by Chris Hechtl
Shiver Me Timbers
Shelby Logan Chronicles 2
Chris Hechtl
Copyright © 2019 by Chris Hechtl
All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book and or portions thereof in any form.
This is a work of fiction. All characters, events, and locations are fictional. Some may be parodies. Some characters are with permission. Any resemblance of some characters and places to others are strictly in the mind of the reader. Grin.
Cover art by Chris Hechtl, 2019. All rights reserved. The models are owned by their respective creators and used under the usage license. Some models were made by Chris Hechtl; others were purchased on or
Proofread and copy edited by Wayne Gaskin, Paul Klebaur, Jory Gray
Professionally copy edited by Rea Myers.
Formatted by
The Founding of the Federation Series:
First Steps
To Touch the Stars
The First A.I. War
Stepping Stones
Cornerstone: Tales of the Founding of the Federation 2
Desperate Defense: Book 1 of the First Terran Interstellar War
Waking the Sleeping Giant: Book 2 of the First Terran Interstellar War
The Wandering Engineer Series:
New Dawn
Fools Gold
Destiny's Choice
Ghost Station
Plague Planet
Pirate's Bane
Ghosts from the Past
13 Degrees of Separation
Jethro Goes to War Series:
Jethro Goes to War
First to Fight
No Place Like Home
Recruiting Drive
Gods of War
The Federation Reborn Series:
Pirate Rage
Tales of the Federation Reborn
The Gathering Storm
Semper Fidelis
A Piece of the Pi Tales 2
The Turning Tide
Liberty or Death
Tales of the Federation Reborn 3 Folklore
Blockade (forthcoming)
Horatio Logan Chronicles:
Enemy of my Enemy
Full Circle (merging with Pi)
Shelby Logan Chronicles:
Shiver me Timbers
The Adventures in Pi:
In Search of Pi
Pi Fight
Independent Federation novels:
Kai's Story
Independent Anthologies and Short Stories:
Multiverse 1
Multiverse 2
Multiverse 3
Multiverse 4
The Bootstrap Series:
Bootstrap Colony
Second Chances
Other Series:
Princess Rescue Inc
Afraid of the Dark
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Author Afterward
Recommended Reading Order
Sneak Peak
Note to the reader:
I found a couple of errors (okay, more than a couple) in Convoy when I went through it to write my synopsis and re-familiarize myself with the story. One glaring one was that Seydlitz went west and then north to Deadman's Hand. Another: Saladin didn't deliver the plague to Kingdom Come, Stinging Jack did. Saladin was on its way to Tortuga with the cure. Oops? I guess Captain Baker got his wires crossed. (yeah sure, Chris, blame the fictional character!)
Also, the events in “A Christmas Intervention” in Multiverse 3 take place a few weeks before the battle in Tau-1252.
The United Federation of Sapient Star Systems was founded by several species and became a beacon of civilization for four centuries. Most of the Milky Way Galaxy had been explored in that short time period. One hundred and twenty-one sapient species counted themselves as full-time members. The Federation advanced technology and the evolution of its member species. It was a golden age for sentient life in the galaxy. That was, until they made the mistake of expanding their exploration from the Milky Way to the nearest galaxy.
The wormhole gate that was meant to open new worlds to Federation explorers quickly became a portal to hell. Xenophobic aliens poured through the gateway, invading Federation space and laying waste to everything they found.
During the war, Horatio Logan served to the best of his ability. When his last ship, the Washington, was shot up, he was deposited in a life pod outside the Pyrax star system. While he and others like him slept, the Federation burned. Six centuries later his pod was found. It and its contents were sold in a series of unsavory deals. Chief Petty Officer Logan was awoken to a new dark time. He was considered an indentured servant of the Anvil Space Station. He became her chief engineer and labored for nearly a century to keep her population alive. He fell in love, had a child in Shelby Logan, and lost his wife when she and thousands of others were executed.
Horatio continued to labor as the chief engineer of the space station but was deeply embittered by the situation. He raised his daughter and did his best to teach the people on the station. Shelby grew up under her father's tutelage to become an engineer and administrator in Anvil's engineering department. She rose through the ranks to become one of his assistant chief engineers.
Near the turn of the last century, a stasis pod was found in the outskirts of the Senka star system by a tramp tender the Io 11 running from pirates. Within the pod was a long-lost Federation admiral, Fleet Admiral John Henry Irons.
