Charming: The Coast Book 9

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Charming: The Coast Book 9 Page 13

by Hart, Eve R.

  Her head bobbed absentmindedly.

  “So you think it would be different if you actually cared about the person?”

  “Yeah,” I said with a sigh. “I think if it were the right situation it wouldn’t just be fun. And it sure as hell wouldn’t be a distraction.”

  “I like that,” she said and her face lit up with a wistful smile. She liked the idea of that. I could almost see the odd way she saw something romantic in my words. Maybe even beautiful.

  I didn’t want to think about it too much. It could have been that I was afraid to see it that way too.

  I should have asked her. The door was open and she could have even been waiting for it, but I hadn’t let that thought invade my head enough yet to figure out if it was a good idea or not.

  If that was something that was to happen, it would be a huge step. Something that we couldn’t just come back from. It would change all three of us involved.

  Hell, I was probably getting ahead of myself. Even if she would be interested in it, what was to say that Blade would be?

  To my surprise, she didn’t say anything more on the subject. Her lips met my chest and then she placed her head down over the spot she’d kissed. My fingers ran over her soft skin and I could admit that I liked to simply touch her. I liked it a lot. I liked her a lot, but I guess that was a given at this point.

  The silence was comforting. Same as her warm body against mine. I drifted off not even aware that I had.

  The next day, I expected more questions but there weren’t any. I didn’t mind them. I actually liked that she felt comfortable enough with me to talk about what was on her mind. It really meant something to me.

  Even though there wasn’t any more said on it, I could tell she was thinking about it. Maybe not in the way that she was getting turned on. I was pretty sure it was more like she was still trying to process it all. I figured it was best to leave her be for now.

  That said, I kind of needed someone to talk to about it. It could have been that I was the one that was a little confused. Yeah, hard to believe, right?

  “What, you couldn’t bring lunch with you?” Sketch said playfully the moment I walked through the door of the tattoo shop.

  “Sorry, brother. Should have sent me a text,” I told him with a chuckle.

  “Why the fuck would I text you when I didn’t even fuckin’ know you’d be coming up here?”

  “Good point.”

  “Damn, I’m hungry,” he said rubbing his stomach. “Yo, Brand!”

  “Just go, Sketch. Bring us back something,” Brand called out from his room, the buzz of his tattoo gun halting for a second.

  “Cami? You want pizza or subs? Or I can go to that taco place.” Sketch didn’t even walk to the back to talk to her.

  “Subs, please,” Cami said as her head popped out from her room. “But get my regular one. That one you brought back last time was weird. I think the hummus was bad.”

  “You got it. Blade, what do you want? Also, your boy is here.”

  “I’m good,” Blade grunted as he came out of his room. He greeted me with a chin jerk.

  “Fine,” Sketch said with a little attitude. “Peace!” He tossed the word over his shoulder as he headed for the door.

  “What’s up with that over there?” I asked turning my gaze out the front windows. I’d noticed the place across the way had paper covering the windows and doors like whatever they were doing in there was super secret stuff.

  “Something new’s going in.” He gave a little shrug. I guessed he didn’t have a clue what it was yet.

  With a shrug of my own, I nodded in the direction of his room. His eyes pinned me with a hard look for a split second before he turned on his heels and walked back to his room.

  I noticed his gait was a little stiff.

  “Bad day?” I asked him quietly once I shut the door behind me.

  “Just a little stiff. Been a busy day already,” he answered and leaned against the short counter that was in the corner of the room. I knew this was from the explosion. He still had days when things would flare up and it would hurt. But he’d never say anything. “What’s going on?”

  “Abigail asked a lot of questions last night,” I said.

  “Questions?” His brow went up as if he was thinking I was crazy.

  “About what she saw and all of that.”

  “Right,” he answered sounding like he had been waiting for this moment. “And?”

  “I was honest with her,” I told him with a quick shrug. He actually looked impressed with that answer. “You ever think…”

  “If this is something you both want then you need to sit down and really talk about it with her,” he said flatly.

  “So you’re not saying no?”

  He rolled his eyes the way that he did when he was calling me an idiot in his head.

  “If it’s something she wants to try, then I want it to be me. I want her to feel comfortable with who she’s doing it with. I want her to enjoy it.” His tone was almost soft as he spoke those words. It made me feel like coming here had been the right thing.

  That made sense and I completely agreed with him.

  “If it’s what she wants,” he went on, “then you’ll know when the time is right. Don’t stress out over it. Don’t make it some big deal. Keep the pressure off of it so everyone can enjoy it.”

  “See, this is why we’re best friends, you always know how to keep me in check,” I said with a laugh but he knew I was taking his words seriously.

  “Now, get the hell out so I can make some money,” he told me with a twitch of his lips.

  “Later, brother,” I told him as I left his room.

  I tossed out parting words to Cami and Brand before I pushed open the door.

  All it took was five minutes for him to make me feel alright. I really hadn’t been joking, he was my best friend for a reason. Well, there were many reasons. I’d have said that keeping me in check was one of the top ones though.



