that face. Innocent doe eyes blinking up at me through her long dark lashes. Fucking help me, I will not survive this girl. Sliding her hand down my arm she grabs my hand and entwines our fingers together. So much power in such a small person, it blows my mind.

  “Dance with me,” she says. It's not a question. Girl just demands and I follow. There's nothing I wouldn't do for the look on her face right now. That happy content smile has me.

  “Yeah babe,” I agree without question.

  There have got to be about fifty people dancing, but right now it's only Lil I see as Free Bird plays through the speakers. Her Goddamn shirt and now the song.

  Turning around against me she puts my hands on her hips. I’m finally getting to touch her. Her body is soft and warm under my rough hands as we move to the slow beat. I know I don't deserve to touch her, but fuck does she feel good. Reaching up, wrapping her arms around my neck, she laces her fingers together pulling me to her soft little body. There's something strong and fierce in the way she moves. Her body has me moving hypnotically with the beat. Slowly swaying, body rubbing against mine. She feels fucking perfect. It feels like my dick is harder than it’s ever been and I know she feels it, but I could give a fuck. Right now, I can't think of anything else, so we just dance.

  For this short time I've got her to myself. This feeling has never happened to me before. I've never cared. Yeah I've fucked a lot of women, but this feels different. As long as I've been curious about this girl I can't help but feel something for her. What it is, I don't know. Maybe it’s infatuation. It could be obsession. Hell it could just be curiosity. Lord knows I want inside of her, but I'm not even sure if that's all. It's fucking with my mind. All I know is it feels fucking good to hold her against me, even knowing it's only for a short time.



  I found myself glancing around that damn barbecue looking for Tank. Lord knows why. Probably stupidity. Or better yet, insanity. My track record with men isn't very good and I'm batting zero.

  Cage hangs around me like a lost puppy. Shit, he's always been annoying. Whatever I saw in him when he was chasing me, I am so glad I kept my shit in check and stayed away from him. Still, from the moment I got here, I had watched for Tank while visiting with everyone. Throughout the greetings, hugs, and conversations, I kept vigil on that back door. It was never out of my sight.

  A few hours later, I spotted him walking into the party and that hum of need hit me. All of a sudden, I was anxious, a feeling of such excitement at seeing him settled over me and my heart picked up its pace, my body heating up. Yeah he just does something strange to me and it gets me all fucked.

  He has his black fitted cap on backwards, black bandana around his face, covering everything but his eyes. He’s wearing his cut over a black hoodie with dark jeans. Even though I couldn't see his face, I knew it was him. I'd know those eyes from anywhere. Those blue eyes, demanding your attention even from across the room.

  I stayed rooted to my spot, but I watched him. I watched him for a while. I'd find him with the guys talking, drinking, and smoking, with girls hanging around him, always touching him. It seems the club whores flock to him in droves. I don't blame them. I'd find him laughing with friends. He never saw me looking, but I watched him. I'm not even really sure why I did it, I just couldn't keep my mind or eyes off of him. He's fucking beautiful, all big and scary, but sexy. Finally, my strange obsession with this man won out.

  While dancing with a few girls I saw him heading for the door. I couldn't let him go, not yet anyways. I had to touch him. I had to get my hands on him. My body got the best of me and my need won out. He danced with me, no questions asked. My body against his, I just let myself go and enjoyed his hands on me. His hard body pressing against mine felt amazing, safely tucked against him. Just feeling him, feeling me. It was perfect.


  I haven't seen Tank or any of guys for a few days now. They left right after the party and haven't been back, but he isn't far from my mind.

  The earlier rumble of bikes tells me the guys are back around here somewhere. Some family of my mom's came into town. My Uncle Dan, cousins Trace, Tyler, and Samantha are staying with us. It's always good to see family. My uncle Dan, or as most call him Danny Boy, is President of the Hell's Disciples for the Oregon chapter. We've been hanging out eating, drinking, and catching up. I've missed them more then I realized.

  Walking my lazy ass downstairs, I find the guys suited up and ready to roll.

  “You ready to be stomped, sis?” Trace taunts me from the door. Shit head. He and Tyler are three years older than Sam and I. They've been giving us
shit since before we could walk.

  “Not on your best day, bud.” I counter, tossing a muffin at him.

  Samantha comes downstairs behind me in my borrowed clothes. Carhartt's and an AC/DC tee, looking every bit the country girl she’s not. Both Tyler and Trace snort and laugh at her.

  “Come on Lil. This shit is ugly as hell,” she whines picking at the shirt. Shooting her a dirty look, she throws her hands up. “Bitch don't look at me like that. You look hot in everything.”

  I'm clad in the same attire. Black Carhartts and a white Aerosmith tank, hair in a messy bun, I'm ready for some mud and fun.

  Grabbing Samantha’s arm, I tug her out the door. “Shut up! It'll be fun!”

  Pulling her along behind me, I run head first right into a hard chest. Glancing up, there’s Tank, smirking down at me. God he smells good. Smells like leather, spice, smoke, and man. My panties are instantly wet. Well shit.

  Dressed in jeans and a black tee, he looks perfectly fuckable … and now I just drooled a little.

  Grabbing onto my arm he steadies me before I land on my ass. Rough fingers touch my skin.

  “Tank. Hey,” I mutter like an idiot. God I’m smooth. Caught up in staring at him I don't see Sam coming. She buts me out of the way with her hip. Smiling up at Tank she bats her lashes and pushes her tits out. I can't help the snicker and eye roll. Dirty little slut.

  “Hi. I'm Sammy,” she croons sweetly. He nods at her politely, but never looks away from me. Ignoring the blonde beauty next to me, he smirks back at me, his eyes roaming from my head to my toes. Nodding at my tank he smiles a sneaky smile. Sliding a long finger under the strap of my tank and bra, he snaps it. A shiver travels down my spine at his touch and my body is instantly needy for him.


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