The Surgeon's Studio c1-799

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The Surgeon's Studio c1-799 Page 299

by Black Ursa Prime

  When he was about to go on stage, he always felt uneasy, especially when Zheng Ren said with certainty that the success rate of the surgery was so high. He was very puzzled, so he pressed on.

  "That's because the practitioner's skill level is not enough and their technique isn't strong. That's why they think it's a taboo." Zheng Ren smiled. Because he was wearing a sterile mask, he could not see the slightly raised corners of his mouth. "Otherwise, why would there only be a ninety percent chance of complications from the interlayer surgery if it was worn out? Isn't there still a ten percent chance of success?"

  "You mean that the ten percent is a coincidence, but you... Eh? Who gave you the confidence?" Su Yun looked at Zheng Ren in surprise.

  The contraindications written in the textbook had actually become a common disease in Zheng Ren's case. Who gave him that kind of confidence?

  "Science and technology are progressing at a rapid rate. The textbook can't keep up with the latest situation at all. Su Yun, you have to study hard," Zheng Ren said earnestly as he brushed his hands.

  Chapter 626 - Wall of Sighs

  The operation began and the airtight door closed automatically.

  The people standing in the operating room stared at the two young people inside through the leaded glass. They felt like they were watching a Danish fairy tale.

  The world's top surgical research institute, which had been selected for the Nobel Prize in Medicine, could not do anything about Dr. Mehar's condition and had actually chosen to let the two young people perform the surgery instead?

  The main fact was that they were not doctors who usually did heart interventional surgery.

  The feeling was like a dream.

  Professor Rudolf Wagner clenched his fists and watched as Dr. Mehar's head was pointed to the side of the c-shaped arm. His right arm was extended outward at a 45-degree angle and placed on the support plate. Su Yun was disinfecting while Zheng Ren was familiarizing himself with all kinds of instruments.

  He was also a little absent-minded. Did he want a doctor in the field of organ intervention to perform heart surgery? Had he put too much confidence in his boss?

  Where did his confidence come from?

  Radial artery cannulation, guide wire, and catheter entered before the c.o.c.ktails were pushed in along with it.

  The so-called c.o.c.ktails were just a name for the mixture of nitroglycerin and heparin sodium. They could effectively control the patient's blood pressure and reduce the possibility of accidents during surgery.

  In the research institute, c.o.c.ktails were considered a novice item and no longer used in normal coronary angiography, but Zheng Ren still insisted.

  There were simple benefits from the method that was difficult to describe.

  Within that moment, the professor vaguely felt some hidden hostility being targeted toward him.

  Zheng Ren crossed his left and right hands to send in the guide wire and catheter. Su Yun was focused on using an electronic button to move the bed and change Dr. Mehar's position.

  In coronary angiography, changing positions was also a very important thing during the operation. The main task of the assistant was to help the guide wire and change the bed position.

  However, Zheng Ren's skill level was too high. He could cross his left and right hands by himself, so Su Yun appeared to be a little...idle.

  The bed position was tilted. It was the right coronary artery position that everyone who was watching the surgery was familiar with.

  The contrast agent was injected. What appeared on the image was a completely occluded image.

  After seeing the contrast agent, Professor Rudolf Wagner's hands could not help but tremble.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #'s-studio_16489637605120805/wall-of-sighs_51572994312558304 for visiting.

  With the memory of the previous surgery still fresh, there was still a slight gap in the right coronary artery. It was slightly thicker than the blood vessels in the prostate but not by much.

  The professor's confidence came from that.

  Other people could not pass through the narrow passage so it was inoperable. However, Zheng Ren could. He could even enter a blood vessel as thin as the prostate's capillaries network and had even used China Changfeng Microinvasive Surgery's guide wire to enter it.

  Now, with Tallow's special guide wire, there would definitely be no problems at all.

  However, Dr. Mehar's condition was rapidly worsening. During the period when he used the ECMO to reduce the burden on his heart, the right coronary artery had been completely blocked by a blood clot.

  It was over... Professor Rudolf Wagner's palms were full of sweat as stars flashed in front of his eyes. In an instant, the world turned upside down and everything seemed so far and distant.

  "Professor Rudolf Wagner, the situation seems really bad," a person whispered in the professor's ear and there was a hint of schadenfreude in his words.

  The professor did not need to look to know that the person was his competitor—Robin Olsen of the Royal Swedish Medical College.

  He was a researcher of infectious diseases. In the Nobel Prize application, he applied for a brand-new rapid diagnosis and treatment method for African schistosomiasis.

  Professor Rudolf Wagner even suspected that Dr. Mehar's heart attack was caused by his own surgery. It was Robin Olsen who said so.

  However, he had been living in the Imperial Capital recently. When Zheng Ren returned, the professor did not know much about the situation.

  He did not have the time to understand.

  In the face of provocation, the professor wanted to say something. However, his violent temper had long turned into sadness and despair in front of the right coronary artery that was completely blocked.

  In the operating theater, the line was being stepped on. Every step of the operation could be seen clearly.