  Charming had me in his room, stripped down and standing at the foot of his bed. The air was cold around me because he kept his room like a friggin’ ice box. My nipples were puckered and I wasn’t sure if the goosebumps that covered my skin were from the temperature or his hot, sexy breath against my shoulder.

  My eyes were on the bed, all the coverings pulled up into place and perfect like he’d taken the time to smooth it all out once he was done. He was behind me, so close but not touching me. I couldn’t feel his touch but I felt him. His breaths, his heat, even his want. I couldn’t explain it, but I felt it.

  I tried not to shake but my body was like a live wire right now. A strong charge ran through me, a current so strong I couldn’t fight against it.

  This was how he made me feel every single time.

  This was the reason I kept coming back over and over again.

  Or at least one of them. It was definitely one of the top two, that was for sure.

  It had been nearly two weeks since I stripped him down naked in this room for the first time, but I couldn’t count the number of times since then that we’d ended up naked together.

  “Eric,” I panted out as my head tilted back.

  Could this have been considered foreplay? All we were doing was standing there. Sure, we were naked but that was all. I was certainly turned on by it and as the silent seconds ticked off and his heat felt warmer like he was moving a fraction of an inch closer to me, I was getting wetter between my legs.

  I was sure I didn’t need to tell him that, though, I had no doubt that he could smell my need in the air.

  Finally, his fingers were on my skin and I actually jumped because I hadn’t been expecting it. His chuckle was low and I felt it flow into my ears and vibrate a path down to my toes.

  “I want you to crawl on the bed,” he breathed out against the skin on my neck then placed the lightest of kisses there. “All the way up to the top. Then spread your legs wide. Show m
e where you need me. Show me how much you want me.”

  If I wasn’t mistaken, there was a tiny hint of shakiness in his voice. Was he nervous about showing me this side of him? Was he afraid that I wouldn’t like this? Or was he holding on by a thread much like I was?

  I followed his directions, crawling up the bed slowly on purpose. In my head, I felt sexy and I hoped beyond the stars that I looked that way too. With my arms locked and my face staring down at the pillows below, I moved one knee out, and then the other. Instinctively, my back bowed down a little. I hoped I was doing this right. I hoped he liked what he saw. I couldn’t turn my head to find out. I knew his expression would give him away, it always did. At least now that he’d stopped hiding from me. Or maybe it was that I’d actually opened my eyes and seen him now. I knew how he felt and I knew that those feelings had been there for a while.

  I did my best to bat the insecure feelings away. I didn’t want them here, not with him, not when we were like this. I wouldn’t have said I was perfectly happy about all those other women that he’d been with, but that wasn’t what this was about. It was about me. About needing to be enough for him so much that I felt like it would crush me if I wasn’t. I didn’t know what I was doing, not really. I was pretty sure that was no secret. So far, he’d been patient with me and so very understanding. And when he laughed at my awkwardness, I never felt like he was laughing at me. It was more like he found my straightforward carelessness adorable on some level.

  I bit my lip so I wouldn’t ask if I had done it right or make some sort of odd remark.

  I heard the crinkle and I knew he was sliding the condom down his shaft. I loved to watch him do it because it was so hot but somehow only hearing it was almost hotter.

  His lips were warm as they met the spot on my lower back right above my crack. It felt a little odd simply because I’d never had anyone kiss so close to my butt. The tingle ran up my spine and I didn’t hate it at all. Another kiss and another one. Over and over again his lips met my skin as he worked up the curve of my spine.

  I moaned out his name again as he sucked on the curve of my neck. His hardness brushed up against me causing a flood of wetness to gather between my legs.

  “You need me, Abs?” he asked and his voice was all smooth and husky and so sexy.

  “Yes,” I said and my voice cracked. “Yes!”

  The tip of his cock slid inside of me. He pulled back out before feeding it to me again.

  This was new. Then again, every time we got down and dirty he gave a different side of him. I didn’t think I’d ever get bored with him.

  Sometimes he gave it to me hard like he couldn’t hold back how much he wanted me. Sometimes he took his time, using his tongue to bring me to an orgasm— or three— before he even slid inside. I had become more comfortable and I knew that it helped the way he looked at me. You know, like I was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen and everything all at the same time.

  Finally, I felt his hips bump up against my butt. I let out a long moan at the feeling of him fully settled inside of me.

  He started slowly pumping into me, but soon I was begging for more. He didn’t give in right away and I had a feeling this was going to be one of those times where he dragged the whole thing out.

  “Is this what you need, baby?” he asked as my body jerked from his hard thrust.

  “Yes. Yes. Give it to me, Eric. Please.”

  He pulled my hair, not hard, just enough so that my head lifted up. I stared at the wall that the bed butted up against. There wasn’t anything there but the cool navy paint that coated this one wall. The rest were white, making the room feel open. But this one wall, with its manly calming color, made the room not feel generic and sterile.

  Why was I thinking about walls and color right now? I had no clue.

