The Ride

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The Ride Page 14

by Jaci J.

  “Not here. Not with me. When it comes to you, I'll do whatever the fuck I want,” I tell her. She knows what's up. That makes her flip, spitting out all kinds of, fucks, shits, along with every other curse known to man. Fired up Lil is a sight. She's got me hard just watching her stomp around and yell at me.

  “I hate that cocky ass motherfucking smirk,” she screams at me while pointing that cute little finger in my chest. Standing here naked and screaming at me, she doesn’t really need privacy, she just likes picking fights with me. Just like I do to her. I know she's lying about the smirk. That smile she's trying to hide tells me how fucking much she likes it when I do it.

  I’m watching water stream down her perfect body and her eyes get heated. I need to touch her. “Come over here, baby.” Shaking her head she starts backing into the wall. “Now!”

  She starts batting at my hands and yells some more crazy shit. “Go away!” Ripping my shirt off I go in after her. I catch up to her and grab her. She’s not going anywhere. I have my hands full of that ass so I carry her to my bed, throw her down and fuck her from behind. I fuck her hard because I own this shit and she loves every fucking second of it.



  The club is calm today. The gash have cleared out with only a few stragglers hanging around. Old Ladies are at home tending to their families and packing. Cali and Peaches are getting things together for our trip while the guys are either off riding or in the shop. Dad's in his office and I've got no idea where Tank went off to.

  I finish up doing some orders for my dad and I’m sitting on the bar while Tiny's sitting on the stool in front of me.

  “You gonna braid it?” he grumbles at me tipping his chin at me, his permanent grumpy frown in place. Do I have a choice? I should have never started this when I was six.

  “Yeah,” I sigh tiredly. Tilting his head towards me, I set about braiding his long ass beard into two braids. I see a small smile on his face while I do it.

  “Why can’t Kiki do this?” I ask him. Laughing his deep belly laugh, it reminds me of being a little girl all over again. We would sit on this very bar, hanging with all my uncles and aunts.

  “Ain't 'bout can't. Bitch won’t.” Sounds about right. Aunty Kiki doesn't do things she doesn't want to. Hell, she won't do things she wants to just to piss Tiny off.

  Walking into the room, my dad sits down next to me. He doesn't look super happy, but then again he doesn't look mad either.

  “Still makin' her do that shit? Ain't got no whores to do it for you?” my dad asks Tiny. Taking a sip of his beer, Tiny shakes his head.

  “Ya think Kiki’s gonna let the gash do it?” My dad seems to get it. “Anyways, I like when sis does it.” Kiki would kill Tiny if he set foot near a whore. She gives him hell for even breathing the same air.

  “Good point.” Dad looks between the two of us, then something deep in his eyes softens. “Reminds me when you were little,” he reminisces softly. It does. I'd make Tiny sit in the exact same spot and practice my braiding on him.

  “Gotta ask you somethin' baby,” he says looking at me sternly. Oh shit.

  Tiny takes the hint and gets up to leave us alone. I’m not sure this is going to go well. Shit! I should have made Tiny stay. I may need back up for this.

  “We gotta talk 'bout somethin, and I'm warnin' you, you best be honest with me Lilly.” Fuck. When he uses my real name, it's serious.

  “Okay,” I mutter wearily. Taking a long pull from his beer he sets it back down on the bar, serious eyes turned to me.

  “What the fuck is goin' on between you n' my VP?” he asks point blank, no pussy footing around. Shit. He gives me the look only a parent can give with arms crossed and a stern seriousness in his eyes. The look that says he already knows, but he wants to hear the truth of it from me.

  “We've been spending time together,” I tell him the PG version.

  “Spendin' time doin'? ...” Well hell. Shrugging, I try to buy time to think of something that isn't going to get Tank killed and me sent away. Twenty-five years old and he still scares the hell out of me.

  “We’re getting to know each other.” He looks at me like I'm stupid.

  “The fuck you are. Brothers ain't supposed to be tryin' to fuck with you.” These damn rules. Since I was a little girl and up into my teen years, brothers were off limits unless Dad picked them.

  “I know, but I'm the one talking to him.” Not that Tank's been staying away either, but he doesn't need to know what.

