Charming: The Coast Book 9

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Charming: The Coast Book 9 Page 10

by Hart, Eve R.

  “I like you.” I paused and shook my head because that wasn’t quite right. “I really fucking like you. I’ve thought about you for a while but, you know, things aren’t so easy sometimes.”

  “It seems like you don’t have any problems getting women to follow you up to your room,” she said with a little giggle that let me know she wasn’t being catty or jealous.

  I didn’t know what to do with that. I’d tried to hide things from her as best as I could. Not because I was trying to be shady but because I didn’t want to rub it in her face. There might have also been the fact that I didn’t want her to think of me as some manwhore that couldn’t keep it in his pants. Though the manwhore part was kind of true, I guess. It didn’t matter that most of the time I was trying to fuck Abigail out of my mind, as fucked up as it might have been.

  I was so lost in her eyes that I didn’t even realize I was speaking.

  “Not the one I wanted though.”

  My name was Charming. I got that for a reason. But right now, I felt the need to hand over my name patch so they could give me something else. Like dumbass. Or Mr. Not-So-Smooth. Or something equally as fitting.

  Her gasp was cute and maybe I wasn’t as not-so-smooth as I was thinking I’d been.

  “I’m not good at relationships, I don’t think, anyway,” she said all in one breath. “I don’t like games. I’m only comfortable talking about sex stuff when I’m not really aware that I’m talking about it. Does that make sense? I don’t understand why you would like me.”

  I opened my mouth to reassure her that I liked the way she was but she kept on going. Which shouldn’t have been a surprise.

  “I’m not pretty. I don’t have big boobs. Or butt. Or a sexy, curvy body. I might want to jump on top of you and ride you into the sunset but the reality is that I’d been too nervous to actually do it. You’ve had a lot of sex. Like a lot. I’m not judging. Or trying to sound creepy. I promise I’m not like some kind of stalker watching out my window and keeping a tally on the side of my nightstand of how many women make it through the door to your room. Oh, my… I sound crazy! Why didn’t you stop me?!”

  I raised a brow at her. I was half-tempted to glance over at the nightstand because that seemed oddly specific.

  “You can look!” she rushed to say. “There are no tally marks. I couldn’t even give you a good guess on a number.”

  “Because you don’t watch me outside your window?” I asked her as I tried to hold back my chuckle. I supposed the gentlemanly thing to do here would be to stop her downward spiral, but I had to admit I found it amusing and cute.

  I think I liked that I made her a little nervous.

  I think I liked it even more that she gave it to me without the filter at moments like this. It told me that she liked me more than I thought. Maybe even more than I could have hoped for. Yeah, this was working out kind of perfectly.

  “I don’t! I promise. I mean, sometimes I hear a noise and I look because I’m not sure what it is. And, yes, I see stuff. But I don’t, like, watch and stuff.”

  “I’m going to kiss you now,” I said and didn’t give her a chance to process those words before my lips were on hers.

  She tasted amazing. I couldn’t deny there was a lingering hint of Blade there. Did it bother me? It should have. Something inside me found a strange kind of comfort in it. I didn’t mind that it was there because it reminded me that his kiss had led us here. It had showed us both that Blade was good, but I was better. Yeah, that was an asshole thing to think but I didn’t mean it that way. Simply put, she liked me more. Childish? Yeah, but it worked.

  It took seconds to tell that she was lost in my kiss. I deepened it, sliding my tongue past her lips without any thought. I was surprised when she didn’t go stiff on me, instead, her tongue played with mine tentatively.

  I kept the kiss going until both of us ripped apart in need of air. We gasped as if we’d just swam to the surface of the ocean and broke free in desperate need for a fresh breath.

  “I’m going to go,” I told her as I tried to hold my hips away from her body.

  “Oh, yeah, sure.”

  “Not because I want to,” I told her smoothly. “Because if I don’t walk out of this room right the fuck now, I will be ripping your clothes off and showing you how much I’ve wanted you all this time.”