  I was quickly snapped back into reality when I felt him roll into me. We may not have been doing this all that long but I knew sex with him would never get dull. I almost wanted to say it was like being with someone different every time, but that wasn’t it. It was him underneath it all, always him. He was very… skilled, that was for sure. He showed me that there were many ways to make me come. And so far, all of them had been amazing.

  I moaned and it seemed to rip from my parted lips forever. I wasn’t there yet and I really wanted to be. I also didn’t.

  His hips retreated, dragging his hardness out of me. Another roll as he pushed his way back inside. Another shameless moan from me.

  “Eric,” I panted. “I want it hard. Please, just give it to me.”

  That was what I needed right now and though my cheeks were warm because I couldn’t believe that I’d said that so easily, I was almost at the point where I didn’t care.

  Our skin slapped together as he pounded into me.

  “This what you want?” he asked as his free hand gripped my hip to help keep me steady.

  “Yes!” I screamed out, my eyes still focused on the blue wall that seemed to bounce the word back into my face.

  Slow retreat followed by a punishing thrust. Soft, hard, soft, hard. My head felt dizzy but I didn’t want it to stop. More moaning and panting and begging.

  “He can hear you,” he said, causing my body to stiffen for a split second as my brain registered what he meant. “Go ahead, Abs, let him know how good I make you feel.”

  Now he was relentlessly rutting in and out of me.

  Something in me snapped. It wasn’t just what he’d said but how he’d said it. There wasn’t anger in his tone. Or possessiveness. He wasn’t being mean and wanting to torture the man that I just knew was on the other side of that wall right now.


  I wasn’t sure why I hadn’t thought about it before. I knew their rooms were next to each other’s. I knew they shared a wall. My lips tipped up as I stared at the dark wall. That one. I could almost see Blade laying on his bed, his head only a few feet from me. A few feet away from the moans of pleasure I was releasing.

  Charming wasn’t taunting Blade to be cruel.

  No, he was…


  I just couldn’t quite figure it out yet.

  Or let myself believe it was true.

  The thoughts were there, oh, yes, they were. And I couldn’t lie and say this was the first time. But how would I even ask for something like that? I wasn’t sure if it was something I could do without messing up what was already happening between Charming and me. How would that all work out, anyway? I didn’t know what kind of arrangement they’d had before but I suspected that neither of them kept the woman around once they were done. Charming didn’t treat me like a throwaway. So I had to believe that wasn’t the end goal here.

  “He’s over there, listening to me give it to you. He’s right there, Abs. Getting turned on by your screams. Probably has his hand around his cock right now while I’m buried inside of you.”

  I lost my breath for a minute just thinking about it. How wrong was that? Thinking of another man’s dick while I already had one inside me. And it wasn’t even that I wanted to give up the one that I currently had for the other one. I wanted them both.

  Admitting that to myself right now was almost too much. What did that make me? A greedy little slut. Somehow that combination of words being attached to myself made my head spin in a good way. A smile was plastered on my face. I was greedy. My body. My dripping vagina. Heck, even Bonnie and Beth perked up to the point of being painful.

  “You want him, let him know. Invite him in,” he said and his mouth was right next to my ear. His words were low and only meant for me to hear.

  I could feel him watching my face and I had no idea how his pace hadn’t faltered even a little. My mouth fell open more and I was pretty sure the air was trapped in my lungs. I may have wanted it but I couldn’t say the words.

  “Bang on the wall twice if you can’t speak, baby.”

  He placed a kiss on my shoulder then straightened behind me once again. I had to wonder if this was something they�
�d done before. Was it a kind of signal they had between them? But then I was so lost in other thoughts that it just didn’t seem to matter.

  He said nothing else and I didn’t feel like I was pressured to make a decision right away. At any point, I could bang. At any point, I could call Blade to join us. At any friggin’ point— like right now.

  My balled-up fist flew up. I pounded heavily and desperately against the wall loudly. My arm dropped away, going back to the mattress to support my body.

  I heard the grunt through the wall. It was low, but I heard it, and I imagined Blade getting to his feet in a flash.

  His door banged closed and a second later, Charming’s door flew open like there was an emergency. My head turned and I watched something flash in Blade’s eyes as he stepped inside. His leg went back, kicking the door closed with a force that said he wanted to keep the world out.

  His shirt was already off and his pants hung open around his waist. My tongue darted out as I took him in. His lips kicked up in a smirk when he noticed me checking him out. Had Charming been right? Had Blade been over there listening to us, touching himself to the sounds of our sex?

  The thought should have horrified me. I waited for the embarrassment and maybe a little shame to come, but it didn’t. I was too worked up at the thought of being touched by them both. Yeah, being smashed between two men was making me feel a little crazy. Like sex addict crazy.

  One moment, I was seconds away from coming, especially with the way Blade’s hard eyes were pinned on mine, and the next, I was empty and on my back.

  I shook the daze from my head and looked up at Charming, his cock still hard and covered within a glistening condom. That was from me. From the desire that was still collecting between my legs. I whimpered. I wasn’t even aware that I had. But it was clear that I was sad about the loss of Charming inside of me and that I needed more.


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