The Surgeon's Studio c1-799

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The Surgeon's Studio c1-799 Page 38

by Black Ursa Prime

  However, these had nothing to do with the viewers in Xinglin Garden.

  After regaining their composure, everyone immediately realized that the host surgeon must have studied this kind of equipment for god only knew how many years and publicized it only after it had become fully operational.

  Anyone who could devote their life to the continual performance of a single task deserved the utmost respect.

  Birds of a feather flock together, especially in the medical field. The better one's medical standard, the higher their societal status. That was beyond question.

  The host surgeon was highly skilled and could still devote their life to experiments… Could it be that they were a demon in the Chinese Academy of Sciences? Perhaps… Perhaps they were an expert from a foreign country?

  Today's surgery was indeed enjoyable.

  Even if they were not the researcher or surgeon behind it, viewers could still boast that they had witnessed the historical first appearance of a technique over drinks in the future.

  After coming up with a publicly acceptable explanation, the live broadcast room was instantly bombarded with innumerable comments.

  No one could read the overwhelming comments. This time, the livestream was barraged with words like bullets flying across the screen.

  It was not for complaining, but rather how they expressed their heartfelt respect to the elderly researcher.

  Zheng Ren had no clue that he had inadvertently become an old researcher or an expert foreign professor.

  He was focusing his attention on removing the parasites and placing them in a kidney dish beside him.

  Xie Yiren's exposed skin was chalky-white. No matter how courageous a lady was, she would still be afraid of such squishy worms.

  It was not just one worm; Zheng Ren had already removed more than a hundred parasites from the patient's bile duct.

  Chu Yanzhi had been hiding behind the ventilator for a long time and failed to come up with more childish retorts due to a lack of courage. No matter how many calories she burned, it would not be enough to relieve her intense perturbation.

  Chu Yanran's face was ashen-grey as well, but she was much calmer than her younger sister. She dared not observe Zheng Ren's surgery and merely forced herself to focus on the boring numbers on the ventilator and monitors.

  It took Zheng Ren more than an hour to remove all parasites—more than three hundred of them—residing in the bile duct.

  Zheng Ren grumbled internally about the System while removing the parasites. 'No wonder it gave me such a long completion time. I thought it was going to give me a bonus, but I didn't expect to see so many parasites!'

  Chapter 65 - I Was Wrong

  Anxiety plagued Cen Meng as he repeatedly looked at the time on his phone.

  He had been imagining the perioperative procedures ever since his uncle was pushed into the operating theater.

  As far as he knew about Zheng Ren… Of course, given recent events, the incision and drainage of acute obstructive suppurative cholangitis should have been finished within an hour.

  There was nothing difficult about it, after all.

  The minutes ticked by and when it reached the fiftieth minute, he started texting his second aunt on WeChat.

  Cen Meng instantly felt uneasy upon hearing that his uncle was still in the operating theater.

  Had something gone wrong with the surgery? Did Zheng Ren catch wind that the patient was actually his uncle and deliberately delayed it?

  Cen Meng's heart sank immediately.

  Chief Surgeon Liu was a pessimist who had told Cen Meng many drunken stories.

  Perhaps Chief Surgeon Liu was an alarmist or had committed countless wrongdoings, but the man always had a guilty conscience and saw things fanatically. This issue had actually become a thorn in Cen Meng's flesh as he was constantly worried that one day, he would make the same mistakes.

  'My attitude toward Zheng Ren previously… wasn't so bad, right?' The further Cen Meng went down memory lane, the greater his fear, and his fingers trembled uncontrollably.

  The very thought made Cen Meng's blood boil.

  However, he became dispirited almost immediately upon recalling the obstacles he had put in Zheng Ren's path, sending a chill down his spine. The false earthquake… Letting Zheng Ren stay for abdominal surgical wound closure… Postoperative punishment and the attempt to fire him… Was there any difference between these and murdering his father or abducting his wife?

  Had karma found him at last?

  He started regretting his initial decision. He should have just requested Chief Surgeon Sun from the second general surgery department to perform the operation instead.

  Five minutes later, Cen Meng called his classmate immediately after confirming that the surgery was still ongoing. There was nothing wrong with asking an anesthesiologist to check on the progress of the surgery, right?

  Cen Meng was rational enough to prevent himself from making a decision that would make him regret living.

  At the sixty-eighth minute, Cen Meng's classmate entered the emergency operating theater.

  Soon, he received a shocking photograph.

  There were countless white silk-like parasites wiggling in the kidney dish. They were so fresh that adding chopped green onions and stir-frying them would make a delectable dish.

  It had been… a rare obstructive jaundice secondary to parasitic infection?!

  How did Zheng Ren take all these parasites out alive?

  Cen Meng's medical standard was similar to the ordinary doctors of Xinglin Garden, perhaps even inferior to them.

  More than a thousand viewers had approximated the truth after half an hour of discussion. How could Cen Meng even come close?

  "Cen Meng, asking Chief Zheng to perform this surgery was indeed a wise decision," Cen Meng's classmate replied via text message.

  The compliment would have given Cen Meng hypertension and exasperation had he not seen the white silk-like parasites in the kidney dish.