Admiral Irons and his internal A.I. helped the mostly-female crew escape the pirates and then rebuild the ship during their journey. The admiral dealt with his time shock by setting a goal of restoring the Federation and reigniting the light of civilization in the galaxy once more.
But forces were at work to stop him. The pirates were far more than the simple scourge they had first appeared to be. Horath, their homeworld, declared itself an empire under the leadership of Emperor Pyotr Ramichov and launched a brutal offensive to take cont
rol of the sector, and eventually, the galaxy. The Empire had started on a path of xenophobia and initiated acts of genocide against the populations it conquered.
Admiral Irons was dropped off in Pyrax on Anvil station where he met a near-death Horatio Logan. The admiral helped to stabilize the chief and then repaired the equipment in the sickbay to allow him and others to be treated and nursed back to health. While Horatio was recovering, Admiral Irons worked with Shelby Logan and the crew of the Io 11 to make some long overdue repairs to the station's infrastructure.
When word came of the pirate attack on Agnosta by the yacht the Carib Queen, Admiral Irons marshaled the Logans and others to do something about the threat. Together they salvaged a Federation warship, Firefly. Admiral Irons gave a field commission to Horatio Logan to the rank of commander and Shelby Logan a field commission to lieutenant commander.
With them and others at his back, they worked tirelessly to restore Firefly and along with her other long-forgotten ships. Shelby Logan took on Firefly as her chief engineer. Together they were able to use the salvaged ships to fend off the initial pirate invasion. Admiral Irons then settled in to begin rebuilding the navy.
When Admiral Irons relinquished command of Firefly, he tapped Renee Mayweather to become her captain, promoting her over the others including Shelby, due to Renee's skills and polish in the command chair. Shelby took on the XO slot and trained her replacement in engineering as she settled into the number two slot on the ship. She quickly formed a good working relationship with her captain and the ship's smart A.I.
The plan was for Shelby to work on her command and ship-handling skills while the navy built the shipyard and started construction of a new factory ship, the Prometheus. She was destined to take control of the ship upon its completion, so she did her best to learn as much as she could in the limited time she expected to be on Firefly.
Admiral Irons' newly-reformed Federation Navy was on their way to rebuilding the Federation, only for the admiral to be driven out of the system into exile by Pyrax’s cutthroat politics leaving Shelby's father, Commander Horatio Logan, in charge of the naval forces in the star system as senior ranking officer. Without Admiral Irons and his precious keys, most of the work in the yard ground to a halt. Without critical parts, Prometheus like many other ships that had been started was mothballed.
While Admiral Irons had several harrowing adventures, he also did his best to send back information and care packages to Pyrax to keep the navy alive. Horatio did everything in his power to not only continue the navy but to do his best to expand it with the limited resources he had available. Each time parts for Prometheus came in, he had them installed.
Firefly settled down into patrolling Pyrax until Commander Logan decided it was time to continue the mission to rebuild the Federation.
Commander Logan dispatched forces to build a marine base on Agnosta and sent ships to reach out to neighboring star systems to establish trade and picket forces. Admiral Irons sent word through freighters of discovery and restoration of the space city Antigua Prime in the star system Antigua. A short time later, a frantic freighter came into Agnosta with a dire warning of an impending attack on that star system. Firefly rode to the rescue and was not only able to get there before the star system fell but to also crush the enemy fleet and save the day.
Meanwhile, after helping to stave off a Xeno plague on Epsilon Triangula, Admiral Irons took his yacht, the Phoenix, to jump across the middle of the sector into an empty star system with the intent of transiting through it and others to get to an out-of-the-way star nexus called Bek. But when he exited hyperspace low on fuel, he fell right into the hands of the pirates who had been stationed there as a picket force. Unaware of whom they had captured, Irons was able to lead a successful mutiny and not only captured the ship alone but also other ships in the star system.
Firefly received intelligence of another impeding attack from the captured databases and personnel in Antigua right after the battle so the crew flew to the rescue of Pyrax. She passed through the star system and arrived in B101a1 where Admiral Irons had taken his small forces into the teeth of an enemy task force far larger than his own. Together they defeated the enemy task force and won the day.
Once the battle was over, Admiral Irons took stock and split the survivors. Some of the salvaged ships with prize crews and all of the prisoners were dispatched under Firefly's watchful eye to return to Pyrax. The admiral led his remaining battered forces with the newly-captured and rechristened battlecruiser Maine to Antigua.
The return of Firefly and the ships she had been shepherding caused a renewal of faith in the admiral and the purpose of the navy. She also carried long overdue promotions to the naval forces. Horatio was promoted to captain junior grade. He did his best to follow the admiral's plan to expand the navy once more.