  A specially made Tallow guide wire was inserted into the operating theater. It was placed at a location that was so blocked that even the blood flow could not pass through.

  The guide wire was inserted bit by bit. Zheng Ren's movements were very gentle. In his daze, the Professor felt that he was standing on the operating table as Zheng Ren's assistant. He could see the subtle movements of Zheng Ren's wrist.

  Every movement was very gentle but extremely firm. There was no hesitation in his movements.

  After testing a few angles, the guide wire finally found the most appropriate position and was inserted.

  "My God, Rudolf, your little friend isn't thinking of using the guide wire to directly pass through the clot, right?" Robin pretended to be surprised. His voice was very low that only he and the professor could hear it. However, his disdain as a winner was obvious.

  "It'll definitely work," Professor Rudolf Wagner said firmly. It was unknown whether he was cheering for himself or for Zheng Ren.

  "Leon's Rosenberg saw the radiographic films and said that he absolutely could not do it," Robin said. "Because you're my opponent, I have some understanding of interventional surgery recently. The doctor's right coronary artery is full of blood clots. Old blood clots can not be penetrated at all. He can only find fresh blood clots to operate on."

  When he said that, he shrugged with a teasing look on his face.

  "Dear Rudolf, do you think you can distinguish between fresh blood clots and old blood clots on this kind of image? You're trying to find a miracle." Robin pretended to sigh and patted the professor's shoulder.

  If one did not know, they would think that he was comforting Professor Rudolf Wagner.

  "It's impossible. Once you apply force on the old blood clot, it will pull the doctor's fragile right coronary artery wall, leading to complications such as ventricular fibrillation. Perhaps in the next second, these guys will rush in to save the doctor."

  The professor patted Robin's hand off his shoulder and said in a deep voice, "Watch the su
rgery carefully. My boss will definitely be able to do it."

  "The walls are sighing. Do you want to use a guide wire to pierce through it? Your imagination is really amazing. Rudolf, your stubbornness is really like the little boy next door to my house. Do you know that yesterday, he..." While saying that, Robin's eyes inadvertently glanced at the screen. The thin guide wire on the screen actually began to move slowly, entering into a pile of blocked blood clots.

  It was like using an iron penetrate the wall of sighs.

  He did not know what method the surgeon used but after a few tests, he actually found the only weakness in the wall of sighs.

  Moreover, it did not trigger the side effect of Dr. Mehar's heart that would lead to ventricular fibrillation.

  The fragile heart was still beating weakly but no one knew when it would stop beating.

  Robin's voice stopped abruptly as if someone was strangling his neck.

  The professor clenched his fists even harder as if he was manipulating a guide wire. The veins bulged high on the back of his hands, like a winding river.

  Boss, be careful and don't use too much strength or his heart will stop beating... Professor Rudolf Wagner prayed in his heart.

  Now, he could only pray that the boss really had a pair of hands that had been kissed by the gods.



  Author's note:

  The River Styx was a barrier in Greek mythology that separated the Isles of the Blessed from the Underworld, also known as the Wall of Sighs. It was said to be formed by Persephone, the Underworld Queen, with three sighs. This was because the souls in the Underworld would see the Isles of the Blessed in front of them but were blocked by the river. As such, the sight of the river would make them sigh.

  Chapter 627 - A Terrifying Surgery

  Zheng Ren seemed to have heard the professor's prayer. The guide wire on the screen moved slowly but was very firm. Without any hesitation or pause, it passed through and entered.

  Robin's eyes opened wide but he did not notice. Although his research direction was in epidemiology, his professional attainment was higher than ninety percent of circulatory intervention doctors in the world.

  Robin knew how difficult it was to perform surgery at that level.

  Even if he did not, the final consultation opinions of the experts from the major medical centers in Europe and the Karolin Medical and Surgical Research Institute in Stockholm were still there.

  It was a disease that could not be treated!

  Professor Rudolf Wagner was foolish when he went to perform surgery on the doctor.

  It was simply ridiculous.

  What was even more ridiculous was that their first step actually succeeded.

  Robin was stunned as he watched the guide wire penetrate the wall of sighs.

  The most difficult step had been done just like that? He knew that with the opening created in the previously completely blocked right coronary artery, even if it was small, Dr. Mehar's heart would receive a fresh supply of blood.

  Before that, the power that kept his heart beating came from the network of capillaries. How could that bit of arterial blood satisfy the heartbeat of his heart?

  If it were not for the ECMO, Dr. Mehar would have met his maker long ago.

  The process of opening the blocked blood vessels was the most difficult and also the most dangerous.

  The fragile heart could stop beating at any moment. On the operating table, the assistant beside the surgeon did not do anything. He just stood there, ready to defibrillate Dr. Mehar as soon as possible.

  However, he did not move until a passage was opened.

  The surgeon's operation was gentle. It was so gentle that the heart could not feel it, which would collapse if he exerted any force.

  "It's impossible!" Robin stared at the screen in shock. His whole body was stiff.

  'It's okay, it's okay. This is just the beginning.' Robin comforted himself in his heart. Before this, he had a full understanding of Dr. Mehar's condition and the operation.