  However, the parasites quietly reminded Cen Meng that his classmate was absolutely right. He did not even understand how Zheng Ren had performed the surgery.

  Cen Meng's phone suddenly rang and as soon as he answered the call, there was an anxious, crying voice. "Meng'zi, how is your uncle? You ungrateful child, how could you be so cruel? Your uncle treats you so well, but you didn't even check on the progress of his surgery."

  "Aunt, he has a special condition and it's going to take a while before the surgery can be finished." Cen Meng buried his dejection deep within his heart and tried to comfort his second aunt, who was on the verge of a breakdown.

  "What special condition?!" Cen Meng flinched at the acidity in his second aunt's voice.

  "Uncle has eaten way too much Japanese food and there are parasites residing in his gallbladder now. Doctor Zheng is removing them one by one, so it's going to take a long time. Aunt, don't worry." Cen Meng then hung up and sent the photograph, a nightmare for trypophobic people, to his second aunt via WeChat.

  There were too many parasites and he presumed that complete removal would take at least three hours.

  Cen Meng felt slightly dazed and absent-mindedly went to the rooftop to get some cold air.

  The wind was strong and cool, but failed to extinguish the fire that burned within his heart.

  'I must become stronger! I mustn't return home and become a farmer!' The obsession remained embedded in Cen Meng's mind.

  His perturbation and anger was a wake-up call for Cen Meng. It was better not to seek quick success by any means, otherwise… The gusty wind on the rooftop sent an unexpected shudder through him.

  His phone suddenly rang again. The surgery had been going on for one hour and forty-one minutes. His second aunt must be distressed by now.

  Cen Meng sighed and answered it.

  "Meng'zi, the surgery is complete. Come and help me transfer your uncle back to the ward." His second aunt's tone was filled with boundless joy. It seemed like his uncle's postope
rative general anesthesia recovery was very good and he could already engage in conversation.

  Cen Meng was dumbfounded.

  The surgery was finished within one hour and forty-one minutes? That was fast!

  How did Zheng Ren perform it so quickly?

  If it had just been "simple" obstructive cholangitis, Cen Meng believed that the man could finish it within ninety minutes.

  However, that was excluding the time for anesthesia to take effect and postoperative anesthesia recovery.

  The surgery would take more than two and a half hours if every factor was taken into account.

  Even so… Complete parasite removal from the common bile duct and common hepatic duct in just one hour and forty-one minutes… Was this a brand new surgical technique?

  It was definitely a new procedure that could hasten the surgical process. Who exactly was Zheng Ren? Subconsciously, he realized Zheng Ren had become far more skillful than he could ever be.

  Dispirited, shocked and puzzled, Cen Meng did not hang up and allowed his second aunt to continue the conversation.



  The surgery livestream had ended in Xinglin Garden.

  A few attentive viewers calculated that 296 parasites had been removed within one hour and five minutes.

  Most doctors were meticulous and had various kinds of obsessive-compulsive disorders. A tedious task such as counting worms… someone would still do it quietly.

  After parasite removal had been completed, the surgery once again traveled back to earth, a place all surgeons were familiar with.

  The equipment was then removed, rinsed and reintroduced to the duodenum for thorough exploration. After that, a #22 T Tube was placed in the common bile duct before peritoneal cavity irrigation and abdominal surgical wound closure.

  Everything was performed accordingly and looked "simple".

  Numerous accounts continued to log in and enter the live broadcast room until the end of the operation. Once the surgery had officially ended, comments finally started to unscrupulously flood the live broadcast room.

  It caused another wave of traffic overload, which shocked all the staff of Xinglin Garden.

  Fortunately, the surgery ended early. From the peak viewer count of 10020 viewers in the live broadcast room, the staff were glad that nothing serious had happened.

  No one discussed the new surgical technique during the madness near the end as it was simply incomprehensible. Viewers merely bombarded the room to express their deepest respect and admiration for the host surgeon.



  Peng Jia began paying more attention to the anonymous account after another near-overload of Xinglin Garden. He had initially planned on investigating the account but had decided against it after a few moments of hesitation.

  If any mogul was trying to achieve something through this, it would be disastrous if he knew too much about it.

  However, staring at the data handed over by a technician, he ruminated for a while and then said, "Check its location."

  Two hours and fourteen minutes later, the technician sent him an email stating that the signal had gone through various channels but the source had been located after a painstaking investigation—Montreal Medical Center, one of the top five medical centers in Canada.

  Strangely enough, after the signal had been traced, the target seemed disgusted and had retaliated with a powerful virus, which caused the website to enter a half-paralyzed state that it was still in.

  There was one sentence left at the end—Don't reply, don't reply, don't reply.

  Er… Peng Jia was stunned.

  Medical practitioners knew how to play around with computer viruses too?

  How ridiculous!

  Chapter 66 - Heartfelt Admiration


  The mission completion sound was indeed heart-warming.

  [Sudden Mission: The Opponent's Submission completed. Completion rate: 100 percent.]

  The System's robotic female voice was like music to Zheng Ren's ears.

  [200 skill points and 10000 experience points obtained. Time used: 2 hours and 15 minutes. Additional 14100 experience points awarded.