  “Before I go find him n' put 'a bullet in his head, he treatin' ya good?” Nodding my head I can't keep the stupid smile off of my face. Dad sees it. Groaning, he scrubs his hands down his face in pure father agony. This is pretty uncomfortable, coming in a close second to the awkward sex talk we had when I was eleven.

  “Fuck!” Slamming the rest of his beer back, he tosses the bottle into the garbage. “Jesus Christ Lilly.” Oh shit there's that real name again. “You puttin' me in 'a bad spot. You’re my baby, but he's my VP. Fuck.” Putting my hands over his I give him a reassuring smile.

  “I'm good Daddy. Things are fine. Please don't kill Tank.” Shaking his head he looks annoyed, but not murderous which is a good sign.

  “I don't fuckin' like this shit baby. I swear one tear because of him he's gone, six feet under, gone. You stay the fuck outta his way too. Don't let what y'all got goin' get in the clubs way. We clear?”

  Nodding my head I smile. That's the best I'm getting out of him. He's a hard man and doing soft isn't easy for him.

  “Shit. You're killin' me Lilly.” Hugging him to me I kiss his cheek. This is my Dad's way of loving me.

  “Love you Daddy.” Patting my back he squirms uncomfortably. Not an affectionate guy, he does it only for me.

  “Yeah, yeah. You too baby girl. Now get your ass in my office ‘cause you still got shit to do.”

  Sitting at my dad’s desk I go through the enormous amount of paperwork. That man is shit at organization. I'm up to my eye balls in invoices, order sheets, receipts, and other random paper shit. And seriously, does he not know what a garbage can is for? I mean why must he have a collection of beer cans and beer bottles? Dad’s a biker and owns a bike shop so why the hell am I so surprised? A biker owning a bike shop isn't uncommon. What the hell else would he do? Deliver mail? Pizzas maybe? He'd scare the shit out of anybody if he came up to their door with a pizza. Bikes are more his style. They may work on bikes, but they also do work on cars, trucks, ATV's. Hell, they’ve even done work on a camper, even a motor home or two. Most of the guys work in the shop, but his main business is the custom guns and ammunition shop he owns. A select few work there. Tank, Gin, Sargent, Leo, and Tiny. They do a lot of special custom orders, hard to find guns and ammunition, and powerful weapons for special branches of the military.

  My Grandpa opened the shop before my dad was born and since then, my dad's taken it over and expanded it. So along with bike related paperwork, I also have the gun related paperwork to deal with. All of it is written in shitty men chicken scratch style so nine times out of ten I've got no idea what it is I'm even looking at. It could be a receipt or it could be a grocery list. It's a fucking tossup.

  I’ve had Gin's ass in here harassing me for twenty minutes now looking for shit.

  “Gin I can't find the quote you're lookin' for,” I tell him with a grim shrug. He should have never left it in this black hole of an office. Stalking his too big body around the small room, he digs through boxes and piles of paper, grumbling and growling. He’s only making more of mess.

  “Come on sis, I know it's in here somewhere,” he whines at me. I'm going to kill him. Digging through the heaps of paperwork, I don't hear Tank until he's standing next to me.

  “Whatcha doin' baby?” His deep gruff voice hits my ears. Snapping my head up, he's looking down at me with that smirk I love to hate.

  “Tryin' to find some shit Gin lost.”

  Looking at me with glare he says, “I didn't fuckin' lose i
t. Your Dad did.” Either way, I'm the one stuck looking for it.

  “I'll keep looking and bring it to you. Now go away,” I tell him just to get him out of my hair.

  “You're the best sis.” Kissing my forehead, he leaves.

  Tank leans himself against the desk, arms crossed over his black thermal covered chest and ankles crossed. “You comin' home with me tonight?” he asks. Although it's said as a question, I know he's really not asking me. He's telling me. After dragging me wet and naked out of the shower last night and fucking me biker style ,I shouldn't. But since he spent thirty minutes with his head between my thighs reminding me of why he's the boss, I just might.

  Squatting down, we're eye to eye. Wrapping a big hand around the back of my neck he pulls my face to his. “You're comin' home with me baby.” With a sigh and a smile I nod my head. Then his sexy lips crash into mine. “Damn right you are,” he growls around my lips. Just like that, I puddle on the floor. Damn him and that sexy voice.