  “Oh,” she said with shocked excitement. “I’m down for that.”

  I chuckled, then placed a light kiss on her swollen lips.

  “I want to savor you. I want to know every part of you before we get there,” I told her flashing her a look that said I wouldn’t budge from this. “We’re going to take this slow because you deserve it and because I want to. I’ve waited too long to blow my shot in one night.”

  “I doubt you’d blo—”

  I cut her off with a kiss.

  “Goodnight, Abigail,” I told her and left out the door knowing she was dazed and happy behind me.

  The thought that she’d go back to doing what had been interrupted before I’d knocked on her door almost had me turning around. From what she’d said before, she was well acquainted with her vibrators and I didn’t doubt that she knew how to use them well. I was going to show her that I was better than any of them.

  That might have sounded cocky, but it was the truth.

  I just had to hold out until the moment was right.

  Fuck, I hoped I had that much self-restraint.



  So, you want to know what was kind of cool? I sort of had a boyfriend. Yep. I mean, we hadn’t talked about labels but Charming acted like one.

  Things were almost too good and I was scared that it would evaporate if I so much as sneezed. I wanted to bring it up but wasn’t sure how.

  Here was the deal, okay.

  One, he spent most of his free time with me.

  Two, he kissed me, a lot. That was pretty much how we ended every night, with a supercharged make-out session that had him running away so we wouldn’t rip each other’s clothes off. I was so close to doing it every time. At this point, I felt like I was going a little insane from getting worked up and then nothing. Like, was blue-vag a thing, because I was definitely feeling it. I ended every night confused, turned on, and reaching for my purple friend the moment he left my room. If I kept it up, Bridget was going to be ordering me another replacement one soon.

  Three, I hadn’t seen him even so much as look at someone else. Well, not that I was around while he was with Blade after he left my room— which, I knew he was because he told me. The honesty was refreshing. But my point was, I hadn’t seen him drag someone up to his place. I suppose it was a bit dumb to think that he wasn’t getting some kind of relief after he got so worked up, but I trusted my gut, and it said he wasn’t. At least not with another person. And since I’d seen Blade disappear into his room with a woman but no Charming, I believed my gut.

  Okay, where was I?

  Oh, yeah.

  Four, he touched me constantly. Even when I was in the kitchen cooking. These weren’t quick, trying to be slick touches, either. No, he would hug me to his side, kiss my neck, and hold my hand after we were done eating. People were around to see it and I knew they noticed because I caught them looking like they were trying to figure it out. So, it kind of made me think that he was putting it out there, that we had something going on.

  Five, he told me how much he liked me. He told me how he’d felt things for me for a long time now. I had been clueless, apparently, but I believed him. He had been honest about everything in the beginning. He even told me why he’d felt so conflicted about it. But I felt like there was more. Maybe he wasn’t ready to tell me yet. The important thing was, he cared for me— about me— more than thinking of me as some little club sister he had to look after. Now that my eyes were open, I could see it every time he looked at me. There was this… something in his eyes that was only for me, and all for me.

  We talked about so many things, and w
e’d even had many deep, meaningful conversations. The kind that made you feel closer to the other person because they shared a part of themselves with you.

  Charming was… how should I put this… different from what I thought. In a way, I knew he wasn’t only what he appeared to be on the surface. His good looks and easygoing smile were the things that he showed the outside world. While they weren’t necessarily fake, they weren’t the whole man.

  Oh, yeah, I was falling hard and fast for him. And I didn’t mind.

  What I did mind was the lack of sex. Come on! I knew he knew how to do it. He also knew that I wasn’t a stranger to the act, just a little out of practice at this point. And you know what they say, practice makes perfect. Believe me, I tried that one on him and it didn’t work. He’d put his foot down and he meant it that he was going to take things slow. So friggin’ slow.

  That was my rant. The whole point of it was that we acted like we were dating, you know, boyfriend and girlfriend type of thing, but we hadn’t had that talk yet. And there had been no sex. I guess I could have just said that instead of going on and on. Sorry.