  [Hidden Side Quest: Heartfelt Admiration completed. The host has acquired the opponent's admiration. Every reward in this mission will be doubled.]

  Zheng Ren was momentarily stunned. According to the System, Cen Meng must have admitted defeat, but because he had achieved a 100-percent completion rate in this surgery, Cen Meng knelt down completely and sincerely without the slightest grievance?

  This was actually a thing?

  Zheng Ren stopped bothering about Cen Meng and started counting his profit like a hamster trying to survive the winter.

  '48200 experience points and 400 skill points. That's very good! How good it would be to encounter more opponents like Cen Meng,' Zheng Ren thought happily.

  Zheng Ren currently had 1370 skill points in total—970 points in his inventory plus 400 points acquired from the mission. If he used up all his skill points, he would have a little over 3200 points in his general surgery skill tree, one step closer to the Master rank at 5000 points.

  There were 48400 experience points in the inventory, which meant Zheng Ren could once again purchase a few hours of surgery intensive training time. However, he decided to hold onto them as he had no need for training at the time being. Besides, the points would not devalue while in the System, right?

  The mission tab gave Zheng Ren a sense of satisfaction.

  Every doctor would feel content whether they were saving lives or improving their skills.

  Zheng Ren was taken aback when he noticed the main mission's progression.

  An incision and drainage for acute obstructive suppurative cholangitis was considered a tier-three surgery, and thus according to the terms in the main mission, it was equivalent to four tier-one surgeries.

  However, the completion rate…

  Zheng Ren had completed the main mission—The Best Surgeon—twice after performing several cholecystectomies and appendectomies these past few days.

  There was still some progression left after receiving the rewards twice, but Zheng Ren noticed a notification upon seeing the main mission. "The mission has been completed. Please receive the reward."

  The completion rate should be 4+1=5, right? Why was there a reward?

  Well, a reward was always good. Zheng Ren immediately clicked the "Receive" button without hesitation.

  After obtaining 10 skill points and 1000 experience points, Zheng Ren then observed that the main mission completion rate was at seven.

  In other words, the surgery he had performed just now was actually much more advanced than a tier-four surgery.

  Was parasite removal considered a tier-five surgery? Even though Zheng Ren was aware that barely anyone in the world could properly perform a parasite removal surgery, parasitic diseases were still uncommon in China.

  Every time a patient with parasitic disease was treated, the doctor in charge would brag about it and enjoyed public admiration by posting it on Xinglin Garden or Zhihu1.

  Zheng Ren was exhilarated to find out that he had completed what had turned out to be a highly advanced surgical procedure.

  Even though there was no comprehensive improvement, his total savings of three skill books, nearly 50000 experience points and 1380 skill points put a warm smile on his face.

  He had 1975 points in his general surgery skill tree as well.

  This surgery had given Zheng Ren lots of benefits.


  After the patient was transferred back to the ward, Zheng Ren put on a white coat without changing out of surgical attire and went for a ward round.

  Since there were not many patients in the emergency ward, almost every patient had the privilege of their own sick room.

  Zheng Ren saw Cen Meng taking care of a patient when he walked into the ward.

  He knew that his former superior had completely admitt
ed defeat, so he gave Cen Meng a forgiving smile and read the data on the monitor.

  The patient's vital signs were stable. He had fully regained consciousness from general anesthesia and was able to speak fluently.

  The initial yellowish discoloration of the skin, just like a Minion, had begun to recover at a rate almost visible to the n.a.k.e.d eye.

  "Zheng Ren, thank you," said Cen Meng in embarrassment.

  "No worries." Zheng Ren waved his hand and smiled. "I'll feel relaxed tonight knowing that you'll be here taking care of the patient."

  "Postoperative recovery is uneventful. Good job on the surgery."

  They engaged in an awkward conversation afterward. Cen Meng had previously only created trouble for Zheng Ren and yet had been repaid with kindness, filling him with guilt and shame.

  Not only was Zheng Ren unbothered by Cen Meng's attitude, the man was not even spiteful, and that greatly mortified him. He did not realize that the System had already informed Zheng Ren of his sincerity.

  Zheng Ren saw Chang Yue chatting with a patient when he visited the other ward. Both the patient and his family members were particularly enthusiastic toward Chang Yue, as if she was one of their own, to the point that Zheng Ren, the surgeon who treated the patient, was basically non-existent in their eyes.

  'That's skillful.' Zheng Ren sighed emotionally.

  Chang Yue stopped chatting immediately upon noticing Zheng Ren's entry to the ward.

  In her opinion, chatting was just a means to improve the relationship between patients and family members. It was similar to psychotherapy in that it could hasten patients' recovery.

  She stood aside and half a step behind Zheng Ren, explaining the patient's condition.

  Chang Yue was able to clearly explain every trivial matter and one could understand the patient's recovery process from her explanation alone without needing to personally check on the patient.

  Most importantly, almost everything Chang Yue mentioned was the same as what was shown in the upper right corner of Zheng Ren's vision.

  Even if there were slight differences, that was not Chang Yue's fault too as they were insignificant and unusual.


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