  Before heading to Tank's, we had to stop by my dad’s to pack up some of my things for our lake vacation this weekend. Standing in my closet, I decide it's time to find a place of my own. I have lived on my own for years, and even though Dad isn’t here often, I’m running out of space anyways. I had decided to move back in here when I came home so I could be closer to the memory of my mom. So I could see the things she loved. I couldn't bare taking any of her things from her home, the place she loved, so moving in here was the only logical thing to do, but it's time to find my own place.

  “When we get back from the lake, I need to find my own place.” Tank instantly snorts a laugh from his perch against my closet door frame. Turning around to see what the hell he's laughing about, his face doesn't look amused.

  “What?” Taking a step towards me he looks around my closet.

  “Move your shit into my place,” he says plainly. Is he serious?

  “Pardon me?” I choke out. Maybe I heard that wrong. Picking up a pair of heels, he examines them.

  Never looking at me, he says gruffly, “You live with me, yeah.” I did hear him right. Did he take a blow to the head this afternoon that I'm unaware of?

  “You're fuckin' with me right?” I counter dryly. Looking at me like I've lost my mind he shakes his head, obviously not finding this conversation funny.

  “Not even fuckin' close. I want you with me. Pack your shit baby.” Shaking my head I turn around. He's lost it.

  “Not gonna happen,” I throw over my shoulder dismissively. Bending over I grab some sandals for the lake. He's lost his mind.

  A big hand wraps around the back of my neck, the other running down my spine as Tank stands behind me with his dick pressed into my ass.

  “You don't wanna live with me, baby?” he asks quietly, sounding mildly upset. Wrapping his big hands around my hips he pulls me against him. Pressing into me, his fingers dig into my hips.

  “‘Cause I want you with me.” His voice soft and smooth. He's not playing fair. That hand trails over my back, then over my ass to the back of my thigh. His fingers wrap around my thigh, thumb running smoothly back and forth over the tattoo just below my ass.

  “What's this one say?” he asks, distracting me. Straightening back up, my back presses to his front. One big hand snakes around my front. My tattoo is in French just like the other one. “This is how an angel dies … her fall from grace.” Sliding a hand under my shirt he presses his palm against my stomach.

  “Hmm,” he murmurs. Leaning down he whispers in my ear, “You're movin' in. I want ya in my bed every night. If you're not feelin' the idea, then I'll tie your ass to my bed until ya change your mind.”



  She’s moving into her own place? I don't fucking this so. My girl does not need to be living alone. She’s either here, for now, or she’s with me, but I’m telling her ass she’s moving in with me, end of story. She's not warmed up to the idea just yet, but we'll sure as fuck revisit it here soon. I want her with me and I will make it happen.

  The rumble of bikes catches my attention, pulling it away from Lil. Looking out the window, I see Gin, Stitch, and Crush ride up. What the fuck do these three morons want?

  “You up there Tank?” Gin yells.


  “What do you want?” Thudding footsteps make their way up the stairs and without a knock, they come right on in.

  “Aye, Chiquita Rosarita,” Gin smacks a kiss to Lil's forehead as she walks out of the closet. His greeting makes her giggle. My favorite fucking sound.

  “Your Spanish still fuckin' sucks.” she calls him out on it. Can't argue that.

  “I thought you were Native-American man?” Crush asks stupidly.

  Lil rolls her eyes at him and no one answers the idiot. Gin just shrugs and grins like a moron. Ignoring us, Stitch goes to the window acting a little fucking jumpy and we all catch it. That dude is always on edge.

  “What's up?” I ask him. He's always making me nervous with his weird twitchiness he's got going on.

  “I hear a car.” I swear that guy has the best hearing. Not a second later, I hear it too. Looking out the window I see it. A police cruiser rolls up to the back porch at Lows.


  “Shit,” Stitch grumbles. Crush looks a little nervous. He's new to this shit and pigs still freak him out. Pushing past us, Lil goes to the window. Pulling back the curtain she smiles looking like she could give a fuck about the cop.