  Charming was sweet and patient. He was thoughtful and caring. He was kind of the perfect package.

  With that in mind, I decided to take charge. Tonight was the night. There was nothing that I could think of to talk myself out of it. I was going to march into his room and demand that he take off his clothes. If that didn’t lead to us in bed, bucking hips together and sweaty, then I didn’t know what would.

  I cooked dinner and ate with everyone, trying my hardest to play it cool. I believed I pulled it off, mostly. There were a few times he asked if I was okay, saying that I seemed a little more jumpy than normal. I giggled and tried not to turn red because those moments happened to be the ones where I was playing my plan over and over again in my head. I had to have that thing nailed down and remembered because I knew myself. I might get in there and let the embarrassment take over and forget what I was going to do. It wasn’t going to win today, dammit! It wasn’t!

  I started to clean up after most everyone had finished eating. He forced his way into helping me, saying something about needing as much time with me as he could get. Like, awww. After we were done, I told him I needed a shower because I could smell the cooked onions and peppers on my skin. That wasn’t sexy and I definitely needed sexy for my plan. I told him I’d meet him in his room. That was step one of my plan. Take things to his space where he couldn’t run away, or that was how I saw it in my head. He gave me a curious glance but didn’t say anything.

  It might have taken me closer to an hour to “shower” seeing as I had to make sure nearly every part of me was shaved perfectly. Oh, and that I was trimmed down there, nobody likes to have to get the weed-whacker out to get to the good stuff. I contemplated just getting rid of it all but I already had enough issues with feeling like he saw me as a kid sometimes. So I kept my cute curlies to show that I was all woman. I smeared some lotion on but wasn’t sure of the scent. It was a little too sweet and I’d forgotten that was the reason I’d stopped wearing it. Oh, well, too late now. I made sure it was good and rubbed in because I didn’t want to be like a slip-n-slide. I could just see it in my mind, one thrust and he’d end up with his head through the wall. A concussion was not part of my plan.

  I even took the time to dry my hair all the way.

  Yeah, this was a big deal.

  I didn’t really own what most people would consider sexy underpants. There was nothing that I could do. The same thing went for my bras. Okay, most of them were friggin’ cotton because it was comfortable. No one had seen me out of my clothes in forever and when I bought them, I didn’t think anyone would be any time soon.

  I needed to take a breath, I was starting to freak out over the little things. My cool plan was already crumbling and I hadn’t even left my room yet.

  Just take it all off at once and he won’t even notice how un-sexy your panties are. Distract him with the boobs.

  “What boobs?” I asked myself out loud.

  With a shake of my head and a sigh, I pulled out a bra and undies that matched in color. That was something at least. I didn’t have some magical outfit or dress hiding in the back of my closet just waiting for this moment. I wasn’t really that type of girl. So with a shrug, I dragged on my loose fitting jeans. No, they weren’t mom jeans even though they were high waisted. They were supposed to be cool! Did the sales lady lie to me? I was sure they looked better on someone that actually had a little curve to their body instead of looking more like a stick with little bumps on one end. The bumps were my boobs, in case you didn’t get that.

  Digging through my dresser, I found the smallest shirt I had. It was boring gray and didn’t cling to me at all.

  I could only hope that he found my usual wardrobe sexy because that was all I owned. Besides, it was more about the attitude and confidence, right? I was lacking in both, so I guess that didn’t help at all.

  But tonight!

  Tonight, I was going to find my inner sex bunny and let her hop right on out.

  I was going to get my carrot!

  The carrot was his penis… I bet you got that though.

  Moving on.

  After I was done, I marched my butt down the stairs, across the lot, and then up the stairs. I knocked on his door with a little more enthusiasm than necessary. He didn’t seem to notice as he pulled the door open with a smile. He didn’t hesitate to pull me into him, kiss me like crazy, then nuzzle his nose in my neck.