  Under such circ.u.mstances, no one could use the rotary mill to solve the mountain of blood clots and calcified lesions in the doctor's coronary artery.

  Absolutely not!

  Otherwise, the opinions of many experts throughout Europe and even the United States would not be so pessimistic.

  No one suggested interventional surgery. one could do it.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #'s-studio_16489637605120805/a-terrifying-surgery_51572996174833542 for visiting.

  The guide wire was gently pulled out, and then the rotary mill probe was sent in.

  The air in the operating room had frozen over. Everyone felt that there was a big stone pressing on their c.h.e.s.t, making breathing a luxury.

  The first step actually went so smoothly, which was beyond the expectations of all the experts present. Who knew what would happen next?

  Professor Rudolf Wagner had exclaimed before that the young man before him had a pair of hands that had been kissed by the heavens.

  Now that he looked at it, that was indeed the case.

  The action of opening the right coronary artery just now was flawless in every detail. It was perfect to the extreme.

  However, this was a routine operation. Many doctors had done this before, but they had never done it for a condition as serious as Dr. Mehar's.

  Next, it was time to begin the coronary rotational grinding technique.

  Dr. Mehar was a difficult patient in regards to the rotational grinding technique.

  In the acute stage of thrombotic coronary artery disease or coronary heart disease, rotational grinding could aggravate the formation of thrombus in the acute stage.

  Moreover, Dr. Mehar's coronary artery had formed an angle of more than 90 degrees, which meant it was extremely dangerous.

  The large angle meant that there was less space for rotational grinding during the surgery and it could leak into the coronary artery at any time, causing coronary artery bleeding and cardiac tamponade.

  Even if it did not leak, just the internal membrane of the blood vessel would be torn by the rotary grinder, which would also cause the artery to be dissected.

  The people present, including the young doctors who were recording the numbers, were all the elites among the elites of their peers. Everyone knew the difficulty of the operation, their eyes focused on the screen.

  The rotary grinder was sent into the right coronary artery. Without any hesitation, the surgeon was extremely confident and directly went into position in one step and started the rotary grinder.

  Countless fragments could be vaguely seen, but they were too fast for anyone to see clearly.

  The fragments were covered by the filter screen behind the rotary grinder. The larger fragments would be prevented from entering the coronary artery's capillaries.

  As for the smaller fragments, they were harmless to the human body and would not cause embolism or necrosis.

  Pieces of blood clots were cut off and turned into fragments by the rotary grinder. Like drilling a mountain to open a path, the rotating probe ground all the way forward, creating a path of life.

  The whole process was divided into two steps. The first step was what the surgeon was doing, which was simply grinding and rotating to create a path.

  This step was very difficult. It was so difficult that countless high-level professors did not dare to do it.

  However, it was not the most difficult step.

  The most difficult step was the second step. The thrombus and calcified foci near the intima of the right coronary artery were ground away.

  The staff at the Karolinska Institute of Medical Surgery in Stockholm held their breath and watched as the rotating probe moved forward step by step. In a few minutes, the right coronary artery was basically opened.

  Professor Rudolf Wagner did not
relax. Instead, he became even more nervous.

  The fact that the surgery had reached this step was already beyond his expectations.

  However, the most difficult step was the position of the rotating probe near the intima of the blood vessel. It could be said that here if Zheng Ren's hand was less than 1 mm off, the surgery could be declared a failure and Dr. Mehar would be dead.

  The professor's palm was full of sweat. He stared at the screen with full concentration, watching as the rotary mill probe began to touch the part near the intima of the blood vessels.

  He subconsciously wiped his sweaty palms on his spotless white clothes but could not wipe away the nervousness and anxiety in the depths of his heart.

  Professor Rudolf Wagner's heart was beating very fast. It was as if someone was beating a drum in his body. He was fully focused on the screen, but his body was trembling slightly as his heart beat loudly.

  Robin nervously stared at the screen just like Professor Rudolf Wagner. Because he had been breathing with his mouth open for a long time, he felt that his mouth was a little dry. He forcefully swallowed a mouthful of saliva but felt a little pain.

  Because he was too nervous, the glands in his mouth had not secreted saliva for a long time.

  The friction of the dehydrated mucous membrane caused damage, causing the capillaries to burst. For a moment, Robin could smell blood in his mouth.

  However, he did not care about the changes in his body. Instead, he focused on the screen. His hands were wrapped around his fingers, and his nails were lodged deeply into the back of his hands. The nail bed was pale.

  The operation of the rotating probe was fine to the millimeter level. The thrombus and calcified plaques on the intima of the blood vessels were finely rotated away. The right coronary artery gradually showed the shape that a blood vessel should have.

  Half an hour had passed. Dr. Mehar, who was lying in the operating theater, did not have any problems at all. The fatal complications such as ventricular fibrillation, which he had expected to happen, did not appear.

  Moreover, with the opening of the right coronary artery, the blood supply to the heart muscle had improved and the situation was getting better bit by bit.


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