  “Calm down, I got this,” she beams proudly. What the hell? The girl flips her head upside down shakes her hair out, stands up and plumps up those tits I love. Heading for the door, I grab her arm. What the hell does she think she's doing? She isn't going down there.

  “What the fuck you think you’re doin'?” I snap at her. I don't have enough patience for her and the fuckin’ cop. The pig is an unwelcome surprise.

  Gin walks up next to her looking calm as hell too. “She's good. Let her go.” What in the fucking hell is going on?

  “I'll handle them,” she chirps up at me. Pulling down her shirt to show off some more tits, she smiles. Fuckin’ hell, she is most certainly trying to kill me.

  Standing in the hallway that leads into the kitchen, Gin, Stitch, Crush, and I wait and listen. There's a knock on the back door making me tense as fuck. Smiling up at me, Lil walks away from me towards the door. I really don't want to let her go but with a little tug, I let go. I can just barely see her, but I can hear her. The only thing keeping me back is the fact that she's only a few feet away from me and there are three of us and one of him.

  “Evenin' officer,” I hear her say in that sweet voice. A beat passes before she says more. “No way. Brad is that you?” she squeaks. Shit. She knows this pig?

  “Lilly? I … I … wow ... I hadn't heard you were back. How are you?” the cop stutters. Fuck, he's sunk.

  “I'm great. And you? ... You look great by the way.” I can feel the tension in my body. My jaw is aching.

  “I'm good. Well if I look great then not sure there's a word for how good you look.” Fuckin’ asshole is trying to butter up my girl. He touches her, I'm snapping his neck.

  “I can't believe you’re a cop. Officer Willis.” she says with a little laugh. I can hear that smile in her voice. This shit isn't cool.

  “Yep. After high school I joined the force.” He sounds cocky. I'd like to punch him in the face. Maybe knock the cocky out of him.

  “That's amazing. … What brings you out here?” Here it comes. There's some foots steps and Lil comes into view. She hops up on the kitchen counter and the pig leans across from her.

  “Looking for your Dad and a man named Roman.” Fuck. I’m just about to go out there and get Lil away from him when Gin grabs my shoulder stopping me.

  “Chill. She'll take care of him,” he mumbles under his breath. Yeah, I just want her out of there.

  “I'm sorry Brad, but they're not around. Anything I can help you with,” she purrs at him. The seduction in her voice makes me see
red. “You want me to track him down,” she asks in a little girly voice.

  Stitch growls from beside me. Yeah he isn’t a fan of this shit either.

  “That's okay darlin'. It's no big deal.” Another pause before she says, “So, how’s life been since high school?” Sighing I see him smile at her. There's that look in his eyes. The look all the guys around give Lil.

  “Things have been alright. Got married, had two kids.” Lil squeals in that girly delight shit. She doesn’t sound like the Lil I know. Where's my sexy little trouble maker?

  “What the fuck she doin'?” I growl. My patience is really taking a nose dive. Gin gives me a look like I'm stupid as hell for asking. I swear if he's not careful, I might punch him in the face too.

  “Distractin' the pig. Gettin' him outta here and off your back.” Great. My girl is now an accessory to my shit.

  “No way? You have kids and you're married? Lucky gal.” That makes the pig laugh. He's lucky I'm letting him look at my baby like that. Fuck. This dirt bag is lucky I'm even letting him breathe the same air as her.

  “Yeah, me and Nicole got hitched after high school. Two twin girls, five years old,” he tells her proudly. Swinging her legs she listens to him intently, tits hanging out of her shirt.

  “Oh Nicole, she's just the sweetest. Two beautiful girls if they look anything like their Mama.” That makes the dude beam. I can't stand this shit. Practicing great restraint, I stand here and listen to the pig. I feel like I'm about to blow up having to watch him eye fuck my women. Yeah I'm really close to blowing the fuck up.

  “It's been great to see you Brad, but I've got to meet a friend for lunch. Tell Nicole hi for me, will ya?” Standing up she walks him to the door. The fucking prick hugs my girl, kissing her cheek goodbye.

  “You and Nicole should grab coffee, catch up. I know she'd love to.” Nodding, Lil smiles.

  “Sounds great. Have her get in touch with me. Bye Brad.”


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