One part of that plan was to finish Prometheus and other mothballed ships. Shelby had taken on a ship as her prize captain for the short return to Pyrax. She found herself transferred to Prometheus to oversee her final construction and fitting-out phases. Firefly was dispatched with a new crew to patrol a section of the sector between Pyrax and Antigua.
Once Prometheus had completed a series of builder's trials, she was used to help expand the industry in the star system for a few months as her escorts were constructed and tested. When her escorts were completed, the ships were dispatched along the southern jump chain loop to make contact with the various star systems and start them on the long process to full members of the Federation.
The Prometheus group ran into some teething problems interacting with some local civilians but did their best to spread goodwill as well as the technical fruits of the factory ship's industrial plant. In the star system Nightingale, they were attacked by a group of marauding pirates and were forced to stop there. They had picked up intelligence after the battle of additional raiders in the next system, Epsilon Triangula. Their orders were not to engage so they stood on the defensive in the Nightingale system. Not ready to sit on her thumbs, Shelby directed her factory ship to build additional defenses to protect her forces as well as the star system.
Meanwhile, Admiral Irons' force managed to pick their way north from B101a1 through the sector to Antigua. There he founded the new capital of the Federation. Once he had a shipyard and the beginnings of ansible communications underway, he took a side trip to a secret research facility he had used to create the nova bomb and where he had been given his rebuilt body and A.I.
While there, he woke the sleepers that remained and tripped a Xeno virus. He was also declared president pro tem by the last president of the Federation in a message that transcended time itself.
He returned from the facility with the group of sleepers, including two additional flag officers. Admiral White, a Neochimp, became their battle fleet commander and took the fight to the enemy in Protodon while Admiral Subert took over Pyrax from Captain Logan and set up shop there. Captain Logan was relegated to running the shipyard itself again, much to his relief.
Between the two shipyards, the Federation began to build the ships and weapons needed to crush the Horathian pirate threat once and for all. Horatio was tasked to oversee the construction of the fleet in Pyrax. His people started to draw the partially constructed ships they had been building for the past decade and then plugging in the components that Admiral Irons shipped in from Antigua.
While they were doing that, pickets were established and reinforced in neighboring star systems. An expedition was planned and mounted to get into the Bek nexus through the rapids with the light cruiser Caroline. Ships were dispatched to the neighboring sectors of Pi and Tau to begin scouting them and make contact with the surviving populations there to lay the groundwork for the return of the Federation.
But as the Federation expanded, the Horathian Empire wasn't sitting idle either. They had begun expanding their empire, and when word of the admiral and his reborn Federation was picked up by forces en route to Protodon, they moved in with the inte
nt to destroy the upstarts and crush the seed of free civilization once more.
With grievous losses, Admiral White's Second Fleet fought them off and forced the remaining Horathian warships to retreat.
As the battle for Protodon raged, the Office of Naval Intelligence found out about the possible pirate presence in Epsilon Triangula. Admiral Irons ordered Firefly to go to Epsilon Triangula to find out what was going on there. She was ambushed by a pirate task force led by Admiral von Berk, who then retreated when fresh Federation reinforcements started to flow into the star system. The Federation fleet did its best to stop them, but the enemy used captured and brainwashed victims to pilot their ships to get around the blockades.
The ansible network continued to expand. When an ansible was set up in Nightingale, the long siege was lifted. Prometheus was ordered to move forward to Epsilon Triangula alone to render aide to the crippled heavy cruiser. Shelby hastened to obey.
Word spread by courier vessel to the Horathian capital of the battles in Protodon. A force was dispatched under Admiral De Gaulte, one of the Horathian Battle Fleet’s leading strategists. He, alongside his OPS officer, Commander Catherine Ramichov, the eldest princess of the realm, marshaled a fleet to oppose the reborn Federation in order to snuff it out before it became more of a threat.
Admiral White's reinforced Second Fleet moved in to block Admiral von Berk, but before they could engage, the battlecruisers they'd had fought previously reappeared in the star system. The battlecruisers fought a delaying action, allowing von Berk to escape.
As the fleet expanded, Admiral Irons pushed to promote officers to fill in the new gaps. Horatio Logan found himself promoted to commodore rank.
Prometheus arrived in Epsilon Triangula and helped complete enough repairs to Firefly for her to return under her own power to Pyrax. The ship's crew was then tasked to help rebuild the planet's battered infrastructure and lend aide to the people.