  “You smell good,” he mumbled as I felt his teeth nip the tender flesh exposed over my collarbone.

  “You like it, really? I haven’t used this lotion in a while. I was worried it smelled too much like I’d jumped into a vat of sugar,” I said pretty much in one breath.

  He chuckled and kissed up my neck. It was effective for shutting me up that was for sure.

  He stepped back as he cleared his throat. This was good for me, he was getting worked up already.

  “Want to watch a movie?” he asked as he walked over and grabbed the remote off of the nightstand.

  “Sure,” I told him. A movie could work into my plan. That gave me time to work up the courage and then make my move. It was almost perfect.

  He handed me the remote and let me pick something. I wasn’t really going to pay attention. I couldn’t even tell you what I put on. I think it was some documentary about… dust?

  “You sure this is what you want?” he asked but I was too busy getting settled on the bed.

  I gave him some sort of noise that sounded like I was sure of what I was doing.

  He settled down on the bed beside me, crooking his arm in a way that let me know exactly where he wanted me. I didn’t hesitate to curl up into his side and breathe in his fresh scent.

  “What deodorant do you use?” I asked and yes, I realized that my nose was right there in his pit taking a big whiff. I hadn’t noticed that I was doing it until I said something, it just smelled so good.

  “Um,” he said and I was sure his tone gave away how weird he thought I was right now. “Whatever’s on sale?”

  It wasn’t a question but it sounded like it. Men, they never knew that stuff. They weren’t particular like us women were for the most part.

  I stayed quiet for a while after that.

  He felt relaxed beside me and I knew it was time.

  Besides, whatever was on the TV was boring. I could have probably fallen asleep if I kept watching it.

  I rolled into him and started kissing my way up his neck. He made sexy noises in the back of his throat and it spurred me on. His hands were on me and soon, my lips were tangled with his.

  He moaned my name as I broke away and kissed down his chin. There was stubble there, likely because he’d shaved first thing this morning and it had started to grow out. I liked the way it prickled my lips. I liked it even more as it scraped over my tongue as I made my way down his neck.

  “Fuck,” he blurted out and I was pretty sure
his hips bucked a little. “Abig—”

  I cut him off by pushing my finger into his mouth. In a split second, the digit was enveloped in warm wetness and I felt his tongue making circles around the tip.

  Oh, my…

  If he kept that up, I was going to lose my mind.

  My hand slid up his shirt and once I had it bunched up right under his nipples, I moved down and started to lick his firm abs.

  Holy fried chicken he was hot!

  I pushed all timid thoughts out of my head and kept going. He was panting. I could hear it even over the man talking on the TV.

  He tried to say my name again, but my teeth clamped down on his skin causing him to choke on the last half. I wasn’t going to give him a chance to pull the breaks on this.

  My nipples were hard and I ached to touch them. Just a little flick or pinch, something to let them know they hadn’t been forgotten about.

  If luck was on my side, Bonnie and Beth would be getting some attention soon. Fingers crossed, it wouldn’t be from my own hands tonight.

  I blinked and I was on my back.

  How the heck did that happen?

  Charming settled his weight on top of me. The look in his eyes as they stared down into mine was dark, intense, and so friggin’ sexy.

  My fingernails scraped along his skin as I grabbed his shirt and tried to drag it up further. He settled back on his knees and rid himself of the shirt. Then he was back, his chest pressing down onto me causing my heart to kick up a few beats.

  He kissed me and I ran my fingers over every inch of skin I could get to. I even got bold and slipped my hands into his pants and squeezed that tight bottom of his. He groaned and when his hips jerked into me, I spread my legs wider trying to get that bulge lined up just right. We were ten seconds from dry humping like a bunch of teenagers in the back of their parents’ car behind the friggin’ Dairy Queen or something.

  My little body was no match for his strength but I tried to get control anyway. At this point, the plan went out the window. Mostly because I couldn’t even think about what I was doing. I was just feeling. Let me tell you, it all felt so right.


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